What MUST Be Done About Islam

There is no such thing as an American Muslim. To be a Muslim is to be UNAmerican (in violation of the Constitution (Supremacy Clause)

According to you. I'm not so sure you're the authority on this...just saying.
Summary executions of everyone involved or knew of the plot....last bombers whole family knew it looks like not to mention whoever they told. War on Terror...enemy combatants need to be treated as such.

Wow. Summary execution of American citizens without due process...how unAmerican you guys are.

Do you hate America and what she stands for so much?
Either treat it like a war as it is declared,,,,,or continue wringing your hands as people die in the name of compassion.
All mosques need investigated. Some are good, many are not.

All potential terrorists need to be investigated thoroughly.

How many Christians do you see marching in the streets with "Down with America"

written on anything?

Anti-Americanism (which is what you're talking about) is widespread in Christian countries too :lol:
South America, Russia, etc.
Anti-Americanism - Wikipedia

Not in America, or have I missed something?

Are you talking about people marching down the street with signs saying "Down with America" IN America?

I can't think of anyone - Christian or Muslim - unless it's a few nuts who do so.
We and the rest of the world can and should get a little more ruthless in this fight. New temporary laws may need to be passed like a law stating if a member of your family commits an act of terror the whole family gets removed from the nation. Summarily deported back to where they came from. If they are residents then place them in jail to serve the term of their dead suicide bomber son or daughter. In other words hold the family responsible. If that doesn't work break out field nukes and take out every one of them and the areas of the planet where they live. Or we can just keep doing what we have been doing which is not working. Next time it could be even younger children, next time it could be in your town. It's time to take off the gloves America.
Summary executions of everyone involved or knew of the plot....last bombers whole family knew it looks like not to mention whoever they told. War on Terror...enemy combatants need to be treated as such.

Wow. Summary execution of American citizens without due process...how unAmerican you guys are.

Do you hate America and what she stands for so much?
Either treat it like a war as it is declared,,,,,or continue wringing your hands as people die in the name of compassion.

There are over a billion muslims around the world, many of them in countries who are our allies, many in our own country - are you at war with them?
We and the rest of the world can and should get a little more ruthless in this fight. New temporary laws may need to be passed like a law stating if a member of your family commits an act of terror the whole family gets removed from the nation. Summarily deported back to where they came from. If they are residents then place them in jail to serve the term of their dead suicide bomber son or daughter. In other words hold the family responsible. If that doesn't work break out field nukes and take out every one of them and the areas of the planet where they live. Or we can just keep doing what we have been doing which is not working. Next time it could be even younger children, next time it could be in your town. It's time to take off the gloves America.

Adam Lanza killed 20 first graders. His brother and father should go to jail?
Summary executions of everyone involved or knew of the plot....last bombers whole family knew it looks like not to mention whoever they told. War on Terror...enemy combatants need to be treated as such.

Wow. Summary execution of American citizens without due process...how unAmerican you guys are.

Do you hate America and what she stands for so much?
Either treat it like a war as it is declared,,,,,or continue wringing your hands as people die in the name of compassion.

There are over a billion muslims around the world, many of them in countries who are our allies, many in our own country - are you at war with them?
If they are at war with us
Nobody is talking about eradicating a religion of 1.6 billions... even though Christendom boasts 2.2 billions, and owns almost all the nukes.

No, we're talking about suppressing Islam in The West, where comparatively few of that 1.6 billion reside.

Let Islam exist within the domains of Islam.

It's neither needed nor welcome in The West.

At least not by sane folk.

You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

Which is exactly what Islam is doing to the rest of the world. Tend to think turn about is fair play.

So you advocate persecuting innocent people on the basis of their faith becuase some members of their faith are bad actors? Are you an American?

I'm an American; are you?


Should we have persecuted Nazis even though some of them might have been nice guys? Should we have bombed cities containing innocent women and children because we were at war with their country?
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and it's way past time we recognized and accepted that fact and acted accordingly.
Simple fact: in war there is collateral damage.

None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.
All mosques need investigated. Some are good, many are not.

All potential terrorists need to be investigated thoroughly.

How many Christians do you see marching in the streets with "Down with America"

written on anything?

Anti-Americanism (which is what you're talking about) is widespread in Christian countries too :lol:
South America, Russia, etc.
Anti-Americanism - Wikipedia

Not in America, or have I missed something?

Are you talking about people marching down the street with signs saying "Down with America" IN America?

I can't think of anyone - Christian or Muslim - unless it's a few nuts who do so.

3 out of 4 of the pictures I posted were in America.

