What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
I doubt you would have the guts to come to Louisville and risk getting your face smashed in.

I would do it without any hesitation, and you know it too.

Internet Badass Alert!

Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.
Yes. Unkotare is the biggest pussy
Meanwhile illegal immigration is way down and the economy is doing well, unemployment is down, has the media mentioned any of that?

The lying of the press, is going to ruin this nation.
Stop it! The economy was already doing well. So far only ones who are going to benefit from trumps nomination is the rich.

Companies should be so hurting for good help wages should be through the roof. But we see “the economy” or do you mean companies and corporations are doing well? Sure. What about blue collar? Wages are not going up! These are the people you need to deliver them something or you’ll lose re election.

Do you think this tax bill will be enough? Plus getting rid of the aca mandate? You may win

I agree I have not seen wages going up like they should.

I suspect managers and ceos have gotten lazy and stupid and can't think outsider of "pay less, charge more".

But, hopefully soon, it will start.

ANd if the media actually reports that, that should help the republcians.
I would like a reduction in costs.
Obama spent most of his presidency trying to jack up the costs of energy and raising taxes at the same time he was spending us into bankruptcy.
You can’t relate you make enough to be gop. Explain why is poor folk should be?

You just admitted you’re part of the investor class not the working class. We see no benefit to your ways. Once we are rich too we will see it. I’m starting to.

Idiot leftists keep trying to push their class warfare bullshit despite being called on their hypocrisy by the electorate only just recently. They don't learn because they can't.
The electorate is stupid if they still don’t get it after that bullshit tax bill republicans passed.

Or if they think the economy was bad in 2016 but is great now
Internet Badass Alert!

Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.
Yes. Unkotare is the biggest pussy

Says the outed fraud fish.
2018 should be interesting

Consider it a referendum on Trumps America

Black and Hispanic turnout will be key in many congressional districts as well as key Senate races in Arizona and Nevada

Getting millenials off their asses will also be key

The older white vote is lost

Hence the need for constant race and panic mongering.

RW, can you imagine a world were you libs would be about issues instead of propaganda?

It is called politics
You get out the vote among those who are most likely to support you

With 90 percent of blacks refusing to vote Republican, there is no need to create panic

They know the score

Interesting rationalizations for your behavior.

What do we on the Right do, that you pretend to yourself is equivalent to your side's constant panic and race mongering?
It's a combination of what Republicans do and what they refuse to do

They oppose affirmative action, healthcare for poor children, enforce strict drug laws, voter suppression, unemployment benefits, social programs....among many, many others

While Democrats support business incentives for impoverished communities......Republicans support moving business out

Republicans also embrace alt right which exists to extend racist policies
Republicans have given blacks no reason to vote republican.

They keep saying black unemployment is the lowest it’s ever been. These same republicans said that unemployment number was fake in 2016. Now suddenly it’s real?

Thank you obama for this low unemployment number.

Btw, companies didn’t hire more people with the tax break they were given. CEOs gave themselves raises.
I doubt you would have the guts to come to Louisville and risk getting your face smashed in.

I would do it without any hesitation, and you know it too.

Internet Badass Alert!

Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.


Because you don’t have any and need some? Hasn’t worked for you, and you don’t represent the Republican Party, eunuch.
Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.
Yes. Unkotare is the biggest pussy

Says the outed fraud fish.
The only thing I want out is your little Asian cock
Internet Badass Alert!

Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.


Because you don’t have any and need some? Hasn’t worked for you, and you don’t represent the Republican Party, eunuch.
You don’t represent anyone but fdr haters
Stop it! The economy was already doing well. So far only ones who are going to benefit from trumps nomination is the rich.

Companies should be so hurting for good help wages should be through the roof. But we see “the economy” or do you mean companies and corporations are doing well? Sure. What about blue collar? Wages are not going up! These are the people you need to deliver them something or you’ll lose re election.

Do you think this tax bill will be enough? Plus getting rid of the aca mandate? You may win

I agree I have not seen wages going up like they should.

I suspect managers and ceos have gotten lazy and stupid and can't think outsider of "pay less, charge more".

But, hopefully soon, it will start.

ANd if the media actually reports that, that should help the republcians.
I would like a reduction in costs.
Obama spent most of his presidency trying to jack up the costs of energy and raising taxes at the same time he was spending us into bankruptcy.
You can’t relate you make enough to be gop. Explain why is poor folk should be?

You just admitted you’re part of the investor class not the working class. We see no benefit to your ways. Once we are rich too we will see it. I’m starting to.

Idiot leftists keep trying to push their class warfare bullshit despite being called on their hypocrisy by the electorate only just recently. They don't learn because they can't.
The electorate is stupid if they still don’t get it after that bullshit tax bill republicans passed.

Or if they think the economy was bad in 2016 but is great now
Yeah....that bullshit tax bill created over 3 million jobs.
I agree I have not seen wages going up like they should.

I suspect managers and ceos have gotten lazy and stupid and can't think outsider of "pay less, charge more".

But, hopefully soon, it will start.

ANd if the media actually reports that, that should help the republcians.
I would like a reduction in costs.
Obama spent most of his presidency trying to jack up the costs of energy and raising taxes at the same time he was spending us into bankruptcy.
You can’t relate you make enough to be gop. Explain why is poor folk should be?

You just admitted you’re part of the investor class not the working class. We see no benefit to your ways. Once we are rich too we will see it. I’m starting to.

