What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.

They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

Blacks did show up in 2016 dumb ass. 88 percent worth. Whites democrats and white millennials were the ones with the problem.
The blacks that showed up in Alabama the other day didn’t show up last year. Heard that on cnn. They said the dems did a real good job turning out the vote.

Take a compliment
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The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Obama was a con man.

Joe Biden is the ultimate con man(and pedophile and adulterer etc)

You idiots literally vote for people who openly hate you and largely don’t do anything that you thought they would, but yet you want to believe Trump supporters were duped.

Priceless stupidity is the only thing can be said about white Democrats.

As we see now, you Trump voters were duped. You got played for your racism.

Yea but to them trump is better than a democrat. He appointed possibly a judge who would overturn roe v wade. And illegal immigration is down.

Never mind all the ways you and I know republicans will screw us. You won’t convince him.

We need people to realize voting matters. Especially if you agree with me.

Millennial are doing horrible what’s trump gonna do for those educated with huge student debt?
Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

White Millennials are living in their parents basement paying off huge college loans. They’ve matured a little and realize trump ain’t doing shit for anyone but himself and his minions. The steve nannies of the party. Everyone else is a rhino.

This is putting off home ownership, parenting, retirement. I said this would happen. So laugh because you know trump ain’t fixing anything but the estate tax
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.

They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

Blacks did show up in 2016 dumb ass. 88 percent worth. Whites democrats and white millennials were the ones with the problem.
The blacks that showed up in Alabama the other day didn’t show up last year. Heard that on cnn. They said the dems did a real good job turning out the vote.

Take a compliment

I don't care. What I am saying is that you need to shut up telling us blacks how we need to vote. We fought and died to get that right and 88 percent of us showed up for Clinton in 2016. How many of you whites did? Most of you dumb asses fell for Trumps lies. So then maybe that's what needs to be discussed.
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.

They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

WHy did they realize that? Was it some change in the legal system, or the government that seriously impacted them?

Or was it just the result of massive and constant panic and race mongering campaign from the media, and the left?
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.

You really need to give up the Race Card and the Southern Strategy myth.

Both are dead horse propped up only by massive dishonesty of the left.
Trump needs to stop playing devisive politics. It helped him in 2020 but will backfire in 18&2020. Blame steve bannon

He is not the one playing the Race Card, or lying about half the nation. THat is your side, and you personally.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

White Millennials are living in their parents basement paying off huge college loans. They’ve matured a little and realize trump ain’t doing shit for anyone but himself and his minions. The steve nannies of the party. Everyone else is a rhino.

This is putting off home ownership, parenting, retirement. I said this would happen. So laugh because you know trump ain’t fixing anything but the estate tax

It's been a year. That is not long enough to give up on a President based on results.

It is long enough for a campaign to fade from current memory to be overcome by constant panic and race mongering by the media and the left.
Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.

They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

Blacks did show up in 2016 dumb ass. 88 percent worth. Whites democrats and white millennials were the ones with the problem.
The blacks that showed up in Alabama the other day didn’t show up last year. Heard that on cnn. They said the dems did a real good job turning out the vote.

Take a compliment

I don't care. What I am saying is that you need to shut up telling us blacks how we need to vote. We fought and died to get that right and 88 percent of us showed up for Clinton in 2016. How many of you whites did? Most of you dumb asses fell for Trumps lies. So then maybe that's what needs to be discussed.

Voting in a mindless block is not something to be proud of.
They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

Blacks did show up in 2016 dumb ass. 88 percent worth. Whites democrats and white millennials were the ones with the problem.
The blacks that showed up in Alabama the other day didn’t show up last year. Heard that on cnn. They said the dems did a real good job turning out the vote.

Take a compliment

I don't care. What I am saying is that you need to shut up telling us blacks how we need to vote. We fought and died to get that right and 88 percent of us showed up for Clinton in 2016. How many of you whites did? Most of you dumb asses fell for Trumps lies. So then maybe that's what needs to be discussed.

Voting in a mindless block is not something to be proud of.

That's why we don't vote republican.
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.

They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

WHy did they realize that? Was it some change in the legal system, or the government that seriously impacted them?

Or was it just the result of massive and constant panic and race mongering campaign from the media, and the left?

The only race mongering comes from you people on the right. Your ass spends all day spewing racist bullshit then at the same time tries telling me how the left and democrats are the racists. Why don't you just shut the fuck up. You're a fucking idiot.
Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.

You really need to give up the Race Card and the Southern Strategy myth.

Both are dead horse propped up only by massive dishonesty of the left.
Trump needs to stop playing devisive politics. It helped him in 2020 but will backfire in 18&2020. Blame steve bannon

He is not the one playing the Race Card, or lying about half the nation. THat is your side, and you personally.

He's the main one playing the race card.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

White Millennials are living in their parents basement paying off huge college loans. They’ve matured a little and realize trump ain’t doing shit for anyone but himself and his minions. The steve nannies of the party. Everyone else is a rhino.

This is putting off home ownership, parenting, retirement. I said this would happen. So laugh because you know trump ain’t fixing anything but the estate tax

It's been a year. That is not long enough to give up on a President based on results.

