What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

The mostly Russian people in Donbas voted OVERWHELMINGLY to rejoin Russia

Ukrainian Azov Battalion murdered 14,000 of these Russians

In February 2022, US Emissary Kamala offered Ukraine to join NATO, three days later Biden approved Russia’s limited invasion of the disputed provinces
Ukraine would have let things alone if Putin had no invaded.
Wrong. Ukraine was engaged in a civil war against their ethnic Russians after they staged a coup and overthrew their elected President.

Today Zelensky is literally a dictator who cancelled elections and is past his presidential term.
The people of Donbas have full citizenship rights and voting rights with representation in the Ukrainian government. It’s a little different for the people of Gaza.
And yet the government they were apart of was overthrown by a U.S. backed coup in 2014.

Do try to keep up.
And not only are you a Zelensky troll but you're also suffering from a strong delusion, thinking everyone who disagrees with your Western imperialist agenda is being paid by Putin. You have nothing but cheap rhetoric and infantile insults.
Sure Vlad. Whatever you say
The mostly Russian people in Donbas voted OVERWHELMINGLY to rejoin Russia

Ukrainian Azov Battalion murdered 14,000 of these Russians

In February 2022, US Emissary Kamala offered Ukraine to join NATO, three days later Biden approved Russia’s limited invasion of the disputed provinces
All bullshit
In thinking about why Israel is destroying Gaza and killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, it caused me, in comparison, to wonder why Putin began bombing Ukraine. I honestly could not remember why this all began.

I'm sure we all agree that retaliating for having been attacked and having your citizens abducted and killed is more than reason enough to go after the perpetrators, even if we do not necessarily agree with how they are going about carrying this out. But what I'm struck with at the moment is how Putin was NOT defending Russia, or retaliating for an attack against the country and its people. This wholesale slaughter of innocent people seems to be based on ideology?
In his mind he feels that the old Soviet Union was actually Russia and that these parts have historically belonged to Russia and he wants them back.
Let’s not forget that all the way back to 2004 Putin tried to asasinate the president of Ukraine
He did so in order for you to make that claim.

And only for that reason
Maybe. I heard an opinion that the best case scenario for him will be Harris as the president, and the Congress controlled by the Reps. Though, don't know whether it is possible.
The people of Donbas have full citizenship rights and voting rights with representation in the Ukrainian government. It’s a little different for the people of Gaza.
But at the same time, those Russo-Ukrainians are terrorized by pro-Western, anti-Russian Ukrainian nationalists. All pro-Russian, Ukrainian media was barred from the country, way before Russia's invasion. Why should Russo-Ukrainians accept the results of the 2014 coup, which ousted the democratically elected president of Ukraine, which they voted for and elected? A president that was friendly or at least neutral towards Russia. Why should Russo-Ukrainian side with pro-Western Ukrainians, in their coup and bullying against Ukrainians that lean towards Russia? Some of the changes that were imposed upon the Ukrainian population, was seen as anti-Russian and hence anti-Russo-Ukrainian.

Key legislative changes include:

  1. 2019 Language Law: Kyiv passed a law in 2019 that mandated the use of Ukrainian in most aspects of public life, including education, government, and media. The law requires public officials, teachers, and healthcare workers to exclusively use Ukrainian in their professional activities. Media outlets are also required to have a certain percentage of Ukrainian-language content. That's not how Russo-Ukrainians function in much of the Donbas region.
  2. Education Law (2017): This law required that Ukrainian be the only language of instruction in schools.
  3. Media and Broadcasting Regulations: There have been regulations requiring TV and radio stations to broadcast most of their content in Ukrainian, which dramatically diminished the use of Russian in mainstream media.
. The crisis in Ukraine wasn’t sparked by Russia, it was ignited by the illegal, Western-backed coup in 2014 that overthrew a democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovych. Why? Because he dared to reject a trade deal with the EU that would have subordinated Ukraine to Western economic interests, opting instead for closer ties with Russia, which historically has been a natural ally. The Euromaidan wasn't some organic "people’s revolution." It was orchestrated and funded by the U.S. and EU to install a pro-Western puppet government, one that serves NATO’s interests, not Ukraine's.

