What motivates you to vote Democrat?

Some are brainwashed. Love how these fake interviews always prove how Dem college students automatically hate anyone on the right and disagree with everything they say and do. In this case, they were given statements from the SOTU, which they were told were Trumps. They disagreed and bashed Trump even though the statements were actually Obama's. That takes serious brainwashing and failing to think for themselves. That is why they vote Dem.

The right wing has nothing but fallacy instead of reason. And, they don't care.
Haha...you want to talk about "other alternatives" go right ahead...I'm sure there are thousands here that can't wait to discuss all sixteen of those independents.

Awright. Here's one that apparently never occurred to you.

--- You don't need to affiliate with a political party in order to vote. Some places, like Vermont --- you can't register that way.
IOW It isn't necessary to lock yourself into some bizzaro dichotomy of "us" and "them" labels.

I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and speculate that what I just said sailed completely over your head.

So far I’ve learned you fucking love the word dichotomy....other than that WTF is your point in this bullshit?

And apparently I was right. Clean over the old head.

Break all your trivial semantics down...I don’t speak lowlife. Go ahead, you have my permission.

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?”

Often times “people” here will work way too hard at selling their intelligence to others. I say spare us the mumbo-jumbo....spit it the fuck out and just say something meaningful.

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?”

I’m not here to recruit for the GOP...
I hate all bottom feeding, baby making, filthy criminals...regardless of skin color...and I REALLY hate illegal aliens. Weird huh? Weird that decent people are bothered by filth and would have an expectation of others...huh?
What exactly is a “white world view”?
Awright. Here's one that apparently never occurred to you.

--- You don't need to affiliate with a political party in order to vote. Some places, like Vermont --- you can't register that way.
IOW It isn't necessary to lock yourself into some bizzaro dichotomy of "us" and "them" labels.

I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and speculate that what I just said sailed completely over your head.

So far I’ve learned you fucking love the word dichotomy....other than that WTF is your point in this bullshit?

And apparently I was right. Clean over the old head.

Break all your trivial semantics down...I don’t speak lowlife. Go ahead, you have my permission.

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?

The racist, nationalist vibe of Trump's fan base isn't "conservative". They embrace big, authoritarian government because they see an opportunity to foist their sick worldview on the country.

Actually, the only reason Conservatives believe any level of government is required is to police filthy LefTard Mexicrats....and to save them from themselves. The low iQ, filthy immoral fucks need to be forced to follow the most basic shit...without government they couldn’t navigate through a first world society without getting killed...they wouldn’t know which holes to put their penises in....what gender they are...they know nothing about morality, normalcy and decency.
This “sick worldview” you speak of....Does it bother you that good, hard working, positive contributing people in this nation think like good Americans are suppose to?
Awright. Here's one that apparently never occurred to you.

--- You don't need to affiliate with a political party in order to vote. Some places, like Vermont --- you can't register that way.
IOW It isn't necessary to lock yourself into some bizzaro dichotomy of "us" and "them" labels.

I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and speculate that what I just said sailed completely over your head.

So far I’ve learned you fucking love the word dichotomy....other than that WTF is your point in this bullshit?

And apparently I was right. Clean over the old head.

Break all your trivial semantics down...I don’t speak lowlife. Go ahead, you have my permission.

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?”

Often times “people” here will work way too hard at selling their intelligence to others. I say spare us the mumbo-jumbo....spit it the fuck out and just say something meaningful.

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?”

I’m not here to recruit for the GOP...
I hate all bottom feeding, baby making, filthy criminals...regardless of skin color...and I REALLY hate illegal aliens. Weird huh? Weird that decent people are bothered by filth and would have an expectation of others...huh?
What exactly is a “white world view”?

People in quotes. Talk about trying too hard.

Yes, you are weird. In that you are overly angry. It’s a real issue. And apparently emotionally-driven.
So far I’ve learned you fucking love the word dichotomy....other than that WTF is your point in this bullshit?

And apparently I was right. Clean over the old head.

Break all your trivial semantics down...I don’t speak lowlife. Go ahead, you have my permission.

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?”

Often times “people” here will work way too hard at selling their intelligence to others. I say spare us the mumbo-jumbo....spit it the fuck out and just say something meaningful.

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?”

