What motivates you to vote Democrat?

As a minority it's a no brainer to vote anti GOP....why I said anti. Simply because although i'm conservative, I can't vote with a party that hates me. Or at least less accepting...The GOP is the party of the racists and it clearly is now, with Trump being its official clown leader....The cons can deny it all day long, but stats here, most minorities although they are conservatives vote Democrats....except maybe the Cubans of Florida which is a bit puzzling.

i'm married to a (R). he's fiscally conservative & socially liberal... he is also smart enough to stay outside the 'GOP' bubble of extreme rw whackadoodles that party has become.
Those whackadoodles are calling the shots in the GOP

yep they are. the main reason why he satys a (R) is for voting in the primaries. he has voted (R) locally, but on the state & federal level- he hasn't voted (R) since W's first term. & he regrets that every day.
I tend to vote (R) in local elections
Haven't voted (R) in a national election since the 90s

Yeah, sure you do.

Local Republicans aren't as big assholes as national Republicans are
i have voted (D), (R), & green party in the past. & although i am an indie, i am a registered (D) so i can vote in the primaries. I registered in 2006 so i can vote against joe libertoady because he was all for staying in iraq & ned lamont wanted to get us out.

in the past i voted (D) primarily to preserve roe v wade. now i vote primarily for (D) to preserve obamacare until universal healthcare becomes a right.

is that honest enough for ya?
Handouts? Free? So you are want producers to pay your way? Worked well in Venezuela.

wtf are you talking about, jr? you got THAT from what i wrote? god damn you live in a vacuum.
quote) Like your little rainbow quote, funny but true.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

Mainly, the social safety nets.

Healthcare is broken. Other countries have better outcomes with socialized medicine.

Education is more valued by democrats, who support Head Start through college. Again, something other countries do with better outcomes.

I see very little, to no, scapegoating of minorities and the poor by Democrats. That matters to me.

Democrats do not support policies meant to make voting more difficult for poor people.

It’s down on my list, but the pro-choice abortion position of Democrats also is a factor.

I also want my government to regulate industries so that they don’t pollute our Earth, or harm workers through negligent practices.

In short, from Republicans I see the agenda of “me, me, me” and from Democrats, “us, us, us.”

Healthcare was never broken.
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans or were there 160 million Americans with Pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
Both lies.
Proof that there never were 46 million uninsured...
View attachment 174865

There never were 160 million with pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
View attachment 174867
So your first premise i.e. Health care is broken was totally a fabrication that obviously you never took the time to research to find out if true.
A characteristic of emotionally driven politically ideologically driven opinions.

Actually, countries with universal healthcare have better outcomes than the US. So, compared to what it could be.....healthcare in the US is broken.

Are you referring to those nations with a 40% tax rate where most contribute?
Our healthcare system is broken because we have way too many bottom feeders dragging us down and simply not enough positive contributors...third graders know this.

Yeah, those nations, where most contribute because more are healthy enough to work.....because they have reliable access to healthcare and preventative care.

Who denied you of healthcare?
I’ve never had trouble BUYING a policy.
Every broke lowlife I’ve ever known gets free healthcare...including filthy illegal wetbacks.
Mainly, the social safety nets.

Healthcare is broken. Other countries have better outcomes with socialized medicine.

Education is more valued by democrats, who support Head Start through college. Again, something other countries do with better outcomes.

I see very little, to no, scapegoating of minorities and the poor by Democrats. That matters to me.

Democrats do not support policies meant to make voting more difficult for poor people.

It’s down on my list, but the pro-choice abortion position of Democrats also is a factor.

I also want my government to regulate industries so that they don’t pollute our Earth, or harm workers through negligent practices.

In short, from Republicans I see the agenda of “me, me, me” and from Democrats, “us, us, us.”

Healthcare was never broken.
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans or were there 160 million Americans with Pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
Both lies.
Proof that there never were 46 million uninsured...
View attachment 174865

There never were 160 million with pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
View attachment 174867
So your first premise i.e. Health care is broken was totally a fabrication that obviously you never took the time to research to find out if true.
A characteristic of emotionally driven politically ideologically driven opinions.

Actually, countries with universal healthcare have better outcomes than the US. So, compared to what it could be.....healthcare in the US is broken.

Are you referring to those nations with a 40% tax rate where most contribute?
Our healthcare system is broken because we have way too many bottom feeders dragging us down and simply not enough positive contributors...third graders know this.

Yeah, those nations, where most contribute because more are healthy enough to work.....because they have reliable access to healthcare and preventative care.

