What MUST Be Done About Islam

So...all those christian gangs from Mexico have declared war on the rest of us? They have deliberately killed and tortured and raped people too, and most of them are catholic christian
And Obama with open arms laid down a red carpet for their entry into America...
because "that is who we are"
1. The dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.) defines a religion as a system of worship having a "code of ethics". Islam is the Koran. The Koran advocates (if not commands) Muslims to kill non-Muslims, rape, beat wives, allows slavery, and massive discriminations agaisnt women. This is not a code of ethics.

Islam doesn't have a Code of Ethics?

2. Islam is (by far) the largest supremacism in the world. If you don't even know that, you not prepared to be in this thread. :rolleyes:

Oh, I'm prepared for the thread all right.

3. You are referring to the 2nd part of the Supremacy Clause, AFTER the semicolon. The Supremacy clause has 2 separate parts with 2 completely separate subjects. That's why it has the word "AND" in it.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

The Supremacy Clause is ONE clause, and "and" doesn't change that, and just connects the two parts into one. The second part relates to the first tying what is the law to what the state judges must do - ie respect the supremacy of the Constitution in their rulings. It doesn't say what you seem to think it says.

4. What point ?

That there are no seditious religions in the US.

5. No it wouldn't. Unlike Islam, Christianity is in conformance with US law.

“‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. Because they have cursed their father or mother, their blood will be on their own head.

“‘If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death. “‘If a man has sexual relations with a woman during her monthly period, he has exposed the source of her flow, and she has also uncovered it. Both of them are to be cut off from their people."


No...I wouldn't call that in conformance with US law.
It's amazing that the RWnuts on this board were able to pretend for so long that they revered our Constitution, as we see now that one by one they are revealing that they want no such form of government.
Most of them want a theocracy, exactly what the Founders were opposed to and by law forbid here.

You mean Muslims, correct? They want Sharia law.






What is it Muslims want again? Control, that's what.
The Jesus-freaks want what the Muslims want - a theocracy. That's religion at work.
So you advocate persecuting innocent people on the basis of their faith becuase some members of their faith are bad actors? Are you an American?
The OP does not advocate "persecuting". It advocates ENFORCING the law >> Constitution Article 6, Section 2, part 1 - the Supremacy Clause

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land;"
They are, here, unless you believe God's law is above man's law, and all true believers in a monotheistic faith do. Your desire for a fully secular state is terrific BTW.
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It's amazing that the RWnuts on this board were able to pretend for so long that they revered our Constitution, as we see now that one by one they are revealing that they want no such form of government.
Most of them want a theocracy, exactly what the Founders were opposed to and by law forbid here.

You mean Muslims, correct? They want Sharia law.






What is it Muslims want again? Control, that's what.
The Jesus-freaks want what the Muslims want - a theocracy. That's religion at work.

Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.
It's amazing that the RWnuts on this board were able to pretend for so long that they revered our Constitution, as we see now that one by one they are revealing that they want no such form of government.
Most of them want a theocracy, exactly what the Founders were opposed to and by law forbid here.

You mean Muslims, correct? They want Sharia law.






What is it Muslims want again? Control, that's what.
The Jesus-freaks want what the Muslims want - a theocracy. That's religion at work.

Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.
If they don't then they are not being faithful. Jesus (God) ruling the world is the blessed event they are waiting for. While they might deal with a secular state God's law will always trump man's law, if one has faith.
It's amazing that the RWnuts on this board were able to pretend for so long that they revered our Constitution, as we see now that one by one they are revealing that they want no such form of government.
Most of them want a theocracy, exactly what the Founders were opposed to and by law forbid here.

You mean Muslims, correct? They want Sharia law.






What is it Muslims want again? Control, that's what.
The Jesus-freaks want what the Muslims want - a theocracy. That's religion at work.

Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.

Agreed, especially a Muslim one.
Adam Lanza killed 20 first graders. His brother and father should go to jail?
Another very important thing that we must do is to stop conflating and comparing apples to oranges. We are discussing acts of global terror, not the actions of a sick mentally challenged person. Do you understand why? Do you see the difference?

Acts of terror are acts of terror. In fact acts of terror along the line of Lanza or Dylan Roof are far more common here then acts of terror such as Manchester. Many acts of terror are the actions of sick mentally challenged people including some that are religiously motivated. Good luck convincing the parents of those 20 dead first graders that you've can justify killing the parents and families of religiously-inspired terrorists but think that's not necessary for domestic terrorists.

You do realize Lanza's family was perfectly aware he was a nutter and still let him have guns. How ironic that you advocate the slaugher some innocent families but not others :dunno:

Fortunately, this is the U.S. and we have laws that protect innocent people.
You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

Which is exactly what Islam is doing to the rest of the world. Tend to think turn about is fair play.

So you advocate persecuting innocent people on the basis of their faith becuase some members of their faith are bad actors? Are you an American?

