What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
Your position on how and why blacks vote is both hypocritical and ridiculous and offensively ignorant. Insulting untrue and racist

I asked a question, a fairly reasonable one considering the short time frame since the presidential election.

If my claim was ignorant, then explain what I do not know, about what has happened to make blacks "realize" what you say they have realized.

And I didn't say anything negative about blacks. I commented on the actions of the vile media and left.
They are seeing trumps a con man who can’t get it done. Some people are great campaigners and some are great leaders.

Remember when I talk about black people im really talking about poor blacks and usually the things I say apply to poor whites too.

What has trump done? Tried to take their healthcare away. Cuts to social programs.

Blacks are realizing there is a difference between the parties.

This is an all republican run government and it’s a joke although you’ll spin that. A huge gift to the rich not the middle class.

I know it hasn’t been a year yet. What else will happen? I can’t wait to see

We have known the difference between the parties for at least the last 50 years. In fact when you consider the lily white movement by he republicans at he end of the 1800's even longer. You really don't need to talk about blacks at all. Because you stereotype poor blacks just like the republicans do.
Because there’s some truth to it. The poor black communities are actually something white Americans have to answer for when we travel abroad. When we brag how great America is they ask what about our ghettos.

Yea we did that to you but the culture you guys have control over. You have poor black men having baby mammas and not raising the next generation right. Don’t act like it’s entirely untrue. You have too many black comedians who bust your balls for all the ignorant shit “you people” do. Lol. I love you guys but You need to lighten up. No pun intended.

We didn’t invent the word baby mamma you did. It’s a huge reason why those people are in poverty. I wish we could go back to the days where a highschool grad could get a job that could support a family but those days are gone. Black or white you have to have a career before you start a family

There is really no truth to it. I don't have to debate this with you. I was born poor and black like most of us and I saw none of that. I have traveled to hoods all over this nation and have seen none of what you keep saying. You've done exactly what republicans do. You may have seen 1/10 of 1 percent of some blacks clowning and you make a claim. I don't have to act like shit, I say its untrue because it is. I don't listen to black comedians for discussions on the social condition of the black community. Comedians are telling jokes, I listen to blacks who actually study the problem and they say what you keep saying is a load of white racist bull.

Don't act like it's not. No baby mommas is not a huge reason why we are in poverty. Whites have plenty of baby mommas. In fact they have baby with daddy who left momma. So again, you need to shut the fuck up with your running commentary about blacks. Whites like you are going to make blacks go to the republican party. Why not?. You believe the same things.
There is no reason anyone who doesn’t have kids should be poor in America. If you don’t have kids you can go get a minimum wage job and save because you barely have any bills. You can move. You can join the service. You can go to college.

A lot of young poor people are putting off having kids because of college debt. They’re taking my advice. Because they don’t want to raise a kid in poverty. I really can’t believe you don’t see this is true. I grew up poor in the city of Detroit till 4th grade and my grandmother never left and we visited her once a week for 30 years. It’s insulting and ridiculous to suggest I don’t know everything I need to know about black culture. I don’t have to imagine what living in the hood is like I lived it. Bars on my grandmas windows bad.

Now imagine a young kid in that neighborhood had two good parents. Taught him how to speak and have goals. That kid could cut lawns or do odd jobs and learn how to save. That kid can make it.

And teach them the law is unfair to minorities because a lot of cops are abusive and prejudice so it’s yes sir no sir to the cops.

This is advice us whites give our kids. You don’t want to listen that’s fine with me.
Black turnout in Alabama was impressive this week
If blacks in Georgia, Alabama and a few other red states with Senate elections we shall see

Your race baiting is working!

I wonder how the whites you are constantly smearing are feeling about that.

I see you have given up on your future being an Utopia.

Have you given any thought to a future that is not a Dystopia?

It is not race baiting it is demographics
Black/white, old/young, rural/urban, educated/uneducated, men/women

Turnout which plays a role in who ultimately wins

If 90% of blacks vote democratic, a large turnout of blacks affect the results
Just like a large turnout of older people helps Republicans

It's called math....it is not hard

And by telling the blacks that the evul white republicans are out to get them, you motivate higher turnout.

Good job!

