What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
From the timeline we piece together, and the complete lack of any wounds other than the gunshot on Martin, it does not sound like much of a "fight", more like a beating.

But the overriding fact in the Martin case is that Zimmerman could have walked away when he was told over the phone by the police dispatch personnel to stop following Martin. He obviously wanted to play cops and robbers and likely felt empowered because he was armed. What is rearly even more interesting is that Martin has been universally dubbed a "thug", while that punk Zimmerman has had far more negative encounters with law enforecent in his past than Martin.

1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

How would you know WHO has ever carried?
From the timeline we piece together, and the complete lack of any wounds other than the gunshot on Martin, it does not sound like much of a "fight", more like a beating.

But the overriding fact in the Martin case is that Zimmerman could have walked away when he was told over the phone by the police dispatch personnel to stop following Martin. He obviously wanted to play cops and robbers and likely felt empowered because he was armed. What is rearly even more interesting is that Martin has been universally dubbed a "thug", while that punk Zimmerman has had far more negative encounters with law enforecent in his past than Martin.

1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.
From the timeline we piece together, and the complete lack of any wounds other than the gunshot on Martin, it does not sound like much of a "fight", more like a beating.

But the overriding fact in the Martin case is that Zimmerman could have walked away when he was told over the phone by the police dispatch personnel to stop following Martin. He obviously wanted to play cops and robbers and likely felt empowered because he was armed. What is rearly even more interesting is that Martin has been universally dubbed a "thug", while that punk Zimmerman has had far more negative encounters with law enforecent in his past than Martin.

1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

How would you know WHO has ever carried?
From the timeline we piece together, and the complete lack of any wounds other than the gunshot on Martin, it does not sound like much of a "fight", more like a beating.

But the overriding fact in the Martin case is that Zimmerman could have walked away when he was told over the phone by the police dispatch personnel to stop following Martin. He obviously wanted to play cops and robbers and likely felt empowered because he was armed. What is rearly even more interesting is that Martin has been universally dubbed a "thug", while that punk Zimmerman has had far more negative encounters with law enforecent in his past than Martin.

1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.

No. My observation is only about Zimmerman. Not people in general who "carry". He has had enough public encounters that make it easy to see that he is over zealous and wanted to be a police officer but couldn't.

So his consolation prize was that he is licensed to carry a firearm. As far as he case goes, bottom line, he could have taken the advice he was given to cease following , but heven didn't. It never came out whether Martin was actually seen doing anything suspicious.

No expiration date on Karma. So time will tell.

HE was someone that the neighbor hood watch guy did not recognize in a Gated Community.

That's suspicious.

YOur assumption about what Zimmerman felt emotionally from the act of carrying a handgun is unlikely based on my personal experience and the reported feelings of several of my friends with decades of carry time.

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help.

YOur reflexive siding with Martin, a man that refused to stop beating a screaming man, even when told the cops were on the way, shows that you are on the side of the bad guys.
The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.
A misrepresentation of the truth. Here is the complete 911 transcript.

Transcripts of Calls in the George Zimmerman Case

More of the part you quoted (minus the opinion). Notice he was already following Martin in response to the "which way is he running?" question. When the dispatcher said "we don't need you to do that", he consented and was on the way back since he'd lost Martin thinking he'd gone out the back entrance. It was upon Zimmerman's return that Martin confronted him.

Zimmerman: No, you go in, straight through the entrance, and then you make a left-- you go straight in, don't turn, and make a left. Shit, he's running.

Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?

Zimmerman: The back entrance... Fucking punks. These assholes, they always get away...

Dispatcher: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

Dispatcher: Okay, we don't need you to do that.

Zimmerman: Okay.

Dispatcher: Alright, sir, what is your name?

Zimmerman: George. He ran.

Dispatcher: All right, George. What's your last name?

Zimmerman: Zimmerman.

Dispatcher: And George what's the phone number you're calling from?

