What Non-Christians Want Christians To Hear


Apr 4, 2006
By way of researching my book I’m OK – You’re Not: The Message We’re Sending Nonbelievers and Why We Should Stop, I posted a notice on Craigslist sites all over the country asking non-Christians to send me any short, personal statement they would like Christians to read.
“Specifically,” I wrote, “I’d like to hear how you feel about being on the receiving end of the efforts of Christian evangelicals to convert you. I want to be very clear that this is not a Christian-bashing book; it’s coming from a place that only means well for everyone. Thanks.”
Within three days I had in my inbox over 300 emails from non-Christians across the country. Reading them was one of the more depressing experiences of my life. I had expected their cumulative sentiment to be one of mostly anger. But if you boiled down to a single feeling what was most often expressed in the nonbelievers’ statements, it would be Why do Christians hate us so much?
Below is a pretty random sample of the statements non-Christians sent me (each of which I used in the book). If you’re a Christian, they make for a mighty saddening read. Or they certainly should, anyway.
“The main thing that baffles and angers me about Christians is how they can understand so little about human nature that when, in their fervor to convert another person, they tell that person (as they inevitably do, in one way or another), ‘You’re bad, and wrong, and evil,’ they actually expect that person to agree with them. It pretty much guarantees that virtually the only people Christians can ever realistically hope to convert are those with tragically low self-esteem.”– E.S., Denver

What Non-Christians Want Christians To Hear
Christian EVANGELICALS represent a small subset of Chistendom.

They pretty much annoy other Christians as much as non Christians.

They hate us even more that non christians because we aren't merely hethans we're HERETICS.

Please keep that in mind while you're painting with that BROAD BRUSH, eh?
I'm a christian evangelical that doesn't belong to the broad brush - broad road congregation. I've got many Jewish and non Christian friends / neighbors and we're not having any problems. I've never hated anyone because they weren't a christian. The exact opposite. That's about it! No dramatic stories to share. Sorry to disappoint. - Jeri
As a Jew, I gave up trying to convince Christians or Muslims on the errors of their faith long ago. Got enough wayward Jews to focus my energies on without 'casting my net' any wider than that.
Christian EVANGELICALS represent a small subset of Chistendom.

They pretty much annoy other Christians as much as non Christians.

They hate us even more that non christians because we aren't merely hethans we're HERETICS.

Please keep that in mind while you're painting with that BROAD BRUSH, eh?

Some do. Other evangelicals can be some of the best people I know.

I know experience sharing my faith as a missionary. We asked people if they wanted to hear a message. They said know, we thanked them and talked to other people. We also offered to help them if they needed something.

Missionary work has to be done with love. We are called to lift people up, not tear them down.
By way of researching my book I’m OK – You’re Not: The Message We’re Sending Nonbelievers and Why We Should Stop, I posted a notice on Craigslist sites all over the country asking non-Christians to send me any short, personal statement they would like Christians to read.
“Specifically,” I wrote, “I’d like to hear how you feel about being on the receiving end of the efforts of Christian evangelicals to convert you. I want to be very clear that this is not a Christian-bashing book; it’s coming from a place that only means well for everyone. Thanks.”
Within three days I had in my inbox over 300 emails from non-Christians across the country. Reading them was one of the more depressing experiences of my life. I had expected their cumulative sentiment to be one of mostly anger. But if you boiled down to a single feeling what was most often expressed in the nonbelievers’ statements, it would be Why do Christians hate us so much?
Below is a pretty random sample of the statements non-Christians sent me (each of which I used in the book). If you’re a Christian, they make for a mighty saddening read. Or they certainly should, anyway.
“The main thing that baffles and angers me about Christians is how they can understand so little about human nature that when, in their fervor to convert another person, they tell that person (as they inevitably do, in one way or another), ‘You’re bad, and wrong, and evil,’ they actually expect that person to agree with them. It pretty much guarantees that virtually the only people Christians can ever realistically hope to convert are those with tragically low self-esteem.”– E.S., Denver

What Non-Christians Want Christians To Hear

This is a message from non-Christians who don't spend time in church who profess to know more than Christians that do read their Bible and go to church?

Craigslist is not somewhere I would spend my time because I'm more likely to get mugged from selling something on there.