The bottom one was in Canada.
Adam Lanza killed 20 first graders. His brother and father should go to jail?
Another very important thing that we must do is to stop conflating and comparing apples to oranges. We are discussing acts of global terror, not the actions of a sick mentally challenged person. Do you understand why? Do you see the difference?
In our Republic no person has the right to claim that because of their religion they have the right to demand supremacy over the Constitution.
CORRECT. That's what I've been saying all through this thread. And this is why Islam is unconstitutional and illegal in America. Simple as that.

Nope. People are responsible for their actions. Not their ancient system of belief. It matters not if a man kills his daughter because of his religious beliefs, he still is guilty of murder and deserve the punishment the law prescribes.
1. You don't get to define what is a "religion" for the purposes of the Constitution.
2. No, Islam doesn't. Just ask American Muslims.
3. Exactly - it established the Supremacy of the Constitution in matters where the Constitution and state law comes into conflict.
4. Neither do I. Exactly my point.
5. It would if some one followed Biblical Law, but like American Muslims, American Christians prefer the Constitution.
1. The dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.) defines a religion as a system of worship having a "code of ethics". Islam is the Koran. The Koran advocates (if not commands) Muslims to kill non-Muslims, rape, beat wives, allows slavery, and massive discriminations agaisnt women. This is not a code of ethics.

2. Islam is (by far) the largest supremacism in the world. If you don't even know that, you not prepared to be in this thread. :rolleyes:

3. You are referring to the 2nd part of the Supremacy Clause, AFTER the semicolon. The Supremacy clause has 2 separate parts with 2 completely separate subjects. That's why it has the word "AND" in it.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

4. What point ?

5. No it wouldn't. Unlike Islam, Christianity is in conformance with US law.
You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

Which is exactly what Islam is doing to the rest of the world. Tend to think turn about is fair play.

So you advocate persecuting innocent people on the basis of their faith becuase some members of their faith are bad actors? Are you an American?

I'm an American; are you?


Should we have persecuted Nazis even though some of them might have been nice guys? Should we have bombed cities containing innocent women and children because we were at war with their country?
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and it's way past time we recognized and accepted that fact and acted accordingly.
Simple fact: in war there is collateral damage.

None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.
So...all those christian gangs from Mexico have declared war on the rest of us? They have deliberately killed and tortured and raped people too, and most of them are catholic christian.
1. You don't get to define what is a "religion" for the purposes of the Constitution.
2. No, Islam doesn't. Just ask American Muslims.
3. Exactly - it established the Supremacy of the Constitution in matters where the Constitution and state law comes into conflict.
4. Neither do I. Exactly my point.
5. It would if some one followed Biblical Law, but like American Muslims, American Christians prefer the Constitution.
1. The dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.) defines a religion as a system of worship having a "code of ethics". Islam is the Koran. The Koran advocates (if not commands) Muslims to kill non-Muslims, rape, beat wives, allows slavery, and massive discriminations agaisnt women. This is not a code of ethics.

2. Islam is (by far) the largest supremacism in the world. If you don't even know that, you not prepared to be in this thread. :rolleyes:

3. You are referring to the 2nd part of the Supremacy Clause, AFTER the semicolon. The Supremacy clause has 2 separate parts with 2 completely separate subjects. That's why it has the word "AND" in it.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

4. What point ?

5. No it wouldn't. Unlike Islam, Christianity is in conformance with US law.
Have you hired your lawyer to file a lawsuit yet?
The day after the Manchester massacre, radio talk show host Michael Savage asked >> "What would you do to stop Islamic terrorism in the United States ?"

Maybe I can't get through on the radio, but I can post my answer right here in USMB. These are the things we MUST do in the US, and all other countries.

1. Declare Islam to be >> not a religion (as Italy and other countries have done).

2. Declare Islam unconstitutional and banned (by the Supremacy Clause)

3. Close all mosques, Islamic centers, etc.

4. Eliminate all vestiges of Islam (Korans, footwashing basins, prayer rooms, minarets, etc)

5. Ban the name Mohammed (all spellings) from birth certification.

6. Enact and enforce Muslim immigration/travel ban.

7. Deport all Muslims on FBI watch list.

8. Ban the Muslim Brotherhood and all MB front groups (see "Muslim Mafia", page 235 for US Justice Dept. list)

9. Close down all Muslim Brotherhood front group offices (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc)

10. Stop schools from banning protectionist books and videos (ex. Obsession: Radical Islam in Tarpon Springs, Florida)

11. Get all Muslims out of the US government.


Here is your authoritarian. He's close to you on this issue, isn't he?
Which is exactly what Islam is doing to the rest of the world. Tend to think turn about is fair play.

So you advocate persecuting innocent people on the basis of their faith becuase some members of their faith are bad actors? Are you an American?

I'm an American; are you?


Should we have persecuted Nazis even though some of them might have been nice guys? Should we have bombed cities containing innocent women and children because we were at war with their country?
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and it's way past time we recognized and accepted that fact and acted accordingly.
Simple fact: in war there is collateral damage.