I mean, you're destroying the fabric of the nation, turning vast numbers of citizens against their fellows, but you are winning elections.

And the cost is distinct enough from your actions, that you can pretend not to realize the cause and effect.

At what point did you realize that my arguments about how all of this would lead to your one party utopia being a hell, were completely correct?

And why do you still want it, even though you realize it will be hell?
Black turnout in Alabama was impressive this week
If blacks in Georgia, Alabama and a few other red states with Senate elections we shall see

Your race baiting is working!

I wonder how the whites you are constantly smearing are feeling about that.

I see you have given up on your future being an Utopia.

Have you given any thought to a future that is not a Dystopia?

It is not race baiting it is demographics
Black/white, old/young, rural/urban, educated/uneducated, men/women

Turnout which plays a role in who ultimately wins

If 90% of blacks vote democratic, a large turnout of blacks affect the results
Just like a large turnout of older people helps Republicans

It's called math....it is not hard

And by telling the blacks that the evul white republicans are out to get them, you motivate higher turnout.

Good job!

I mean, you're destroying the fabric of the nation, turning vast numbers of citizens against their fellows, but you are winning elections.

And the cost is distinct enough from your actions, that you can pretend not to realize the cause and effect.

At what point did you realize that my arguments about how all of this would lead to your one party utopia being a hell, were completely correct?

And why do you still want it, even though you realize it will be hell?

Whites destroyed the fabric of this nation before it was a nation. Shut up.
Black turnout in Alabama was impressive this week
If blacks in Georgia, Alabama and a few other red states with Senate elections we shall see

Your race baiting is working!

I wonder how the whites you are constantly smearing are feeling about that.

I see you have given up on your future being an Utopia.

Have you given any thought to a future that is not a Dystopia?

It is not race baiting it is demographics
Black/white, old/young, rural/urban, educated/uneducated, men/women

Turnout which plays a role in who ultimately wins

If 90% of blacks vote democratic, a large turnout of blacks affect the results
Just like a large turnout of older people helps Republicans

It's called math....it is not hard

And by telling the blacks that the evul white republicans are out to get them, you motivate higher turnout.

Good job!

I mean, you're destroying the fabric of the nation, turning vast numbers of citizens against their fellows, but you are winning elections.

And the cost is distinct enough from your actions, that you can pretend not to realize the cause and effect.

At what point did you realize that my arguments about how all of this would lead to your one party utopia being a hell, were completely correct?

And why do you still want it, even though you realize it will be hell?
Nobody has to tell blacks anything
They can figure out on their own that Republicans are not in their best interests. They have known that for 70 years
  • Thanks
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WHy did they realize that? Was it some change in the legal system, or the government that seriously impacted them?

Or was it just the result of massive and constant panic and race mongering campaign from the media, and the left?

The only race mongering comes from you people on the right. Your ass spends all day spewing racist bullshit then at the same time tries telling me how the left and democrats are the racists. Why don't you just shut the fuck up. You're a fucking idiot.

NOte HOw I pointed out a flaw in Sealy's point, and then addressed it, making a point of my own.

while all you did was made unsupported accusations and personally insult me.

That is you losing the argument and being too stupid to notice.
Your position on how and why blacks vote is both hypocritical and ridiculous and offensively ignorant. Insulting untrue and racist

I asked a question, a fairly reasonable one considering the short time frame since the presidential election.

If my claim was ignorant, then explain what I do not know, about what has happened to make blacks "realize" what you say they have realized.

And I didn't say anything negative about blacks. I commented on the actions of the vile media and left.


What has trump done? Tried to take their healthcare away. Cuts to social programs.

Blacks are realizing there is a difference between the parties....

Meanwhile illegal immigration is way down and the economy is doing well, unemployment is down, has the media mentioned any of that?

The lying of the press, is going to ruin this nation.
Black turnout in Alabama was impressive this week
If blacks in Georgia, Alabama and a few other red states with Senate elections we shall see

Your race baiting is working!

I wonder how the whites you are constantly smearing are feeling about that.

I see you have given up on your future being an Utopia.

Have you given any thought to a future that is not a Dystopia?