It is long enough for a campaign to fade from current memory to be overcome by constant panic and race mongering by the media and the left.

This fool is not going to change.
They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

Blacks did show up in 2016 dumb ass. 88 percent worth. Whites democrats and white millennials were the ones with the problem.
The blacks that showed up in Alabama the other day didn’t show up last year. Heard that on cnn. They said the dems did a real good job turning out the vote.

Take a compliment

I don't care. What I am saying is that you need to shut up telling us blacks how we need to vote. We fought and died to get that right and 88 percent of us showed up for Clinton in 2016. How many of you whites did? Most of you dumb asses fell for Trumps lies. So then maybe that's what needs to be discussed.

Voting in a mindless block is not something to be proud of.

That's why we don't vote republican.

Because we tell you the truth, I know.
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.

They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

WHy did they realize that? Was it some change in the legal system, or the government that seriously impacted them?

Or was it just the result of massive and constant panic and race mongering campaign from the media, and the left?

The only race mongering comes from you people on the right. Your ass spends all day spewing racist bullshit then at the same time tries telling me how the left and democrats are the racists. Why don't you just shut the fuck up. You're a fucking idiot.

NOte HOw I pointed out a flaw in Sealy's point, and then addressed it, making a point of my own.

while all you did was made unsupported accusations and personally insult me.

That is you losing the argument and being too stupid to notice.
You should be worrying about how small and stupid the white Democrat vote is now.

Black fascists are destroying your “progressive” cred and smarter white voters are leaving your party in droves.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.

You really need to give up the Race Card and the Southern Strategy myth.

Both are dead horse propped up only by massive dishonesty of the left.
Trump needs to stop playing devisive politics. It helped him in 2020 but will backfire in 18&2020. Blame steve bannon

He is not the one playing the Race Card, or lying about half the nation. THat is your side, and you personally.

He's the main one playing the race card.

Sealy played the race card in the post I responded to, that is why I didn't have to back up my accusation.

You on the other hand, just say shit, that you can't back up.

And you stand by it, no matter who much your bullshit is rubbed in your face.

Because you have all the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.

You really need to give up the Race Card and the Southern Strategy myth.

Both are dead horse propped up only by massive dishonesty of the left.
Trump needs to stop playing devisive politics. It helped him in 2020 but will backfire in 18&2020. Blame steve bannon

He is not the one playing the Race Card, or lying about half the nation. THat is your side, and you personally.

He's the main one playing the race card.

Sealy played the race card in the post I responded to, that is why I didn't have to back up my accusation.

You on the other hand, just say shit, that you can't back up.

And you stand by it, no matter who much your bullshit is rubbed in your face.

Because you have all the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

You've played the white boy race card since the thread was made about the fourth of July bitch.You've proven nothing son. You can't prove nothing boy. I have beat you like a government mules. And all you have left is lying about things you have never done.
Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.

They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

WHy did they realize that? Was it some change in the legal system, or the government that seriously impacted them?

Or was it just the result of massive and constant panic and race mongering campaign from the media, and the left?

The only race mongering comes from you people on the right. Your ass spends all day spewing racist bullshit then at the same time tries telling me how the left and democrats are the racists. Why don't you just shut the fuck up. You're a fucking idiot.

NOte HOw I pointed out a flaw in Sealy's point, and then addressed it, making a point of my own.

while all you did was made unsupported accusations and personally insult me.

That is you losing the argument and being too stupid to notice.

I won the argument long ago. What you see is my personal disdain because you exist.
They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

Blacks did show up in 2016 dumb ass. 88 percent worth. Whites democrats and white millennials were the ones with the problem.
The blacks that showed up in Alabama the other day didn’t show up last year. Heard that on cnn. They said the dems did a real good job turning out the vote.

Take a compliment

I don't care. What I am saying is that you need to shut up telling us blacks how we need to vote. We fought and died to get that right and 88 percent of us showed up for Clinton in 2016. How many of you whites did? Most of you dumb asses fell for Trumps lies. So then maybe that's what needs to be discussed.

Voting in a mindless block is not something to be proud of.
You do it
Turns out a lot of black people showed up in Alabama to vote against Roy Moore. Way to go black people!!! I'm proud of you.

They realized they should have showed up in 2016. Maybe these Americans will stop making that huge mistake. You vote for who you like and they’ll vote for who they like. Never mind why

WHy did they realize that? Was it some change in the legal system, or the government that seriously impacted them?

Or was it just the result of massive and constant panic and race mongering campaign from the media, and the left?

The only race mongering comes from you people on the right. Your ass spends all day spewing racist bullshit then at the same time tries telling me how the left and democrats are the racists. Why don't you just shut the fuck up. You're a fucking idiot.

NOte HOw I pointed out a flaw in Sealy's point, and then addressed it, making a point of my own.

while all you did was made unsupported accusations and personally insult me.

That is you losing the argument and being too stupid to notice.
Your position on how and why blacks vote is both hypocritical and ridiculous and offensively ignorant. Insulting untrue and racist

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