What Obama Learned At Columbia: How To Destroy America From Within


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The economy in deep decline; the disappearance of jobs; the annihilation of the middle class; the demonization of business owners; the destruction of small business with onerous regulations and taxes; the overwhelming debt and spending of out-of-control government; the millions of Americans losing their health insurance; and the unimaginable increase in dependency through welfare, food stamps, unemployment, disability, and now free health care.

It’s all easily explained when you hear what Obama learned at Columbia.

America’s decline under Obama isn’t due to mistake, ignorance, or incompetence at the hands of a community organizer. It’s a purposeful, brilliant plan hatched at Columbia University to destroy capitalism, American exceptionalism, Judeo-Christian values, and the American Dream.

It was called “Cloward-Piven,” after former Columbia professors Richard Cloward and Frances Piven. To bring down America and our capitalist system, they were taught to overwhelm the system with massive spending, entitlements and debt. That would cause the economy to collapse, wipe out the middle class, and bring Americans to their knees, begging government to save them.

It’s the exact plan Obama has been implementing. The centerpiece is Obamacare.

Obamacare isn’t about health care. It’s about bankrupting the middle class and addicting it to government dependency. It’s about redistributing wealth from the middle class and small business to Obama’s voters (the poor and unions). Its goal is to wipe out the last vestiges of middle class America, creating a two-class society: the super rich and the poor (both beholden to Obama).

Obama learned well, it’s working to perfection.

So that explains the plan. But how do you implement it? He was taught that at Columbia too.

A key component of the plan involved fooling the voters by calling yourself “moderate” and a “uniter,” even though you are a radical Marxist. We were taught to never admit what you really believe in. It involved demonizing your opponents, calling them “evil, greedy, extreme, radical, and terrorist.” Look in the mirror and call your opponents the very things you are.

Obama learned well.

The plan taught us to hide your true intensions (in other words- lie, misrepresent, commit fraud). So Obamacare is about “saving the uninsured,” as opposed to income redistribution. High taxes are to “create equality,” as opposed to starving Obama’s political opposition.

But the key to it all is to “boil the frog slowly.” He learned at Columbia to set the fire low, so the frog wouldn’t complain. By the time the frog realized what was happening, the frog would be cooked.

That’s why every Obama speech starts and ends with “I’m here to save the middle class,” while his actions are annihilating them. He’s boiling the frog slowly. By the time the middle class realizes he’s the killer, and they’re the prey, they’ll already be dead.

How do I know all this? Because I was Barack Obama’s college classmate at Columbia University, Class of 1983...

What Obama Learned at Columbia: How to Destroy America From Within
How To Destroy America From Within

Pub dupes- perfect chumps of the greedy idiot oligarchy...

OP- total hater dupe idiocy...

But thanks for ruining the nonrich and the country, the stupidest wars ever, AND a DEPRESSION. How dumb can you get...
How this moron is still in power is beyond me.

1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
An average contribution of $880.
By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to GOP candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
An average Democrat contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller
Pub dupes- perfect chumps of the greedy idiot oligarchy...

OP- total hater dupe idiocy...

But thanks for ruining the nonrich and the country, the stupidest wars ever, AND a DEPRESSION. How dumb can you get...

Hey FrancoHFW...
Is being wrong so often how you earned a Rep Power: 0 on this board?

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