Who denied you of healthcare?
I’ve never had trouble BUYING a policy.
Every broke lowlife I’ve ever known gets free healthcare...including filthy illegal wetbacks.

I’ve worked all my life, and I’ve had better and worse health insurance.

The best one was when I qualified for a government policy for my kids.

Health insurance through my employers had high premiums (especially for family coverage), and high co-pays.

When I had government insurance, I, a working mother of a two-parent (both employed) household, didn’t have to ask which prescription was the most important one, because I couldn’t afford them all.

That’s my experience. I won’t be shamed for being a member of the working poor.
Healthcare was never broken.
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans or were there 160 million Americans with Pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
Both lies.
Proof that there never were 46 million uninsured...
View attachment 174865

There never were 160 million with pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
View attachment 174867
So your first premise i.e. Health care is broken was totally a fabrication that obviously you never took the time to research to find out if true.
A characteristic of emotionally driven politically ideologically driven opinions.

Actually, countries with universal healthcare have better outcomes than the US. So, compared to what it could be.....healthcare in the US is broken.

Are you referring to those nations with a 40% tax rate where most contribute?
Our healthcare system is broken because we have way too many bottom feeders dragging us down and simply not enough positive contributors...third graders know this.

Yeah, those nations, where most contribute because more are healthy enough to work.....because they have reliable access to healthcare and preventative care.

Who denied you of healthcare?
I’ve never had trouble BUYING a policy.
Every broke lowlife I’ve ever known gets free healthcare...including filthy illegal wetbacks.

I’ve worked all my life, and I’ve had better and worse health insurance.

The best one was when I qualified for a government policy for my kids.

Health insurance through my employers had high premiums (especially for family coverage), and high co-pays.

When I had government insurance, I, a working mother of a two-parent (both employed) household, didn’t have to ask which prescription was the most important one, because I couldn’t afford them all.

That’s my experience. I won’t be shamed for being a member of the working poor.

See, in the real world when we want something we can’t afford we either settle for what’s offered or we get a better job. Taxpayers and or the government didn’t CHOOSE to have YOUR children nor did we choose your career path. That’s all ON YOU.
Why you people can’t wrap your heads around such a simple, elementary principle is flat out weird.
Actually, countries with universal healthcare have better outcomes than the US. So, compared to what it could be.....healthcare in the US is broken.

Are you referring to those nations with a 40% tax rate where most contribute?
Our healthcare system is broken because we have way too many bottom feeders dragging us down and simply not enough positive contributors...third graders know this.

Yeah, those nations, where most contribute because more are healthy enough to work.....because they have reliable access to healthcare and preventative care.

Who denied you of healthcare?
I’ve never had trouble BUYING a policy.
Every broke lowlife I’ve ever known gets free healthcare...including filthy illegal wetbacks.

I’ve worked all my life, and I’ve had better and worse health insurance.

The best one was when I qualified for a government policy for my kids.

Health insurance through my employers had high premiums (especially for family coverage), and high co-pays.

When I had government insurance, I, a working mother of a two-parent (both employed) household, didn’t have to ask which prescription was the most important one, because I couldn’t afford them all.

That’s my experience. I won’t be shamed for being a member of the working poor.

See, in the real world when we want something we can’t afford we either settle for what’s offered or we get a better job. Taxpayers and or the government didn’t CHOOSE to have YOUR children nor did we choose your career path. That’s all ON YOU.
Why you people can’t wrap your heads around such a simple, elementary principle is flat out weird.

Thank you for the life lesson.

It still doesn’t address better outcomes for healthcare and education in those countries that just provide it as a right.

But hey, I have the freedom to work full-time and die here. Yay yay USA.
Do what smart people do and think per capita.
Smart people don't think per capita. They look at poverty as a combined American phenomena that. affects all of us. The resources used to combat poverty come from the same place. Raw numbers reflect the true cost of poverty and there are far more impoverushed white people than anyone else in raw numbers. Its the group having the most poverty in raw numbers that dictates what the face of poverty looks llike....not proportionality.

Don't take my word for it. Here is what some really smart people noticed when reading Census Bureau stats on the topic of race and poverty.

"The white poverty rate does run much lower than the black rate, just under 10 percent, one-third of the black rate. But the white poor outnumber the black poor considerably, 19 to 7.8 million. White people make up 42 percent of America’s poor, black people about 28 percent.

