What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

You have no argument, nothing. All you do is insult people and accuse them of being Russian spies or whatever. Dumb. Go grow a brain and a conscience, you fucking retard.

You can't refute that your posting is clearly from someone who does not have American political sensibilities.

You sound like a Russian that spends a lot of time watching Putin State TV.

May as well admit the obvious instead of behaving like a sock puppet account.
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again, you want to talk about Israel (a country that is not America, Russia or Ukraine) then go start another thread.

not interested in your reaching, irrelavant what-aboutisms.
What you call "what aboutism" is me exposing your hypocrisy. You pretend to care about international law when it comes to Russia acting to defend its national integrity and security, but when Israel breaks every fucking law on the books, in its effort to colonize the Holy Land, you're like "Meh, no problem, sounds good". Genocide in Gaza? No problem for you. Bomb that city to the ground, with over 2 million civilians, no problem. You American liberals are disgusting.
I think it’s safe to say all Ukrainian presidents are corrupt, top to bottom.

Let’s just not pretend the government installed after him was legitimate.

Poroshenko was a US installed puppet, which is what caused the civil war to start.

Why is it so hard for lefties to admit that Ukraine is divided and things would be far better off if the country was split and allow the people to go their separate ways? The war would be over if negotiations were allowed to happen.
The government that replaced the corrupt president was more legitimate and less corrupt than his.
You can't refute that your posting is clearly from someone who does not have a usual American perspective on politics.

You sound like a Russian that spends a lot of time watching Putin State TV.

May as well admit the obvious instead of behaving like a sock puppet account.
Your so-called "American perspective" or liberal perspective, is just one point of view. If anyone is in someone's pockets it's probably you. I wouldn't be surprise, because you're defending the interests of the plutocrats, the American governing elites don't represent or serve the interests of the Amerian public.
In thinking about why Israel is destroying Gaza and killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, it caused me, in comparison, to wonder why Putin began bombing Ukraine. I honestly could not remember why this all began.

I'm sure we all agree that retaliating for having been attacked and having your citizens abducted and killed is more than reason enough to go after the perpetrators, even if we do not necessarily agree with how they are going about carrying this out. But what I'm struck with at the moment is how Putin was NOT defending Russia, or retaliating for an attack against the country and its people. This wholesale slaughter of innocent people seems to be based on ideology?

Wrong question. Question should be what offense did NATO commit. That offense was a whole passel of broken promises. The war going on in Ukraine right now was coming to Russia one way or another.
If Russia had not attacked they would have been attacked.
Your so-called "American perspective" or liberal perspective, is just one point of view. If anyone is in someone's pockets it's probably you. I wouldn't be surprise, because you're defending the interests of the plutocrats, the American governing elites don't represent or serve the interests of the Amerian public.

Your non-denial that you are heavily informed by Russian state TV is noted.
Oh, is that the metric now? The others weren't "corrupt", just Yanukovych, how convenient. Poroshenko wasn't corrupt? Zelensky isn't corrupt? Your attempt to justify the coup is pathetic. Why should the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas accept your coup government? To hell with people like you. You should've waited for the next election and elected your new president who supposedly won't be corrupt, right? Russia did the right thing, saving the Russians in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. To hell with you and your ilk.
It just strikes me as odd that the corrupt politicians are whining about the constitution not being followed to the letter.

I don’t know what planet you’re on, but starting a war causing the deaths of many thousands of people is far from “the right thing”.
The war going on in Ukraine right now was coming to Russia one way or another.
If Russia had not attacked they would have been attacked.

Dumbass, how the hell would Ukraine attack nuclear armed Russia? With what weapons? :cuckoo:

This war is one of land-grabbing choice by Putin, no one else.
Dumbass, how the hell would Ukraine attack nuclear armed Russia? With what weapons? :cuckoo:

This war is one of land-grabbing choice by Putin, no one else.
NATO not Ukraine. Ukraine has never been in the war It's always been NATO.... And their goal for the past 10 years has been find a way to provoke Russia into a conflict.
NATO not Ukraine. Ukraine has never been in the war It's always been NATO.... And their goal for the past 10 years has been find a way to provoke Russia into a conflict.

