What no looting?

You're an idiot. That's not an insult, it's an opinion.

And, again, you are deflecting. Where is the post you claim I made? Either put up or shut up, little man. Your deflecting is not working. You need to back up your claim about what I said or you should say 'sorry, I was wrong'. Which are you gonna choose?


They gotta be getting cramps by now?!?!?

Fact remains fact, little mini man. You made a specific claim about something I said. I asked you to provide the post where I said it. You have not. No one is keeping score... most are paying little attention.... but they'll all know what was said. They know that you're bullshitting rather than saying you were wrong.

You have no moral fiber. No backbone. You are a coward. I dislike cowards.... and liars... there are a few of them on this forum.... I don't think you're one of those.... but you certainly are a coward. Shame.... because conservatives should be honest.
And the Japanese government agencies, at all levels, apparently got there after a disaster with a 30 minute warning much more quickly that local, state, and fed did with all of the warning before Katrina. Several of my grown children have friends and business associates from the Sendai area. They fully expected the Japanese government agencies to respond as quickly as they did, no matter they lack of significant advance warning.

A lesson for America.
And exactly what areas might those be, Jane?

Quickly Jane!.....Lets here it!:eusa_liar:

Actually, (and I really hate to say this)..... *takes deep breath*.... Joke is right. There are lessons to learn from how the Japanese agencies have handled this crisis. They did have an early warning system..... SMS messages went out to all cell phones in affected areas telling them to evacuate immediately because a tsunami was coming. In some areas, thousands of people are alive because of those messages.

Considering we have a similar fault line sitting off the coast of Oregon/Washington... I would like to know that our own government agencies have a similar plan. Seems to me, we could tell people who live in affected areas what would happen in a similar situation and what they should do if they get an SMS saying 'tsunami alert'.
I don't think there was much looting in LA...just a lot of the same questionable pictures shown over and over again claiming looting.

Anyway, good for them. It must be really hard to stay calm when any minute another earthquake could strike. I would be a basket case if I lived there right now.

Being willfully ignorant like that makes you sound like Truthmatters.
There's not much looting going on in Japan because there is immense social pressure to conform. When people tell you to conform here what is the response? "Fuck you! Don't tell me how to live!". :evil:

What you are applauding is the equivalent of social dog training.

I think it's more productive then the constant "Me First" attitudes we have here.
I don't think there was much looting in LA...just a lot of the same questionable pictures shown over and over again claiming looting.

Anyway, good for them. It must be really hard to stay calm when any minute another earthquake could strike. I would be a basket case if I lived there right now.

I was in L.A. in 92 and there were only two types of homes or business's that did not get looted. Those that were completely consumed by fire, and those that were being guarded by armed home and business owners. Looters were not just black. there was plenty of white trash and border brothers there to.

The point being that dishonesty is not exclusive to one race.

However, if you've been raised all of your life to think you've been taken advantage of.....you tend to be less trusting, thus sometimes less trustworthy.
damn it ...i want to loot....granted i will need someone to carry stuff...my son has assured me...as a white woman....i will simply have to pay for the stuff at the end of the day.....

Don't be silly...William Joyce would die of thirst before he helped himself to some drinks moldering in a destroyed store...or nobly drink the cesspool flood water...evolution in action, baybee!

In all seriousness I would love to see our resident White Boy attempt to survive anything beyond a hangnail.

And there is still no evidence that the guy in the pic was looting...

The biggest racist in this thread just called Joyce a "White Boy."

You are a piece of shit Ravi, no matter what color your skin is.

Damn, I wish you'd been there with us in NO. You would not have made it out alive.

Unless we carried you too.
WJ defines himself as a White Boy...sorry it offends you. I think it is pretty amusing.

I've survived my share of hurricanes, and I never blamed my predicament on the mayor, the governor, or the president.

Sadly, you cannot say the same.

If you ever blamed Bush for Katrina....yes you did.
mini was not there. He is quoting second and third rate stories. Ask him specifics.
Prolly...I once ran across a guy on a message board that insisted he was here during Andrew, but a few pointed questions proved him a liar. Then he threatened to meet me somewhere with a couple of his buddies so they could beat the shit out of me. :rofl:

Typical bat crazy nonsense by such like mini and others.

I don't know, Ravi tends to bring that out of people.

Saying the videos of the LA riots was fake makes me wanna slap her. :slap:
Do tell. Since you have first hand knowledge. Do you see the point i am making about what happened there in 24-48 hours as opposed to what you see going on in Japan?

Night and Day.

And the answer is obvious. It hjas to do with the respective cultures in New Orleans and Japan. One is chaotic and opportunistic, and one is honorable and respectful.