I’m not here to recruit for the GOP...
I hate all bottom feeding, baby making, filthy criminals...regardless of skin color...and I REALLY hate illegal aliens. Weird huh? Weird that decent people are bothered by filth and would have an expectation of others...huh?
What exactly is a “white world view”?

People in quotes. Talk about trying too hard.

Yes, you are weird. In that you are overly angry. It’s a real issue. And apparently emotionally-driven.

Yes Dr.
So far I’ve learned you fucking love the word dichotomy....other than that WTF is your point in this bullshit?

And apparently I was right. Clean over the old head.

Break all your trivial semantics down...I don’t speak lowlife. Go ahead, you have my permission.

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?”

Often times “people” here will work way too hard at selling their intelligence to others. I say spare us the mumbo-jumbo....spit it the fuck out and just say something meaningful.

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?”

I’m not here to recruit for the GOP...
I hate all bottom feeding, baby making, filthy criminals...regardless of skin color...and I REALLY hate illegal aliens. Weird huh? Weird that decent people are bothered by filth and would have an expectation of others...huh?
What exactly is a “white world view”?

People in quotes. Talk about trying too hard.

Yes, you are weird. In that you are overly angry. It’s a real issue. And apparently emotionally-driven.

Fed the fuck up....just like every other good quality REAL American is.
Tired of paying disgusting thirdworlders to fuck shit up here.....tired of sending EBT cards out to subhuman baby factories. Tired of all the filthy immoral, classless pieces of shits all around us.
And apparently I was right. Clean over the old head.

Break all your trivial semantics down...I don’t speak lowlife. Go ahead, you have my permission.

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?”

Often times “people” here will work way too hard at selling their intelligence to others. I say spare us the mumbo-jumbo....spit it the fuck out and just say something meaningful.

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?”

I’m not here to recruit for the GOP...
I hate all bottom feeding, baby making, filthy criminals...regardless of skin color...and I REALLY hate illegal aliens. Weird huh? Weird that decent people are bothered by filth and would have an expectation of others...huh?
What exactly is a “white world view”?

People in quotes. Talk about trying too hard.

Yes, you are weird. In that you are overly angry. It’s a real issue. And apparently emotionally-driven.

Fed the fuck up....just like every other good quality REAL American is.
Tired of paying disgusting thirdworlders to fuck shit up here.....tired of sending EBT cards out to subhuman baby factories. Tired of all the filthy immoral, classless pieces of shits all around us.

Break all your trivial semantics down...I don’t speak lowlife. Go ahead, you have my permission.

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?”

Often times “people” here will work way too hard at selling their intelligence to others. I say spare us the mumbo-jumbo....spit it the fuck out and just say something meaningful.

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?”

I’m not here to recruit for the GOP...
I hate all bottom feeding, baby making, filthy criminals...regardless of skin color...and I REALLY hate illegal aliens. Weird huh? Weird that decent people are bothered by filth and would have an expectation of others...huh?
What exactly is a “white world view”?

People in quotes. Talk about trying too hard.

Yes, you are weird. In that you are overly angry. It’s a real issue. And apparently emotionally-driven.

Fed the fuck up....just like every other good quality REAL American is.
Tired of paying disgusting thirdworlders to fuck shit up here.....tired of sending EBT cards out to subhuman baby factories. Tired of all the filthy immoral, classless pieces of shits all around us.


Drunk underinsured illegal wetbacks rear ended my daughter..TWICE
Wetbacks destroyed many of my rental properties..leaving me no recourse because they’re illegal and own nothing.
Classless wetbacks trash our beaches and communities
Lowlife wetbacks have overran our public school systems forcing REAL Americans to send their children to private schools costing thousands.
Wetbacks overran our emergency rooms and healthcare systems forcing a compromise of quality for REAL Americans.

I could go on and on....does any of this sound like logical, economical and social concerns? Or am I just being “emotional”?
You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?”

Often times “people” here will work way too hard at selling their intelligence to others. I say spare us the mumbo-jumbo....spit it the fuck out and just say something meaningful.

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?”

I’m not here to recruit for the GOP...
I hate all bottom feeding, baby making, filthy criminals...regardless of skin color...and I REALLY hate illegal aliens. Weird huh? Weird that decent people are bothered by filth and would have an expectation of others...huh?
What exactly is a “white world view”?

People in quotes. Talk about trying too hard.

