What MUST Be Done About Islam

The Jesus-freaks want what the Muslims want - a theocracy. That's religion at work.

Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.

Agreed, especially a Muslim one.

I would fight any attempt by any religion to make a theocracy.

I will fight any religion that attempts to make terrorism in my country.

Wouldn't it be better to fight the terrorists instead?

When the two are one and the same, it is what it is.
The Jesus-freaks want what the Muslims want - a theocracy. That's religion at work.

Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.

Agreed, especially a Muslim one.

I would fight any attempt by any religion to make a theocracy.

I will fight any religion that attempts to make terrorism in my country.

Wouldn't it be better to fight the terrorists instead?
He (like Israel) undoubtedly believes in collective punishment. Personal responsibility goes out the window when he can wage war against all Muslims.
Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.

Agreed, especially a Muslim one.

I would fight any attempt by any religion to make a theocracy.

I will fight any religion that attempts to make terrorism in my country.

Wouldn't it be better to fight the terrorists instead?

When the two are one and the same, it is what it is.
They are nothing like the same.
Most Americans of faith have no desire for a theocracy.

Agreed, especially a Muslim one.

I would fight any attempt by any religion to make a theocracy.

I will fight any religion that attempts to make terrorism in my country.

Wouldn't it be better to fight the terrorists instead?

When the two are one and the same, it is what it is.

But they aren't. Eric Rudolph isn't Christianity.
It seems like an awful lot of people on this thread are more interested in pushing their political agenda then they are in finding away to reduce or eliminate mass murder.
Agreed, especially a Muslim one.

I would fight any attempt by any religion to make a theocracy.

I will fight any religion that attempts to make terrorism in my country.

Wouldn't it be better to fight the terrorists instead?

When the two are one and the same, it is what it is.
They are nothing like the same.


Every mosque needs investigated.

Every Islamic foreign national and every American Muslim convert needs investigated.

I would say Cassius Clay too, but he's dead.

Maybe Lew Alcindor?
You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

FALSE! Islam is not a religion, and even if it was, it has no right to demand supremacy over the Constitution. Problem is, Islam does just that. And to defend onesself, is not to"persecute" the attack.

Sorry but you don't get to determine what is or is not a religion and no amount of oversized bold blue fonting will make it so.
The IRS does it all the time.

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I would fight any attempt by any religion to make a theocracy.

I will fight any religion that attempts to make terrorism in my country.

Wouldn't it be better to fight the terrorists instead?

When the two are one and the same, it is what it is.
They are nothing like the same.


Every mosque needs investigated.

Every Islamic foreign national and every American Muslim convert needs investigated.

I would say Cassius Clay too, but he's dead.

Maybe Lew Alcindor?
Your need for a nanny state has been processed and recorded. We are sending you a year's supply of plastic sheets. Thank you for your input.
Im going with the absolute brilliance of the RW's on this one.

Islam ... KILL THEM!

I wonder if they want to make Muslims wear Golden Crescent Moon and Stars? Then deny them business and property. Put them all in overcrowded ghettos before shipping them off to the Happy Camps where they all will be put to death, oops did I say death? I meant work, put to work, making Amerika Great Again.
No. Just have them not be Muslims. That's all.

Constitution requires there be no such thing in America.

And how do you propose to do that?

The history of forceable conversions is full of blood, body parts and a continuation of the faith in hiding. Look at the Catholics and Protestants as one example - centuries of conflict and no irradication of religion. As someone else pointed out - you cant kill ideas unless you kill every last living person who believes in them.
Speaking of the history of forcible conversion, just take a look at the history of Islam. That's how it grew. If it wasn't for their defeat at the battle of vienna, we would all be prostrating ourselves towards Mecca 5 times a day.

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I wonder if they want to make Muslims wear Golden Crescent Moon and Stars? Then deny them business and property. Put them all in overcrowded ghettos before shipping them off to the Happy Camps where they all will be put to death, oops did I say death? I meant work, put to work, making Amerika Great Again.
No. Just have them not be Muslims. That's all.

Constitution requires there be no such thing in America.

And how do you propose to do that?

The history of forceable conversions is full of blood, body parts and a continuation of the faith in hiding. Look at the Catholics and Protestants as one example - centuries of conflict and no irradication of religion. As someone else pointed out - you cant kill ideas unless you kill every last living person who believes in them.
Speaking of the history of forcible conversion, just take a look at the history of Islam. That's how it grew. If it wasn't for their defeat at the battle of vienna, we would all be prostrating ourselves towards Mecca 5 times a day.

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Forced conversion is one of the ways Christianity grew too - ancient times were brutal. Not all Islamic and Christian conversions were forced either. Religious tolerance was not considered a virtue.
I wonder if they want to make Muslims wear Golden Crescent Moon and Stars? Then deny them business and property. Put them all in overcrowded ghettos before shipping them off to the Happy Camps where they all will be put to death, oops did I say death? I meant work, put to work, making Amerika Great Again.
No. Just have them not be Muslims. That's all.

Constitution requires there be no such thing in America.

And how do you propose to do that?

The history of forceable conversions is full of blood, body parts and a continuation of the faith in hiding. Look at the Catholics and Protestants as one example - centuries of conflict and no irradication of religion. As someone else pointed out - you cant kill ideas unless you kill every last living person who believes in them.
Speaking of the history of forcible conversion, just take a look at the history of Islam. That's how it grew. If it wasn't for their defeat at the battle of vienna, we would all be prostrating ourselves towards Mecca 5 times a day.