Idiot leftists keep trying to push their class warfare bullshit despite being called on their hypocrisy by the electorate only just recently. They don't learn because they can't.
The electorate is stupid if they still don’t get it after that bullshit tax bill republicans passed.

Or if they think the economy was bad in 2016 but is great now
Yeah....that bullshit tax bill created over 3 million jobs.
No it didnt
WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.
Yes. Unkotare is the biggest pussy

Says the outed fraud fish.
The only thing I want out is your little Asian cock

Again making no sense, but good luck identifying the cock stuck in you.

Do black people see the difference between Republicans and Democrats yet?

Trump Judicial Nominee Refuses To Say If She Agrees With Desegregated Schools
President Donald Trump nominated Wendy Vitter to be a federal judge in the Eastern District of Louisiana.

Trump Judicial Nominee Refuses To Say If She Agrees With Desegregated Schools | HuffPost

The Democrats wouldn't have let you down this much.

. A staunch opponent of abortion, Vitter also evaded Blumenthal’s questions about comments she’d made about Planned Parenthood killing more than 150,000 women a year.

Vitter’s federal judgeship nomination is for a lifetime appointment.

That's A LIFETIME!!! Now do you people see what you had to lose?
Like Ginsberg?

Yea but only worse because she doesn't believe in desegregation or abortion rights.
Neither extreme is sane on abortion.
Bullshit. If I get fucked one night and get pregnant, I should be legally allowed to have an abortion. And republicans shouldn’t make me jump through hoops to get it. That’s not extreme that’s reality
Be my guest; just don’t use tax money to do it.
99% use tax dollars.
I would like a reduction in costs.
Obama spent most of his presidency trying to jack up the costs of energy and raising taxes at the same time he was spending us into bankruptcy.
You can’t relate you make enough to be gop. Explain why is poor folk should be?

You just admitted you’re part of the investor class not the working class. We see no benefit to your ways. Once we are rich too we will see it. I’m starting to.

Idiot leftists keep trying to push their class warfare bullshit despite being called on their hypocrisy by the electorate only just recently. They don't learn because they can't.
The electorate is stupid if they still don’t get it after that bullshit tax bill republicans passed.

Or if they think the economy was bad in 2016 but is great now
Yeah....that bullshit tax bill created over 3 million jobs.
No it didnt
Yes it did.
Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.
Yes. Unkotare is the biggest pussy

Says the outed fraud fish.
The only thing I want out is your little Asian cock

Again making no sense, but good luck identifying the cock stuck in you.
Stop flirting you little bitch.
You can’t relate you make enough to be gop. Explain why is poor folk should be?

You just admitted you’re part of the investor class not the working class. We see no benefit to your ways. Once we are rich too we will see it. I’m starting to.

Idiot leftists keep trying to push their class warfare bullshit despite being called on their hypocrisy by the electorate only just recently. They don't learn because they can't.
The electorate is stupid if they still don’t get it after that bullshit tax bill republicans passed.

Or if they think the economy was bad in 2016 but is great now
Yeah....that bullshit tax bill created over 3 million jobs.
No it didnt
Yes it did.
That is bullshit. I'm calling BULLSHIT! Show me these 3 million jobs you lying prick.

Oh. One other question. How many jobs did Obama's stimulus create?
Idiot leftists keep trying to push their class warfare bullshit despite being called on their hypocrisy by the electorate only just recently. They don't learn because they can't.
The electorate is stupid if they still don’t get it after that bullshit tax bill republicans passed.

Or if they think the economy was bad in 2016 but is great now
Yeah....that bullshit tax bill created over 3 million jobs.
No it didnt
Yes it did.
That is bullshit. I'm calling BULLSHIT! Show me these 3 million jobs you lying prick.

Oh. One other question. How many jobs did Obama's stimulus create?
The electorate is stupid if they still don’t get it after that bullshit tax bill republicans passed.

Or if they think the economy was bad in 2016 but is great now
Yeah....that bullshit tax bill created over 3 million jobs.
No it didnt
Yes it did.
That is bullshit. I'm calling BULLSHIT! Show me these 3 million jobs you lying prick.

Oh. One other question. How many jobs did Obama's stimulus create?
So you admit that your claim that Trump's tax break created 3 million USA jobs was a lie.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

"You put them first and they put you last. Cause you're a chump. A political chump! ... Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can't keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party -- you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race." -- Malcolm X
Yeah....that bullshit tax bill created over 3 million jobs.
No it didnt
Yes it did.
That is bullshit. I'm calling BULLSHIT! Show me these 3 million jobs you lying prick.

Oh. One other question. How many jobs did Obama's stimulus create?
So you admit that your claim that Trump's tax break created 3 million USA jobs was a lie.
Fuck you
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

"You put them first and they put you last. Cause you're a chump. A political chump! ... Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can't keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party -- you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race." -- Malcolm X

If 55% of the poor/middle class whites are stupid, I side with the 95% of the blacks and 45% of whites who vote right.

You are a traitor to your class. If you aren't rich you are a house n*#ga
That is bullshit. I'm calling BULLSHIT! Show me these 3 million jobs you lying prick.

Oh. One other question. How many jobs did Obama's stimulus create?
So you admit that your claim that Trump's tax break created 3 million USA jobs was a lie.
Fuck you
You lied mofo. Trump's tax breaks didn't create 3 million jobs but I'm sure that's a lie you are willing to repeat. Liar

Oh, and fuck you.

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