What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

You want to talk about Russia’s elections? Sure, they’re different from the West’s, but so what?

So what? Did you just seriously ask that?

They are not competetive elections, they are nothing more than a pretense to real democratic process and real choices for the voters. They change nothing and don't actually hold Russia's administration responsible to the people.

In a word - they are a lie.
Russia DOES NOT. It runs it's empire by millitary invasions and annexations that directly violate international law.


Anton thinks the U.S. cares about international law?!?!? That’s rich! Does the U.S. give a damn when Israel, the apartheid state, violates international law every day by bulldozing Palestinian homes and expanding illegal settlements? Nope. Instead, the U.S. sends billions in military aid, turning a blind eye to what amounts to ethnic cleansing and genocide. But let’s pretend for a second that the U.S. has the moral high ground here. The truth is, the U.S. runs its empire through economic terrorism, devastating sanctions, and military invasions just like any other imperial power. So spare me the "international law" nonsense. Netanyahu should be arrested and charged with war crimes, why isn't the US government, the "world police force" arresting him?

Let’s talk military invasions, shall we? Anton wants to rant about Russia’s actions, but where’s the outrage when the U.S. invades countries like Iraq or Libya under false pretenses, leaving them in absolute ruin? And let’s not forget the 700+ U.S. military bases spread across the globe. Russia doesn’t even come close to that. Does Russia have its military stationed across continents, meddling in every conflict, overthrowing governments, and destabilizing regions? No, that’s the U.S.’s job. Who’s the real global empire here? NOT RUSSIA, that's for sure.

The Russo-Ukrainian war was started by the West. The 2014 coup that ousted a democratically elected president? Hello? That wasn’t Russia, that was the U.S. and EU pulling the strings.

NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe, despite Russia’s red lines, directly provoked this war. Ukraine was pushed into this mess by the West's imperial agenda, not by Russia. So before you preach about annexation and invasions, take a long, hard look at the U.S.’s record of ignoring international law whenever it suits its interests.

The regions in Eastern Ukraine: Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, held referendums where the VAST majority of the population voted to become part of the Russian Federation. This wasn’t some backroom annexation scheme; the people of these regions chose to join the Russian Federation.

Same thing happened in Crimea back in 2014. Crimea overwhelmingly voted to join Russia after the chaos unleashed by the Western-backed coup in Kyiv. So calling it "annexation" is simply ignoring the will of the people in these areas.

You can scream all you want about international law, but the fact is, the people in these regions have closer historical, cultural, and linguistic ties to Russia. After the 2014 coup, the new Ukrainian government turned against Russian-speaking populations, hence what do you expect? People in these regions saw the writing on the wall and voted for their own protection by joining Russia. That’s not "annexation"; that’s self-determination and COMMON SENSE.

The West loves to talk about "international law" when it suits them, but when it came to the dismemberment of Yugoslavia or the invasion of Iraq, international law went straight out the window. So spare me the lectures about Russia violating another nation's territorial integrity, this is a case of people deciding for themselves where they want to belong. If Ukraine’s so-called democracy can be installed by a coup, the people in these regions certainly have the right to decide their future. So fuck you, you pathetic piece of shit.

Zelensky won the elections against a sitting president who then transfered power to new administration.

Zelensky won against the corrupt sack of shit that Victoria Nuland, John Kerry, and Barack Obama installed (Poroshenko).

But Zelensky has been turned into a puppet of Biden and the US State Department. Hence him now declaring the opposition parties illegal and cancelling elections.
So what? Did you just seriously ask that?

They are not competetive elections, they are nothing more than a pretense to real democratic process and real choices for the voters. They change nothing and don't actually hold Russia's administration responsible to the people.

In a word - they are a lie.
Yeah? We can't co-exist peacefully with other countries that have a different political system? Duh. We do that when those countries serve our vested interests. I shouldn't say "ours" because most of the American public isn't at fault, it's the American power elites, the capitalist, imperialist class that pulls the strings of our foreign policy, not Joe the plumber. If the average Joe American knew what their government is doing in their name they would be appalled, except Yupies like Anton. A completely brainwashed liberal.

Anton thinks the U.S. cares about international law?!?!? That’s rich! Does the U.S. give a damn when Israel, the apartheid state, violates international law every day by bulldozing Palestinian homes and expanding illegal settlements? Nope. Instead, the U.S. sends billions in military aid, turning a blind eye to what amounts to ethnic cleansing and genocide. But let’s pretend for a second that the U.S. has the moral high ground here. The truth is, the U.S. runs its empire through economic terrorism, devastating sanctions, and military invasions just like any other imperial power. So spare me the "international law" nonsense. Netanyahu should be arrested and charged with war crimes, why isn't the US government, the "world police force" arresting him?

Let’s talk military invasions, shall we? Anton wants to rant about Russia’s actions, but where’s the outrage when the U.S. invades countries like Iraq or Libya under false pretenses, leaving them in absolute ruin? And let’s not forget the 700+ U.S. military bases spread across the globe. Russia doesn’t even come close to that. Does Russia have its military stationed across continents, meddling in every conflict, overthrowing governments, and destabilizing regions? No, that’s the U.S.’s job. Who’s the real global empire here? NOT RUSSIA, that's for sure.

The Russo-Ukrainian war was started by the West. The 2014 coup that ousted a democratically elected president? Hello? That wasn’t Russia, that was the U.S. and EU pulling the strings.

NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe, despite Russia’s red lines, directly provoked this war. Ukraine was pushed into this mess by the West's imperial agenda, not by Russia. So before you preach about annexation and invasions, take a long, hard look at the U.S.’s record of ignoring international law whenever it suits its interests.

The regions in Eastern Ukraine: Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, held referendums where the VAST majority of the population voted to become part of the Russian Federation. This wasn’t some backroom annexation scheme; the people of these regions chose to join the Russian Federation.

Same thing happened in Crimea back in 2014. Crimea overwhelmingly voted to join Russia after the chaos unleashed by the Western-backed coup in Kyiv. So calling it "annexation" is simply ignoring the will of the people in these areas.

You can scream all you want about international law, but the fact is, the people in these regions have closer historical, cultural, and linguistic ties to Russia. After the 2014 coup, the new Ukrainian government turned against Russian-speaking populations, hence what do you expect? People in these regions saw the writing on the wall and voted for their own protection by joining Russia. That’s not "annexation"; that’s self-determination and COMMON SENSE.

The West loves to talk about "international law" when it suits them, but when it came to the dismemberment of Yugoslavia or the invasion of Iraq, international law went straight out the window. So spare me the lectures about Russia violating another nation's territorial integrity, this is a case of people deciding for themselves where they want to belong. If Ukraine’s so-called democracy can be installed by a coup, the people in these regions certainly have the right to decide their future. So fuck you, you pathetic piece of shit.

^^ Bingo.

AntonToo and all the other Ukey shills can’t refute that.
Anton thinks the U.S. cares about international law?!?!? That’s rich! Does the U.S. give a damn when Israel, the apartheid state, violates international law every day by bulldozing Palestinian homes and expanding illegal settlements?


US did not vote for the resolution, but did agree that Iraeli settlements are illegal and did not block the resolution which passed 14-0.
Zelensky won against the corrupt sack of shit that Victoria Nuland, John Kerry, and Barack Obama installed (Poroshenko).

But Zelensky has been turned into a puppet of Biden and the US State Department. Hence him now declaring the opposition parties illegal and cancelling elections.
Zelemsky ran under the pretext of improving relations with Russia. So much for that.

US did not vote for the resolution, but did agree that Iraeli settlements are illegal and did not block the resolution which passed 14-0.
You're clearly horseshit. The Israeli settlements in the West Bank violate international law, including the occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. The decade-plus siege on Gaza, and the bombing of civilians, which has gone on for years, before October 7th, is all in violation of international law. Do you care? NO! You're a fucking hypocrite. What Netanyahu is doing in Gaza is no problem for you, because you're a pathetic hypocrite. Then you have the audacity to whine about Russia in Ukraine? You're horseshit. You're not just full of shit, you're shit.
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As I understand it, it was because Ukraine was making a bid to join NATO. On the one hand it’s a legitimate concern for Russia to have NATO at their back door but on the other, it’s hardly justification for starting a war.

There may be more to it than that but as I said, it’s my understanding of the situation.

Perhaps, but was kennedy going to allow russia to park nukes or long range missiles in cuba in the 1960's? I think we both know the answer.
Zelemsky ran under the pretext of improving relations with Russia. So much for that.

Zelensky can't deliver border and agreement respecting Putin. He did not run on handing over Ukranian territories to Putin.

His government obided the terms of the Minsk agreements, while Putin violated them.
You're clearly horseshit. The Israeli settlements in the West Bank violate international law, including the occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. The decade-plus siege on Gaza, and the bombing of civilians, which has gone on for years, before October 7th, is all in violation of international law. Do you care? NO! You're a fucking hypocrite. What Netanyahu is doing in Gaza is no problem for you, because you're a pathetic hypocrite. Then you have the audacity to whine about Russia in Ukraine? You're horseshit. You're not just full of shit, you're shit.

Did you read the link dumbass?

Your prior claims that US does not give a shit about Irael's illegal settlements are clearly false.
Zelensky can't deliver border and law respecting Putin.

He did not run on handing over Ukranian territories to Putin.
Zelensky was laughed at by the right-wing nationalists, when he visited them on the front, right on the battlefield, where they were shelling Russo-Ukrainian civilians and resistance fighters. These Ukrainian right-wing nationalists are sporting German SS regalia, their bodies are covered in Nazi symbols, and they laughed in their presdent's face, when he visited them. It's on video, on YouTube. You can find it. If you request me to show it, I will. I will take the time and make the effort to find the video, not so much for your sake, because you're an asshole that could care less about anything, but for the sake of others. They laughed in his face and continued shelling their fellow Ukrainians of Russian heritage and ethnicity. That's once of the reasons Russia invaded, to stop that shit. Zelensky couldn't do it. He tried, and they threatened him. They would've assassinated him, if he would've forced those Ukrainian Nazis off the battlefield.
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Zelensky was laughed at by the right-wing nationalists, when he visited them on the front, right on the battlefield, where they were shelling Russo-Ukrainian civilians and resistance fighters.

Now I KNOW you are Russian sock puppet.

Real Americans don't bring up mean-nothing stuff like this as an argument for something. Leaders in open democracies are often confronted like that but to Russians a sight of someone openly talking back to Dear Leader is hard to phanthom.
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Now I KNOW you are Russian sock puppet.

Real Americans don't bring up mean-nothing stuff like this as an argument for something. Leaders in open democracies are often confronted like that but to Russians a sight of someone openly talking back to Dear Leader is hard to phanthom.
^^ there it is, when a lefty loses an argument over Ukraine they immediately devolve into the “Russian puppet!” name-calling like a petulant child.

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