What MUST Be Done About Islam

So you advocate persecuting innocent people on the basis of their faith becuase some members of their faith are bad actors? Are you an American?

I'm an American; are you?


Should we have persecuted Nazis even though some of them might have been nice guys? Should we have bombed cities containing innocent women and children because we were at war with their country?
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and it's way past time we recognized and accepted that fact and acted accordingly.
Simple fact: in war there is collateral damage.

None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

Actually...any group CAN call themselves a religion or faith. Every religion has and enforces it's own laws, codes of conduct etc. among it's followers. As long as that doesn't break the national laws, who cares?

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

The claim of Islamic "no go zones" in the US has been thoroughly debunked.
What Sharia laws have American Muslims been trying to force on the US?

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

To quote you: you are mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.
I'm aware of what he called for and it cannot be done. The faith of 1.6 billion people isn't going to simply go away. Some of us, not you or the OP of course, live in the real world.
Nobody is talking about eradicating a religion of 1.6 billions... even though Christendom boasts 2.2 billions, and owns almost all the nukes.

No, we're talking about suppressing Islam in The West, where comparatively few of that 1.6 billion reside.

Let Islam exist within the domains of Islam.

It's neither needed nor welcome in The West.

At least not by sane folk.

You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

I wonder if they want to make Muslims wear Golden Crescent Moon and Stars? Then deny them business and property. Put them all in overcrowded ghettos before shipping them off to the Happy Camps where they all will be put to death, oops did I say death? I meant work, put to work, making Amerika Great Again.
No... just get the hell out of our country... and any other Western country that wants to flush that trash back to its own domains...

It's their country. Why should they get the hell out of their own country?
If they push things much further, that could change.
Nobody is talking about eradicating a religion of 1.6 billions... even though Christendom boasts 2.2 billions, and owns almost all the nukes.

No, we're talking about suppressing Islam in The West, where comparatively few of that 1.6 billion reside.

Let Islam exist within the domains of Islam.

It's neither needed nor welcome in The West.

At least not by sane folk.

You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

I wonder if they want to make Muslims wear Golden Crescent Moon and Stars? Then deny them business and property. Put them all in overcrowded ghettos before shipping them off to the Happy Camps where they all will be put to death, oops did I say death? I meant work, put to work, making Amerika Great Again.
No... just get the hell out of our country... and any other Western country that wants to flush that trash back to its own domains...

It's their country. Why should they get the hell out of their own country?
If they push things much further, that could change.

So you're moving beyond just persecuting people for their faith to attacking fellow American citizens, who have broken no law, and stripping them of their rights and citizenship? Is that what this leads to?
You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

I wonder if they want to make Muslims wear Golden Crescent Moon and Stars? Then deny them business and property. Put them all in overcrowded ghettos before shipping them off to the Happy Camps where they all will be put to death, oops did I say death? I meant work, put to work, making Amerika Great Again.
No... just get the hell out of our country... and any other Western country that wants to flush that trash back to its own domains...

It's their country. Why should they get the hell out of their own country?
If they push things much further, that could change.

So you're moving beyond just persecuting people for their faith to attacking fellow American citizens, who have broken no law, and stripping them of their rights and citizenship? Is that what this leads to?
Throughout history, nations have oftentimes ejected religious sects from their country, owing to incompatibility or undesirability or danger - real or perceived.

For example, several Muslim-dominated nations ejected all their Jews, within Living Memory, in the period 1948-1973.

As to how-and-why it could happen here...

It's what happens when an alien and hostile religious sect starts killing children.

When Constitutionality and Safety are at-odds, Safety usually wins.
I wonder if they want to make Muslims wear Golden Crescent Moon and Stars? Then deny them business and property. Put them all in overcrowded ghettos before shipping them off to the Happy Camps where they all will be put to death, oops did I say death? I meant work, put to work, making Amerika Great Again.
No... just get the hell out of our country... and any other Western country that wants to flush that trash back to its own domains...

It's their country. Why should they get the hell out of their own country?
If they push things much further, that could change.

So you're moving beyond just persecuting people for their faith to attacking fellow American citizens, who have broken no law, and stripping them of their rights and citizenship? Is that what this leads to?
Throughout history, nations have oftentimes ejected religious sects from their country, owing to incompatibility or undesirability or danger - real or perceived.

For example, several Muslim-dominated nations ejected all their Jews, within Living Memory, in the period 1948-1973.