Should I pick the post apart? No thank you. You have hate and misunderstandings on your side.

You failed by posting this. You didn't change me. You spoke to your hating and ignorant audience.
Christian EVANGELICALS represent a small subset of Chistendom.

They pretty much annoy other Christians as much as non Christians.

They hate us even more that non christians because we aren't merely hethans we're HERETICS.

Please keep that in mind while you're painting with that BROAD BRUSH, eh?

i wasn't painting with *any* brush. i was simply sharing an article. The fact that evangelicals are the most visible face of christianity and are the ones trying to impose their beliefs on others (as shown all over this board) gives rise to the article.

So, I suppose that others' feelings about that type of imposition could *not* be discussed, but why?

And it would behoove them to understand how others feel about their type of imposition…. not that they will.
I think what Chuck is saying, Jillian, is that the OP is negative and is asking others to join you in smearing Christians. If reading about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an imposition to you don't click on the thread. There are plenty of forums on USMB. As to Christians who share the gospel.........

That is what Christians are commanded to do by Jesus Christ. Preach the Gospel.

* My fav. maxim on this board? Accentuate the positive!!
I think what Chuck is saying, Jillian, is that the OP is negative and is asking others to join you in smearing Christians. If reading about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an imposition to you don't click on the thread. There are plenty of forums on USMB. As to Christians who share the gospel.........

That is what Christians are commanded to do by Jesus Christ. Preach the Gospel.

* My fav. maxim on this board? Accentuate the positive!!

and where does this jesus say to pray?

pray not for the glory of man etc and so forth...why do you ignore that.....and no one is christian bashing......it is simply the view from another side.....and seems many simply cannot handle that
Strollingbones: .........and where does this jesus say to pray?

Jeri: In your closet. ( out of sight )
As a Jew, I gave up trying to convince Christians or Muslims on the errors of their faith long ago. Got enough wayward Jews to focus my energies on without 'casting my net' any wider than that.

I don't care much about the errors of others as long as they don't try to impose their views on me and don't hurt anyone else.
I think what Chuck is saying, Jillian, is that the OP is negative and is asking others to join you in smearing Christians. If reading about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an imposition to you don't click on the thread. There are plenty of forums on USMB. As to Christians who share the gospel.........

That is what Christians are commanded to do by Jesus Christ. Preach the Gospel.

* My fav. maxim on this board? Accentuate the positive!!

saying christians need to respect the views of others isn't "bashing" anyone.

when you tell others they are going to hell, however….

see how that works?
As a Christian born again and washed in the blood of the lamb, I suggest quietly that when folks tell us to leave them alone or not impose our views on them, to listen to what they are saying and pray about it quietly.

To watch certain Christians trying to proselytize can be quite disturbing. Always remember the Second Great Commandment. Missionary work from witnessing in the hall way to knocking on doors has to be done with love.
As a Jew, I gave up trying to convince Christians or Muslims on the errors of their faith long ago. Got enough wayward Jews to focus my energies on without 'casting my net' any wider than that.

I don't care much about the errors of others as long as they don't try to impose their views on me and don't hurt anyone else.

Errors in faith?!?

This is THE religious problem of our day. There are NO provable errors of faith, nor can any faith be proven. None. Zip, zero, nada.

Christianity is just as justifiable as is Islam, Judaism, Hare Krishna, Buddhism, etc., etc., etc.

If you find FAULT with another's faith then you just don't get it. Tolerance is the key.

Religious proof eludes all - everyone needs to understand AND accept the rights of everyone else to be wrong.

Tolerance and education.
Tolerance and education.​
Tolerance and education.​
As a Jew, I gave up trying to convince Christians or Muslims on the errors of their faith long ago. Got enough wayward Jews to focus my energies on without 'casting my net' any wider than that.

I don't care much about the errors of others as long as they don't try to impose their views on me and don't hurt anyone else.

Errors in faith?!?

This is THE religious problem of our day. There are NO provable errors of faith, nor can any faith be proven. None. Zip, zero, nada.

Christianity is just as justifiable as is Islam, Judaism, Hare Krishna, Buddhism, etc., etc., etc.

If you find FAULT with another's faith then you just don't get it. Tolerance is the key.

