What MUST Be Done About Islam

The day after the Manchester massacre, radio talk show host Michael Savage asked >> "What would you do to stop Islamic terrorism in the United States ?"

Maybe I can't get through on the radio, but I can post my answer right here in USMB. These are the things we MUST do in the US, and all other countries.

1. Declare Islam to be >> not a religion (as Italy and other countries have done).

2. Declare Islam unconstitutional and banned (by the Supremacy Clause)

3. Close all mosques, Islamic centers, etc.

4. Eliminate all vestiges of Islam (Korans, footwashing basins, prayer rooms, minarets, etc)

5. Ban the name Mohammed (all spellings) from birth certification.

6. Enact and enforce Muslim immigration/travel ban.

7. Deport all Muslims on FBI watch list.

8. Ban the Muslim Brotherhood and all MB front groups (see "Muslim Mafia", page 235 for US Justice Dept. list)

9. Close down all Muslim Brotherhood front group offices (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc)

10. Stop schools from banning protectionist books and videos (ex. Obsession: Radical Islam in Tarpon Springs, Florida)

11. Get all Muslims out of the US government.
In america these terrorists are the biggest danger

Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS

You Are More Than 7 Times As Likely To Be Killed By A Right-Wing Extremist Than By Muslim Terrorists
The vast majority of death, killing and violence in the world is due to the cult that is islam...jack weed
It is many things but not a cult.
Very large cult, but still a cult...
Washington prayed to God.
So do Muslims.

Washington prayed to his Father, through Christ. We are a Christian Nation.

No, we are a nation comprised primarily of Christians. Not the same thing.

Saudi has a majority of Muslims. They are considered a Muslim Nation. We are a Christian Nation until Atheists are the majority. Then we'll be Russia..
We are a nation of (mostly) Christians. We are not a Christian nation. By law that cannot be true here but it is true in other nations that don't ban a state religion.
Fucking hilarious. You link to another one of your crackpot posts as a source to validate your idiotic claim that you understand the "trump methodology".

trump doesn't even understand the "trump methodology", because there isn't any methodology. ROTFLMAO.
Another dopey liberal exhibiting ignorance of Trump priority methodology. Ho hum.

Trump’s "Contradictions" Are Really Just Priorities
Islam is inherently and fundamentally hostile to all other religious belief.

Islam is inherently and fundamentally hostile to all secular political life which does not conform to Islamic standards.

Islam is inherently and fundamentally hostile to Western Culture as its traditional and present-day Main Enemy.

Islam is inherently and fundamentally hostile to Democracy as practiced in The West.

Islam is inherently and fundamentally and profoundly and irredeemably and irrevocably incompatible with Western Culture and Society.

We admit vipers into our home when we admit practitioners of Islam into Western Countries.

In Western Countries, Muslims lie low when they are badly outnumbered, until they are no longer badly outnumbered.

Then they make all sorts of outrageous demands and show their true hostile and arrogant nature.

Islam is the last of the world's large-scale Warrior Religions.

Founded by a hallucinating, self-aggrandizing, self-excusing, sociopathic pedophile... a being of far commoner clay than the sublime Founders of other religions.

A once-removed spin-off or knock-off of Judeo-Christian religious dogma and traditions... a Rip-Off Religion... laughed at as plagiarists and copy-cats... desperate for acceptance... and never getting it... angry at The West since the ambassadors of Muhammed (Peanutbutterandjelly Be Upon Him) were laughed out of the court of Justinian...

Launched in oceans of blood, sustained in oceans of blood, dormant under European Imperialism, freed from that yoke, fallen behind the rest of the world... trying to catch-up.

And... all the while... killing Infidels with great glee and zero trace of a conscience.

These LibTard phukkers who apologize-for or who defend Islam have no clue what it is they're actually dealing with.

The longer we listen to them, the more dead Western children we have on our hands.

It's time we stop listening to them, and it's time we stop letting them tie our hands.

Enough is enough.

Did some Radical Islamic Terrorist drop by and piss in your Post Toasties this morning or what?
I have the history of North America. What you got?
The Religion of Cain

That would include the Aztecs' religion of human sacrifice. Islam is that kind of primitive pagan faith.
The religion of the Jews started as the tribal worship of small idols which they carried around with them, hence the First Commandment (and all those burnt offerings on the altar). At least Islam always and only had one God.
Not Changing Both Sides of the Equation

So you can trace the Jews' religion back to before the Bible, when they had those tribal idols, but not the Arabs' religion before the Koran?
The Quran was written during the lifetime of The Prophet. There was no Islam before there was its Prophet. It is the revealed word of God as dictated by Mohammad.