It is not race baiting it is demographics
Black/white, old/young, rural/urban, educated/uneducated, men/women

Turnout which plays a role in who ultimately wins

If 90% of blacks vote democratic, a large turnout of blacks affect the results
Just like a large turnout of older people helps Republicans

It's called math....it is not hard
Republicans like blacks not voting. That’s why they spread the rumor there’s no difference between the two parties. If blacks vote republicans have to worry about that voting block.

Now if we can get young people to start voting. Today’s generation will graduate college with something like 300 Times more student debt than we did. They deserve it if they are too stupid to vote. Republicans made student loans a racket because they don’t fear the youth vote

What are you talking about? I've never said there is no difference between the parties.

My problem is not with blacks voting, but with them being lied to by the vile media.
Black turnout in Alabama was impressive this week
If blacks in Georgia, Alabama and a few other red states with Senate elections we shall see

Your race baiting is working!

I wonder how the whites you are constantly smearing are feeling about that.

I see you have given up on your future being an Utopia.

Have you given any thought to a future that is not a Dystopia?

It is not race baiting it is demographics
Black/white, old/young, rural/urban, educated/uneducated, men/women

Turnout which plays a role in who ultimately wins

If 90% of blacks vote democratic, a large turnout of blacks affect the results
Just like a large turnout of older people helps Republicans

It's called math....it is not hard

And by telling the blacks that the evul white republicans are out to get them, you motivate higher turnout.

Good job!

I mean, you're destroying the fabric of the nation, turning vast numbers of citizens against their fellows, but you are winning elections.

And the cost is distinct enough from your actions, that you can pretend not to realize the cause and effect.

At what point did you realize that my arguments about how all of this would lead to your one party utopia being a hell, were completely correct?

And why do you still want it, even though you realize it will be hell?

Whites destroyed the fabric of this nation before it was a nation. Shut up.

Thanks for making it racial, you racist.

I was talking about the actions of liberals, a group defined by their beliefs and their actions.

YOu saw skin color.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.
Once again the left wing driving the racial wedge.

The desperation of the democrat party is astounding. Relying on the black vote to win elections, the black vote, at best, is 13 percent of the voters. Somehow the democrats miss that or don't seem to care. As we saw in the 2016 election, it isn't how many blacks show up it is how many of the 67 percent show up. Numbers don't lie, like democrats. Now in areas that are predominately black, yes a black person is going to win because blacks vote by race and then call whites racist.

That may be true nationwide, but I happen to know Atlanta and Jacksonville are majority black, more than 60%, even.
Black turnout in Alabama was impressive this week
If blacks in Georgia, Alabama and a few other red states with Senate elections we shall see

Your race baiting is working!

I wonder how the whites you are constantly smearing are feeling about that.

I see you have given up on your future being an Utopia.

Have you given any thought to a future that is not a Dystopia?

It is not race baiting it is demographics
Black/white, old/young, rural/urban, educated/uneducated, men/women

Turnout which plays a role in who ultimately wins

If 90% of blacks vote democratic, a large turnout of blacks affect the results
Just like a large turnout of older people helps Republicans

It's called math....it is not hard

And by telling the blacks that the evul white republicans are out to get them, you motivate higher turnout.

Good job!

I mean, you're destroying the fabric of the nation, turning vast numbers of citizens against their fellows, but you are winning elections.

And the cost is distinct enough from your actions, that you can pretend not to realize the cause and effect.

At what point did you realize that my arguments about how all of this would lead to your one party utopia being a hell, were completely correct?

And why do you still want it, even though you realize it will be hell?
Nobody has to tell blacks anything
They can figure out on their own that Republicans are not in their best interests. They have known that for 70 years

If you libs believed that, we would not see some many "mistakes" and "errors" out of the vile liberal media.

Propaganda works. Panic mongering works. Race baiting works.

You know that. Based on your behavior, it could be the only thing you know.

There are a lot of blacks, that based on their positions on the issues, such as abortion, or jobs, or religion, have no real home in the Democratic Party.

YOu know that. That's why you lie so much.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.
Only 40% across the board ever vote. We have 350 million people and only about 120 million voted in the last election.

Black turnout in Alabama was impressive this week
If blacks in Georgia, Alabama and a few other red states with Senate elections we shall see

Your race baiting is working!

