What Obama thought about gay marriage in 2004

Find me one church that forced you to go to it since this country started.

And the progressive left had complained about any social peer pressure from religious groups the whole time it occured, until of course, they realized they can use the same thing to get their own way.

Find me one homosexual that has forced you to be gay since this country started.

For 200 years Christian Americans used their position of majority- and authority- to promote discrimination and criminalization of homosexuals.

The efforts of gay Americans to be treated legally equally is nothing close to the efforts Christian Americans have done to throw homosexuals in jail or banned from employment.
Or killed....

That would be ISIS not Christians. Wrong religion.
Sure, Christians have never killed a ghey person because they are ghey...

Pffffft. Get back to me when Presbyterians start throwing gays off rooftops mm'kay?
Ah...the "you should be grateful we aren't THAT bad" gambit.
Actions speak louder than words....

DADT gone. DOMA gone. More advances in LGBT rights than all previous presidents combined.

Ooh, but his words 11 years ago!!! {gasp}
MONEY spoke louder than words dear. He "evolved" because the LGBT cpacs said no gay marriage no money.
He doesn't give a rats ass about your cause. He wanted the money & the votes of lemmings
And why did the other thirty percent of Americans who have, likewise, changed their minds, do so?
Dunno & don't care. They don't run the country. I couldn't give a rats ass what my neighbors think and honestly it's none of my business
But, who your neighbor marries is your business? If you don't know or don't care why tens of millions of Americans changed their views, how do you know that they did not do so for the same reason the President did? If tens of millions of Americans want their government to stop banning gay people from marrying, is that not something the President and others in government should consider?
How do I know Americans didn't approve of gay marriage for the same reasons?

Because gay donors didn't threaten to pull funding from them like the did to Obama.

Next dumb question?
And yet, you offered no proof of this threat or that it meant a significant threat. Are you suggesting they would have given the money to Romney?
I see. I'm denying reality because of your opinion. :lol:

You didn't prove your assertion that the President's progression came about because of money.
You're denying reality because of your ideology. Your failure to connect the dots stem from childhood issues?

More like you're making baseless assertions because of your ideology. Your failure to deal in reality stem from your time spent in prison?
Ignorance is not a defense dear. All the evidence is there. It's your choice to ignore it.

It is your perception that the President changed his position for money. Actual evidence does not support your claim .

Look at support in 2004 compared to now.


All that change in support by the American people...but the President did it for money.


You have no business calling anyone else ignorant.
Yet when the American people overwhelmingly rejected Obamacare He did it anyways.

Now stfu hack
The American people overwhelmingly elected the Man who promised the ACA and overwhelmingly re elected him after he delivered. Fucking moron.
MONEY spoke louder than words dear. He "evolved" because the LGBT cpacs said no gay marriage no money.
He doesn't give a rats ass about your cause. He wanted the money & the votes of lemmings
And why did the other thirty percent of Americans who have, likewise, changed their minds, do so?
Dunno & don't care. They don't run the country. I couldn't give a rats ass what my neighbors think and honestly it's none of my business
But, who your neighbor marries is your business? If you don't know or don't care why tens of millions of Americans changed their views, how do you know that they did not do so for the same reason the President did? If tens of millions of Americans want their government to stop banning gay people from marrying, is that not something the President and others in government should consider?
How do I know Americans didn't approve of gay marriage for the same reasons?

Because gay donors didn't threaten to pull funding from them like the did to Obama.

Next dumb question?
And yet, you offered no proof of this threat or that it meant a significant threat. Are you suggesting they would have given the money to Romney?
There has been plenty of proof offered over the years. The fact that most of you liberals are too fucking stupid to connect the dots is not my problem. As far as Romney goes, I didn't suggest anything. YOU brought him up.

And since you libs appear to be dumber than my 14 month old grandson you can debate your stupidity with each other.

I'm out faggots
No he lied previously on the issue, and you seem to be OK with that.

Evidently lying is acceptable if it gets you the outcome you desire.

Every time you change your mind you are lying?

Obama never changed his mind. But keep pretending his view "evolved". Lying to the proles comes naturally to progressives like Obama and yourself.
I can sense that this has you extremely upset. I suggest you send a letter to your congressman urging him to commence impeachment proceedings immediately! And while you are at it, tell him it would be a good idea to bring up another vote in congress to repeal the ACA.

The only thing I am concerned about is posters here playing the "I believe him game" when they obviously do not.

Your argumentum ad absurdum, however is noted.
I believe him because I made the same journey. I also argued then that marriage was for a man and woman only; that gay couples could have a civil union with identical rights and responsibilities. The more I listened to gay people explain why they wanted to be married, including a gay couple whose son I worked with and who proved that the claims about gay people being bad for children was a fucking lie, the more I realized that full marriage equality was the only appropriate position to take.

