what? no JFK thread?

Yeah. Well, "gubmint" is a strange beast. :p

It seems quite obvious to me by now, that external factors and forces that are not "the elected government", often attach themselves to the levers of power of said government.

We try to protect against it, but the government is vast, it still happens.

I look at the JFK thing in terms of checks and balances, something along the lines of the exercise of a veto. You know... in Trump's case they just impeached him, maybe in JFK's case it was urgent and that wasn't possible. lol :p
I advise you to ignore Allen. He’s a total dupe.
I advise you to ignore Allen. He’s a total dupe.
There is no allen here and a dupe is some uneducated fool like you who makes vague claims with no evidence.

Cough up some evidence Leee you have NEVER posted any
I knew it! Allen III can’t help himself. He must protect his grandpa’s murderous treasonous legacy.

Just as you cannot help posting absurdities.

you cannot and never have posted any evidence you strictly make up shit and yell CIA CIA CIA

you are a laughing stock I have owned and everyone knows it

Oh Allen grandpappy died long ago. Time to just accept facts my poor boy. You can’t live a lie your whole life. It’s not your fault he masterminded JFK’s assassination and coverup.

Once again if those were facts you would be abkle to post evidence,

All of your claoms need evidence.

You have none.

You can teach me nothing. Most conspiracy acolytes such as yourself have this massive hubris which makes them believe they are better informed. You are not.

You have the preconceptions here i do not.

You have EXCLUSIVELY read some conspieracy theory crap with no attention at all paid to the other side of the story.
You spout a lot of assumptions. None of them backed by facts. Got anything else?
Everyone knows Ted Cruz's father killed JFK lol! What did David Morales know and when did he know it? Was Cord Meyer mad JFK fucked his bitch? How did E Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis handle the Money? What happened to Howard Hunts wife on the plane? Did James Files say fuck it we're doing it anyway? What was the meeting with Lyndon Johnson, Clint Murchison, and HL Hunt about. If you like mindfucks study the names in the JFK conspiracy.
She knew nothiing and in fact no one has ever veridied her story.

She was a drug addict founf by the side of the road babbling incoherently and nothing more.

NOT one piece of verification for ANYTHING she said
You don't seem to know very much about this. Maybe you should zip your lip and listen for a while?
I'll drop another name: William R Westbrook.
This one is also very interesting.

All these guys - Curry, Gannaway, this one, a few others - we're graduates of the same FBI training class in 1959.

Westbrook showed up at the DPD about two months before the assassination, and immediately got made a captain. The thing is, he didn't have a car. He wasn't issued a police vehicle. So he was constantly having to hitch rides from one place to another.

But he was always Johnny on the Spot. Somehow, he always made it to every JFK event, just in the nick of time.

After the assassination, he got a cush CIA job training the police in South Vietnam. (Out of sight, out of mind).
Enough about the conspiracy. . . it distracts from the why, why was he killed? The Deep State and spooks want to distract and say, "lone nut." Intelligent folks know that is not true, so why?

Everyone knows Ted Cruz's father killed JFK lol! What did David Morales know and when did he know it? Was Cord Meyer mad JFK fucked his bitch? How did E Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis handle the Money? What happened to Howard Hunts wife on the plane? Did James Files say fuck it we're doing it anyway? What was the meeting with Lyndon Johnson, Clint Murchison, and HL Hunt about. If you like mindfucks study the names in the JFK conspiracy.
How about this meeting:

Nelson Rockefeller (gov of NY at the time)

Dulles and George HW Bush on the phone

It occurred in NY, about a month and a half before the assassination.

Curiously enough, on virtually the same day the collected mob families were meeting just down the street
The last bullet was the fatal one which struck him in the head. It's only one which can clearly be seen on film which is why the X is there.

The mob may have had motive but that is irrelevant. Every president has tens of thousands with motive to kill.

The mob had no connection to the shooting
I mean the shot fired from the front right?
The Warren Commission was no fiasco it was baeed 0on Solid evidence and clearly you have not read it.
Nothing discredits the Warren Commission more, then when they placed a head of the CFR, and a central bankers onto it.

What qualifications does John J. McCloy have?

When JFK was trying to end the international private banking cartel, by issuing silver backed currency, and that was one of possible reasons that he was assassinated, and the establishment places one of the head international bankers ON the commission? Naturally, they won't look at any evidence which might put their predetermined conclusions in doubt.

You can't have a commission which has conflict of interest, and still be taken seriously.

I very much doubt that was top on the list. . .

Still... that would be... how shall we say... a strike. Yes?

The whole business with Bobby and the mob might be another strike...

The Cuban thing, had a lot of people pissed off...

Lots of strikes against this guy! :p

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