Zimmerman: [redacted]

Dispatcher: All right, George. We do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

Dispatcher: All right, where you going to meet with them at?

Zimmerman: If they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the clubhouse. And uh, straight past the clubhouse, and make a left. And then they go past the mailboxes, that's my truck... [unintelligible]

Dispatcher: What address are you parked in front of?

Zimmerman: I don't know. It's a cut through, so I don't know the address.

Map of encounter:


True..it was just a partial text to illustrate that Zimmerman could have just left he situation....but to to his point..."Fucking punks, assholes they always get away"....

Get away from what? who did he steal from or whose house did he break into?

Nothing but speculation..The case is closed, but time has a way of coming full circle..
The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.
A misrepresentation of the truth. Here is the complete 911 transcript.

Transcripts of Calls in the George Zimmerman Case

More of the part you quoted (minus the opinion). Notice he was already following Martin in response to the "which way is he running?" question. When the dispatcher said "we don't need you to do that", he consented and was on the way back since he'd lost Martin thinking he'd gone out the back entrance. It was upon Zimmerman's return that Martin confronted him.

Zimmerman: No, you go in, straight through the entrance, and then you make a left-- you go straight in, don't turn, and make a left. Shit, he's running.

Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?

Zimmerman: The back entrance... Fucking punks. These assholes, they always get away...

Dispatcher: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

Dispatcher: Okay, we don't need you to do that.

Zimmerman: Okay.

Dispatcher: Alright, sir, what is your name?

Zimmerman: George. He ran.

Dispatcher: All right, George. What's your last name?

Zimmerman: Zimmerman.

Dispatcher: And George what's the phone number you're calling from?

Zimmerman: [redacted]

Dispatcher: All right, George. We do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

Dispatcher: All right, where you going to meet with them at?

Zimmerman: If they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the clubhouse. And uh, straight past the clubhouse, and make a left. And then they go past the mailboxes, that's my truck... [unintelligible]

Dispatcher: What address are you parked in front of?

Zimmerman: I don't know. It's a cut through, so I don't know the address.

Map of encounter:


True..it was just a partial text to illustrate that Zimmerman could have just left he situation....but to to his point..."Fucking punks, assholes they always get away"....

Get away from what? who did he steal from or whose house did he break into?

Nothing but speculation..The case is closed, but time has a way of coming full circle..

Get away from the cops obviously. As EVERYTHING he was doing, was to get the cops there to question the stranger in the Gated Community.
But the overriding fact in the Martin case is that Zimmerman could have walked away when he was told over the phone by the police dispatch personnel to stop following Martin. He obviously wanted to play cops and robbers and likely felt empowered because he was armed. What is rearly even more interesting is that Martin has been universally dubbed a "thug", while that punk Zimmerman has had far more negative encounters with law enforecent in his past than Martin.

1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

How would you know WHO has ever carried?
But the overriding fact in the Martin case is that Zimmerman could have walked away when he was told over the phone by the police dispatch personnel to stop following Martin. He obviously wanted to play cops and robbers and likely felt empowered because he was armed. What is rearly even more interesting is that Martin has been universally dubbed a "thug", while that punk Zimmerman has had far more negative encounters with law enforecent in his past than Martin.

1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.
But the overriding fact in the Martin case is that Zimmerman could have walked away when he was told over the phone by the police dispatch personnel to stop following Martin. He obviously wanted to play cops and robbers and likely felt empowered because he was armed. What is rearly even more interesting is that Martin has been universally dubbed a "thug", while that punk Zimmerman has had far more negative encounters with law enforecent in his past than Martin.

1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

How would you know WHO has ever carried?
But the overriding fact in the Martin case is that Zimmerman could have walked away when he was told over the phone by the police dispatch personnel to stop following Martin. He obviously wanted to play cops and robbers and likely felt empowered because he was armed. What is rearly even more interesting is that Martin has been universally dubbed a "thug", while that punk Zimmerman has had far more negative encounters with law enforecent in his past than Martin.