I'm an American; are you?


Should we have persecuted Nazis even though some of them might have been nice guys? Should we have bombed cities containing innocent women and children because we were at war with their country?
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and it's way past time we recognized and accepted that fact and acted accordingly.
Simple fact: in war there is collateral damage.

None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.
It's amazing that the RWnuts on this board were able to pretend for so long that they revered our Constitution, as we see now that one by one they are revealing that they want no such form of government.
Most of them want a theocracy, exactly what the Founders were opposed to and by law forbid here.

You mean Muslims, correct? They want Sharia law.






What is it Muslims want again? Control, that's what.
The Jesus-freaks want what the Muslims want - a theocracy. That's religion at work.

Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.

Agreed, especially a Muslim one.

I would fight any attempt by any religion to make a theocracy.
Acts of terror are acts of terror. In fact acts of terror along the line of Lanza or Dylan Roof are far more common here then acts of terror such as Manchester. Many acts of terror are the actions of sick mentally challenged people including some that are religiously motivated. Good luck convincing the parents of those 20 dead first graders that you've can justify killing the parents and families of religiously-inspired terrorists but think that's not necessary for domestic terrorists.

You do realize Lanza's family was perfectly aware he was a nutter and still let him have guns. How ironic that you advocate the slaugher some innocent families but not others
Different acts of terror require different tactics in confronting them. It's a cop out in my opinion to combine them together as a way of confusing the issue. Adam Lanza was sick and he did an evil thing. Battling his type of terrorism requires a different tactic than battling Islamic terror.
To place them in the same basket is a mistake and will only tie the hands of anyone with an effective answer for each.
Most of them want a theocracy, exactly what the Founders were opposed to and by law forbid here.

You mean Muslims, correct? They want Sharia law.






What is it Muslims want again? Control, that's what.
The Jesus-freaks want what the Muslims want - a theocracy. That's religion at work.

Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.

Agreed, especially a Muslim one.

I would fight any attempt by any religion to make a theocracy.

I will fight any religion that attempts to make terrorism in my country.
The first thing that everyone should do to stop 'Terrorism' is:


Call it what it really is:


By calling it something other than 'MASS MURDER' we are categorizing it as something else. We are lending some justification to it.

The history of MASS MURDER camouflaged by some political or religious philosophy extends way beyond Islamic extremists. Communists committed MASS MURDER, Fascists committed MASS MURDER, Christians committed MASS MURDER and I'm sure that there's a long, long list of other religious and political philosophies that have been used to justify MASS MURDER.

Yet, none of these religions or philosophies condone MASS MURDER. I'm no expert on Islam but I'm pretty sure that it prohibits MURDER. They need some other classification that justifies MASS MURDER, so we've invented 'TERRORISM' which gives them that justification.
The first thing that everyone should do to stop 'Terrorism' is:


Call it what it really is:


By calling it something other than 'MASS MURDER' we are categorizing it as something else. We are lending some justification to it.

The history of MASS MURDER camouflaged by some political or religious philosophy extends way beyond Islamic extremists. Communists committed MASS MURDER, Fascists committed MASS MURDER, Christians committed MASS MURDER and I'm sure that there's a long, long list of other religious and political philosophies that have been used to justify MASS MURDER.

Yet, none of these religions or philosophies condone MASS MURDER. I'm no expert on Islam but I'm pretty sure that it prohibits MURDER. They need some other classification that justifies MASS MURDER, so we've invented 'TERRORISM' which gives them that justification.
I seem to have a different recollection. When was the last time anyone on the left called it what it really is? Islamic terrorism. Words mean things and I would bet no one hanging out with Islamic terrorists cares one twit what you call them. Lets just call them dead and get on with it before it happens again.
You mean Muslims, correct? They want Sharia law.






What is it Muslims want again? Control, that's what.
The Jesus-freaks want what the Muslims want - a theocracy. That's religion at work.

Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.

Agreed, especially a Muslim one.

I would fight any attempt by any religion to make a theocracy.

I will fight any religion that attempts to make terrorism in my country.
Kind of hard to think of one that hasn't? The Amish, Mennonites, Quakers I suppose.
Most of them want a theocracy, exactly what the Founders were opposed to and by law forbid here.

You mean Muslims, correct? They want Sharia law.






What is it Muslims want again? Control, that's what.
The Jesus-freaks want what the Muslims want - a theocracy. That's religion at work.

Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.

Agreed, especially a Muslim one.

I would fight any attempt by any religion to make a theocracy.
As you should - we are a secular nation, by law.
You mean Muslims, correct? They want Sharia law.






What is it Muslims want again? Control, that's what.
The Jesus-freaks want what the Muslims want - a theocracy. That's religion at work.

Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.

Agreed, especially a Muslim one.

I would fight any attempt by any religion to make a theocracy.

I will fight any religion that attempts to make terrorism in my country.

Wouldn't it be better to fight the terrorists instead?

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