What no looting?

Oh, my...you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

Manifold was right: You are a Master Troller! Some of your best troll work is contained within this thread. From diversionary tactics to projections to inflammatory rhetoric, you've got it all. Hats off to you. :thup:
You're slipping, little boy. You haven't once in this thread told us how some of your best friends are black, gay, or Jewish.

I am slipping. I've have been beaten by a master troller. I don't know how I missed it. I must go rep Manifold for helping me see the light. Now please continue trolling. You have some awesome chops.
Wicked Jester was not there and mini14 was not there. Mini is a racist and a troll, right along with Tank, which they call the rest of us, and they call out the people who were there. Amazing. Mini, I have no trouble with you making fun of my dyslexia, because you are the one caught in the lie, bama boy. Don't ever think your militia can rise up without you being put down by your neighbors. And those who count know the trash.
Wicked Jester was not there and mini14 was not there. Mini is a racist and a troll, right along with Tank, which they call the rest of us, and they call out the people who were there. Amazing. Mini, I have no trouble with you making fun of my dyslexia, because you are the one caught in the lie, bama boy. Don't ever think your militia can rise up without you being put down by your neighbors. And those who count know the trash.

Jake, don't take this personally, but you're a fucking loon.
Oh, I am sure you are registered with the FBI in many, many ways. No one accused you of being a master planner.
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Typically ploy. You crap on yourself like a baboon, then throw it at others.
...and don't even take into account that it was the most successful evacuation ever.

Nuh-uh. No way, no how.

I lived through hurricanes on the Gulf Coast. Opal and Ivan had better and more orderly evacuations (even if there were snafus on those too).

Heck, I think Andrew had better evacuation procedures, although I am not as familiar with that disaster.
Typically ploy. You crap on yourself like a baboon, then throw it at others.
WTF is, "Typically ploy", Jane?

Christ girl, you have many posts, and a rep power of ?

Seems like you've been wallowing in your own shit for how long now?

You and Ravi should hook up.....The stupidity that comes from both of you clowns should lead to a very happy, albeit very dysfunctional, bizzare lil' marriage.
Japan has more significant earthquakes than any country in the world. They conduct training exercises for events just like this one. The people there know what to do and where to go in the event of a disaster.

Americans are lazy and stupid. Our governments do not lead us in survival exercises to deal with the kinds of disasters that could befall our communities.

The looting during Katrina was highly exaggerated. The reports that blacks were shooting whites and police was found out to be lies ginned up by the NO police after they shot two groups of blacks. One was shot right outside a police station...several blacks stuck on a freeway overpass were gunned down by NO police snipers after one of the police fire his gun in the air with no provocation. The FBI investigated and the offending officers were charged with murder. The NO police tried to hide their actions. Some of them were charged with obstructing the investigation.

The problem with a disaster like Katrina is that people are not trained what to do or where to go to get assistance. The Army Corps of Engineers knew that the levees would fail in just those conditions yet the authorities did nothing to educate the population ahead of time.

Blaming people for doing what they have to to survive is repugnant. Going into a flooded out store to grab some food that will be spoiled anyway or take a couple of bottles of water in such circumstance is not looting. It is surviving. If some yahoo like (You know who) started shooting at people taking water or food in an earthquake, like the one in Japan, in my community he would be taken out immediately.
Didn't they just recently do an earthquake drill in California? It's a a start.
Great post.
Wicked Jester was not there and mini14 was not there. Mini is a racist and a troll, right along with Tank, which they call the rest of us, and they call out the people who were there. Amazing. Mini, I have no trouble with you making fun of my dyslexia, because you are the one caught in the lie, bama boy. Don't ever think your militia can rise up without you being put down by your neighbors. And those who count know the trash.

Jake, don't take this personally, but you're a fucking loon.
please take it personally, Jake. Go cry to your therapist and never come back spending years in expensive therapy you desperately need.
Japan has more significant earthquakes than any country in the world. They conduct training exercises for events just like this one. The people there know what to do and where to go in the event of a disaster.