The so-called "civil war" in Donbas? It wasn’t some random uprising, it was the direct result of this coup and the West's open hostility toward Russian-speaking Ukrainians. People in Donetsk and Luhansk rejected the illegal regime change, and rightfully so. The Ukrainian government, with its new ultra-nationalist and even fascist elements, immediately turned against its own people in the East, launching military operations against civilians who simply wanted autonomy and the right to speak their own language without being targeted by government forces. Where was your concern for democracy and human rights when Kyiv was shelling Donbas for eight years, causing thousands of civilian deaths?

Moreover, How would the U.S. react if Russia started putting military bases in Canada or Mexico? NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe is a blatant violation of the promises made to Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It’s a direct threat to Russian security, and Ukraine joining NATO would be the final straw. Russia has made its red lines clear for decades, and the West ignored them, thinking they could push Moscow without consequences. This invasion isn’t an act of aggression; it’s a necessary step to protect Russian interests and to prevent NATO from turning Ukraine into a forward operating base on Russia’s border.

As for Zelensky, he’s nothing more than a Western puppet, a figurehead propped up to push Ukraine further into NATO's orbit and turn the country into a battleground against Russia. Instead of being a leader who unites Ukraine, he’s deepened the divisions by persecuting Russian-speaking Ukrainians and fueling the war in Donbas. His government has systematically discriminated against Russian speakers, banning the Russian language in schools and the media. This is cultural genocide, plain and simple. What kind of democracy marginalizes 30-40% of its own population?

You American liberals are full of shit, including the conservative Republicans that support Zelensky.
They decided to stop being a part of the government. No one removed their members of parliament.
Yea, because it was an illegitimate government. So then they decided they wanted to become independent or go back to joining Russia. They even voted on it. But you don’t like that kind of democracy. You like the kind where you drop bombs on people’s heads until they comply and submit to your tyranny.
But at the same time, those Russo-Ukrainians are terrorized by pro-Western, anti-Russian Ukrainian nationalists. All pro-Russian, Ukrainian media was barred from the country, way before Russia's invasion. Why should Russo-Ukrainians accept the results of the 2014 coup, which ousted the democratically elected president of Ukraine, which they voted for and elected? A president that was friendly or at least neutral towards Russia. Why should Russo-Ukrainian side with pro-Western Ukrainians, in their coup and bullying against Ukrainians that lean towards Russia? Some of the changes that were imposed upon the Ukrainian population, was seen as anti-Russian and hence anti-Russo-Ukrainian.

Key legislative changes include:

  1. 2019 Language Law: Kyiv passed a law in 2019 that mandated the use of Ukrainian in most aspects of public life, including education, government, and media. The law requires public officials, teachers, and healthcare workers to exclusively use Ukrainian in their professional activities. Media outlets are also required to have a certain percentage of Ukrainian-language content. That's not how Russo-Ukrainians function in much of the Donbas region.
  2. Education Law (2017): This law required that Ukrainian be the only language of instruction in schools.
  3. Media and Broadcasting Regulations: There have been regulations requiring TV and radio stations to broadcast most of their content in Ukrainian, which dramatically diminished the use of Russian in mainstream media.
. The crisis in Ukraine wasn’t sparked by Russia, it was ignited by the illegal, Western-backed coup in 2014 that overthrew a democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovych. Why? Because he dared to reject a trade deal with the EU that would have subordinated Ukraine to Western economic interests, opting instead for closer ties with Russia, which historically has been a natural ally. The Euromaidan wasn't some organic "people’s revolution." It was orchestrated and funded by the U.S. and EU to install a pro-Western puppet government, one that serves NATO’s interests, not Ukraine's.

The so-called "civil war" in Donbas? It wasn’t some random uprising, it was the direct result of this coup and the West's open hostility toward Russian-speaking Ukrainians. People in Donetsk and Luhansk rejected the illegal regime change, and rightfully so. The Ukrainian government, with its new ultra-nationalist and even fascist elements, immediately turned against its own people in the East, launching military operations against civilians who simply wanted autonomy and the right to speak their own language without being targeted by government forces. Where was your concern for democracy and human rights when Kyiv was shelling Donbas for eight years, causing thousands of civilian deaths?