It's what happens when an alien and hostile religious sect starts killing children.

When Constitutionality and Safety are at-odds, Safety usually wins.

We aren't those countries.

And what you are proposing is outright unconstitutional.
No... just get the hell out of our country... and any other Western country that wants to flush that trash back to its own domains...

It's their country. Why should they get the hell out of their own country?
If they push things much further, that could change.

So you're moving beyond just persecuting people for their faith to attacking fellow American citizens, who have broken no law, and stripping them of their rights and citizenship? Is that what this leads to?
Throughout history, nations have oftentimes ejected religious sects from their country, owing to incompatibility or undesirability or danger - real or perceived.

For example, several Muslim-dominated nations ejected all their Jews, within Living Memory, in the period 1948-1973.

It's what happens when an alien and hostile religious sect starts killing children.

When Constitutionality and Safety are at-odds, Safety usually wins.

We aren't those countries.

And what you are proposing is outright unconstitutional.
If things get bad enough, the Federal government re-classifies Islam as a Political System rather than a Religion, thereby stripping it of its Constitutional protection.

All strictly in-line with the Constitution and successive statute.

After that, it's Open Season.

The beneficiaries of your persistent advocacy need to come to the realization that such a thing is possible here.

While there is still time to save their position here.

Otherwise, there will come a time in the not-too-distant future, where your beneficiaries are going to have that smug arrogance wiped off their faces.

Chilling, isn't it?

Chilling, because of the very real prospect of such a thing happening here, if your boys don't get their heads out of their asses, sooner rather than later.

Tick... tick... tick...
It's their country. Why should they get the hell out of their own country?
If they push things much further, that could change.

So you're moving beyond just persecuting people for their faith to attacking fellow American citizens, who have broken no law, and stripping them of their rights and citizenship? Is that what this leads to?
Throughout history, nations have oftentimes ejected religious sects from their country, owing to incompatibility or undesirability or danger - real or perceived.

For example, several Muslim-dominated nations ejected all their Jews, within Living Memory, in the period 1948-1973.

It's what happens when an alien and hostile religious sect starts killing children.

When Constitutionality and Safety are at-odds, Safety usually wins.

We aren't those countries.

And what you are proposing is outright unconstitutional.
If things get bad enough, the Federal government re-classifies Islam as a Political System rather than a Religion, thereby stripping it of its Constitutional protection.

All strictly in-line with the Constitution and successive statute.

After that, it's Open Season.

The beneficiaries of your persistent advocacy need to come to the realization that such a thing is possible here.

While there is still time to save their position here.

Otherwise, there will come a time in the not-too-distant future, where your beneficiaries are going to have that smug arrogance wiped off their faces.

Chilling, isn't it?

Chilling, because of the very real prospect of such a thing happening here, if your boys don't get their heads out of their asses, sooner rather than later.

Tick... tick... tick...

I think you are yanking my chain....:doubt:
So you advocate persecuting innocent people on the basis of their faith becuase some members of their faith are bad actors? Are you an American?

I'm an American; are you?


Should we have persecuted Nazis even though some of them might have been nice guys? Should we have bombed cities containing innocent women and children because we were at war with their country?
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and it's way past time we recognized and accepted that fact and acted accordingly.
Simple fact: in war there is collateral damage.

None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

I'm an American; are you?


Should we have persecuted Nazis even though some of them might have been nice guys? Should we have bombed cities containing innocent women and children because we were at war with their country?
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and it's way past time we recognized and accepted that fact and acted accordingly.
Simple fact: in war there is collateral damage.

None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

Actually...any group CAN call themselves a religion or faith. Every religion has and enforces it's own laws, codes of conduct etc. among it's followers. As long as that doesn't break the national laws, who cares?

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

The claim of Islamic "no go zones" in the US has been thoroughly debunked.
What Sharia laws have American Muslims been trying to force on the US?

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

To quote you: you are mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

"Every religion has and enforces it's own laws, codes of conduct etc. among it's followers."

No. Enforcing an unconstitutional "law" in America is an illegal act in itself irregardless of who does it or why. Even the government has no such right. An American does not give up his rights under the Constitution because of his religion or lack thereof.
American muslims simply have not proven worthy of being trusted by other Americans. They have carried out more than a few terrorist acts.

I'm an American; are you?