The basic numbers don’t change when we look at people living in extreme poverty, in households making less than 50 percent of the meager poverty line. Of the 20 million people who live at this alarming level of want and deprivation, about 42 percent are white, 27 percent black."
Poverty More than a Matter of Black and White - Inequality.org
Are you referring to those nations with a 40% tax rate where most contribute?
Our healthcare system is broken because we have way too many bottom feeders dragging us down and simply not enough positive contributors...third graders know this.

Yeah, those nations, where most contribute because more are healthy enough to work.....because they have reliable access to healthcare and preventative care.

Who denied you of healthcare?
I’ve never had trouble BUYING a policy.
Every broke lowlife I’ve ever known gets free healthcare...including filthy illegal wetbacks.

I’ve worked all my life, and I’ve had better and worse health insurance.

The best one was when I qualified for a government policy for my kids.

Health insurance through my employers had high premiums (especially for family coverage), and high co-pays.

When I had government insurance, I, a working mother of a two-parent (both employed) household, didn’t have to ask which prescription was the most important one, because I couldn’t afford them all.

That’s my experience. I won’t be shamed for being a member of the working poor.

See, in the real world when we want something we can’t afford we either settle for what’s offered or we get a better job. Taxpayers and or the government didn’t CHOOSE to have YOUR children nor did we choose your career path. That’s all ON YOU.
Why you people can’t wrap your heads around such a simple, elementary principle is flat out weird.

Thank you for the life lesson.

It still doesn’t address better outcomes for healthcare and education in those countries that just provide it as a right.

But hey, I have the freedom to work full-time and die here. Yay yay USA.

You have the freedom to move to those countries you adore and pay your 40% in taxes for your “free” healthcare, you have the freedom to improve your own quality of life, you have the freedom to stand there with your hand out begging for free shit and we have the freedom to tell you to pay for your own children. See how this all works...you have plenty of options.
Yeah, those nations, where most contribute because more are healthy enough to work.....because they have reliable access to healthcare and preventative care.

Who denied you of healthcare?
I’ve never had trouble BUYING a policy.
Every broke lowlife I’ve ever known gets free healthcare...including filthy illegal wetbacks.

I’ve worked all my life, and I’ve had better and worse health insurance.

The best one was when I qualified for a government policy for my kids.

Health insurance through my employers had high premiums (especially for family coverage), and high co-pays.

When I had government insurance, I, a working mother of a two-parent (both employed) household, didn’t have to ask which prescription was the most important one, because I couldn’t afford them all.

That’s my experience. I won’t be shamed for being a member of the working poor.

See, in the real world when we want something we can’t afford we either settle for what’s offered or we get a better job. Taxpayers and or the government didn’t CHOOSE to have YOUR children nor did we choose your career path. That’s all ON YOU.
Why you people can’t wrap your heads around such a simple, elementary principle is flat out weird.

Thank you for the life lesson.

It still doesn’t address better outcomes for healthcare and education in those countries that just provide it as a right.

But hey, I have the freedom to work full-time and die here. Yay yay USA.

You have the freedom to move to those countries you adore and pay your 40% in taxes for your “free” healthcare, you have the freedom to improve your own quality of life, you have the freedom to stand there with your hand out begging for free shit and we have the freedom to tell you to pay for your own children. See how this all works...you have plenty of options.

But I don’t stand with my hand out.

I work.

Do you think that working hard should be rewarded, or is that not enough anymore?

I was told that the college degree was the key to the good life. I was sold a bill of goods.
Yeah, those nations, where most contribute because more are healthy enough to work.....because they have reliable access to healthcare and preventative care.

Who denied you of healthcare?
I’ve never had trouble BUYING a policy.
Every broke lowlife I’ve ever known gets free healthcare...including filthy illegal wetbacks.

I’ve worked all my life, and I’ve had better and worse health insurance.

The best one was when I qualified for a government policy for my kids.

Health insurance through my employers had high premiums (especially for family coverage), and high co-pays.

When I had government insurance, I, a working mother of a two-parent (both employed) household, didn’t have to ask which prescription was the most important one, because I couldn’t afford them all.

That’s my experience. I won’t be shamed for being a member of the working poor.

See, in the real world when we want something we can’t afford we either settle for what’s offered or we get a better job. Taxpayers and or the government didn’t CHOOSE to have YOUR children nor did we choose your career path. That’s all ON YOU.
Why you people can’t wrap your heads around such a simple, elementary principle is flat out weird.

Thank you for the life lesson.

It still doesn’t address better outcomes for healthcare and education in those countries that just provide it as a right.

