what? no JFK thread?

Anyone ever been to Dealy Plaza? It's incredibly small.

Here's a photo of me standing on the spot (I know it's "the spot" because there's an "X" painted there) where the first bullet hit JFK:

View attachment 621053

And here's the "grassy knoll" (I know it's the grassy knoll because there's a sign there that says "grassy knoll"):

View attachment 621054

Of all the conspiracies out there, I think it was most likely the mob that did it. Jack Ruby allegedly had mob ties, and he took out Oswald before Oswald could really say much. Both John and Bobby Kennedy were keen to shut down organized crime, and after the Bay of Pigs incident our policy towards Cuba made it far more difficult for the mafia to expand there.

But who the fuck knows?

Here's a guy (seated) who made his living promoting the mob theory:

View attachment 621055

I believe he's dead now, but he used to sit out there, every day from 9am until 4pm, selling his books, as well as those of others, who all bought into the theory that it was the mob who had Kennedy killed...
That X is where the LAST bullet hit Kennedy not the first.
That X is where the LAST bullet hit Kennedy not the first.

Huh, could be, I suppose. I've looked around, and everything I'm finding says it's the spot where he was killed. Nothing I can find says whether it was the first or last bullet. I assumed it was the first...
Huh, could be, I suppose. I've looked around, and everything I'm finding says it's the spot where he was killed. Nothing I can find says whether it was the first or last bullet. I assumed it was the first...
The last bullet was the fatal one which struck him in the head. It's only one which can clearly be seen on film which is why the X is there.

The mob may have had motive but that is irrelevant. Every president has tens of thousands with motive to kill.

The mob had no connection to the shooting
The last bullet was the fatal one which struck him in the head. It's only one which can clearly be seen on film which is why the X is there.

Well, it was the last shot that removed the better part of his head, but I don't know that there's been any medical finding which says that's the shot that killed him.

It's neither here nor there, though. It doesn't matter...

The mob may have had motive but that is irrelevant. Every president has tens of thousands with motive to kill.

It would be irrelevant if they lacked the resources to do it. But they certainly had the requisite resources...

The mob had no connection to the shooting

What's your alternative theory? Oswald?
Reading JFK and the Unspeakable is not doing research. Which clearly you have not done. There were no witnesses in the theater who'se accounts would contradict the fact that Oswald killed Tibbets.

The claim here is that they saw Oswald at precise times which they did not.

The Warren Commission was no fiasco it was baeed 0on Solid evidence and clearly you have not read it.

Tha would be due dilligance. Instead you simply allow yourself to be suckerted in by conspiracy nuts.

Ince again Oswald killed tibbgets and it was not impossible for him to do so and you DID lie about it.
I can see you have preconceptions.

That's okay.

I'm not going to argue with you, and like I told gipper, I'm not going to solve the mystery.

All I'm going to do in this thread, is show you a few things you didn't know.

You are aware, aren't you, that the Secret Service had a telecommunications setup in the hotel halfway up Elm St?

What would you say about a guy who, 5 minutes from the motorcade, leaves the hotel and walks down catty corner to the Book Depository, then the instant the shots are fired, when all hell is breaking out and everyone's running around in confusion and panic, walks calmly back to the hotel as if nothing had happened?
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Told you! Lol.
This is why I decided not to become a JFK researcher. Once I discovered what the field was like and what the other researchers were like, I said no thanks. Too many emotions, too much emotional investment.

One has to be careful with the evidence, too. That guy McAdams who's a popular researcher, that's not his real name and he's on the FBI payroll. (It took a while to get that information, but it can be verified).
The mob had no connection to the shooting

When you say "the mob", what you're actually talking about is a seamless spectrum of drug and weapons smuggling that INCLUDES the CIA.

"The mob" and "the CIA" we're practically one and the same in the Florida station.
You’re dreaming if you think Allen will read any of that. He’s got to protect his family name.
I don't think Dulles was much involved, at least not directly.

No... someone else. Someone we all know, but whose name never comes up in this story.

There's an interesting tidbit about that, the woman with the horses - the one who used to work at Jack Ruby's bar and identified him as a mafia bag man, and then ran off and married a rich horse owner in NY (I forget her name, I can look it up if you wish)...
This is why I decided not to become a JFK researcher. Once I discovered what the field was like and what the other researchers were like, I said no thanks. Too many emotions, too much emotional investment.

