What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
After looking at all the threads you have started since you first came here, I have realized that you are no authority on whites leaving the Democratic party. What you are is a racist who wants to use race to divide the country and win over white votes. I've been saying this for years. Republicans use god gays guns and racism to win over votes from people who have no business voting GOP. You simply do not make enough money to be a member of that party. Do you?

Anyways, lets look at all the racist threads you have started. Are you sure whites are leaving the Democratic party because of blacks or is that more wishful thinking on your part?

  1. Why the contemporary left TRULY fears the alt-right
    [MEDIA] Every single bullshit argument that the contemporary left has on the subject of race is literally blown apart every time the alt-right...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Oct 2, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  2. Thread
    "Conservatives" don't even understand that the 1st amendment was literally destroyed this month.
    While you morons were whining about "Neo Nazis" in Charlottesville, huge message boards were literally removed from the internet because of...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 28, 2017, 192 replies, in forum: Politics

  3. Thread
    Attention Conservatives, YOU are still very much a part of the "party of stupid"
    Your refusal to call out anti-white racism without pressure, and your adherence to the bullshit philosophy that ultimately only the likes of the...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 20, 2017, 68 replies, in forum: Politics

  4. Thread
    Why is that Democrats think that things like "Unite the Right" are so egregious, but not this?
    [MEDIA] How can Democrats claim demonstrating in the park is so terrible when they have literally given permits to these sick fucks to...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 20, 2017, 20 replies, in forum: Politics

  5. Thread
    There is nothing progressive about using racist dog whistles Democrats.
    Republicans need to understand Democrat dog whistles if they want to understand the real Democrat party and its march against actual progress. It...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 17, 2017, 7 replies, in forum: Politics

  6. Thread
    Attention Conservatives: You were duped and diminished by Democrats, not the alt right.
    Trump was 100% right to take the position that he did, but so called conservatives can't afford to even appear to side with Antifa. He praised...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 16, 2017, 8 replies, in forum: Politics

  7. Thread
    How did white Democrats get to be so stupid as to believe in "white privilege"?
    This belief by less intelligent white leftists(and even some boomer Republicans)that somehow they have a sort of "plot armor" that protects them...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Jul 28, 2017, 14 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  8. Thread
    Will Democrats be able to survive the coming wave of retribution?
    What will happen when the humanity of white people is reaffirmed and the tides of progress turn on the contemptible assholes who claim to be...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, May 17, 2017, 10 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  9. Thread
    Holy shit! Is anyone watching Tucker's show right now?
    Lauren Duca just made Lena Dunham look sane. She says that Trump is making her feel crazy, but ANYONE who watched her could see she is batshit...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Dec 23, 2016, 29 replies, in forum: Politics

  10. Thread
    Jim Webb is laying it down right now.
    Democrats need to watch his interview with Tucker Carlson.
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Nov 15, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: Politics

  11. Thread
    American and European politics has never been right vs left.
    The fight has always been the WHITE right defending itself reflexively against the rest of American and European societies. The black right is...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Nov 8, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  12. Thread
    Most black people don't actually understand what racism is.
    It is bad enough that mentally-challenged white liberal SJWs have no clue what the words "prejudice" and "racism" actually mean, but it is a whole...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Sep 21, 2016, 36 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  13. Thread
    Do white Democrats know how powerless and disadvantaged they actually are?
    You guys are the most powerless and irrelevant group in the entire civilized world and I seriously doubt any of you can see it. It is getting to...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 3, 2016, 60 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  14. Thread
    The Dangerous Questions That Democrats Are Too Afraid To Ask Themselves.
    Just what is the difference between the Dallas shooter and Dylann Roof? Why is the "anger" from the Dallas shooter treated any differently from...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Jul 8, 2016, 24 replies, in forum: Politics

  15. Thread
    The Fear of White Identity Politics, The Fear of Equality.
    Why do so supposed humanitarians and egalitarians fight so hard to keep white people from having what non-white populations have had for over a...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Jun 2, 2016, 168 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

So how is it that red red red Alabama just went Democratic?
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.

You really need to give up the Race Card and the Southern Strategy myth.

Both are dead horse propped up only by massive dishonesty of the left.
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
After looking at all the threads you have started since you first came here, I have realized that you are no authority on whites leaving the Democratic party. What you are is a racist who wants to use race to divide the country and win over white votes. I've been saying this for years. Republicans use god gays guns and racism to win over votes from people who have no business voting GOP. You simply do not make enough money to be a member of that party. Do you?