1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.

No. My observation is only about Zimmerman. Not people in general who "carry". He has had enough public encounters that make it easy to see that he is over zealous and wanted to be a police officer but couldn't.

So his consolation prize was that he is licensed to carry a firearm. As far as he case goes, bottom line, he could have taken the advice he was given to cease following , but heven didn't. It never came out whether Martin was actually seen doing anything suspicious.

No expiration date on Karma. So time will tell.

HE was someone that the neighbor hood watch guy did not recognize in a Gated Community.

That's suspicious.

YOur assumption about what Zimmerman felt emotionally from the act of carrying a handgun is unlikely based on my personal experience and the reported feelings of several of my friends with decades of carry time.

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help.

YOur reflexive siding with Martin, a man that refused to stop beating a screaming man, even when told the cops were on the way, shows that you are on the side of the bad guys.

Lol. "Bad guys"? Are you serious? It's an old case and closed. But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.
1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

How would you know WHO has ever carried?
1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.
1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

How would you know WHO has ever carried?
1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.

No. My observation is only about Zimmerman. Not people in general who "carry". He has had enough public encounters that make it easy to see that he is over zealous and wanted to be a police officer but couldn't.

So his consolation prize was that he is licensed to carry a firearm. As far as he case goes, bottom line, he could have taken the advice he was given to cease following , but heven didn't. It never came out whether Martin was actually seen doing anything suspicious.

No expiration date on Karma. So time will tell.

HE was someone that the neighbor hood watch guy did not recognize in a Gated Community.

That's suspicious.

YOur assumption about what Zimmerman felt emotionally from the act of carrying a handgun is unlikely based on my personal experience and the reported feelings of several of my friends with decades of carry time.

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help.

YOur reflexive siding with Martin, a man that refused to stop beating a screaming man, even when told the cops were on the way, shows that you are on the side of the bad guys.

Lol. "Bad guys"? Are you serious? It's an old case and closed. But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.

You are on the side of the thug that was witnessed beating a man who was screaming for help, and would not stop even when told the cops were on the way.

I'm completely serious.

Sure. The case could have turned out differently.

YOu lefties have made it clear that you would love to railroad more innocent people to prison, if they have the nerve to defend themselves against black criminals.

YOur veiled threats of future violence have not gone unnoticed either.
1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

How would you know WHO has ever carried?
1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.
1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

How would you know WHO has ever carried?
1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.

No. My observation is only about Zimmerman. Not people in general who "carry". He has had enough public encounters that make it easy to see that he is over zealous and wanted to be a police officer but couldn't.

So his consolation prize was that he is licensed to carry a firearm. As far as he case goes, bottom line, he could have taken the advice he was given to cease following , but heven didn't. It never came out whether Martin was actually seen doing anything suspicious.

No expiration date on Karma. So time will tell.

HE was someone that the neighbor hood watch guy did not recognize in a Gated Community.

That's suspicious.

YOur assumption about what Zimmerman felt emotionally from the act of carrying a handgun is unlikely based on my personal experience and the reported feelings of several of my friends with decades of carry time.

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help.

YOur reflexive siding with Martin, a man that refused to stop beating a screaming man, even when told the cops were on the way, shows that you are on the side of the bad guys.

Lol. "Bad guys"? Are you serious? It's an old case and closed. But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.
By not voting in 2014 or this year black people agree with correll. They must.

A vote for hillary means they disagree but if they didn't show up to vote that put people who think like correll in charge so either black people agree with correll or they are dumb for not voting.
How would you know WHO has ever carried?
No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.
How would you know WHO has ever carried?
No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.

No. My observation is only about Zimmerman. Not people in general who "carry". He has had enough public encounters that make it easy to see that he is over zealous and wanted to be a police officer but couldn't.

So his consolation prize was that he is licensed to carry a firearm. As far as he case goes, bottom line, he could have taken the advice he was given to cease following , but heven didn't. It never came out whether Martin was actually seen doing anything suspicious.