Should we have persecuted Nazis even though some of them might have been nice guys? Should we have bombed cities containing innocent women and children because we were at war with their country?
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and it's way past time we recognized and accepted that fact and acted accordingly.
Simple fact: in war there is collateral damage.

None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.


None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

Actually...any group CAN call themselves a religion or faith. Every religion has and enforces it's own laws, codes of conduct etc. among it's followers. As long as that doesn't break the national laws, who cares?

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

The claim of Islamic "no go zones" in the US has been thoroughly debunked.
What Sharia laws have American Muslims been trying to force on the US?

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

To quote you: you are mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

"Every religion has and enforces it's own laws, codes of conduct etc. among it's followers."

No. Enforcing an unconstitutional "law" in America is an illegal act in itself irregardless of who does it or why. Even the government has no such right. An American does not give up his rights under the Constitution because of his religion or lack thereof.
American muslims simply have not proven worthy of being trusted by other Americans. They have carried out more than a few terrorist acts.
Terrorism here is (mostly) by the Christians. Should we not trust them? I know I don't.
If they push things much further, that could change.

So you're moving beyond just persecuting people for their faith to attacking fellow American citizens, who have broken no law, and stripping them of their rights and citizenship? Is that what this leads to?
Throughout history, nations have oftentimes ejected religious sects from their country, owing to incompatibility or undesirability or danger - real or perceived.

For example, several Muslim-dominated nations ejected all their Jews, within Living Memory, in the period 1948-1973.

It's what happens when an alien and hostile religious sect starts killing children.

When Constitutionality and Safety are at-odds, Safety usually wins.

We aren't those countries.

And what you are proposing is outright unconstitutional.
If things get bad enough, the Federal government re-classifies Islam as a Political System rather than a Religion, thereby stripping it of its Constitutional protection.

All strictly in-line with the Constitution and successive statute.

After that, it's Open Season.

The beneficiaries of your persistent advocacy need to come to the realization that such a thing is possible here.

While there is still time to save their position here.

Otherwise, there will come a time in the not-too-distant future, where your beneficiaries are going to have that smug arrogance wiped off their faces.

Chilling, isn't it?

Chilling, because of the very real prospect of such a thing happening here, if your boys don't get their heads out of their asses, sooner rather than later.

Tick... tick... tick...

I think you are yanking my chain....:doubt:
Yes and No.

I hope-to-Christ that it doesn't come to that.

But in the present climate, it could.

We need look no further than the Populist-Rightist movements in England, France, Germany and the United States, as well as other Western Countries, to see this developing.

The sad truth is, that Islam is, in the main, and in the long term, incompatible with Christendom, including a half-secularized Europe and much of the New World.

An even sadder truth is that there is very little Reciprocity in accommodating Christianity and Judaism, within the lands of Islam.

Why is it OK for them to dominate, and in many cases, repress, Christians and Jews and Buddhists and Sikhs, etc., yet they must be accommodated, outside their lands, within the domains of Christian and Jewish belief?

That is a recipe for Cultural Suicide.

No thank you.

Every time that Islamists blow up groups of little children within the domains of Christendom, they put another nail in the coffin of Islamic accommodation in The West.

How much longer do you think you have, before Christian (secularized, or otherwise) Nations begin crafting modern-day Edicts of Expulsion, and to hell with obstructive law?

Keep blowing-up little children and you're likely to find out, sooner rather than later, by the look of it.

Don't think that's possible?

Ask the poor Japanese-Americans of 1941-1945 --- in extremis, even Americans are capable of setting aside Constitutional concerns, in order to neutralize a perceived threat.

When Constitutionality and Safety at at odds, Safety oftentimes wins.

My earlier narrative merely articulates the Legal Means by which such Edicts and other actions might actually manifest in the Real World, if things get bad enough.

I show you one possible future - entirely realistic, if the beneficiaries of your advocacy don't get themselves under control, and that damned quickly.

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None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

Actually...any group CAN call themselves a religion or faith. Every religion has and enforces it's own laws, codes of conduct etc. among it's followers. As long as that doesn't break the national laws, who cares?

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

The claim of Islamic "no go zones" in the US has been thoroughly debunked.
What Sharia laws have American Muslims been trying to force on the US?

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

To quote you: you are mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

"Every religion has and enforces it's own laws, codes of conduct etc. among it's followers."