Anyways, lets look at all the racist threads you have started. Are you sure whites are leaving the Democratic party because of blacks or is that more wishful thinking on your part?

  1. Why the contemporary left TRULY fears the alt-right
    [MEDIA] Every single bullshit argument that the contemporary left has on the subject of race is literally blown apart every time the alt-right...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Oct 2, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  2. Thread
    "Conservatives" don't even understand that the 1st amendment was literally destroyed this month.
    While you morons were whining about "Neo Nazis" in Charlottesville, huge message boards were literally removed from the internet because of...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 28, 2017, 192 replies, in forum: Politics

  3. Thread
    Attention Conservatives, YOU are still very much a part of the "party of stupid"
    Your refusal to call out anti-white racism without pressure, and your adherence to the bullshit philosophy that ultimately only the likes of the...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 20, 2017, 68 replies, in forum: Politics

  4. Thread
    Why is that Democrats think that things like "Unite the Right" are so egregious, but not this?
    [MEDIA] How can Democrats claim demonstrating in the park is so terrible when they have literally given permits to these sick fucks to...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 20, 2017, 20 replies, in forum: Politics

  5. Thread
    There is nothing progressive about using racist dog whistles Democrats.
    Republicans need to understand Democrat dog whistles if they want to understand the real Democrat party and its march against actual progress. It...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 17, 2017, 7 replies, in forum: Politics

  6. Thread
    Attention Conservatives: You were duped and diminished by Democrats, not the alt right.
    Trump was 100% right to take the position that he did, but so called conservatives can't afford to even appear to side with Antifa. He praised...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 16, 2017, 8 replies, in forum: Politics

  7. Thread
    How did white Democrats get to be so stupid as to believe in "white privilege"?
    This belief by less intelligent white leftists(and even some boomer Republicans)that somehow they have a sort of "plot armor" that protects them...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Jul 28, 2017, 14 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  8. Thread
    Will Democrats be able to survive the coming wave of retribution?
    What will happen when the humanity of white people is reaffirmed and the tides of progress turn on the contemptible assholes who claim to be...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, May 17, 2017, 10 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  9. Thread
    Holy shit! Is anyone watching Tucker's show right now?
    Lauren Duca just made Lena Dunham look sane. She says that Trump is making her feel crazy, but ANYONE who watched her could see she is batshit...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Dec 23, 2016, 29 replies, in forum: Politics

  10. Thread
    Jim Webb is laying it down right now.
    Democrats need to watch his interview with Tucker Carlson.
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Nov 15, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: Politics

  11. Thread
    American and European politics has never been right vs left.
    The fight has always been the WHITE right defending itself reflexively against the rest of American and European societies. The black right is...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Nov 8, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  12. Thread
    Most black people don't actually understand what racism is.
    It is bad enough that mentally-challenged white liberal SJWs have no clue what the words "prejudice" and "racism" actually mean, but it is a whole...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Sep 21, 2016, 36 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  13. Thread
    Do white Democrats know how powerless and disadvantaged they actually are?
    You guys are the most powerless and irrelevant group in the entire civilized world and I seriously doubt any of you can see it. It is getting to...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Aug 3, 2016, 60 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  14. Thread
    The Dangerous Questions That Democrats Are Too Afraid To Ask Themselves.
    Just what is the difference between the Dallas shooter and Dylann Roof? Why is the "anger" from the Dallas shooter treated any differently from...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Jul 8, 2016, 24 replies, in forum: Politics

  15. Thread
    The Fear of White Identity Politics, The Fear of Equality.
    Why do so supposed humanitarians and egalitarians fight so hard to keep white people from having what non-white populations have had for over a...
    Thread by: ptbw forever, Jun 2, 2016, 168 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

So how is it that red red red Alabama just went Democratic?
When all else fails just call the smarter white guy a “racist” for having unbeatable arguments that even the designated braintrusts of the forum cannot hope to refute. What I said in all of those threads is far less racist and far more progressive than your insinuation that the Republican Party is racist because it is overwhelmingly white.