Yes, you are weird. In that you are overly angry. It’s a real issue. And apparently emotionally-driven.

Fed the fuck up....just like every other good quality REAL American is.
Tired of paying disgusting thirdworlders to fuck shit up here.....tired of sending EBT cards out to subhuman baby factories. Tired of all the filthy immoral, classless pieces of shits all around us.


Drunk underinsured illegal wetbacks rear ended my daughter..TWICE
Wetbacks destroyed many of my rental properties..leaving me no recourse because they’re illegal and own nothing.
Classless wetbacks trash our beaches and communities
Lowlife wetbacks have overran our public school systems forcing REAL Americans to send their children to private schools costing thousands.
Wetbacks overran our emergency rooms and healthcare systems forcing a compromise of quality for REAL Americans.

I could go on and on....does any of this sound like logical, economical and social concerns? Or am I just being “emotional”?

Yep. Emotional. You’ve had bad experiences. And your use of the term “wetbacks” is telling.

You’ve found your scapegoat for all of society’s ills.

So be angry. Go ahead. See how productive it can be.
And apparently I was right. Clean over the old head.

Break all your trivial semantics down...I don’t speak lowlife. Go ahead, you have my permission.

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?”

Often times “people” here will work way too hard at selling their intelligence to others. I say spare us the mumbo-jumbo....spit it the fuck out and just say something meaningful.

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?”

I’m not here to recruit for the GOP...
I hate all bottom feeding, baby making, filthy criminals...regardless of skin color...and I REALLY hate illegal aliens. Weird huh? Weird that decent people are bothered by filth and would have an expectation of others...huh?
What exactly is a “white world view”?

People in quotes. Talk about trying too hard.

Yes, you are weird. In that you are overly angry. It’s a real issue. And apparently emotionally-driven.

Fed the fuck up....just like every other good quality REAL American is.
Tired of paying disgusting thirdworlders to fuck shit up here.....tired of sending EBT cards out to subhuman baby factories. Tired of all the filthy immoral, classless pieces of shits all around us.
who's fault is that? the right wing is supposed to have better solutions at lower cost, not, nothing but repeal.
You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?

You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?”

Often times “people” here will work way too hard at selling their intelligence to others. I say spare us the mumbo-jumbo....spit it the fuck out and just say something meaningful.

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?”

I’m not here to recruit for the GOP...
I hate all bottom feeding, baby making, filthy criminals...regardless of skin color...and I REALLY hate illegal aliens. Weird huh? Weird that decent people are bothered by filth and would have an expectation of others...huh?
What exactly is a “white world view”?

People in quotes. Talk about trying too hard.

Yes, you are weird. In that you are overly angry. It’s a real issue. And apparently emotionally-driven.

Fed the fuck up....just like every other good quality REAL American is.
Tired of paying disgusting thirdworlders to fuck shit up here.....tired of sending EBT cards out to subhuman baby factories. Tired of all the filthy immoral, classless pieces of shits all around us.


Drunk underinsured illegal wetbacks rear ended my daughter..TWICE
Wetbacks destroyed many of my rental properties..leaving me no recourse because they’re illegal and own nothing.
Classless wetbacks trash our beaches and communities
Lowlife wetbacks have overran our public school systems forcing REAL Americans to send their children to private schools costing thousands.
Wetbacks overran our emergency rooms and healthcare systems forcing a compromise of quality for REAL Americans.

I could go on and on....does any of this sound like logical, economical and social concerns? Or am I just being “emotional”?
insist they have enough bondo, to cover it!
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

In my youth I leaned Democrat. I voted for them because I believed the hype. As I grew older and wiser, I began to see they're dishonest and not consistent with nature, math, logic or anything else tangible. While Republicans are bad, for the most part they're on the side of better, including reality. That and the modern liberal has become SO FUCKING BAD. The Obama era along with the internet destroyed them.

it has nothing to do with "wisdom" or trump voters wouldn't be less educated than Hillary voters.

but we can pretend.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

In my youth I leaned Democrat. I voted for them because I believed the hype. As I grew older and wiser, I began to see they're dishonest and not consistent with nature, math, logic or anything else tangible. While Republicans are bad, for the most part they're on the side of better, including reality. That and the modern liberal has become SO FUCKING BAD. The Obama era along with the internet destroyed them.

it has nothing to do with "wisdom" or trump voters wouldn't be less educated than Hillary voters.

but we can pretend.