Americans are lazy and stupid. Our governments do not lead us in survival exercises to deal with the kinds of disasters that could befall our communities.

The looting during Katrina was highly exaggerated. The reports that blacks were shooting whites and police was found out to be lies ginned up by the NO police after they shot two groups of blacks. One was shot right outside a police station...several blacks stuck on a freeway overpass were gunned down by NO police snipers after one of the police fire his gun in the air with no provocation. The FBI investigated and the offending officers were charged with murder. The NO police tried to hide their actions. Some of them were charged with obstructing the investigation.

The problem with a disaster like Katrina is that people are not trained what to do or where to go to get assistance. The Army Corps of Engineers knew that the levees would fail in just those conditions yet the authorities did nothing to educate the population ahead of time.

Blaming people for doing what they have to to survive is repugnant. Going into a flooded out store to grab some food that will be spoiled anyway or take a couple of bottles of water in such circumstance is not looting. It is surviving. If some yahoo like (You know who) started shooting at people taking water or food in an earthquake, like the one in Japan, in my community he would be taken out immediately.

Considering that we have a similar fault sitting off the coast of Oregon/Washington, we really should have a dress rehearsal or two, huh? It is, after all, due any time.

Let's hope the International community is as ready to throw money and resources our way when it happens.

Is it true that you guys early warning system was defunded ? Every major city should do dry runs. I think that they do them in Japan. Probably why they came out as good as they did.
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They don't have a fuckin' clue.

They're monday morning quarterbacks who have fully proven themselves to be, many times up here, the dumbest posters on the board.....Save for Huggy....At least he had class enough to secede a point.

Huggy and I probably can't agree on the time of day.

But he's always struck me as realistic and open to debate.

The others are just posing and playing partisan games to score points with their buddies.

Ravi is a rabid racist, CG is a pompous bitch, and Jake is a moronic bigot.

But Huggy is just an asshole, like me :)
I laugh at these fools.......I started my Culinary career in N'awlins, at Commanders Palace and Emeril's in the the early 90's...Lived in a lil' flat overlooking Bourbon in the FQ....They are clueless as to the lay of the land, and what could have, should have been done.

Fact is, there are two primarily to blame for what went on, the Gov and Mayor......Blaming Bush is laughable. The communication between the Governor and Mayor was ridiculous....Their communication with Washington was tragic.

Bottom line, and my state is the perfect example, because we've got the best disaster response in the country, is that communication and coordination is the key......Louisiana's response was nothing but failures on every level.

Anybody who thinks otherwise, is a fuckin' idiot!

You mean the "chocolate Mayer" failed ? Surly you jest (no pun). And what did ever did happen to Governor Blanco ?

Don't be silly...William Joyce would die of thirst before he helped himself to some drinks moldering in a destroyed store...or nobly drink the cesspool flood water...evolution in action, baybee!

In all seriousness I would love to see our resident White Boy attempt to survive anything beyond a hangnail.

And there is still no evidence that the guy in the pic was looting...

I would not consider that guy in previous post with a tub of beers that were going to go bad anyhow evil looting. It looks as if he may have sodas or waters under there for others. But now why would anyone take an entire car load of beer? I hope they are sharing with others throwing a big Katrina party. The thing about the pic below is they only took one type of beer (likely his favorite) if he were getting for others or throwing a party he would have a variety of brands. I think he is just a selfish looter.


These people are also looters.




What no looting?

I am watching the aftermath of the earthquake in Japan, something that has effected the entire country. Reports are coming in that the shops are closed and that people are on the roads looking for food and water.

I am amazed at the how the Japanese are responding... in comparison to how the people involved in the katrina flood responded.

They are not looting businesses or turning into whining animals.

Amazing comparison don't you think?

Not if you understand the difference between Japan's social contract and ours, no.

And FWIW, it is a mistake, I think, to assume that a nature disaster is going to lead to looting and anarchy everyplace in the USA, too.

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