What MUST Be Done About Islam

It's amazing that the RWnuts on this board were able to pretend for so long that they revered our Constitution, as we see now that one by one they are revealing that they want no such form of government.
Most of them want a theocracy, exactly what the Founders were opposed to and by law forbid here.

You mean Muslims, correct? They want Sharia law.






What is it Muslims want again? Control, that's what.
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So you advocate persecuting innocent people on the basis of their faith becuase some members of their faith are bad actors? Are you an American?
The OP does not advocate "persecuting". It advocates ENFORCING the law >> Constitution Article 6, Section 2, part 1 - the Supremacy Clause

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land;"
I'm aware of what he called for and it cannot be done. The faith of 1.6 billion people isn't going to simply go away. Some of us, not you or the OP of course, live in the real world.
Nobody is talking about eradicating a religion of 1.6 billions... even though Christendom boasts 2.2 billions, and owns almost all the nukes.

No, we're talking about suppressing Islam in The West, where comparatively few of that 1.6 billion reside.

Let Islam exist within the domains of Islam.

It's neither needed nor welcome in The West.

At least not by sane folk.

You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

Which is exactly what Islam is doing to the rest of the world. Tend to think turn about is fair play.

So you advocate persecuting innocent people on the basis of their faith becuase some members of their faith are bad actors? Are you an American?

I'm an American; are you?


Should we have persecuted Nazis even though some of them might have been nice guys? Should we have bombed cities containing innocent women and children because we were at war with their country?
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and it's way past time we recognized and accepted that fact and acted accordingly.
Simple fact: in war there is collateral damage.

None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.
It's amazing that the RWnuts on this board were able to pretend for so long that they revered our Constitution, as we see now that one by one they are revealing that they want no such form of government.
That is what YOU are revealing
None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.
Problem is >> "the faith they follow" as you call it is >>

1. Supremacist (and thus a violation of Constitution Article 6, Section 2, part 1 - the Supremacy Clause)

2. Seditious (and thus a violation of US Code 18, Section 2384)

3. It (Koran) violates just about every major law in America (murder, rape, wife-beating, slavery, sex discrimination, pedophilia, etc)
It's amazing that the RWnuts on this board were able to pretend for so long that they revered our Constitution, as we see now that one by one they are revealing that they want no such form of government.
Most of them want a theocracy, exactly what the Founders were opposed to and by law forbid here.

You mean Muslims, correct? They want Sharia law.





What is it Muslims want again? Control, that's what.

Yes, Muslims.



None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.
Problem is >> "the faith they follow" as you call it is >>

1. Supremacist (and thus a violation of Constitution Article 6, Section 2, part 1 - the Supremacy Clause)

2. Seditious (and thus a violation of US Code 18, Section 2384)

3. It (Koran) violates just about every major law in America (murder, rape, wife-beating, slavery, sex discrimination, pedophilia, etc)

1. No more "supremacist" then that of the other major religion in this country...somehow I don't think you really know what the Supremacist clause really means though.

2. No more so than the other major religion in this country.

3. Well we got a problem because so does the Bible.
All mosques need investigated. Some are good, many are not.

All potential terrorists need to be investigated thoroughly.

How many Christians do you see marching in the streets with "Down with America"

written on anything?
What is the Supremacy Clause?

A clause in Article VI of the U.S. Constitution that declares federal laws to have jurisdictional authority over state laws in the event there is conflict between laws established by two governing bodies.

Can't see how this has anything to do with anything in this discussion.
Summary executions of everyone involved or knew of the plot....last bombers whole family knew it looks like not to mention whoever they told. War on Terror...enemy combatants need to be treated as such.
All mosques need investigated. Some are good, many are not.

All potential terrorists need to be investigated thoroughly.

How many Christians do you see marching in the streets with "Down with America"

written on anything?

Anti-Americanism (which is what you're talking about) is widespread in Christian countries too :lol:
South America, Russia, etc.
Anti-Americanism - Wikipedia
All mosques need investigated. Some are good, many are not.

All potential terrorists need to be investigated thoroughly.

How many Christians do you see marching in the streets with "Down with America"

written on anything?

Anti-Americanism (which is what you're talking about) is widespread in Christian countries too :lol:
South America, Russia, etc.
Anti-Americanism - Wikipedia

Not in America, or have I missed something?
1. No more "supremacist" then that of the other major religion in this country...somehow I don't think you really know what the Supremacist clause really means though.

2. No more so than the other major religion in this country.

3. Well we got a problem because so does the Bible.

1. Religions in America are not "other" religions, because Islam is not a religion.

2. Religions in America are not supremacist. They do not demand supremacy in America (and over the Constitution), ..but Islam does.

3. There is no mystery to the 1st part of the Supremacy Clause (before the semicolon) - It establishes the Supremacy of the Constitution, thereby banning all other supremacisms (including Islam)

4. I know of no religions in America that are seditious.

5. The Christian bible does not violate US laws.
Summary executions of everyone involved or knew of the plot....last bombers whole family knew it looks like not to mention whoever they told. War on Terror...enemy combatants need to be treated as such.
1. No more "supremacist" then that of the other major religion in this country...somehow I don't think you really know what the Supremacist clause really means though.

2. No more so than the other major religion in this country.

3. Well we got a problem because so does the Bible.

1. Religions in America are not "other" religions, because Islam is not a religion.

2. Religions in America are not supremacist. They do not demand supremacy in America (and over the Constitution), ..but Islam does.

3. There is no mystery to the 1st part of the Supremacy Clause (before the semicolon) - It establishes the Supremacy of the Constitution, thereby banning all other supremacisms (including Islam)

4. I know of no religions in America that are seditious.

5. The Christian bible does not violate US laws.


1. You don't get to define what is a "religion" for the purposes of the Constitution.
2. No, Islam doesn't. Just ask American Muslims.
3. Exactly - it established the Supremacy of the Constitution in matters where the Constitution and state law comes into conflict.
4. Neither do I. Exactly my point.
5. It would if some one followed Biblical Law, but like American Muslims, American Christians prefer the Constitution.
Summary executions of everyone involved or knew of the plot....last bombers whole family knew it looks like not to mention whoever they told. War on Terror...enemy combatants need to be treated as such.

Wow. Summary execution of American citizens without due process...how unAmerican you guys are.

Do you hate America and what she stands for so much?

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