I wonder how the whites you are constantly smearing are feeling about that.

I see you have given up on your future being an Utopia.

Have you given any thought to a future that is not a Dystopia?

It is not race baiting it is demographics
Black/white, old/young, rural/urban, educated/uneducated, men/women

Turnout which plays a role in who ultimately wins

If 90% of blacks vote democratic, a large turnout of blacks affect the results
Just like a large turnout of older people helps Republicans

It's called math....it is not hard

And by telling the blacks that the evul white republicans are out to get them, you motivate higher turnout.

Good job!

I mean, you're destroying the fabric of the nation, turning vast numbers of citizens against their fellows, but you are winning elections.

And the cost is distinct enough from your actions, that you can pretend not to realize the cause and effect.

At what point did you realize that my arguments about how all of this would lead to your one party utopia being a hell, were completely correct?

And why do you still want it, even though you realize it will be hell?

Whites destroyed the fabric of this nation before it was a nation. Shut up.

Thanks for making it racial, you racist.

I was talking about the actions of liberals, a group defined by their beliefs and their actions.

YOu saw skin color.

Things were made racial on July 4tth,1776 fuck wad,
Black turnout in Alabama was impressive this week
If blacks in Georgia, Alabama and a few other red states with Senate elections we shall see

Your race baiting is working!

I wonder how the whites you are constantly smearing are feeling about that.

I see you have given up on your future being an Utopia.

Have you given any thought to a future that is not a Dystopia?

It is not race baiting it is demographics
Black/white, old/young, rural/urban, educated/uneducated, men/women

Turnout which plays a role in who ultimately wins

If 90% of blacks vote democratic, a large turnout of blacks affect the results
Just like a large turnout of older people helps Republicans

It's called math....it is not hard

And by telling the blacks that the evul white republicans are out to get them, you motivate higher turnout.

Good job!

I mean, you're destroying the fabric of the nation, turning vast numbers of citizens against their fellows, but you are winning elections.

And the cost is distinct enough from your actions, that you can pretend not to realize the cause and effect.

At what point did you realize that my arguments about how all of this would lead to your one party utopia being a hell, were completely correct?

And why do you still want it, even though you realize it will be hell?
Nobody has to tell blacks anything
They can figure out on their own that Republicans are not in their best interests. They have known that for 70 years

If you libs believed that, we would not see some many "mistakes" and "errors" out of the vile liberal media.

Propaganda works. Panic mongering works. Race baiting works.

You know that. Based on your behavior, it could be the only thing you know.

There are a lot of blacks, that based on their positions on the issues, such as abortion, or jobs, or religion, have no real home in the Democratic Party.

YOu know that. That's why you lie so much.

Retard, who the fuck do you think you are talking to? You and the other right wing bitches here do nothing but race bait. All of your conversations revolve around the denigration of black people. Then your punk asses actually try to tell us how we are the racists. Your retarded ass has psychosis. So shut the fuck up.
Your race baiting is working!

I wonder how the whites you are constantly smearing are feeling about that.

I see you have given up on your future being an Utopia.

Have you given any thought to a future that is not a Dystopia?

It is not race baiting it is demographics
Black/white, old/young, rural/urban, educated/uneducated, men/women

Turnout which plays a role in who ultimately wins

If 90% of blacks vote democratic, a large turnout of blacks affect the results
Just like a large turnout of older people helps Republicans

It's called math....it is not hard

And by telling the blacks that the evul white republicans are out to get them, you motivate higher turnout.

Good job!

I mean, you're destroying the fabric of the nation, turning vast numbers of citizens against their fellows, but you are winning elections.

And the cost is distinct enough from your actions, that you can pretend not to realize the cause and effect.

At what point did you realize that my arguments about how all of this would lead to your one party utopia being a hell, were completely correct?

And why do you still want it, even though you realize it will be hell?
Nobody has to tell blacks anything
They can figure out on their own that Republicans are not in their best interests. They have known that for 70 years

If you libs believed that, we would not see some many "mistakes" and "errors" out of the vile liberal media.

Propaganda works. Panic mongering works. Race baiting works.

You know that. Based on your behavior, it could be the only thing you know.

There are a lot of blacks, that based on their positions on the issues, such as abortion, or jobs, or religion, have no real home in the Democratic Party.