You are full of Russian bullshit. Russia didn't attack NATO, they attacked Ukraine who was at least 10 years away from qualifying for NATO membership at the time of full scale invasion.

Ukraine was weakened and re-commited to nuetrality before Russians invaded in 2014. It was annexation of Crimea and paramilitary take over of Donbas that forced Ukraine into rebuilding their army and seeking security guarantees only NATO could provide them.

Russia's agression is the foremost driver of NATO expansion and re-enforcement of it's mission. If coutries around Russia were not threatened by Russia they wouldn't seek membership.
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You have no argument, nothing. All you do is insult people and accuse them of being Russian spies or whatever. Dumb. Go grow a brain and a conscience, you fucking retard.
Man, calm down. You don't understand the mindset of our friend Antoshka AntonToo . This guy is from the former Soviet Union, and resettled to the US in the late 80s or 90s. He left his home country to escape economic and social crisis it faced after the fall.

For him (or maybe his parents), the US was a beacon of prosperity, freedom and justice. Like in a good Hollywood movie. And he still lives in this paradigm, he can't just dump it, despite the fact that the reality may be way different. He desperately wants to keep the things as they are to justify the choice that was made many years ago and he is desperately afraid he may have to do a difficult choice again.
Man, calm down. You don't understand the mindset of our friend Antoshka AntonToo . This guy is from the former Soviet Union, and resettled to the US in the late 80s or 90s. He left his home country to escape economic and social crisis it faced after the fall.

For him (or maybe his parents), the US was a beacon of prosperity, freedom and justice. Like in a good Hollywood movie. And he still lives in this paradigm, he can't just dump it, despite the fact that the reality may be way different. He desperately wants to keep the things as they are to justify the choice that was made many years ago and he is desperately afraid he may have to do a difficult choice again.

He's suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance.
Inches of Libian territory annexed by America - ZERO.

America's military involvement in Libya were consistent with UN Security Council resolution 1973.

We bombed Libya’s government out of existence, when they were zero threat to us and never attacked us.

Funny how we can do regime change in other countries and it’s no problem, but if Russia gets involved on a border country with millions of ethnic Russians in it, they are evil people.
Umm because it's bullshit. Ukraine has a clear constitutional path for region successions.

It was never followed or applied for by any regions. Instead, they were millitarily taken over by Russians, who conducted lawless "referendums" at a barrel of a gun.
What proof do you have of this? Are you claiming elections can be rigged?

We have an election denier and someone who supports insurrections.
We bombed Libya’s government out of existence, when they were zero threat to us and never attacked us.

Funny how we can do regime change in other countries and it’s no problem, but if Russia gets involved on a border country with millions of ethnic Russians in it, they are evil people.

What part of UN Security Council authorization and no annexations do you not get?

You may not agree it, but it was done in accordance with international law and so it would not be an example of America violating international law.
What part of UN Security Council authorization and no annexations do you not get?

You may not agree it, but it was done in accordance with international law and so it would not be an example of America violating international law.
Bwahahaha. So the UN Security Council voted on bombing the Libyan government out of existence because the U.S. wanted a regime change and to back the radical Sunni Muslim terrorists that were trying to overthrow the government and take power for themselves.

So this makes it “legal”?

Where was the UN when these radical Sunni terrorists were killing civilians?

What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin​

It's not the Ukrainian people, it's a few assholes controlling the military, just like here in the US of A wanting war. Ukraine was a loose cannon and a corrupt puppet sate on their border and making moves to allow UN to house serious bases and weapons on their soil, and a very real threat. We have done the same with the Kennedy Doctrine and our hypocrisy is boundless. You haven't forgotten why, you just never knew why to begin with.
You are full of Russian bullshit. Russia didn't attack NATO, they attacked Ukraine who was at least 10 years away from qualifying for NATO membership at the time of full scale invasion.

Ukraine was weakened and re-commited to nuetrality before Russians invaded in 2014. It was annexation of Crimea and paramilitary take over of Donbas that forced Ukraine into rebuilding their army and seeking security guarantees only NATO could provide them.