No expiration date on Karma. So time will tell.

HE was someone that the neighbor hood watch guy did not recognize in a Gated Community.

That's suspicious.

YOur assumption about what Zimmerman felt emotionally from the act of carrying a handgun is unlikely based on my personal experience and the reported feelings of several of my friends with decades of carry time.

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help.

YOur reflexive siding with Martin, a man that refused to stop beating a screaming man, even when told the cops were on the way, shows that you are on the side of the bad guys.

Lol. "Bad guys"? Are you serious? It's an old case and closed. But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.
By not voting in 2014 or this year black people agree with correll. They must.

A vote for hillary means they disagree but if they didn't show up to vote that put people who think like correll in charge so either black people agree with correll or they are dumb for not voting.

Keep in mind that the majority of victims of people like Treyvon Martin are blacks themselves.

I'm sure quite a number of blacks saw though the lefty race baiting on that one, even if they were afraid of people like Katsteve and kept their mouths shut.
1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.
1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.

No. My observation is only about Zimmerman. Not people in general who "carry". He has had enough public encounters that make it easy to see that he is over zealous and wanted to be a police officer but couldn't.

So his consolation prize was that he is licensed to carry a firearm. As far as he case goes, bottom line, he could have taken the advice he was given to cease following , but heven didn't. It never came out whether Martin was actually seen doing anything suspicious.

No expiration date on Karma. So time will tell.

HE was someone that the neighbor hood watch guy did not recognize in a Gated Community.

That's suspicious.

YOur assumption about what Zimmerman felt emotionally from the act of carrying a handgun is unlikely based on my personal experience and the reported feelings of several of my friends with decades of carry time.

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help.

YOur reflexive siding with Martin, a man that refused to stop beating a screaming man, even when told the cops were on the way, shows that you are on the side of the bad guys.

Lol. "Bad guys"? Are you serious? It's an old case and closed. But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.
By not voting in 2014 or this year black people agree with correll. They must.

A vote for hillary means they disagree but if they didn't show up to vote that put people who think like correll in charge so either black people agree with correll or they are dumb for not voting.

Keep in mind that the majority of victims of people like Treyvon Martin are blacks themselves.

I'm sure quite a number of blacks saw though the lefty race baiting on that one, even if they were afraid of people like Katsteve and kept their mouths shut.
Im sure there are a lot of hard working people in the ghetto who look around them and are glad the law and order candidate won.
No. My observation is only about Zimmerman. Not people in general who "carry". He has had enough public encounters that make it easy to see that he is over zealous and wanted to be a police officer but couldn't.

So his consolation prize was that he is licensed to carry a firearm. As far as he case goes, bottom line, he could have taken the advice he was given to cease following , but heven didn't. It never came out whether Martin was actually seen doing anything suspicious.

No expiration date on Karma. So time will tell.

HE was someone that the neighbor hood watch guy did not recognize in a Gated Community.

That's suspicious.

YOur assumption about what Zimmerman felt emotionally from the act of carrying a handgun is unlikely based on my personal experience and the reported feelings of several of my friends with decades of carry time.

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help.

YOur reflexive siding with Martin, a man that refused to stop beating a screaming man, even when told the cops were on the way, shows that you are on the side of the bad guys.

Lol. "Bad guys"? Are you serious? It's an old case and closed. But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.
By not voting in 2014 or this year black people agree with correll. They must.

A vote for hillary means they disagree but if they didn't show up to vote that put people who think like correll in charge so either black people agree with correll or they are dumb for not voting.

Keep in mind that the majority of victims of people like Treyvon Martin are blacks themselves.

I'm sure quite a number of blacks saw though the lefty race baiting on that one, even if they were afraid of people like Katsteve and kept their mouths shut.
Im sure there are a lot of hard working people in the ghetto who look around them and are glad the law and order candidate won.