Cute story, bro.
High-Profile Politicians Who Changed Their Positions on Gay Marriage - ABC News

Where is the outrage about every other politicians who has changed their opinion about gay marriage along with the American people?

The outrage should be directed at those who did not change their mind

Why should people be outraged at someone thinking marriage is between a man and a woman?
Because they are denying it to others

If you think marriage is between a man and a woman then fine....marry a woman
Who someone else chooses to marry has no affect on you

If you think guns are scary, fine don't own one. If you want to bake cakes for gay couples, go ahead and do it. Why force your views when it has no effect on you?
Why should people be outraged at someone thinking marriage is between a man and a woman?
Outraged is too strong a word but a real American believes in equality first, tradition second. The first one is more important.

Stop generalizing. and it's not "equality" the left is after, it superiority of their position at the expense of others, and using government to get it.
No, it's equality. Two adults apply for a marriage license and it's granted regardless of their sexes. Equality is the argument that won the day because no one could find a compelling reason for the state to discriminate. All the anti-equality side had was tradition, and that's not enough in this case.

Bullshit. Equality is the nice safe buzzword to mask governmental action to make you think they way progressives want you to think.

Got examples that don't harken back to the Civil Rights Act?

Why should that be excluded?
How is poor pitiful you not equal due to legal gay marriage?

I am not religious, haven't been to a church in over 20 years.
However, I am open minded and fair minded enough to recognize the importance of one's beliefs in regards to religion. I believe a person has the right to not directly contribute to something that goes against that belief. Something that is very important to them. That is fair.
I don't really care about gay marriage. I only care about shoving it down other people's throats that are opposed to it. Fining someone $135,000 and putting them under a gag order at the same time for refusing to take part in a gay marriage is flat out facism. PERIOD.

PA laws requiring me to serve a Christian have been around since 1964.

People in OR have been fined more than $135,000 for not serving a Christian.

Don't care about those?

High-Profile Politicians Who Changed Their Positions on Gay Marriage - ABC News

Where is the outrage about every other politicians who has changed their opinion about gay marriage along with the American people?

The outrage should be directed at those who did not change their mind

Why should people be outraged at someone thinking marriage is between a man and a woman?
Because they are denying it to others

If you think marriage is between a man and a woman then fine....marry a woman
Who someone else chooses to marry has no affect on you

If you think guns are scary, fine don't own one. If you want to bake cakes for gay couples, go ahead and do it. Why force your views when it has no effect on you?
Because you are the one forcing government to accept your hatreds and stereotypes. When you can show how gays marrying you causes you harm you can pass laws to ban it
And why did the other thirty percent of Americans who have, likewise, changed their minds, do so?
Dunno & don't care. They don't run the country. I couldn't give a rats ass what my neighbors think and honestly it's none of my business
But, who your neighbor marries is your business? If you don't know or don't care why tens of millions of Americans changed their views, how do you know that they did not do so for the same reason the President did? If tens of millions of Americans want their government to stop banning gay people from marrying, is that not something the President and others in government should consider?
How do I know Americans didn't approve of gay marriage for the same reasons?

Because gay donors didn't threaten to pull funding from them like the did to Obama.

Next dumb question?
And yet, you offered no proof of this threat or that it meant a significant threat. Are you suggesting they would have given the money to Romney?
There has been plenty of proof offered over the years. The fact that most of you liberals are too fucking stupid to connect the dots is not my problem. As far as Romney goes, I didn't suggest anything. YOU brought him up.

And since you libs appear to be dumber than my 14 month old grandson you can debate your stupidity with each other.

I'm out faggots

He has no evidence therefore he will instead tell you there are mounds of it (he doesn't produce) then he calls you names barely above the level the aforementioned 14 month old then he will run away from the thread so you won't keep asking him for the "plenty of proof over the years".

Oh, then he calls us all the f word for gay men as he runs away from the lack of proof of his claims.

Welcome to USMB.
How is poor pitiful you not equal due to legal gay marriage?

I am not religious, haven't been to a church in over 20 years.
However, I am open minded and fair minded enough to recognize the importance of one's beliefs in regards to religion. I believe a person has the right to not directly contribute to something that goes against that belief. Something that is very important to them. That is fair.
I don't really care about gay marriage. I only care about shoving it down other people's throats that are opposed to it. Fining someone $135,000 and putting them under a gag order at the same time for refusing to take part in a gay marriage is flat out facism. PERIOD.

PA laws requiring me to serve a Christian have been around since 1964.

People in OR have been fined more than $135,000 for not serving a Christian.

Don't care about those?


You need an example of the 1964 Civil Rights Act? It's in Title II. Says you can't discriminate based on someone's religion.

