What network will be the first to blame Ossoffs loss in Georgia on RUSSIA


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Will it be CNN or MSNBC? What will Maddow be saying today? The fact is that America does not care what the news reports, they care about their bottom line and Trump Presidency
My guess is the DNC media drops this story ASAP.

The D party is clearly the party of the 1%, but their many poor and uninformed voters don't know it yet. The R party is really bad, but the Ds are even worse.
Ossofs money came from California and New York, I read 9x as much from outside the state. He out raised her by 5x, yet, he still lost. Many "celebrities gave to his campaign, for what reason? Is Hollywood looking to have Republicans boycott their movies?

This loss is particularly damaging to the Democrats as they are literally burning money in an effort to try and quietly undermine the Will of the People, and it's FAILING. A great day for democracy and liberty.
Ossofs money came from California and New York, I read 9x as much from outside the state. He out raised her by 5x, yet, he still lost. Many "celebrities gave to his campaign, for what reason? Is Hollywood looking to have Republicans boycott their movies?

This loss is particularly damaging to the Democrats as they are literally burning money in an effort to try and quietly undermine the Will of the People, and it's FAILING. A great day for democracy and liberty.
One would think average D voters would see this.

The D party IS the party of the 1%. D voters have nothing in common with the 1%, but they do what the 1% tells them.
Ossofs money came from California and New York, I read 9x as much from outside the state. He out raised her by 5x, yet, he still lost. Many "celebrities gave to his campaign, for what reason? Is Hollywood looking to have Republicans boycott their movies?

This loss is particularly damaging to the Democrats as they are literally burning money in an effort to try and quietly undermine the Will of the People, and it's FAILING. A great day for democracy and liberty.
One would think average D voters would see this.

The D party IS the party of the 1%. D voters have nothing in common with the 1%, but they do what the 1% tells them.

It's even worse to be honest. Trump is the quintessential 1%er, yet, noone begrudges this because he earned this through hard work, business, investment and employing others. I think Americans and most free people admire this as great personal success by sacrifice, risk taking and contribution. I know that I definitely look at someone like Trump with respect and approval for their commitment to growing their business, rather than some pretty boy actor or one talent celebrity.

Celebrities and the like are precisely the opposite. Samuel Jackson was doing commercials for Ossof, just what in the hell has Samuel Jackson done to earn his many millions? How many people has he employed? How has he helped build America?

After Robert De Niro made his stupid threat against Trump, I saw Paul Sorvino and his wife do an interview in which they were promoting a cook book they wrote, the interviewer asked Paul about politics and actors entering it, and he said about the comment De Niro made, basically "why get involved in that stuff, that's not your area, just stay out of that". EXACTLY.

People don't watch TV or movies to be preached to. People don't go to your comedy show or your concert to hear a lecture about your voting preferences. Now they aren't waiting for you to see them, they are going to your district to try and impact your life, and then they go back to their mansions in Beverly Hills. Yeah, go fly a kite pal.
Oliver Stone: an attempt to find Russian interference in US elections is true witch hunting: a lot of smoke but no fire. You better look at Israel and Mr. Netanyahu who comes to USA and talks to the Congress just before the elections. Or look at our billionaires like Soros who donate millions to certain candidates. Or look at Israeli Lobby who works with our Congressmen so close. This is the real interference. Don’t talk about Russian interference: Russians are not pouring their money into US political processes.

Interview to a Russian TV channel

And yes, look how much money Soros has spend to make sure Ossoff wins. Thanks God it was a waste again.
Ossofs money came from California and New York, I read 9x as much from outside the state. He out raised her by 5x, yet, he still lost. Many "celebrities gave to his campaign, for what reason? Is Hollywood looking to have Republicans boycott their movies?

This loss is particularly damaging to the Democrats as they are literally burning money in an effort to try and quietly undermine the Will of the People, and it's FAILING. A great day for democracy and liberty.

the only way leftists win is by undermining the people
My guess is the DNC media drops this story ASAP.

The D party is clearly the party of the 1%, but their many poor and uninformed voters don't know it yet. The R party is really bad, but the Ds are even worse.
that's the sad part. while the conservatives can be happy they are doing well in the polls, they're not doing that well in other matters such as healthcare and reworking taxes to encourage businesses to stay in the US.

it's like having a golden opportunity and so far they're looking pretty average. granted this average to me is better than the dems/libs on many fronts including global warming.

i agree something needs to be done. now. but it needs to be a guided effort given a path to success and a chance to succeed. not billions catapulted to other countries in the hopes they do the right thing.

trump has spoken of fixing our infrastructure and this is huge and badly needed. if we can start on that soon it will help show a focus on the US as this does in fact matter quite a bit.

the biggest roadblock are the ones who WANT to be a roadblock. they don't care what trump is doing, it's trump and wrong. however, to those who said "obama and wrong" they threw a fit much like those saying "trump and wrong" now.

as long as we as a country are bound and determined to get in our own way, neither side is going to to be able to get much done.
Ossofs money came from California and New York, I read 9x as much from outside the state. He out raised her by 5x, yet, he still lost. Many "celebrities gave to his campaign, for what reason? Is Hollywood looking to have Republicans boycott their movies?