Moreover, How would the U.S. react if Russia started putting military bases in Canada or Mexico? NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe is a blatant violation of the promises made to Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It’s a direct threat to Russian security, and Ukraine joining NATO would be the final straw. Russia has made its red lines clear for decades, and the West ignored them, thinking they could push Moscow without consequences. This invasion isn’t an act of aggression; it’s a necessary step to protect Russian interests and to prevent NATO from turning Ukraine into a forward operating base on Russia’s border.

As for Zelensky, he’s nothing more than a Western puppet, a figurehead propped up to push Ukraine further into NATO's orbit and turn the country into a battleground against Russia. Instead of being a leader who unites Ukraine, he’s deepened the divisions by persecuting Russian-speaking Ukrainians and fueling the war in Donbas. His government has systematically discriminated against Russian speakers, banning the Russian language in schools and the media. This is cultural genocide, plain and simple. What kind of democracy marginalizes 30-40% of its own population?

You American liberals are full of shit, including the conservative Republicans that support Zelensky.
Russia is not benevolent. Ukraine was a highly corrupt country with Russian influence keeping it that way.

The Yanukovich was elected but was also highly corrupt and voted out of office by the parliament.
Yea, because it was an illegitimate government. So then they decided they wanted to become independent or go back to joining Russia. They even voted on it. But you don’t like that kind of democracy. You like the kind where you drop bombs on people’s heads until they comply and submit to your tyranny.
They left before Yanukovich was voted out.

In this country, if someone were allying themselves with a foreign nation against our government, we’d call that treason. Are we tyrants?
We take over territories too. Ever heard of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands? Cuba was essentially a colony of the US until it's revolution in 1959.

No we don't. After WW2 civilized world said - NEVER AGAIN and signed international treaties that reject annexations to ensure lasting peace. America has been upholding those norms.

Russia broke those agreements and conventions, along with border and nuclear non-proliferation agreements with Ukraine when it wrote in recognized Ukranian territories into it's constitution.

The US annexed the world's economy

That is just fucking idiotic. America is a dominant and influencial player in global economy because people want to live, govern, entertain and use technologies like Americans do. The reason Russia can't do the same is because they don't produce much of anything people actually want beyond what they can pull out of the ground.
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Russia is not benevolent. Ukraine was a highly corrupt country with Russian influence keeping it that way.

The Yanukovich was elected but was also highly corrupt and voted out of office by the parliament.
Russia was responsible for the corruption in Ukraine? Wow, that's rich. Is Ukraine now a paragon of democracy and good governance? You're so out of touch with reality.

The claim that Ukraine's parliament legitimately voted Viktor Yanukovych out of power in 2014 doesn't hold up when you dig into the details. Here's why this claim falls apart:

  1. Constitutional Violations: According to the Ukrainian Constitution, a sitting president can only be removed through impeachment, which requires a clear, legal process involving the Constitutional Court and a full parliamentary investigation. None of this happened in Yanukovych’s case. The impeachment procedures were bypassed, which makes the vote to remove him constitutionally questionable at best, and outright illegal at worst.
  2. Parliamentary Voting Irregularities: The vote to oust Yanukovych required a supermajority of 338 votes in the 450-member Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament). However, only 328 members were present for the vote, meaning the decision didn't meet the constitutional threshold. In any legitimate democracy, the lack of the required majority would nullify such a critical decision, but in Ukraine, it was pushed through without following legal protocol. This shows that the parliamentary vote was more of a political maneuver rather than a lawful removal.
  3. Absence of the President: Yanukovych was still the sitting president when this vote took place, but he had fled the capital amid rising violence and threats to his life. He didn’t resign, and there were no formal impeachment proceedings against him. His absence was due to safety concerns, not an admission of guilt or failure to fulfill his duties. Essentially, the parliament took advantage of his absence to illegally remove him from power, all while he was still the recognized president by constitutional law.
  4. Western Influence: The reality is that Western countries, particularly the U.S. and the EU, were heavily involved in the events leading up to Yanukovych’s ousting. Senior American officials, such as Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, were caught on tape discussing who should lead Ukraine after Yanukovych was removed, clearly showing that the West was orchestrating a regime change behind the scenes. This is hardly the hallmark of a democratic process.
In sum, the claim that Yanukovych was "voted out" by the parliament as a result of a legitimate process is pure fiction.

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