None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.
So...all those christian gangs from Mexico have declared war on the rest of us? They have deliberately killed and tortured and raped people too, and most of them are catholic christian.

Has the Catholic church declared jihad too? Entirely different subject and well off topic.
Islam is not the problem, the problem is the Deep State. The problem is extremist ideologies and the Deep State's coddling of those who would use violence to promote their own political POV. This always works to the advantage of those who lord over you. After these attacks, the state of emergency in many European nations has been extended. The people that benefited the most from these attacks have always been government bureaucrats and the police state.

We are now seeing it here in our own nation. The Deep State would love to see antifa resort to violence. The Deep State would love to see the militia movement once again turn to violence. It always serves their purpose. Anytime anyone wants to throw a bomb, it is good for the authorities.

Don't kid yourselves, in a time of metadata and massive intelligence networks, when they even know what the presidents future advisors are saying to Russians, they know what everyone of any significance is doing. Nothing comes as a surprise to those controlling events.

Newsbud Exclusive- “Manchester Bombing: How British Intelligence Has Coddled Terrorists”
Newsbud Exclusive- “Manchester Bombing: How British Intelligence Has Coddled Terrorists”

". . . Abu Hamza al-Masri, a leading radical imam who ran the Finsbury Park mosque, also worked for British intelligence. In 1997, he told a rally of jihadists in London that they should attack aircraft over London and provided a plan for doing so. The meeting was also attended by Omar Bakri Mohammed. British authorities took no action. The authorities also took no action when al-Masri was implicated in a beating of elderly Muslims at the Finsbury Park mosque.

In June 2001, the Italian Secret Service SISDE said al-Masri had proposed a plot to attack planes, apparently in connection with the G8 summit in Genoa, Italy. The same year an al-Masri associate at the Finsbury Park mosque, Djamel Beghal, was implicated in a plot to attack the US embassy in Paris. “Despite Beghal’s clear links to operations in London and Leicester, however, there was no search of the [mosque] building and no attempt to arrest the chief recruiter [Abu Hamza al-Masri] who had led the prayers there. The mosque continued to be at the center of jihad recruitment,” write O’Neill and McGrory.

Mohammed Sidique Khan, said to be the lead suicide bomber of the 7/7 attack in London that killed 56 people, attended the Finsbury Park mosque. Khan and fellow suicide bomber Shehzad Tanweer first heard Abu Hamza preach in Leeds, and when Khan arrived at the mosque he carried a letter of recommendation from Haroon Rashid Aswat, a top and high-profile aide to al-Masri. Aswat is considered the mastermind of the 7/7 attack. He is also a British intelligence asset, according to John Loftus, former US government prosecutor and former Army intelligence officer.

“What’s really embarrassing is that the entire British police are out chasing [Aswat], and one wing of the British government, MI6 or the British Secret Service, has been hiding him. And this has been a real source of contention between the CIA, the Justice Department, and Britain.… He’s a double agent,” Loftus told Fox News on July 29, 2005.

Loftus maintains the “Justice Department ordered… Seattle prosecutors not to touch Aswat [because] apparently Aswat was working for British intelligence. Now Aswat’s boss, the one-armed [London imam Abu Hamza al-Masri], he gets indicted two years later.”

Haroon Rashid Aswat was arrested in Zambia in July 2005 and extradited back to Britain. After he arrived he was not questioned about his role in the 7/7 attack and the authorities said they would not prosecute him for any crime. Instead, they planned to extradite him to the United States where there was a warrant for his arrest in connection with efforts to help start a militant training camp in Oregon in 1999.

The record is clear—British intelligence allows dangerous terrorists to roam freely in the country, protects them, and refuses to prosecute them for plotting and engaging in acts of terror. The establishment media portray this as “intelligence failures,” but there is another, more rational explanation—like the CIA, British intelligence is using Islamist terror as part of an Operation Gladio type covert operation to realize a political agenda: a never-ending war on terror that enriches the military industrial complex and extends the surveillance state and expands a repressive police state. . . . "

Marion Morrison - of the pictures you posted.


This is in Kabul: Riots break out in Kabul - Photos


This i s in the US but it is hardly anti-American, or down with America - it's demanding rights and an end to profiling. It's absolutely American and no different than any other rights protest.


This one is an odd case in that it is largely urban legend - and, it is from the UK: Shari Law Controlled Zones in Britain - Internet Rumour


This photo was taken in Tehron (no surprise there is anti-US sentiment): FALSE: Muslim Women Protest in U.S.


This one is also in the UK. It's a small radical group (equivalent to the Westboro Baptists) led by Anjem Choudhary


The photo was photoshopped - changing UK to USA - here's the original image.

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