No. Enforcing an unconstitutional "law" in America is an illegal act in itself irregardless of who does it or why. Even the government has no such right. An American does not give up his rights under the Constitution because of his religion or lack thereof.
American muslims simply have not proven worthy of being trusted by other Americans. They have carried out more than a few terrorist acts.
Terrorism here is (mostly) by the Christians. Should we not trust them? I know I don't.
Do you really think that most Americans give a rat's ass what you Godless Leftist Freaks think about Christianity?
The day after the Manchester massacre, radio talk show host Michael Savage asked >> "What would you do to stop Islamic terrorism in the United States ?"

Maybe I can't get through on the radio, but I can post my answer right here in USMB. These are the things we MUST do in the US, and all other countries.

1. Declare Islam to be >> not a religion (as Italy and other countries have done).

2. Declare Islam unconstitutional and banned (by the Supremacy Clause)

3. Close all mosques, Islamic centers, etc.

4. Eliminate all vestiges of Islam (Korans, footwashing basins, prayer rooms, minarets, etc)

5. Ban the name Mohammed (all spellings) from birth certification.

6. Enact and enforce Muslim immigration/travel ban.

7. Deport all Muslims on FBI watch list.

8. Ban the Muslim Brotherhood and all MB front groups (see "Muslim Mafia", page 235 for US Justice Dept. list)

9. Close down all Muslim Brotherhood front group offices (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc)

10. Stop schools from banning protectionist books and videos (ex. Obsession: Radical Islam in Tarpon Springs, Florida)

11. Get all Muslims out of the US government.
In america these terrorists are the biggest danger

Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS

You Are More Than 7 Times As Likely To Be Killed By A Right-Wing Extremi

of course rw as defined by you

Than By Muslim Terrorists
Establishment vulture, are trying to force us to obey their enabling document without question.

You mean the one that "We the People" wrote?
Weewee on the People

The Preamble is the only valid part of the Constitution, unless you think, as the political elitists do, that "We, the People" refers to the lawyers for the 1% who drew it up and arrogantly made that phrase only mean themselves.
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I'm an American; are you?


Should we have persecuted Nazis even though some of them might have been nice guys? Should we have bombed cities containing innocent women and children because we were at war with their country?
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and it's way past time we recognized and accepted that fact and acted accordingly.
Simple fact: in war there is collateral damage.

None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.


None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

Actually...any group CAN call themselves a religion or faith. Every religion has and enforces it's own laws, codes of conduct etc. among it's followers. As long as that doesn't break the national laws, who cares?

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

The claim of Islamic "no go zones" in the US has been thoroughly debunked.
What Sharia laws have American Muslims been trying to force on the US?

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

To quote you: you are mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

"Every religion has and enforces it's own laws, codes of conduct etc. among it's followers."

No. Enforcing an unconstitutional "law" in America is an illegal act in itself irregardless of who does it or why. Even the government has no such right. An American does not give up his rights under the Constitution because of his religion or lack thereof.
American muslims simply have not proven worthy of being trusted by other Americans. They have carried out more than a few terrorist acts.

I don't think you get it.

Religious faiths enforce their religious codes and rules in a number of ways - from repentence, service to the community, voluntary arbritation, all the way to expulsion from the community. No religious entity is allowed to break the law.

What Sharia laws have American Muslims been trying to force on the US?
So you're moving beyond just persecuting people for their faith to attacking fellow American citizens, who have broken no law, and stripping them of their rights and citizenship? Is that what this leads to?
Throughout history, nations have oftentimes ejected religious sects from their country, owing to incompatibility or undesirability or danger - real or perceived.

For example, several Muslim-dominated nations ejected all their Jews, within Living Memory, in the period 1948-1973.

It's what happens when an alien and hostile religious sect starts killing children.

When Constitutionality and Safety are at-odds, Safety usually wins.

We aren't those countries.

And what you are proposing is outright unconstitutional.
If things get bad enough, the Federal government re-classifies Islam as a Political System rather than a Religion, thereby stripping it of its Constitutional protection.

All strictly in-line with the Constitution and successive statute.

After that, it's Open Season.

The beneficiaries of your persistent advocacy need to come to the realization that such a thing is possible here.

While there is still time to save their position here.

Otherwise, there will come a time in the not-too-distant future, where your beneficiaries are going to have that smug arrogance wiped off their faces.

Chilling, isn't it?