Thank you for validating my point Jillian, but I don't feel I need it. Formal education and wisdom are separate and distinct. Perhaps you should look up definitions beforehand, and educate yourself.
You are intimidated by someone with a vocabulary, so you resort to calling him a “lowlife”?”

Often times “people” here will work way too hard at selling their intelligence to others. I say spare us the mumbo-jumbo....spit it the fuck out and just say something meaningful.

Do you understand how your nasty angry posting undermines your conservative message? Or do you vote simply on emotions? Like on hatred of “classless” brown and black people who threaten your white world view?”

I’m not here to recruit for the GOP...
I hate all bottom feeding, baby making, filthy criminals...regardless of skin color...and I REALLY hate illegal aliens. Weird huh? Weird that decent people are bothered by filth and would have an expectation of others...huh?
What exactly is a “white world view”?

People in quotes. Talk about trying too hard.

Yes, you are weird. In that you are overly angry. It’s a real issue. And apparently emotionally-driven.

Fed the fuck up....just like every other good quality REAL American is.
Tired of paying disgusting thirdworlders to fuck shit up here.....tired of sending EBT cards out to subhuman baby factories. Tired of all the filthy immoral, classless pieces of shits all around us.


Drunk underinsured illegal wetbacks rear ended my daughter..TWICE
Wetbacks destroyed many of my rental properties..leaving me no recourse because they’re illegal and own nothing.
Classless wetbacks trash our beaches and communities
Lowlife wetbacks have overran our public school systems forcing REAL Americans to send their children to private schools costing thousands.
Wetbacks overran our emergency rooms and healthcare systems forcing a compromise of quality for REAL Americans.

I could go on and on....does any of this sound like logical, economical and social concerns? Or am I just being “emotional”?

Yep. Emotional. You’ve had bad experiences. And your use of the term “wetbacks” is telling.

You’ve found your scapegoat for all of society’s ills.

So be angry. Go ahead. See how productive it can be.

“You’ve found a scapegoat for all of society’s ills”
What does that even mean? The things I’ve mentioned aren’t really happening? I’m making shit up to make excuses for others in society? You’re not really making any sense.

I find it odd that folks like you that require taxpayer assistance are so supportive of illegals invading our country and shitting on our laws.
You do realize there is only so much welfare to go around...right? And you know Gustavo, Guadalupe and their herd of anchor babies/money trees/lottery tickets are stealing welfare from you...right?
They aren’t taking my welfare...what are you gonna do when Trump gets aggressive and cuts your entitlements because he’s got to fund more illegal Mexicans and their anchors?
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

In my youth I leaned Democrat. I voted for them because I believed the hype. As I grew older and wiser, I began to see they're dishonest and not consistent with nature, math, logic or anything else tangible. While Republicans are bad, for the most part they're on the side of better, including reality. That and the modern liberal has become SO FUCKING BAD. The Obama era along with the internet destroyed them.

it has nothing to do with "wisdom" or trump voters wouldn't be less educated than Hillary voters.

but we can pretend.
Trump voters are more educated than Hillary voters, retard.

Hillary barely won college educated voters(many of whom are still dumb, and I will be a college educated voter by 2020, so you might want to rethink this category), while also winning the dumbest of the dumb in our country in a significant fashion.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

In my youth I leaned Democrat. I voted for them because I believed the hype. As I grew older and wiser, I began to see they're dishonest and not consistent with nature, math, logic or anything else tangible. While Republicans are bad, for the most part they're on the side of better, including reality. That and the modern liberal has become SO FUCKING BAD. The Obama era along with the internet destroyed them.

it has nothing to do with "wisdom" or trump voters wouldn't be less educated than Hillary voters.

but we can pretend.
Trump voters are more educated than Hillary voters, retard.

Hillary barely won college educated voters(many of whom are still dumb, and I will be a college educated voter by 2020, so you might want to rethink this category), while also winning the dumbest of the dumb in our country in a significant fashion.

that is a lie, little boy.