YOu know that. That's why you lie so much.

Retard, who the fuck do you think you are talking to? You and the other right wing bitches here do nothing but race bait. All of your conversations revolve around the denigration of black people. Then your punk asses actually try to tell us how we are the racists. Your retarded ass has psychosis. So shut the fuck up.

As if you ever post anywhere outside of the racist forums. :rolleyes:

You don't.
I asked a question, a fairly reasonable one considering the short time frame since the presidential election.

If my claim was ignorant, then explain what I do not know, about what has happened to make blacks "realize" what you say they have realized.

And I didn't say anything negative about blacks. I commented on the actions of the vile media and left.
They are seeing trumps a con man who can’t get it done. Some people are great campaigners and some are great leaders.

Remember when I talk about black people im really talking about poor blacks and usually the things I say apply to poor whites too.

What has trump done? Tried to take their healthcare away. Cuts to social programs.

Blacks are realizing there is a difference between the parties.

This is an all republican run government and it’s a joke although you’ll spin that. A huge gift to the rich not the middle class.

I know it hasn’t been a year yet. What else will happen? I can’t wait to see

We have known the difference between the parties for at least the last 50 years. In fact when you consider the lily white movement by he republicans at he end of the 1800's even longer. You really don't need to talk about blacks at all. Because you stereotype poor blacks just like the republicans do.
Because there’s some truth to it. The poor black communities are actually something white Americans have to answer for when we travel abroad. When we brag how great America is they ask what about our ghettos.

Yea we did that to you but the culture you guys have control over. You have poor black men having baby mammas and not raising the next generation right. Don’t act like it’s entirely untrue. You have too many black comedians who bust your balls for all the ignorant shit “you people” do. Lol. I love you guys but You need to lighten up. No pun intended.

We didn’t invent the word baby mamma you did. It’s a huge reason why those people are in poverty. I wish we could go back to the days where a highschool grad could get a job that could support a family but those days are gone. Black or white you have to have a career before you start a family

There is really no truth to it. I don't have to debate this with you. I was born poor and black like most of us and I saw none of that. I have traveled to hoods all over this nation and have seen none of what you keep saying. You've done exactly what republicans do. You may have seen 1/10 of 1 percent of some blacks clowning and you make a claim. I don't have to act like shit, I say its untrue because it is. I don't listen to black comedians for discussions on the social condition of the black community. Comedians are telling jokes, I listen to blacks who actually study the problem and they say what you keep saying is a load of white racist bull.

Don't act like it's not. No baby mommas is not a huge reason why we are in poverty. Whites have plenty of baby mommas. In fact they have baby with daddy who left momma. So again, you need to shut the fuck up with your running commentary about blacks. Whites like you are going to make blacks go to the republican party. Why not?. You believe the same things.
There is no reason anyone who doesn’t have kids should be poor in America. If you don’t have kids you can go get a minimum wage job and save because you barely have any bills. You can move. You can join the service. You can go to college.

A lot of young poor people are putting off having kids because of college debt. They’re taking my advice. Because they don’t want to raise a kid in poverty. I really can’t believe you don’t see this is true. I grew up poor in the city of Detroit till 4th grade and my grandmother never left and we visited her once a week for 30 years. It’s insulting and ridiculous to suggest I don’t know everything I need to know about black culture. I don’t have to imagine what living in the hood is like I lived it. Bars on my grandmas windows bad.

Now imagine a young kid in that neighborhood had two good parents. Taught him how to speak and have goals. That kid could cut lawns or do odd jobs and learn how to save. That kid can make it.

And teach them the law is unfair to minorities because a lot of cops are abusive and prejudice so it’s yes sir no sir to the cops.

This is advice us whites give our kids. You don’t want to listen that’s fine with me.
Most people are poor because of bad choices....divorces, drug use, criminals that can't or won't find work, the handicapped, kids aren't what causes poverty.....unless you just like having them without out getting married.
Your race baiting is working!

I wonder how the whites you are constantly smearing are feeling about that.

I see you have given up on your future being an Utopia.

Have you given any thought to a future that is not a Dystopia?