This loss is particularly damaging to the Democrats as they are literally burning money in an effort to try and quietly undermine the Will of the People, and it's FAILING. A great day for democracy and liberty.

the only way leftists win is by undermining the people

However what their candidates do is promise the earth, moon, and stars to the American people, knowing full well they never will honor any of those promises. After 8 years of the lying Obama, one would think all Americans would see through these disgusting opportunists, but they don't.
Ossofs money came from California and New York, I read 9x as much from outside the state. He out raised her by 5x, yet, he still lost. Many "celebrities gave to his campaign, for what reason? Is Hollywood looking to have Republicans boycott their movies?

This loss is particularly damaging to the Democrats as they are literally burning money in an effort to try and quietly undermine the Will of the People, and it's FAILING. A great day for democracy and liberty.

the only way leftists win is by undermining the people

Even their own like they hosed Bernie Sanders

My guess is the DNC media drops this story ASAP.

The D party is clearly the party of the 1%, but their many poor and uninformed voters don't know it yet. The R party is really bad, but the Ds are even worse.
that's the sad part. while the conservatives can be happy they are doing well in the polls, they're not doing that well in other matters such as healthcare and reworking taxes to encourage businesses to stay in the US.

it's like having a golden opportunity and so far they're looking pretty average. granted this average to me is better than the dems/libs on many fronts including global warming.

i agree something needs to be done. now. but it needs to be a guided effort given a path to success and a chance to succeed. not billions catapulted to other countries in the hopes they do the right thing.

trump has spoken of fixing our infrastructure and this is huge and badly needed. if we can start on that soon it will help show a focus on the US as this does in fact matter quite a bit.

the biggest roadblock are the ones who WANT to be a roadblock. they don't care what trump is doing, it's trump and wrong. however, to those who said "obama and wrong" they threw a fit much like those saying "trump and wrong" now.

as long as we as a country are bound and determined to get in our own way, neither side is going to to be able to get much done.
I think we can be fairly assured that the Rs will squander their majority. I suspect they will do so willingly, so as to keep the D party alive. Both parties need each other, while they do the elites bidding and screw the people.
the Republican party needs new leadership.

I just hope the Republican jackasses do not try and pass Trumpcare without some sort of bipartisan support. To not do so would make them no different then democrats. I can't say any harsher words.
the Republican party needs new leadership.

I just hope the Republican jackasses do not try and pass Trumpcare without some sort of bipartisan support. To not do so would make them no different then democrats. I can't say any harsher words.
That is a very good indicator. If the Rs push through Trumpcare just like the Ds did Obamacare, we know the fix is in.

The elites can't allow the people having a say.

Consent of the governed...what a f**king joke that is.
Ossofs money came from California and New York, I read 9x as much from outside the state. He out raised her by 5x, yet, he still lost. Many "celebrities gave to his campaign, for what reason? Is Hollywood looking to have Republicans boycott their movies?

This loss is particularly damaging to the Democrats as they are literally burning money in an effort to try and quietly undermine the Will of the People, and it's FAILING. A great day for democracy and liberty.

the only way leftists win is by undermining the people

However what their candidates do is promise the earth, moon, and stars to the American people, knowing full well they never will honor any of those promises. After 8 years of the lying Obama, one would think all Americans would see through these disgusting opportunists, but they don't.

they say they care for the poor

maybe that is why they make more of them
Ossofs money came from California and New York, I read 9x as much from outside the state. He out raised her by 5x, yet, he still lost. Many "celebrities gave to his campaign, for what reason? Is Hollywood looking to have Republicans boycott their movies?

This loss is particularly damaging to the Democrats as they are literally burning money in an effort to try and quietly undermine the Will of the People, and it's FAILING. A great day for democracy and liberty.

the only way leftists win is by undermining the people

Even their own like they hosed Bernie Sanders


Ossofs money came from California and New York, I read 9x as much from outside the state. He out raised her by 5x, yet, he still lost. Many "celebrities gave to his campaign, for what reason? Is Hollywood looking to have Republicans boycott their movies?

This loss is particularly damaging to the Democrats as they are literally burning money in an effort to try and quietly undermine the Will of the People, and it's FAILING. A great day for democracy and liberty.

the only way leftists win is by undermining the people

However what their candidates do is promise the earth, moon, and stars to the American people, knowing full well they never will honor any of those promises. After 8 years of the lying Obama, one would think all Americans would see through these disgusting opportunists, but they don't.

they say they care for the poor

maybe that is why they make more of them
Wise words, Tevya
The democrats need to keep doing what they are doing - losing! They can't win as NO ONE wants anything to do with these freaks!
The only one that appears to have half a brain is Chelsea Clinton. She is making it a point to take up for republicans smeared by libs, telling everyone that behavior is not right etc etc. She's only doing damage control, appearing to be moderate and caring.

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