Ravi would have you believe NO was just a few people upset about the weather. Bullshit. They were fucking animals, and they were partying. They were literally giddy at the opportunity to steal anything and everything they could carry.

The picture she is crying about was a guy who had showed up too late to the party to get the big screen tvs (how stupid are those fuckers). He had a good attitude, and people were laughing and applauding him as he waded through the Quarter.
No...I just didn't see any evidence of widespread looting. Certainly people that stole televisions were scummy opportunists. But those exist in all cultures.

But keep fooling yourself that Americans have more lowlifes than other countries do...

Not all. I could just about bet Singapore has few if not none at all.
The Japanese government has received praise for how it has responded to the emergency.

My observation is not about the government. Its about the people.

which is directly related to how government responded to the emergency.
AND how the government prepared them...they are constantly drilled on how to react to an earthquake.

Maybe the rightwingloons want us to have constant drills, run by the government, on how to react? Can you imagine the bitch fest that would ensue if anyone proposed anything like it? :lol:
You know, it's funny.

Remember those people in Mississippi, and on the delta in Louisiana.....get this.....

They had THE SAME GOVERNMENT, and EVEN SLOWER RESPONSE TIME than those animalsfolks in New Orleans.

Who'd a thunk it???

Night and day, you know????

funny... i saw two pictures. one with black people with food. the other with white people with food.

the picture with the black people called it looting.

the picture with the white people called it something like "getting food".

given i'm pretty sure you weren't anywhere near hurricane katrina, i'm going to chalk this up to more racist trash from the rightwingnuts.

So the media is the government?

Suddenly, you make sense.

I wasn't near Katrina, that is true.

I was ALL UP IN the aftermath.
Finally, you admit the truth.
Americans are flat told to have a 3 day supply of what ever it is they need for emergencies.

Do you see looting going on in Japan? What has just happened to them is much worse then anything that has happened here.

Its really not a fair comparison though.

Japan has nothing like New Orleans, and nothing like the lower 9th.

There are major differences that make a fair comparison impossible.

What IS a fair comparison is New Orleans to the other areas that experienced Katrina as well.

The differences there are just as glaring and stark.
The only place cops shot black people for trying to walk away from a disaster was in Louisiana...so yes, the differences are huge.
Americans are flat told to have a 3 day supply of what ever it is they need for emergencies.

Do you see looting going on in Japan? What has just happened to them is much worse then anything that has happened here.

Its really not a fair comparison though.

Japan has nothing like New Orleans, and nothing like the lower 9th.

There are major differences that make a fair comparison impossible.

What IS a fair comparison is New Orleans to the other areas that experienced Katrina as well.

The differences there are just as glaring and stark.
The only place cops shot black people for trying to walk away from a disaster was in Louisiana...so yes, the differences are huge.

You've jumped the shark, Ravi.

It is comical to a point, but then it becomes very sad when we realize you aren't pretending.
Prolly...I once ran across a guy on a message board that insisted he was here during Andrew, but a few pointed questions proved him a liar. Then he threatened to meet me somewhere with a couple of his buddies so they could beat the shit out of me. :rofl:

Typical bat crazy nonsense by such like mini and others.

I don't know, Ravi tends to bring that out of people.

Saying the videos of the LA riots was fake makes me wanna slap her. :slap:
There were no riots in Louisiana (LA). Do you often want to use physical violence when you misinterpret what others say? If so, you need anger management classes.
Its really not a fair comparison though.

Japan has nothing like New Orleans, and nothing like the lower 9th.

There are major differences that make a fair comparison impossible.

What IS a fair comparison is New Orleans to the other areas that experienced Katrina as well.

The differences there are just as glaring and stark.
The only place cops shot black people for trying to walk away from a disaster was in Louisiana...so yes, the differences are huge.

You've jumped the shark, Ravi.

It is comical to a point, but then it becomes very sad when we realize you aren't pretending.
Aw, Jake and CG exposed you for a fraud and now you are left with nothing but bitterness.

funny... i saw two pictures. one with black people with food. the other with white people with food.

the picture with the black people called it looting.

the picture with the white people called it something like "getting food".

given i'm pretty sure you weren't anywhere near hurricane katrina, i'm going to chalk this up to more racist trash from the rightwingnuts.

So the media is the government?

Suddenly, you make sense.

I wasn't near Katrina, that is true.

I was ALL UP IN the aftermath.
Finally, you admit the truth.

I'm not an illiterate, ignorant fool. When they said "Get out of here now!" we didn't go running in. We rode the actual storm out in Tillman's Corner, then drove in hugging the coast as best we could the next morning.

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