It is not race baiting it is demographics
Black/white, old/young, rural/urban, educated/uneducated, men/women

Turnout which plays a role in who ultimately wins

If 90% of blacks vote democratic, a large turnout of blacks affect the results
Just like a large turnout of older people helps Republicans

It's called math....it is not hard

And by telling the blacks that the evul white republicans are out to get them, you motivate higher turnout.

Good job!

I mean, you're destroying the fabric of the nation, turning vast numbers of citizens against their fellows, but you are winning elections.

And the cost is distinct enough from your actions, that you can pretend not to realize the cause and effect.

At what point did you realize that my arguments about how all of this would lead to your one party utopia being a hell, were completely correct?

And why do you still want it, even though you realize it will be hell?

Whites destroyed the fabric of this nation before it was a nation. Shut up.

Thanks for making it racial, you racist.

I was talking about the actions of liberals, a group defined by their beliefs and their actions.

YOu saw skin color.

Things were made racial on July 4tth,1776 fuck wad,

Oh, they weren't racial in colonial times with widespread slavery? That's interesting.

Actually, that just shows that you are just spouting shit.

My point stands. My point about the actions of liberals.

You are the one that tried. to make it racial.

I reject your racism. My point was about liberals regardless of skin color, or ethnicity, or whatever.


Your race baiting is working!

I wonder how the whites you are constantly smearing are feeling about that.

I see you have given up on your future being an Utopia.

Have you given any thought to a future that is not a Dystopia?

It is not race baiting it is demographics
Black/white, old/young, rural/urban, educated/uneducated, men/women

Turnout which plays a role in who ultimately wins

If 90% of blacks vote democratic, a large turnout of blacks affect the results
Just like a large turnout of older people helps Republicans

It's called math....it is not hard

And by telling the blacks that the evul white republicans are out to get them, you motivate higher turnout.

Good job!

I mean, you're destroying the fabric of the nation, turning vast numbers of citizens against their fellows, but you are winning elections.

And the cost is distinct enough from your actions, that you can pretend not to realize the cause and effect.

At what point did you realize that my arguments about how all of this would lead to your one party utopia being a hell, were completely correct?

And why do you still want it, even though you realize it will be hell?
Nobody has to tell blacks anything
They can figure out on their own that Republicans are not in their best interests. They have known that for 70 years

If you libs believed that, we would not see some many "mistakes" and "errors" out of the vile liberal media.

Propaganda works. Panic mongering works. Race baiting works.

You know that. Based on your behavior, it could be the only thing you know.

There are a lot of blacks, that based on their positions on the issues, such as abortion, or jobs, or religion, have no real home in the Democratic Party.

YOu know that. That's why you lie so much.

Retard, who the fuck do you think you are talking to? You and the other right wing bitches here do nothing but race bait. All of your conversations revolve around the denigration of black people. Then your punk asses actually try to tell us how we are the racists. Your retarded ass has psychosis. So shut the fuck up.

Says the person that saw race when I said liberals.

YOur perceptions are completely corrupted by your deep obsession with race.
They are seeing trumps a con man who can’t get it done. Some people are great campaigners and some are great leaders.

Remember when I talk about black people im really talking about poor blacks and usually the things I say apply to poor whites too.

What has trump done? Tried to take their healthcare away. Cuts to social programs.

Blacks are realizing there is a difference between the parties.

This is an all republican run government and it’s a joke although you’ll spin that. A huge gift to the rich not the middle class.

I know it hasn’t been a year yet. What else will happen? I can’t wait to see

We have known the difference between the parties for at least the last 50 years. In fact when you consider the lily white movement by he republicans at he end of the 1800's even longer. You really don't need to talk about blacks at all. Because you stereotype poor blacks just like the republicans do.
Because there’s some truth to it. The poor black communities are actually something white Americans have to answer for when we travel abroad. When we brag how great America is they ask what about our ghettos.

Yea we did that to you but the culture you guys have control over. You have poor black men having baby mammas and not raising the next generation right. Don’t act like it’s entirely untrue. You have too many black comedians who bust your balls for all the ignorant shit “you people” do. Lol. I love you guys but You need to lighten up. No pun intended.