Chilling, because of the very real prospect of such a thing happening here, if your boys don't get their heads out of their asses, sooner rather than later.

Tick... tick... tick...

I think you are yanking my chain....:doubt:
Yes and No.

I hope-to-Christ that it doesn't come to that.

But in the present climate, it could.

We need look no further than the Populist-Rightist movements in England, France, Germany and the United States, as well as other Western Countries, to see this developing.

The sad truth is, that Islam is, in the main, and in the long term, incompatible with Christendom, including a half-secularized Europe and much of the New World.

An even sadder truth is that there is very little Reciprocity in accommodating Christianity and Judaism, within the lands of Islam.

Why is it OK for them to dominate, and in many cases, repress, Christians and Jews and Buddhists and Sikhs, etc., yet they must be accommodated, outside their lands, within the domains of Christian and Jewish belief?

That is a recipe for Cultural Suicide.

No thank you.

Every time that Islamists blow up groups of little children within the domains of Christendom, they put another nail in the coffin of Islamic accommodation in The West.

How much longer do you think you have, before Christian (secularized, or otherwise) Nations begin crafting modern-day Edicts of Expulsion, and to hell with obstructive law?

Keep blowing-up little children and you're likely to find out, sooner rather than later, by the look of it.

Don't think that's possible?

Ask the poor Japanese-Americans of 1941-1945 --- in extremis, even Americans are capable of setting aside Constitutional concerns, in order to neutralize a perceived threat.

When Constitutionality and Safety at at odds, Safety oftentimes wins.

My earlier narrative merely articulates the Legal Means by which such Edicts and other actions might actually manifest in the Real World, if things get bad enough.

I show you one possible future - entirely realistic, if the beneficiaries of your advocacy don't get themselves under control, and that damned quickly.


It's interesting to see people actually support this kind of extremism.

The taking of innocent people, stripping them of their rights and citizenship, and sending them to live in barbaric countries that they either have never lived in, having grown up as American as you or I, or that they or their ancestors had escaped persecution from.

You advocate something that is every bit as barbaric as what you criticize some of these other countries for.

The beneficiciaries of my advocacy are Americans. American citizens protected under our constitution. I don't care what their religion is or their skin color or their ethnic background.

What you - and others - advocate, I would fight against with every breath. It is wrong, It is unAmerican - and because we made that horrible mistake with the Japanese in the past doesn't mean we should, could or will again.

Niemoller's words are timeless:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Establishment vulture, are trying to force us to obey their enabling document without question.

You mean the one that "We the People" wrote?
Weewee on the People

The Preamble is the only valid part of the Constitution, unless you think, as the political elitists do, that "We, the People" refers to the lawyers for the 1% who drew it up and arrogantly made that phrase only mean themselves.

Well it wouldn't read very well if they said We, the "property owning white" people.

But they knew themselves to be a contradiction of the values of liberty and freedom they professed. But do you think they ever imagined a time when a person looking like Barack Obama would every be The President of the United States of America?
One cannot ban religion in America. It was founded by people afraid of those like you who might try.

Islam doesn't fall under a reasonable definition of religion. Muslims cannot separate church and state because they are one and the same. It's unconstitutional to allow an opposing form of government to take root in the U.S. when it goes against our laws. Why would we allow them to use our constitution to destroy our constitution?

Their culture is opposite of ours. We cannot allow a population to grow here when they are against women's rights, gay rights and every freedom. Islam seeks to replace all other governments with their own.
No... just get the hell out of our country... and any other Western country that wants to flush that trash back to its own domains...

It's their country. Why should they get the hell out of their own country?
If they push things much further, that could change.

So you're moving beyond just persecuting people for their faith to attacking fellow American citizens, who have broken no law, and stripping them of their rights and citizenship? Is that what this leads to?
Throughout history, nations have oftentimes ejected religious sects from their country, owing to incompatibility or undesirability or danger - real or perceived.

For example, several Muslim-dominated nations ejected all their Jews, within Living Memory, in the period 1948-1973.

It's what happens when an alien and hostile religious sect starts killing children.

When Constitutionality and Safety are at-odds, Safety usually wins.

We aren't those countries.

And what you are proposing is outright unconstitutional.
Unconstitutional? Yep. Right up to the split second that it becomes Constitutional. I've already articulated the legal process by which that may be accomplished.

A 5-4... or, soon, a 6-3... SCOTUS would certainly make that a realistic possibility.
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