One has to be careful with the evidence, too. That guy McAdams who's a popular researcher, that's not his real name and he's on the FBI payroll. (It took a while to get that information, but it can be verified).
Many Americans refuse to accept the truth about their criminal corrupt government. They desperately want to believe the government promoted propaganda.
What's your alternative theory? Oswald?
There's a guy in NY who's apparently succeeded in doing what I was trying to do at one point, which is put together a computer database of "every" event related to the JFK story. There's a lot of them, a lot of events, when I stopped I had over 117,000 of them, and I was nowhere near done.

But this guy, managed to piece together the story of how Oswald was recruited into the clandestine services when he was living in the housing projects in NY. He nailed it chapter and verse, his timeline explains the ENTIRE spectrum of evidence around Oswald's high school days. AND it explains why J Edgar was so eager to sanitize his education record, starting even before the actual assassination.
Many Americans refuse to accept the truth about their criminal corrupt government. They desperately want to believe the government promoted propaganda.
The evidence is very strong, that J Edgar realized something had gone horribly wrong, BEFORE the actual assassination. Maybe a few days before, or maybe one day, but definitely more than a few hours. He sent an agent to Oswald's high school the day before the assassination.
Many Americans refuse to accept the truth about their criminal corrupt government. They desperately want to believe the government promoted propaganda.
Yeah. Well, "gubmint" is a strange beast. :p

It seems quite obvious to me by now, that external factors and forces that are not "the elected government", often attach themselves to the levers of power of said government.

We try to protect against it, but the government is vast, it still happens.

I look at the JFK thing in terms of checks and balances, something along the lines of the exercise of a veto. You know... in Trump's case they just impeached him, maybe in JFK's case it was urgent and that wasn't possible. lol :p
I can see you have preconceptions.

That's okay.

I'm not going to argue with you, and like I told gipper, I'm not going to solve the mystery.

All I'm going to do in this thread, is show you a few things you didn't know.

You are aware, aren't you, that the Secret Service had a telecommunications setup in the hotel halfway up Elm St?

What would you say about a guy who, 5 minutes from the motorcade, leaves the hotel and walks down catty corner to the Book Depository, then the instant the shots are fired, when all hell is breaking out and everyone's running around in confusion and panic, walks calmly back to the hotel as if nothing had happened?
All of your claoms need evidence.

You have none.

You can teach me nothing. Most conspiracy acolytes such as yourself have this massive hubris which makes them believe they are better informed. You are not.

You have the preconceptions here i do not.

You have EXCLUSIVELY read some conspieracy theory crap with no attention at all paid to the other side of the story.
The evidence is very strong, that J Edgar realized something had gone horribly wrong, BEFORE the actual assassination. Maybe a few days before, or maybe one day, but definitely more than a few hours. He sent an agent to Oswald's high school the day before the assassination.
No had no inkling something was going wrong.

Hoover sent no one to Oswalds high school.

Making up half assed claims is not evidence.
There's a guy in NY who's apparently succeeded in doing what I was trying to do at one point, which is put together a computer database of "every" event related to the JFK story. There's a lot of them, a lot of events, when I stopped I had over 117,000 of them, and I was nowhere near done.

But this guy, managed to piece together the story of how Oswald was recruited into the clandestine services when he was living in the housing projects in NY. He nailed it chapter and verse, his timeline explains the ENTIRE spectrum of evidence around Oswald's high school days. AND it explains why J Edgar was so eager to sanitize his education record, starting even before the actual assassination.
Oswald never served in any clandestine services.

He lived in NY when he was a child.

No one would bother recruiting a grade schooler.

His education record has never been sanitized and has been publically available for years.

you are putting explanations AHEAD of evidence that anything happened.

When you say "the mob", what you're actually talking about is a seamless spectrum of drug and weapons smuggling that INCLUDES the CIA.

"The mob" and "the CIA" we're practically one and the same in the Florida station.
No they were not and that is not what I am talking about.

Rose Cheramie knew.
AT has never been verified in any way whatsoever.

Her story has been verified six days from Sunday.
She knew nothiing and in fact no one has ever veridied her story.

She was a drug addict founf by the side of the road babbling incoherently and nothing more.

NOT one piece of verification for ANYTHING she said

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