We didn’t invent the word baby mamma you did. It’s a huge reason why those people are in poverty. I wish we could go back to the days where a highschool grad could get a job that could support a family but those days are gone. Black or white you have to have a career before you start a family

There is really no truth to it. I don't have to debate this with you. I was born poor and black like most of us and I saw none of that. I have traveled to hoods all over this nation and have seen none of what you keep saying. You've done exactly what republicans do. You may have seen 1/10 of 1 percent of some blacks clowning and you make a claim. I don't have to act like shit, I say its untrue because it is. I don't listen to black comedians for discussions on the social condition of the black community. Comedians are telling jokes, I listen to blacks who actually study the problem and they say what you keep saying is a load of white racist bull.

Don't act like it's not. No baby mommas is not a huge reason why we are in poverty. Whites have plenty of baby mommas. In fact they have baby with daddy who left momma. So again, you need to shut the fuck up with your running commentary about blacks. Whites like you are going to make blacks go to the republican party. Why not?. You believe the same things.
There is no reason anyone who doesn’t have kids should be poor in America. If you don’t have kids you can go get a minimum wage job and save because you barely have any bills. You can move. You can join the service. You can go to college.

A lot of young poor people are putting off having kids because of college debt. They’re taking my advice. Because they don’t want to raise a kid in poverty. I really can’t believe you don’t see this is true. I grew up poor in the city of Detroit till 4th grade and my grandmother never left and we visited her once a week for 30 years. It’s insulting and ridiculous to suggest I don’t know everything I need to know about black culture. I don’t have to imagine what living in the hood is like I lived it. Bars on my grandmas windows bad.

Now imagine a young kid in that neighborhood had two good parents. Taught him how to speak and have goals. That kid could cut lawns or do odd jobs and learn how to save. That kid can make it.

And teach them the law is unfair to minorities because a lot of cops are abusive and prejudice so it’s yes sir no sir to the cops.

This is advice us whites give our kids. You don’t want to listen that’s fine with me.
Most people are poor because of bad choices....divorces, drug use, criminals that can't find work, handicapped, kids aren't what causes poverty.....unless you just like having them without out getting married.

1. FInish high school.

2. Wait till you are married to have kids.
We have known the difference between the parties for at least the last 50 years. In fact when you consider the lily white movement by he republicans at he end of the 1800's even longer. You really don't need to talk about blacks at all. Because you stereotype poor blacks just like the republicans do.
Because there’s some truth to it. The poor black communities are actually something white Americans have to answer for when we travel abroad. When we brag how great America is they ask what about our ghettos.

Yea we did that to you but the culture you guys have control over. You have poor black men having baby mammas and not raising the next generation right. Don’t act like it’s entirely untrue. You have too many black comedians who bust your balls for all the ignorant shit “you people” do. Lol. I love you guys but You need to lighten up. No pun intended.

We didn’t invent the word baby mamma you did. It’s a huge reason why those people are in poverty. I wish we could go back to the days where a highschool grad could get a job that could support a family but those days are gone. Black or white you have to have a career before you start a family

There is really no truth to it. I don't have to debate this with you. I was born poor and black like most of us and I saw none of that. I have traveled to hoods all over this nation and have seen none of what you keep saying. You've done exactly what republicans do. You may have seen 1/10 of 1 percent of some blacks clowning and you make a claim. I don't have to act like shit, I say its untrue because it is. I don't listen to black comedians for discussions on the social condition of the black community. Comedians are telling jokes, I listen to blacks who actually study the problem and they say what you keep saying is a load of white racist bull.

Don't act like it's not. No baby mommas is not a huge reason why we are in poverty. Whites have plenty of baby mommas. In fact they have baby with daddy who left momma. So again, you need to shut the fuck up with your running commentary about blacks. Whites like you are going to make blacks go to the republican party. Why not?. You believe the same things.
There is no reason anyone who doesn’t have kids should be poor in America. If you don’t have kids you can go get a minimum wage job and save because you barely have any bills. You can move. You can join the service. You can go to college.

A lot of young poor people are putting off having kids because of college debt. They’re taking my advice. Because they don’t want to raise a kid in poverty. I really can’t believe you don’t see this is true. I grew up poor in the city of Detroit till 4th grade and my grandmother never left and we visited her once a week for 30 years. It’s insulting and ridiculous to suggest I don’t know everything I need to know about black culture. I don’t have to imagine what living in the hood is like I lived it. Bars on my grandmas windows bad.