But hey, I have the freedom to work full-time and die here. Yay yay USA.

You have the freedom to move to those countries you adore and pay your 40% in taxes for your “free” healthcare, you have the freedom to improve your own quality of life, you have the freedom to stand there with your hand out begging for free shit and we have the freedom to tell you to pay for your own children. See how this all works...you have plenty of options.

There are also countries that already practice the kind of border control you're into. You might have to learn another language or whatnot, but wouldn't it be worth it to have the kind of security you crave?
Do what smart people do and think per capita.
Smart people don't think per capita. They look at poverty as a combined American phenomena that. affects all of us. The resources used to combat poverty come from the same place. Raw numbers reflect the true cost of poverty and there are far more impoverushed white people than anyone else in raw numbers. Its the group having the most poverty in raw numbers that dictates what the face of poverty looks llike....not proportionality.

Don't take my word for it. Here is what some really smart people noticed when reading Census Bureau stats on the topic of race and poverty.

"The white poverty rate does run much lower than the black rate, just under 10 percent, one-third of the black rate. But the white poor outnumber the black poor considerably, 19 to 7.8 million. White people make up 42 percent of America’s poor, black people about 28 percent.

The basic numbers don’t change when we look at people living in extreme poverty, in households making less than 50 percent of the meager poverty line. Of the 20 million people who live at this alarming level of want and deprivation, about 42 percent are white, 27 percent black."
Poverty More than a Matter of Black and White - Inequality.org

Don’t be even stupider...you’re making an ass of yourself....All smart people who understand true analytics use per capita factoring...that’s why data is tracked and partitioned the way it is.
“Inequality” huh.
Oh boy I love this one...we just elected a black President...I guess you’re right though, Blacks are oppressed, they’re capped at only being able to achieve President Of The United States Of America.
Who denied you of healthcare?
I’ve never had trouble BUYING a policy.
Every broke lowlife I’ve ever known gets free healthcare...including filthy illegal wetbacks.

I’ve worked all my life, and I’ve had better and worse health insurance.

The best one was when I qualified for a government policy for my kids.

Health insurance through my employers had high premiums (especially for family coverage), and high co-pays.

When I had government insurance, I, a working mother of a two-parent (both employed) household, didn’t have to ask which prescription was the most important one, because I couldn’t afford them all.

That’s my experience. I won’t be shamed for being a member of the working poor.

See, in the real world when we want something we can’t afford we either settle for what’s offered or we get a better job. Taxpayers and or the government didn’t CHOOSE to have YOUR children nor did we choose your career path. That’s all ON YOU.
Why you people can’t wrap your heads around such a simple, elementary principle is flat out weird.

Thank you for the life lesson.

It still doesn’t address better outcomes for healthcare and education in those countries that just provide it as a right.

But hey, I have the freedom to work full-time and die here. Yay yay USA.

You have the freedom to move to those countries you adore and pay your 40% in taxes for your “free” healthcare, you have the freedom to improve your own quality of life, you have the freedom to stand there with your hand out begging for free shit and we have the freedom to tell you to pay for your own children. See how this all works...you have plenty of options.

But I don’t stand with my hand out.

I work.

Do you think that working hard should be rewarded, or is that not enough anymore?

I was told that the college degree was the key to the good life. I was sold a bill of goods.

By the way, your post seems to assume that jobs are for the taking, or that employees can set their own wages.....
Do what smart people do and think per capita.
Smart people don't think per capita. They look at poverty as a combined American phenomena that. affects all of us. The resources used to combat poverty come from the same place. Raw numbers reflect the true cost of poverty and there are far more impoverushed white people than anyone else in raw numbers. Its the group having the most poverty in raw numbers that dictates what the face of poverty looks llike....not proportionality.

Don't take my word for it. Here is what some really smart people noticed when reading Census Bureau stats on the topic of race and poverty.

"The white poverty rate does run much lower than the black rate, just under 10 percent, one-third of the black rate. But the white poor outnumber the black poor considerably, 19 to 7.8 million. White people make up 42 percent of America’s poor, black people about 28 percent.

The basic numbers don’t change when we look at people living in extreme poverty, in households making less than 50 percent of the meager poverty line. Of the 20 million people who live at this alarming level of want and deprivation, about 42 percent are white, 27 percent black."
Poverty More than a Matter of Black and White - Inequality.org

Don’t be even stupider...you’re making an ass of yourself....All smart people who understand true analytics use per capita factoring...that’s why data is tracked and partitioned the way it is.
“Inequality” huh.
Oh boy I love this one...we just elected a black President...I guess you’re right though, Blacks are oppressed, they’re capped at only being able to achieve President Of The United States Of America.
You appear to be the paragon of stupidity here with your persistent misapplication of proportional statistics to a national problem.
Who denied you of healthcare?
I’ve never had trouble BUYING a policy.
Every broke lowlife I’ve ever known gets free healthcare...including filthy illegal wetbacks.