It's easy to forget how often in controversial cases, such as the Subway Vigilante, that black witnesses are the ones bucking the liberal narrative to tell the truth.
No but I've gotten in fights and never lost. Dozens. Every one of them could have been considered "justified" because they feared for their safety.

A guy who looks for a fight shouldn't be able to use a gun when they start losing

From the timeline we piece together, and the complete lack of any wounds other than the gunshot on Martin, it does not sound like much of a "fight", more like a beating.

But the overriding fact in the Martin case is that Zimmerman could have walked away when he was told over the phone by the police dispatch personnel to stop following Martin. He obviously wanted to play cops and robbers and likely felt empowered because he was armed. What is rearly even more interesting is that Martin has been universally dubbed a "thug", while that punk Zimmerman has had far more negative encounters with law enforecent in his past than Martin.

1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

How would you know WHO has ever carried?
How would you know WHO has ever carried?
No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.
How would you know WHO has ever carried?
No. the dispatcher was not his "boss". They were simply the ones responsible for dispatching licensed, qualified law enforcement who likely would have found there to be no threat from Martin.

What kind of person presses on when told "we don't need for you to do that"?

Someone like him who failed at being an actual police officer who wanted to act like one.

Lastly, you have no idea who has "carried" versus who has not....but, it is likely thst people who "carry" that have as as many encounters as Zimmerman has had eventually will have someone "stand their ground" with him.
The realities of widespread gun posession are that someone like Zimmerman can carry a weapon without demonstrating a need or an ability, and someone like Trayvon Martin can get killed without demonstrating a threat.

Text from an article on this incident

The night of Martin’s death, after Zimmerman describes Martin as a black male with “his hand in his waistband”, a 911 dispatcher asks “Are you following him?”


“We don’t need you to do that”

Zimmerman of course, continued his pursuit.

1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.

No. My observation is only about Zimmerman. Not people in general who "carry". He has had enough public encounters that make it easy to see that he is over zealous and wanted to be a police officer but couldn't.

So his consolation prize was that he is licensed to carry a firearm. As far as he case goes, bottom line, he could have taken the advice he was given to cease following , but heven didn't. It never came out whether Martin was actually seen doing anything suspicious.

No expiration date on Karma. So time will tell.

HE was someone that the neighbor hood watch guy did not recognize in a Gated Community.

That's suspicious.

YOur assumption about what Zimmerman felt emotionally from the act of carrying a handgun is unlikely based on my personal experience and the reported feelings of several of my friends with decades of carry time.

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help.

YOur reflexive siding with Martin, a man that refused to stop beating a screaming man, even when told the cops were on the way, shows that you are on the side of the bad guys.

Lol. "Bad guys"? Are you serious? It's an old case and closed. But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.

You are on the side of the thug that was witnessed beating a man who was screaming for help, and would not stop even when told the cops were on the way.

I'm completely serious.

Sure. The case could have turned out differently.

YOu lefties have made it clear that you would love to railroad more innocent people to prison, if they have the nerve to defend themselves against black criminals.

YOur veiled threats of future violence have not gone unnoticed either.

You are confused. I am not defending any thugs, you are. Furthermore, you don't know if I am left or right of any issues, just because I don't agree with you on this one only means that if I was instructed not to try to do the work of the police, I would not.

Truthfully, Zimmerman is a thug if there ever one was one.

He actually once resisted arrest.....violently, and is lucky to still be walking around.

He also once threatened a woman with a firearm. If Martin had done either of those things he would have been dead before he was shot by Zimmerman.

No need for any "threats" towards a person like that. He will secure his own fate.
HE was someone that the neighbor hood watch guy did not recognize in a Gated Community.

That's suspicious.

YOur assumption about what Zimmerman felt emotionally from the act of carrying a handgun is unlikely based on my personal experience and the reported feelings of several of my friends with decades of carry time.

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help.

YOur reflexive siding with Martin, a man that refused to stop beating a screaming man, even when told the cops were on the way, shows that you are on the side of the bad guys.