Now imagine a young kid in that neighborhood had two good parents. Taught him how to speak and have goals. That kid could cut lawns or do odd jobs and learn how to save. That kid can make it.

And teach them the law is unfair to minorities because a lot of cops are abusive and prejudice so it’s yes sir no sir to the cops.

This is advice us whites give our kids. You don’t want to listen that’s fine with me.
Most people are poor because of bad choices....divorces, drug use, criminals that can't find work, handicapped, kids aren't what causes poverty.....unless you just like having them without out getting married.

1. FInish high school.

2. Wait till you are married to have kids.

Tell that to white kids.
I asked a question, a fairly reasonable one considering the short time frame since the presidential election.

If my claim was ignorant, then explain what I do not know, about what has happened to make blacks "realize" what you say they have realized.

And I didn't say anything negative about blacks. I commented on the actions of the vile media and left.
They are seeing trumps a con man who can’t get it done. Some people are great campaigners and some are great leaders.

Remember when I talk about black people im really talking about poor blacks and usually the things I say apply to poor whites too.

What has trump done? Tried to take their healthcare away. Cuts to social programs.

Blacks are realizing there is a difference between the parties.

This is an all republican run government and it’s a joke although you’ll spin that. A huge gift to the rich not the middle class.

I know it hasn’t been a year yet. What else will happen? I can’t wait to see

We have known the difference between the parties for at least the last 50 years. In fact when you consider the lily white movement by he republicans at he end of the 1800's even longer. You really don't need to talk about blacks at all. Because you stereotype poor blacks just like the republicans do.
Because there’s some truth to it. The poor black communities are actually something white Americans have to answer for when we travel abroad. When we brag how great America is they ask what about our ghettos.

Yea we did that to you but the culture you guys have control over. You have poor black men having baby mammas and not raising the next generation right. Don’t act like it’s entirely untrue. You have too many black comedians who bust your balls for all the ignorant shit “you people” do. Lol. I love you guys but You need to lighten up. No pun intended.

We didn’t invent the word baby mamma you did. It’s a huge reason why those people are in poverty. I wish we could go back to the days where a highschool grad could get a job that could support a family but those days are gone. Black or white you have to have a career before you start a family

There is really no truth to it. I don't have to debate this with you. I was born poor and black like most of us and I saw none of that. I have traveled to hoods all over this nation and have seen none of what you keep saying. You've done exactly what republicans do. You may have seen 1/10 of 1 percent of some blacks clowning and you make a claim. I don't have to act like shit, I say its untrue because it is. I don't listen to black comedians for discussions on the social condition of the black community. Comedians are telling jokes, I listen to blacks who actually study the problem and they say what you keep saying is a load of white racist bull.

Don't act like it's not. No baby mommas is not a huge reason why we are in poverty. Whites have plenty of baby mommas. In fact they have baby with daddy who left momma. So again, you need to shut the fuck up with your running commentary about blacks. Whites like you are going to make blacks go to the republican party. Why not?. You believe the same things.
There is no reason anyone who doesn’t have kids should be poor in America. If you don’t have kids you can go get a minimum wage job and save because you barely have any bills. You can move. You can join the service. You can go to college.

A lot of young poor people are putting off having kids because of college debt. They’re taking my advice. Because they don’t want to raise a kid in poverty. I really can’t believe you don’t see this is true. I grew up poor in the city of Detroit till 4th grade and my grandmother never left and we visited her once a week for 30 years. It’s insulting and ridiculous to suggest I don’t know everything I need to know about black culture. I don’t have to imagine what living in the hood is like I lived it. Bars on my grandmas windows bad.

Now imagine a young kid in that neighborhood had two good parents. Taught him how to speak and have goals. That kid could cut lawns or do odd jobs and learn how to save. That kid can make it.

And teach them the law is unfair to minorities because a lot of cops are abusive and prejudice so it’s yes sir no sir to the cops.

This is advice us whites give our kids. You don’t want to listen that’s fine with me.

Sealybobo I am black. Therefore when I tell your white ass you are wrong, it is because you are wrong.

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