Religious proof eludes all - everyone needs to understand AND accept the rights of everyone else to be wrong.

Tolerance and education.
Tolerance and education.​
Tolerance and education.​

Tying Christianity and Judaism together in one religious book is the error in faith. They're mutually exclusive religions.
It's not about tolerance, but bonafide error. If when Islam came about they combined Qur'an with the NT whatever religion came about from that would be equally incorrect. Yet the very same thing combining Judaism's holy book and the new religion's NT is doing the very same thing yet goes unchallenged.

The Bible is effectively stating everything in the OT is true, or true enough we're including in our's. Yet at the same time then saying Yeshua is both the Jewish Messiah AND G-d AND a relative of G-d which is counter to everything Judaism says about the Messiah and G-d. THAT'S a big ol honkin' error. Isn't about how all religions are unproveable but when comparing two religious systems you see how what they say at their cores are completely antithetical to each other, yet for some strange reason one still hooks up its wagon to the other.
I don't care much about the errors of others as long as they don't try to impose their views on me and don't hurt anyone else.

Errors in faith?!?

This is THE religious problem of our day. There are NO provable errors of faith, nor can any faith be proven. None. Zip, zero, nada.

Christianity is just as justifiable as is Islam, Judaism, Hare Krishna, Buddhism, etc., etc., etc.

If you find FAULT with another's faith then you just don't get it. Tolerance is the key.

Religious proof eludes all - everyone needs to understand AND accept the rights of everyone else to be wrong.

Tolerance and education.
Tolerance and education.​
Tolerance and education.​

Tying Christianity and Judaism together in one religious book is the error in faith. They're mutually exclusive religions.

The point is that it doesn't matter.

Whether a faith has direct lineage to some ancient orthodoxy or is a modern cobbling of beliefs like Mormonism, ALL have just as much proof as any other. All deserve just as much respect and tolerance.

Being unable to prove my opinion that if God is, He's way bigger than ALL the ancient stories, let alone any one of them, I have no right to tell anyone that their faith is wrong. And I deserve the same respect.

EVERYONE has the same right to be wrong in religious matters.
It's not about tolerance, but bonafide error. If when Islam came about they combined Qur'an with the NT whatever religion came about from that would be equally incorrect. Yet the very same thing combining Judaism's holy book and the new religion's NT is doing the very same thing yet goes unchallenged.

The Bible is effectively stating everything in the OT is true, or true enough we're including in our's. Yet at the same time then saying Yeshua is both the Jewish Messiah AND G-d AND a relative of G-d which is counter to everything Judaism says about the Messiah and G-d. THAT'S a big ol honkin' error. Isn't about how all religions are unproveable but when comparing two religious systems you see how what they say at their cores are completely antithetical to each other, yet for some strange reason one still hooks up its wagon to the other.

There is NO such thing as a "bona-fide error" in religion, only various opinions.

NOTHING in religion is provable. Nothing.
The point is that it doesn't matter.

Whether a faith has direct lineage to some ancient orthodoxy or is a modern cobbling of beliefs like Mormonism, ALL have just as much proof as any other. All deserve just as much respect and tolerance.

Being unable to prove my opinion that if God is, He's way bigger than ALL the ancient stories, let alone any one of them, I have no right to tell anyone that their faith is wrong. And I deserve the same respect.

EVERYONE has the same right to be wrong in religious matters.

I think we're talking about two different things. You're talking about how any religion can say anything it likes. Which is true.

I'm saying how when you take two religions (however true or not) and compare their core beliefs, yet one's including another discrete faith with its' own despite it being mutually exclusive, that's an error of theology.

To put it another way, 1+1=2; 2+2=4 (any/all/every religion being numbers); but a+1 does not equal 2 or 4. A number plus a letter makes no sense.
Or, if Christianity's true then Judaism can't be. Simialrly, if Islam's true Christianity and Judaism can't be. But you can't combine any of those 3 together and still get something true because they're all mutually exclusive. If Christianity were only the NT it'd be fine because it's not trying to co-opt another religious system, but because it is it's making itself objectively wrong by trying.

Judaism gave us the idea of the Jewish Messiah. Releasing a new book saying the Messiah's come and gone would be fine. But saying the Jewish text is true, BUT so is our's, is completely at odds with the first religion.

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