Lol. "Bad guys"? Are you serious? It's an old case and closed. But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.
By not voting in 2014 or this year black people agree with correll. They must.

A vote for hillary means they disagree but if they didn't show up to vote that put people who think like correll in charge so either black people agree with correll or they are dumb for not voting.

Keep in mind that the majority of victims of people like Treyvon Martin are blacks themselves.

I'm sure quite a number of blacks saw though the lefty race baiting on that one, even if they were afraid of people like Katsteve and kept their mouths shut.
Im sure there are a lot of hard working people in the ghetto who look around them and are glad the law and order candidate won.

It's easy to forget how often in controversial cases, such as the Subway Vigilante, that black witnesses are the ones bucking the liberal narrative to tell the truth.
And the most recent ex football player who got shot. I think the white should have drove away but what was the black guy doing out of his car? Perhaps the people shooting people who are attacking them aren't the ones who need to learn a lesson here it's the ones attacking.

No matter what I say to someone they should know better than to battery me.

I've gotten in a lot of fights in my life and I never started one. I talk shit and get guys so mad they come at me full of rage. I could so easily kill some guy bigger than me by taunting them but not let anyone hear what I say. Stuff like I'd love to fuck your girlfriend and then you after. Lol.

Point is, no one could ever say anything to make me attack them. They'd have to come at me first. I wouldn't bite.

The people getting shot are violent bullies and hoodlums who don't know how to act.
1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.
1. Agreed. The dispatcher was not his boss, and Zimmerman broke no law, nor was doing anything morally or ethnically wrong in walking down that street.

2. What type of person? Based on Zimmerman's long history in the neighborhood watch, someone who wanted to help the cops find and question this suspicious looking character.

3. Your assumption on the way that carrying makes you feel, is contrary to my personal experience and that of all my friends, many who have carried regularly for decades. If you have carried and felt empowered, that is on you.

4. Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help, not stopping even when informed that the cops were called.

That "demonstrates a threat".

5. I note you don't quote actual unedited 9-11 tape. Because that makes it obvious that Zimmerman wasn't even completely sure that the guy he was reporting on was black.

No. My observation is only about Zimmerman. Not people in general who "carry". He has had enough public encounters that make it easy to see that he is over zealous and wanted to be a police officer but couldn't.

So his consolation prize was that he is licensed to carry a firearm. As far as he case goes, bottom line, he could have taken the advice he was given to cease following , but heven didn't. It never came out whether Martin was actually seen doing anything suspicious.

No expiration date on Karma. So time will tell.

HE was someone that the neighbor hood watch guy did not recognize in a Gated Community.

That's suspicious.

YOur assumption about what Zimmerman felt emotionally from the act of carrying a handgun is unlikely based on my personal experience and the reported feelings of several of my friends with decades of carry time.

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help.

YOur reflexive siding with Martin, a man that refused to stop beating a screaming man, even when told the cops were on the way, shows that you are on the side of the bad guys.

Lol. "Bad guys"? Are you serious? It's an old case and closed. But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.
By not voting in 2014 or this year black people agree with correll. They must.

A vote for hillary means they disagree but if they didn't show up to vote that put people who think like correll in charge so either black people agree with correll or they are dumb for not voting.

Keep in mind that the majority of victims of people like Treyvon Martin are blacks themselves.

I'm sure quite a number of blacks saw though the lefty race baiting on that one, even if they were afraid of people like Katsteve and kept their mouths shut.

Lol. I would be more apt to fear one who glorifies wannabe cops with permits to "carry"who bullies women.
....But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.
Correct. IF Martin had stayed in the bushes and waited until Zimmerman went back to his car, Martin would still be alive. IF Martin had called 911 and reported the "creepy ass cracker" instead of attacking him, Martin would still be alive. IF Martin had confronted Zimmerman without physically assaulting him, Martin would still be alive.
And the most recent ex football player who got shot. I think the white should have drove away but what was the black guy doing out of his car? Perhaps the people shooting people who are attacking them aren't the ones who need to learn a lesson here it's the ones attacking.