That is not the history of the Jews, who had many gods before they had just one, hence the 1st Commandment.
Arabs had many gods before Muhammud, dumbass.

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Yes we're all aware of the tactics of ISIS and all the fascist Muslim jihadists.
I have the history of North America. What you got?
The Religion of Cain

That would include the Aztecs' religion of human sacrifice. Islam is that kind of primitive pagan faith.
The religion of the Jews started as the tribal worship of small idols which they carried around with them, hence the First Commandment (and all those burnt offerings on the altar). At least Islam always and only had one God.
Not Changing Both Sides of the Equation

So you can trace the Jews' religion back to before the Bible, when they had those tribal idols, but not the Arabs' religion before the Koran?
Allah is al illah the pagan moon god.
Mindless Muzzies

I suspect they borrowed Allah from their Indo-European neighbors, who were more evolved and sought answers and order, however primitive. It is probably related to Helios, the sun.
Did some Radical Islamic Terrorist drop by and piss in your Post Toasties this morning or what?
Maybe you haven't been paying much attention. You can go back in your cave now.

Of course I have. They came by and pissed in yours too? No of course not. They want to kill you and me. As opposed to the majority of those who follow Islam and do not want to kill us.
One cannot ban religion in America. It was founded by people afraid of those like you who might try.
You're not paying attention.. he called for declaring Islam NOT to be a religion... thereby stripping it of such protections... legal trickery... great fun.
I'm aware of what he called for and it cannot be done. The faith of 1.6 billion people isn't going to simply go away. Some of us, not you or the OP of course, live in the real world.
Nobody is talking about eradicating a religion of 1.6 billions... even though Christendom boasts 2.2 billions.

No, we're talking about suppressing Islam in The West, where comparatively few of that 1.6 billion reside.

Let Islam exist within the domains of Islam.

It's neither needed nor welcome in The West.

At least not by sane folk.
Whether you welcome it or not, if you obey the Constitution then is cannot be banned. It's as simple as that so - do you obey (revere) the Constitution?

Which is why the OP stipulated that the Federal government authoritatively DE-recognize Islam as a Religion and re-classify it as a hostile Political dogma disguised as religion.

Thereby stripping it of Constitutional protections - and thereby continuing to adhere to the Constitution, while setting the stage to suppress that newly-reclassified dogma.

A 5-4 SCOTUS should help.

Got it, now?

And that is an extremely dangerous position for ANYONE of faith to advocate. Just saying.
One cannot ban religion in America. It was founded by people afraid of those like you who might try.
You're not paying attention.. he called for declaring Islam NOT to be a religion... thereby stripping it of such protections... legal trickery... great fun.
I'm aware of what he called for and it cannot be done. The faith of 1.6 billion people isn't going to simply go away. Some of us, not you or the OP of course, live in the real world.
Nobody is talking about eradicating a religion of 1.6 billions... even though Christendom boasts 2.2 billions, and owns almost all the nukes.

No, we're talking about suppressing Islam in The West, where comparatively few of that 1.6 billion reside.

Let Islam exist within the domains of Islam.

It's neither needed nor welcome in The West.

At least not by sane folk.

You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.
More items could be added to the OP list. It isn't necessarily a complete list.
Of course I have. They came by and pissed in yours too? No of course not. They want to kill you and me. As opposed to the majority of those who follow Islam and do not want to kill us.

Majority and minority don't factor in here. Unless ALL Islam is eradicated from the USA (as the Constitution demands), we are unecessarily risking catastrophes. It doesn't take a majority of Muslims to wreak havoc. 19 of them did 9/11. TWO did the San Bernardino attack. ONE did Fort Hood, the Pulse Club, and Manchester.
Majority and minority don't factor in here. Unless ALL Islam is eradicated from the USA (as the Constitution demands), we are unecessarily risking catastrophes. It doesn't take a majority of Muslims to wreak havoc. 19 of them did 9/11. TWO did the San Bernardino attack. ONE did Fort Hood, the Pulse Club, and Manchester.

The only way you will accomplish that is through some form of genocide.
You're talking about persecuting people on the basis of religion.

FALSE! Islam is not a religion, and even if it was, it has no right to demand supremacy over the Constitution. Problem is, Islam does just that. And to defend onesself, is not to"persecute" the attack.

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