Actually take a moment to try disprove what I am saying in those threads next time and understand just how truly inferior you are to me in every way.
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

The question her is not how many backs will vote in 2018 and in any other year. The question is when will whites stop voting for racists? Or when will racist whites regardless of the party stop being allowed to run as candidates? When will white Reagan democrats stop being Reagan democrats? I'm abut tired of whites trying to blame us for problems they keep creating. It's not our fault Trump is president. 88 percent of us voted for Clinton. That number is higher than any other democratic presidential candidate but Al Gore and Obama. More blacks voted for Hillary than did for bill by 5 points and Bill won twice. So the question is not how many blacks will vote, but when will whites like sealy bobo leave the democratic party or change.
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.

They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.

You really need to give up the Race Card and the Southern Strategy myth.

Both are dead horse propped up only by massive dishonesty of the left.
Trump needs to stop playing devisive politics. It helped him in 2020 but will backfire in 18&2020. Blame steve bannon
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

Waaaaah us poor whites. I’m white and I don’t know what you’re complaining about. I’m doing very well. Just don’t credit trump for it please. Obama did that shit. Now let’s see trump keep the wheels on track for 3 more years
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.
Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Obama was a con man.

Joe Biden is the ultimate con man(and pedophile and adulterer etc)

You idiots literally vote for people who openly hate you and largely don’t do anything that you thought they would, but yet you want to believe Trump supporters were duped.

Priceless stupidity is the only thing can be said about white Democrats.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Obama was a con man.

Joe Biden is the ultimate con man(and pedophile and adulterer etc)

You idiots literally vote for people who openly hate you and largely don’t do anything that you thought they would, but yet you want to believe Trump supporters were duped.

Priceless stupidity is the only thing can be said about white Democrats.

If that’s how you see things nothing I say will change you. You just keep up with that negative devisive stuff and see how far it gets you.

Alabama results got republicans rethinking
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Obama was a con man.

Joe Biden is the ultimate con man(and pedophile and adulterer etc)

You idiots literally vote for people who openly hate you and largely don’t do anything that you thought they would, but yet you want to believe Trump supporters were duped.

Priceless stupidity is the only thing can be said about white Democrats.

If that’s how you see things nothing I say will change you. You just keep up with that negative devisive stuff and see how far it gets you.

Alabama results got republicans rethinking

The intellectually inferior person doesn’t get to “change” the superior one.

Reality will destroy your ridiculous world view soon regardless.
You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact
The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man
Obama was a con man.

Joe Biden is the ultimate con man(and pedophile and adulterer etc)

You idiots literally vote for people who openly hate you and largely don’t do anything that you thought they would, but yet you want to believe Trump supporters were duped.

Priceless stupidity is the only thing can be said about white Democrats.
If that’s how you see things nothing I say will change you. You just keep up with that negative devisive stuff and see how far it gets you.

Alabama results got republicans rethinking
The intellectually inferior person doesn’t get to “change” the superior one.

Reality will destroy your ridiculous world view soon regardless.
Whatever happens is ok with me. Maybe we will become bilingual. Statistics show kids that speak two languages do better.

And if in 1000 we didn’t have blacks or whites just one mix of light brown, if that’s what we evolve into fine by me. What do I care about the Greek race and if it stays pure? It’s probably mixed with Turk or Iran from all the wars. Or god forbid the moors. Lol.

You white power nuts are funny the stuff you worry about.

And maybe one day we have enough muslims to impose sharia law. If they are the majority why not right?
You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact
The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man
Obama was a con man.

Joe Biden is the ultimate con man(and pedophile and adulterer etc)

You idiots literally vote for people who openly hate you and largely don’t do anything that you thought they would, but yet you want to believe Trump supporters were duped.

Priceless stupidity is the only thing can be said about white Democrats.
If that’s how you see things nothing I say will change you. You just keep up with that negative devisive stuff and see how far it gets you.

Alabama results got republicans rethinking
The intellectually inferior person doesn’t get to “change” the superior one.

Reality will destroy your ridiculous world view soon regardless.
That’s not true. There was a much smarter species of human but it didn’t breed or war like we did so we won. The intellectually inferior but more violent won
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.

They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

Blacks did show up in 2016 dumb ass. 88 percent worth. Whites democrats and white millennials were the ones with the problem.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Obama was a con man.

Joe Biden is the ultimate con man(and pedophile and adulterer etc)

You idiots literally vote for people who openly hate you and largely don’t do anything that you thought they would, but yet you want to believe Trump supporters were duped.

Priceless stupidity is the only thing can be said about white Democrats.

As we see now, you Trump voters were duped. You got played for your racism.

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