No matter what I say to someone they should know better than to battery me.

I've gotten in a lot of fights in my life and I never started one. I talk shit and get guys so mad they come at me full of rage. I could so easily kill some guy bigger than me by taunting them but not let anyone hear what I say. Stuff like I'd love to fuck your girlfriend and then you after. Lol.

Point is, no one could ever say anything to make me attack them. They'd have to come at me first. I wouldn't bite.

The people getting shot are violent bullies and hoodlums who don't know how to act.
That's both a sad and a fucked up case. My guess is Gasser, the driver who followed the football player, will be charged with some form of homicide; anything from manslaughter to, IMHO the most righteous, second-degree murder. Gasser has a record of road rage and following others and assaulting them.

Joe McKnight death: Man released in fatal shooting of ex-NFL player - CNN.com
Im sure there are a lot of hard working people in the ghetto who look around them and are glad the law and order candidate won.
Agreed. The negative cultural influences in the "ghetto" are a bad situation still searching for a solution even since the CRA of 1964
From the timeline we piece together, and the complete lack of any wounds other than the gunshot on Martin, it does not sound like much of a "fight", more like a beating.

But the overriding fact in the Martin case is that Zimmerman could have walked away when he was told over the phone by the police dispatch personnel to stop following Martin. He obviously wanted to play cops and robbers and likely felt empowered because he was armed. What is rearly even more interesting is that Martin has been universally dubbed a "thug", while that punk Zimmerman has had far more negative encounters with law enforecent in his past than Martin.

1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

How would you know WHO has ever carried?
Lol. "Bad guys"? Are you serious? It's an old case and closed. But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.

You are on the side of the thug that was witnessed beating a man who was screaming for help, and would not stop even when told the cops were on the way.

I'm completely serious.

Sure. The case could have turned out differently.

YOu lefties have made it clear that you would love to railroad more innocent people to prison, if they have the nerve to defend themselves against black criminals.

YOur veiled threats of future violence have not gone unnoticed either.

You are confused. I am not defending any thugs, you are. Furthermore, you don't know if I am left or right of any issues, just because I don't agree with you on this one only means that if I was instructed not to try to do the work of the police, I would not.

Truthfully, Zimmerman is a thug if there ever one was one.

He actually once resisted arrest.....violently, and is lucky to still be walking around.

He also once threatened a woman with a firearm. If Martin had done either of those things he would have been dead before he was shot by Zimmerman.

No need for any "threats" towards a person like that. He will secure his own fate.

Your defense of the thug Martin is obvious.

Your implied threats and your support of the idea of an innocent man being attacked because he defended himself if also.
No. My observation is only about Zimmerman. Not people in general who "carry". He has had enough public encounters that make it easy to see that he is over zealous and wanted to be a police officer but couldn't.

So his consolation prize was that he is licensed to carry a firearm. As far as he case goes, bottom line, he could have taken the advice he was given to cease following , but heven didn't. It never came out whether Martin was actually seen doing anything suspicious.

No expiration date on Karma. So time will tell.

HE was someone that the neighbor hood watch guy did not recognize in a Gated Community.

That's suspicious.

YOur assumption about what Zimmerman felt emotionally from the act of carrying a handgun is unlikely based on my personal experience and the reported feelings of several of my friends with decades of carry time.

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help.

YOur reflexive siding with Martin, a man that refused to stop beating a screaming man, even when told the cops were on the way, shows that you are on the side of the bad guys.

Lol. "Bad guys"? Are you serious? It's an old case and closed. But it could have turned out differently. That's all I'm saying.
By not voting in 2014 or this year black people agree with correll. They must.

A vote for hillary means they disagree but if they didn't show up to vote that put people who think like correll in charge so either black people agree with correll or they are dumb for not voting.