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You must have missed the "Jews, convert or die? Signed, The Pope" part of history.
I wonder if they want to make Muslims wear Golden Crescent Moon and Stars? Then deny them business and property. Put them all in overcrowded ghettos before shipping them off to the Happy Camps where they all will be put to death, oops did I say death? I meant work, put to work, making Amerika Great Again.
No. Just have them not be Muslims. That's all.

Constitution requires there be no such thing in America.

And how do you propose to do that?

The history of forceable conversions is full of blood, body parts and a continuation of the faith in hiding. Look at the Catholics and Protestants as one example - centuries of conflict and no irradication of religion. As someone else pointed out - you cant kill ideas unless you kill every last living person who believes in them.
Speaking of the history of forcible conversion, just take a look at the history of Islam. That's how it grew. If it wasn't for their defeat at the battle of vienna, we would all be prostrating ourselves towards Mecca 5 times a day.

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You must have missed the "Jews, convert or die? Signed, The Pope" part of history.

Can you post a link to that document?
Which is exactly what Islam is doing to the rest of the world. Tend to think turn about is fair play.

So you advocate persecuting innocent people on the basis of their faith becuase some members of their faith are bad actors? Are you an American?

I'm an American; are you?


Should we have persecuted Nazis even though some of them might have been nice guys? Should we have bombed cities containing innocent women and children because we were at war with their country?
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and it's way past time we recognized and accepted that fact and acted accordingly.
Simple fact: in war there is collateral damage.

None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.
One cannot ban religion in America. It was founded by people afraid of those like you who might try.
You're not paying attention.. he called for declaring Islam NOT to be a religion... thereby stripping it of such protections... legal trickery... great fun.
I'm aware of what he called for and it cannot be done. The faith of 1.6 billion people isn't going to simply go away. Some of us, not you or the OP of course, live in the real world.
Nobody is talking about eradicating a religion of 1.6 billions... even though Christendom boasts 2.2 billions, and owns almost all the nukes.

No, we're talking about suppressing Islam in The West, where comparatively few of that 1.6 billion reside.

Let Islam exist within the domains of Islam.

It's neither needed nor welcome in The West.

At least not by sane folk.

You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

I'm talking about DE-recognizing Islam as a religion, so as to strip it of its Constitutional protections, and THEN ridding ourselves of that plague.
One cannot ban religion in America. It was founded by people afraid of those like you who might try.
You're not paying attention.. he called for declaring Islam NOT to be a religion... thereby stripping it of such protections... legal trickery... great fun.
I'm aware of what he called for and it cannot be done. The faith of 1.6 billion people isn't going to simply go away. Some of us, not you or the OP of course, live in the real world.
Nobody is talking about eradicating a religion of 1.6 billions... even though Christendom boasts 2.2 billions, and owns almost all the nukes.

No, we're talking about suppressing Islam in The West, where comparatively few of that 1.6 billion reside.

Let Islam exist within the domains of Islam.

It's neither needed nor welcome in The West.

At least not by sane folk.

You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

I wonder if they want to make Muslims wear Golden Crescent Moon and Stars? Then deny them business and property. Put them all in overcrowded ghettos before shipping them off to the Happy Camps where they all will be put to death, oops did I say death? I meant work, put to work, making Amerika Great Again.
No... just get the hell out of our country... and any other Western country that wants to flush that trash back to its own domains...
One cannot ban religion in America. It was founded by people afraid of those like you who might try.
You're not paying attention.. he called for declaring Islam NOT to be a religion... thereby stripping it of such protections... legal trickery... great fun.
I'm aware of what he called for and it cannot be done. The faith of 1.6 billion people isn't going to simply go away. Some of us, not you or the OP of course, live in the real world.
Nobody is talking about eradicating a religion of 1.6 billions... even though Christendom boasts 2.2 billions, and owns almost all the nukes.

No, we're talking about suppressing Islam in The West, where comparatively few of that 1.6 billion reside.

Let Islam exist within the domains of Islam.

It's neither needed nor welcome in The West.

At least not by sane folk.

You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

I'm talking about DE-recognizing Islam as a religion, so as to strip it of its Constitutional protections, and THEN ridding ourselves of that plague.

Yup. What I said.
You're not paying attention.. he called for declaring Islam NOT to be a religion... thereby stripping it of such protections... legal trickery... great fun.
I'm aware of what he called for and it cannot be done. The faith of 1.6 billion people isn't going to simply go away. Some of us, not you or the OP of course, live in the real world.
Nobody is talking about eradicating a religion of 1.6 billions... even though Christendom boasts 2.2 billions, and owns almost all the nukes.

No, we're talking about suppressing Islam in The West, where comparatively few of that 1.6 billion reside.

Let Islam exist within the domains of Islam.

It's neither needed nor welcome in The West.

At least not by sane folk.

You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

I wonder if they want to make Muslims wear Golden Crescent Moon and Stars? Then deny them business and property. Put them all in overcrowded ghettos before shipping them off to the Happy Camps where they all will be put to death, oops did I say death? I meant work, put to work, making Amerika Great Again.
No... just get the hell out of our country... and any other Western country that wants to flush that trash back to its own domains...

It's their country. Why should they get the hell out of their own country?

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