Russia's agression is the foremost driver of NATO expansion and re-enforcement of it's mission. If coutries around Russia were not threatened by Russia they wouldn't seek membership.

Anton, you’re claiming Russia's actions forced Ukraine into NATO's arms? Let’s look at the facts.

The idea that Ukraine only turned to NATO after Russia’s actions in 2014 or 2022 is complete revisionist history. Ukraine had been actively seeking to join NATO long before the full-scale Russian invasion in 2022. This wasn’t some sudden reaction to "Russian aggression", it was part of a long-standing strategy by Kyiv to align itself with NATO and the West, which only further provoked tensions with Russia.

  1. NATO Aspiration since 2008: Let’s not forget that back in 2008, Ukraine formally expressed its desire to join NATO during the Bucharest Summit. NATO even issued a statement saying that Ukraine would eventually become a member. This wasn’t some last-minute idea.
  2. Closer Military Cooperation: Between 2014 and 2022, Ukraine intensified its military cooperation with NATO. There were joint military exercises, arms supplies, and increasing integration of Ukraine's military into NATO standards. Kyiv signed deals and agreements that moved it closer and closer to NATO, all while NATO forces trained Ukrainian soldiers and strengthened their military capacity.
  3. Constitutional Change in 2019: In 2019, Ukraine amended its constitution to include the goal of NATO membership. This wasn’t a reaction to some recent threat, this was Ukraine openly stating its intention to join NATO, despite knowing it would further inflame tensions with Russia.
So, to say that Ukraine was somehow "neutral" or only sought NATO’s help after Russian actions is just false. Ukraine was actively pursuing NATO membership long before the 2022 invasion, knowing full well that this would provoke Russia and escalate the situation. It wasn’t Russia driving Ukraine into NATO’s arms—it was Kyiv’s long-standing policy to join NATO, with full support from Western powers.

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), funded by the U.S. government and private donors like Soros, was instrumental in bankrolling anti-government protests in Ukraine, training opposition leaders, and undermining Yanukovych. That’s not democracy, that’s intervention. So spare me the nonsense that Russia’s "aggression" came out of nowhere. Ukraine was being pushed toward NATO long before 2014, with Western powers actively undermining its democratically elected government.

Furthermore, you disingenuously claim that Russia’s "annexation" of Crimea was unprovoked, but you’re missing the critical fact that Crimea held a referendum and overwhelmingly voted to join Russia. This wasn’t some Russian military land grab; the people of Crimea didn’t want to be ruled by a government that had just come to power through an illegal coup in Kyiv. They exercised self-determination, the same right Kosovo claimed when the West broke it off from Serbia. Funny how it’s "annexation" when it’s Russia, but "self-determination" when it’s considered in NATO's interests.

The conflict in the Donbas wasn’t created by Russia, it was a direct result of the Kyiv government’s aggression against Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the East. The Azov Battalion and other far-right paramilitary groups terrorized civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk, bombing schools and hospitals, murdering civilians, pushed by the same nationalist government you’re defending. The people in Donbas wanted autonomy, not to be ruled by ultranationalists who glorified Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera. Russia supported them because Kyiv gave them no other option.

You want to argue that Russia’s aggression is the reason for NATO’s expansion? That’s laughable. NATO’s eastward expansion began well before Russia took any action in Crimea or Donbas. NATO has been steadily encroaching on Russia’s borders since the 1990s, breaking the promises made to Gorbachev that NATO wouldn’t move "one inch east." Poland, the Baltics, Romania, Bulgaria, they all joined NATO long before 2014. So spare me the “Russia’s aggression forced NATO to expand” excuse. NATO has been the aggressor, deliberately moving closer to Russia’s borders, creating an existential threat.


In reality, NATO’s mission has always been about hurting Russia, and filling the coffers of the American and Western European military-industrial complex, not about "security guarantees." If NATO was truly a "defensive alliance," why did it support Islamic extremists in Libya? Providing them with weapons, air support, and a host of other resources? Russia’s actions were a reaction to NATO's long-standing aggression, poking poking poking the bear. If you poke a bear long enough eventually it will attack you.
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