Keep in mind that the majority of victims of people like Treyvon Martin are blacks themselves.

I'm sure quite a number of blacks saw though the lefty race baiting on that one, even if they were afraid of people like Katsteve and kept their mouths shut.

Lol. I would be more apt to fear one who glorifies wannabe cops with permits to "carry"who bullies women.

Defending someone's right to defend themselves is hardly "glorifying" them.

But your dishonesty or lack of objectivity is noted.

And reduces the credibility of the rest of your statements.
But the overriding fact in the Martin case is that Zimmerman could have walked away when he was told over the phone by the police dispatch personnel to stop following Martin. He obviously wanted to play cops and robbers and likely felt empowered because he was armed. What is rearly even more interesting is that Martin has been universally dubbed a "thug", while that punk Zimmerman has had far more negative encounters with law enforecent in his past than Martin.

1. THe dispatcher was not his boss.

2. Your assumption that he felt empowered by being armed is the opinion of someone who has never carried and it completely wrong.

3. HE had a long record of "playing" neighborhood watch, ie helping the cops.

4. Martin behaved like a thug as was witnessed.

How would you know WHO has ever carried?
You are on the side of the thug that was witnessed beating a man who was screaming for help, and would not stop even when told the cops were on the way.

I'm completely serious.

Sure. The case could have turned out differently.

YOu lefties have made it clear that you would love to railroad more innocent people to prison, if they have the nerve to defend themselves against black criminals.

YOur veiled threats of future violence have not gone unnoticed either.

You are confused. I am not defending any thugs, you are. Furthermore, you don't know if I am left or right of any issues, just because I don't agree with you on this one only means that if I was instructed not to try to do the work of the police, I would not.

Truthfully, Zimmerman is a thug if there ever one was one.

He actually once resisted arrest.....violently, and is lucky to still be walking around.

He also once threatened a woman with a firearm. If Martin had done either of those things he would have been dead before he was shot by Zimmerman.

No need for any "threats" towards a person like that. He will secure his own fate.

Your defense of the thug Martin is obvious.

Your implied threats and your support of the idea of an innocent man being attacked because he defended himself if also.
I think/hope in 100 years we will no longer strike each other like animals when we get angry. Unless both parties want to fight. Just like the old West you don't shoot an unarmed man. But what if he's attacking you? Should you have to take the beating?

OK so I've been in road rage incidences. For me they were always just verbal. No hand gesture or words would ever get me to get out of a car and walk aggressively towards someone else.... Unless that person was looking for a fight too that is. If a guy said pull over I'm going to kick your ass I'll pull over but I wouldn't get out and circle the guys car or attempt to open the door and rip the guy out of his vehicle.

I still think the white shooter was obligated to drive away before shooting and he did have road rage while carrying a gun and your supposed to be more careful when carrying not to get into situations like this.

Like Zimmerman I feel this guy needs to be charged but I don't know all the facts.
I think/hope in 100 years we will no longer strike each other like animals when we get angry....
An idealistic desire, but very impractical. We can't negate over 200,000 years of evolution on the plains with a few years of drum circles and group hugs.

You're wrong about Zimmerman. The fact remains both those guys were low IQ, fitting since both were Democrats. :D If Martin hadn't attacked Zimmerman, Zimmerman wouldn't have been forced to defend himself.
I think/hope in 100 years we will no longer strike each other like animals when we get angry....
An idealistic desire, but very impractical. We can't negate over 200,000 years of evolution on the plains with a few years of drum circles and group hugs.

You're wrong about Zimmerman. The fact remains both those guys were low IQ, fitting since both were Democrats. :D If Martin hadn't attacked Zimmerman, Zimmerman wouldn't have been forced to defend himself.

I agree. And I just heard this football player tried either opening the guys door or he lunged into the window and Louisiana stand your ground says your car is your home and you can shoot someone entering your home/car.

Sounds like a justified shooting

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