A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults

and trumptards are the LEAST educated

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

it's ok little boy. it's easy to see that trumptards are bitter and uneducated and think their place in society is jeopardized by people who barely speak English.

do try to tell the truth occasionally.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

In my youth I leaned Democrat. I voted for them because I believed the hype. As I grew older and wiser, I began to see they're dishonest and not consistent with nature, math, logic or anything else tangible. While Republicans are bad, for the most part they're on the side of better, including reality. That and the modern liberal has become SO FUCKING BAD. The Obama era along with the internet destroyed them.

it has nothing to do with "wisdom" or trump voters wouldn't be less educated than Hillary voters.

but we can pretend.
Trump voters are more educated than Hillary voters, retard.

Hillary barely won college educated voters(many of whom are still dumb, and I will be a college educated voter by 2020, so you might want to rethink this category), while also winning the dumbest of the dumb in our country in a significant fashion.

that is a lie, little boy.

A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults

and trumptards are the LEAST educated

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

it's ok little boy. it's easy to see that trumptards are bitter and uneducated and think their place in society is jeopardized by people who barely speak English.

do try to tell the truth occasionally.
There are more ghetto blacks and Hispanics than educated whites in your party, idiot.

There are far more high school dropouts who vote Democrat than college professors.

And even the best educated Democrats have shockingly low IQs.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

In my youth I leaned Democrat. I voted for them because I believed the hype. As I grew older and wiser, I began to see they're dishonest and not consistent with nature, math, logic or anything else tangible. While Republicans are bad, for the most part they're on the side of better, including reality. That and the modern liberal has become SO FUCKING BAD. The Obama era along with the internet destroyed them.

it has nothing to do with "wisdom" or trump voters wouldn't be less educated than Hillary voters.

but we can pretend.
Trump voters are more educated than Hillary voters, retard.

Hillary barely won college educated voters(many of whom are still dumb, and I will be a college educated voter by 2020, so you might want to rethink this category), while also winning the dumbest of the dumb in our country in a significant fashion.

that is a lie, little boy.

A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults

and trumptards are the LEAST educated

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

it's ok little boy. it's easy to see that trumptards are bitter and uneducated and think their place in society is jeopardized by people who barely speak English.

do try to tell the truth occasionally.
There are more ghetto blacks and Hispanics than educated whites in your party, idiot.

There are far more high school dropouts who vote Democrat than college professors.

And even the best educated Democrats have shockingly low IQs.

that is what your (very) little brain tells you.

I gave you the numbers.

I'm sorry it offends you. but I can't be bothered feeling sorry for a child who spews lies and refuses to look at actual numbers... or facts.

and yet, we're all pretty much smarter and more successful than you.

if that weren't the case, you wouldn't be a lying angry bigoted twit...

now go back to school. better yourself. and STOP lying.
In my youth I leaned Democrat. I voted for them because I believed the hype. As I grew older and wiser, I began to see they're dishonest and not consistent with nature, math, logic or anything else tangible. While Republicans are bad, for the most part they're on the side of better, including reality. That and the modern liberal has become SO FUCKING BAD. The Obama era along with the internet destroyed them.

it has nothing to do with "wisdom" or trump voters wouldn't be less educated than Hillary voters.

but we can pretend.
Trump voters are more educated than Hillary voters, retard.

Hillary barely won college educated voters(many of whom are still dumb, and I will be a college educated voter by 2020, so you might want to rethink this category), while also winning the dumbest of the dumb in our country in a significant fashion.

that is a lie, little boy.

A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults

and trumptards are the LEAST educated

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

it's ok little boy. it's easy to see that trumptards are bitter and uneducated and think their place in society is jeopardized by people who barely speak English.

do try to tell the truth occasionally.
There are more ghetto blacks and Hispanics than educated whites in your party, idiot.

There are far more high school dropouts who vote Democrat than college professors.

And even the best educated Democrats have shockingly low IQs.

that is what your (very) little brain tells you.

I gave you the numbers.

I'm sorry it offends you. but I can't be bothered feeling sorry for a child who spews lies and refuses to look at actual numbers... or facts.

and yet, we're all pretty much smarter and more successful than you.

if that weren't the case, you wouldn't be a lying angry bigoted twit...

now go back to school. better yourself. and STOP lying.
I am in school again now little girl(which is why my posting has gone down so much this year), and in a few years I will be able to start changing this country into your worst nightmare.

Your pathetic “facts” won’t stand up to actual scrutiny.

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