I must issue a correction, it was a Christian woman awarded over $300,000 by the same BOLI because she felt she was being discriminated against because of her religion, Christianity.

Bend Dentist Fined Nearly $348,000
And why did the other thirty percent of Americans who have, likewise, changed their minds, do so?
Dunno & don't care. They don't run the country. I couldn't give a rats ass what my neighbors think and honestly it's none of my business
But, who your neighbor marries is your business? If you don't know or don't care why tens of millions of Americans changed their views, how do you know that they did not do so for the same reason the President did? If tens of millions of Americans want their government to stop banning gay people from marrying, is that not something the President and others in government should consider?
How do I know Americans didn't approve of gay marriage for the same reasons?

Because gay donors didn't threaten to pull funding from them like the did to Obama.

Next dumb question?
And yet, you offered no proof of this threat or that it meant a significant threat. Are you suggesting they would have given the money to Romney?
There has been plenty of proof offered over the years. The fact that most of you liberals are too fucking stupid to connect the dots is not my problem. As far as Romney goes, I didn't suggest anything. YOU brought him up.

And since you libs appear to be dumber than my 14 month old grandson you can debate your stupidity with each other.

I'm out faggots
"Plenty of proof" that you cannot produce. Typical nutter. Here's hoping your grandson tests the limits of your love for him by bringing home the love of his life, Dave. Sadly, your hatred for "faggots" would clearly obscure that love.
Obama changed his mind regarding gay marriage.....after he did, the rate of acceptance of gay marriage accelerated

He didn't change his mind, he lied to placate his black christian base, and when push came to shove, abandoned them.
You seem to know what he was thinking....interesting that you believe you have that kind of power.

It's what the evidence points to, nothing more or less.
And that evidence is?
Obama changed his mind regarding gay marriage.....after he did, the rate of acceptance of gay marriage accelerated

He didn't change his mind, he lied to placate his black christian base, and when push came to shove, abandoned them.
You seem to know what he was thinking....interesting that you believe you have that kind of power.

It's what the evidence points to, nothing more or less.
And that evidence is?

His previous positions while in the Senate, his "miraculous change" recently, his lack of any effort to enforce DOMA when it was still law, and his track record of lying the past 8 years.

Cases have been made on far less evidence.
Obama changed his mind regarding gay marriage.....after he did, the rate of acceptance of gay marriage accelerated

He didn't change his mind, he lied to placate his black christian base, and when push came to shove, abandoned them.
You seem to know what he was thinking....interesting that you believe you have that kind of power.

It's what the evidence points to, nothing more or less.
And that evidence is?

His previous positions while in the Senate, his "miraculous change" recently, his lack of any effort to enforce DOMA when it was still law, and his track record of lying the past 8 years.

Cases have been made on far less evidence.
No, they have not. His change was no more miraculous than the change tens of millions of Americans made. He did not seek to enforce DOMA because, regardless of your position on gay marriage, DOMA was a flawed, unconstitutional law. He was certainly vindicated there with the Supreme Court ruling agreeing with him. And, he has not lied. The lying is from those attacking him.
He didn't change his mind, he lied to placate his black christian base, and when push came to shove, abandoned them.
You seem to know what he was thinking....interesting that you believe you have that kind of power.

It's what the evidence points to, nothing more or less.
And that evidence is?

His previous positions while in the Senate, his "miraculous change" recently, his lack of any effort to enforce DOMA when it was still law, and his track record of lying the past 8 years.

Cases have been made on far less evidence.
No, they have not. His change was no more miraculous than the change tens of millions of Americans made. He did not seek to enforce DOMA because, regardless of your position on gay marriage, DOMA was a flawed, unconstitutional law. He was certainly vindicated there with the Supreme Court ruling agreeing with him. And, he has not lied. The lying is from those attacking him.

LOL, Bullshit.

"if you like your plan, you keep your plan, period"
You seem to know what he was thinking....interesting that you believe you have that kind of power.

It's what the evidence points to, nothing more or less.
And that evidence is?

His previous positions while in the Senate, his "miraculous change" recently, his lack of any effort to enforce DOMA when it was still law, and his track record of lying the past 8 years.

Cases have been made on far less evidence.
No, they have not. His change was no more miraculous than the change tens of millions of Americans made. He did not seek to enforce DOMA because, regardless of your position on gay marriage, DOMA was a flawed, unconstitutional law. He was certainly vindicated there with the Supreme Court ruling agreeing with him. And, he has not lied. The lying is from those attacking him.

LOL, Bullshit.

"if you like your plan, you keep your plan, period"
True for just about everyone. The only plans that were eliminated were those that did not provide the coverage required by the law. Not his problem if you were too fucking stupid to understand that if the law created certain minimum coverage that those that did not meet those coverage would not be available for long.

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