I’ve worked all my life, and I’ve had better and worse health insurance.

The best one was when I qualified for a government policy for my kids.

Health insurance through my employers had high premiums (especially for family coverage), and high co-pays.

When I had government insurance, I, a working mother of a two-parent (both employed) household, didn’t have to ask which prescription was the most important one, because I couldn’t afford them all.

That’s my experience. I won’t be shamed for being a member of the working poor.

See, in the real world when we want something we can’t afford we either settle for what’s offered or we get a better job. Taxpayers and or the government didn’t CHOOSE to have YOUR children nor did we choose your career path. That’s all ON YOU.
Why you people can’t wrap your heads around such a simple, elementary principle is flat out weird.

Thank you for the life lesson.

It still doesn’t address better outcomes for healthcare and education in those countries that just provide it as a right.

But hey, I have the freedom to work full-time and die here. Yay yay USA.

You have the freedom to move to those countries you adore and pay your 40% in taxes for your “free” healthcare, you have the freedom to improve your own quality of life, you have the freedom to stand there with your hand out begging for free shit and we have the freedom to tell you to pay for your own children. See how this all works...you have plenty of options.

But I don’t stand with my hand out.

I work.

“Do you think that working hard should be rewarded, or is that not enough anymore?”

I was told that the college degree was the key to the good life. I was sold a bill of goods.

But I don’t stand with my hand out. I work.”
Can you fully fund yourself and your family?
Lots of people work...what does that mean? Many don’t have children if they’ll need other people’s money to raise them. It’s what classy people with dignity do.

Do you think that working hard should be rewarded, or is that not enough anymore?”
Your reward for your labor is your pay. Do you think people who work hard deserve more than their pay affords them?

I was told that the college degree was the key to the good life. I was sold a bill of goods.”
You weren’t “SOLD” anything...you “BOUGHT” something.
Demographics and statistics prove that to be correct...did you think your bank account would suddenly start growing the day you were issued that degree? Weird that I have to tell you this....that degree is your vehicle but you must drive the vehicle.
I’ve worked all my life, and I’ve had better and worse health insurance.

The best one was when I qualified for a government policy for my kids.

Health insurance through my employers had high premiums (especially for family coverage), and high co-pays.

When I had government insurance, I, a working mother of a two-parent (both employed) household, didn’t have to ask which prescription was the most important one, because I couldn’t afford them all.

That’s my experience. I won’t be shamed for being a member of the working poor.

See, in the real world when we want something we can’t afford we either settle for what’s offered or we get a better job. Taxpayers and or the government didn’t CHOOSE to have YOUR children nor did we choose your career path. That’s all ON YOU.
Why you people can’t wrap your heads around such a simple, elementary principle is flat out weird.

Thank you for the life lesson.

It still doesn’t address better outcomes for healthcare and education in those countries that just provide it as a right.

But hey, I have the freedom to work full-time and die here. Yay yay USA.

You have the freedom to move to those countries you adore and pay your 40% in taxes for your “free” healthcare, you have the freedom to improve your own quality of life, you have the freedom to stand there with your hand out begging for free shit and we have the freedom to tell you to pay for your own children. See how this all works...you have plenty of options.

But I don’t stand with my hand out.

I work.

“Do you think that working hard should be rewarded, or is that not enough anymore?”

I was told that the college degree was the key to the good life. I was sold a bill of goods.

“But I don’t stand with my hand out. I work.”
Can you fully fund yourself and your family?
Lots of people work...what does that mean? Many don’t have children if they’ll need other people’s money to raise them. It’s what classy people with dignity do.

“Do you think that working hard should be rewarded, or is that not enough anymore?”
Your reward for your labor is your pay. Do you think people who work hard deserve more than their pay affords them?

“I was told that the college degree was the key to the good life. I was sold a bill of goods.”
You weren’t “SOLD” anything...you “BOUGHT” something.
Demographics and statistics prove that to be correct...did you think your bank account would suddenly start growing the day you were issued that degree? Weird that I have to tell you this....that degree is your vehicle but you must drive the vehicle.

I think people who have the ambition to work should be paid a living wage. Otherwise, what incentive is there to work?
See, in the real world when we want something we can’t afford we either settle for what’s offered or we get a better job. Taxpayers and or the government didn’t CHOOSE to have YOUR children nor did we choose your career path. That’s all ON YOU.
Why you people can’t wrap your heads around such a simple, elementary principle is flat out weird.

Thank you for the life lesson.

It still doesn’t address better outcomes for healthcare and education in those countries that just provide it as a right.

But hey, I have the freedom to work full-time and die here. Yay yay USA.

You have the freedom to move to those countries you adore and pay your 40% in taxes for your “free” healthcare, you have the freedom to improve your own quality of life, you have the freedom to stand there with your hand out begging for free shit and we have the freedom to tell you to pay for your own children. See how this all works...you have plenty of options.

But I don’t stand with my hand out.

I work.

“Do you think that working hard should be rewarded, or is that not enough anymore?”

I was told that the college degree was the key to the good life. I was sold a bill of goods.

“But I don’t stand with my hand out. I work.”
Can you fully fund yourself and your family?
Lots of people work...what does that mean? Many don’t have children if they’ll need other people’s money to raise them. It’s what classy people with dignity do.

“Do you think that working hard should be rewarded, or is that not enough anymore?”
Your reward for your labor is your pay. Do you think people who work hard deserve more than their pay affords them?

“I was told that the college degree was the key to the good life. I was sold a bill of goods.”
You weren’t “SOLD” anything...you “BOUGHT” something.
Demographics and statistics prove that to be correct...did you think your bank account would suddenly start growing the day you were issued that degree? Weird that I have to tell you this....that degree is your vehicle but you must drive the vehicle.

I think people who have the ambition to work should be paid a living wage. Otherwise, what incentive is there to work?

“A living wage”
Haha...I love that one. A living wage for you and your family of four is quite different than a living wage for a single person....You agree right?
So how is a “living wage” to be set...based on what dynamics?
Could you be self funded on a $15 per hour wage with a family of four?
The answers are simple, sensible and logical...they just aren’t what you want to hear.
Get educated, be ambitious, carefully choose a career path that fits your desired lifestyle and only have children you yourself can afford. TA-DA!
Again, this isn’t really building rockets....all classy good quality Americans with self respect and dignity practice these very basic principles.
Thank you for the life lesson.

It still doesn’t address better outcomes for healthcare and education in those countries that just provide it as a right.

But hey, I have the freedom to work full-time and die here. Yay yay USA.

You have the freedom to move to those countries you adore and pay your 40% in taxes for your “free” healthcare, you have the freedom to improve your own quality of life, you have the freedom to stand there with your hand out begging for free shit and we have the freedom to tell you to pay for your own children. See how this all works...you have plenty of options.

But I don’t stand with my hand out.

I work.

“Do you think that working hard should be rewarded, or is that not enough anymore?”

I was told that the college degree was the key to the good life. I was sold a bill of goods.

“But I don’t stand with my hand out. I work.”
Can you fully fund yourself and your family?
Lots of people work...what does that mean? Many don’t have children if they’ll need other people’s money to raise them. It’s what classy people with dignity do.

“Do you think that working hard should be rewarded, or is that not enough anymore?”
Your reward for your labor is your pay. Do you think people who work hard deserve more than their pay affords them?

“I was told that the college degree was the key to the good life. I was sold a bill of goods.”
You weren’t “SOLD” anything...you “BOUGHT” something.
Demographics and statistics prove that to be correct...did you think your bank account would suddenly start growing the day you were issued that degree? Weird that I have to tell you this....that degree is your vehicle but you must drive the vehicle.

I think people who have the ambition to work should be paid a living wage. Otherwise, what incentive is there to work?

“A living wage”
Haha...I love that one. A living wage for you and your family of four is quite different than a living wage for a single person....You agree right?
So how is a “living wage” to be set...based on what dynamics?
Could you be self funded on a $15 per hour wage with a family of four?
The answers are simple, sensible and logical...they just aren’t what you want to hear.
Get educated, be ambitious, carefully choose a career path that fits your desired lifestyle and only have children you yourself can afford. TA-DA!
Again, this isn’t really building rockets....all classy good quality Americans with self respect and dignity practice these very basic principles.

I love how you moralize wealth.

As if there aren’t any non-classy, bad-quality Americans who are wealthy.

Or, more galling, that you are calling me non-classy and bad-quality because I was a member of the working poor.

My, how arrogant you are!

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