What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

Many liberals have expressed to me their hatred for Russia and its head of state, Putin, on the basis that Russia is way too socially conservative.

Don't know who you talk to or what they tell you, but all freedom loving Americans should hate repressive autocrat invaders like Putin and not fall for his regime's pee-pee propaganda.
Don't know who you talk to or what they tell you, but all freedom loving Americans should hate repressive autocrat invaders like Putin and not fall for his regime's pee-pee propaganda.
What "repression" are you referring to specifically and what is the "pee pee propaganda"? Be more specific. I know a lot of woke leftists, due to my social circle and who I work with and many of them have expressed to me their hatred for Putin and Russia on the basis of liberal woke ideology. Russia isn't LGBTQA+++ friendly, Russia is fascist due to its patriarchal, macho, conservative, religious culture. It's anti-feminism, anti-liberal democracy..etc.

You want to pretend that I'm talking to some fringe group or demographic, OK, you can resort to that type of rhetoric if you want to, but you're wrong. I don't talk to the fringe, but to mainstream liberals who express to me their allegiance to NATO and the West based on liberal values, which include their self-serving democratic ideals, LGBTQ, and womens rights provided it doesn't conflict with the "T" of the LGBTQ (womens rights has its limits you know), and, abortion rights, radical cultural and racial diversity, inclusion..etc. They're oblivious to American capitalist imperialism and its destructive effects on the developing world, they don't have a clue about the military-industrial complex..etc. American liberalism isn't really leftist but that's how it's labeled by the right and some misinformed liberals as well.
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A multi-polar world, rather than the unipolar system we have now under the heel of American imperialism. The world hegemon, the United States, is challenged by Russia and China for good reasons. The US is going to be forced to recognize that it can't go around bullying everyone, as it's done with impunity for the last 77 years, especially since the dissolution of the USSR in the early 1990s. True American patriots don't support that type of behavior, we don't want to be a bully empire.
Yes, a multi-polar world with regional blocs. Of course, that doesn't mean the worldwide peace and fraternity. But in this shape the international affairs will be more stable. As for now, the US is the main exporter of instability around the globe.
Ukraine has been in a war with Russian paramilitary units who were armed in financed by Kremlin. Russians recruted collaborators but they still drove and sustained the conflict that would otherwise not happen, not persist.

When separatists are waving another country's flag then thats not a civil war, thats annexation

We meddle in other country’s wars all the time. Russia can’t do the same for their own interests with a nation on their border involving people who are ethnic Russians? You admit there are separatists who waive Russian flags. Doesn’t sound like they are real Ukrainians then. You support Gaza independence but not Donetsk or Donbas or Luhansk independence, funny how that works.

You leftoids really are doing some mental gymnastics here to justify our involvement and our meddling in Ukraine.
I agree with Zelensky and support Ukraine.

Putin trolls are PAID propagandists from Russia

You sound just like this guy:
What "repression" are you referring to specifically

Wow. Are you seriously this ignorant of the topic you are butting into?

Spend a few min reading about what’s been going on in Russia with freedom of speech, media, courts, freedom to protest and organize political opposition, then post about gays.
As I understand it, it was because Ukraine was making a bid to join NATO. On the one hand it’s a legitimate concern for Russia to have NATO at their back door but on the other, it’s hardly justification for starting a war.

There may be more to it than that but as I said, it’s my understanding of the situation.
Well Russia did invade them twice in the last few year and they were trying to undermine their government...

They were looking to NATO for protection.

Ukraine would have let things alone if Putin had no invaded..
I agree with Zelensky and support Ukraine.

Putin trolls are PAID propagandists from Russia
And not only are you a Zelensky troll but you're also suffering from a strong delusion, thinking everyone who disagrees with your Western imperialist agenda is being paid by Putin. You have nothing but cheap rhetoric and infantile insults.

We meddle in other country’s wars all the time. Russia can’t do the same for their own interests with a nation on their border involving people who are ethnic Russians? You admit there are separatists who waive Russian flags. Doesn’t sound like they are real Ukrainians then. You support Gaza independence but not Donetsk or Donbas or Luhansk independence, funny how that works.

You leftoids really are doing some mental gymnastics here to justify our involvement and our meddling in Ukraine.
When have we annexed another country?

Your eagerness to falsely equate us to what is effectively an international law ignoring fascist imperialist state just speaks to how ignorant of a dupe you are.
Wow. Are you seriously this ignorant of the topic you are butting into?

Spend a few min reading about what’s been going on in Russia with freedom of speech, media, courts, freedom to protest and organize political opposition, then post about gays.
Russian internal politics is not of your business, Antoshka. Unless you want to return back to your homeland.
Wow. Are you seriously this ignorant of the topic you are butting into?

Spend a few min reading about what’s been going on in Russia with freedom of speech, media, courts, freedom to protest and organize political opposition, then post about gays.
Just answer the simple question. What exactly are you referring to when you say Russia or its leader is repressive? In what way is it repressive?
What the fuck are you talking about? When have we annexed another country?

Your eagerness to falsely equate us to what is effectively an international law ignoring fascist imperialist state just speaks to how ignorant of a dupe you are.
You didn't. What you did is fucked up the whole region with your stupid wars.
What the fuck are you talking about? When have we annexed another country?

Your eagerness to falsely equate us to what is effectively a fascist imperialist state just speaks to how ignorant of a dupe you are.
Well we never broke apart as a nation and allowed former states to become independent countries with stipulations to not join military alliances before. So your comparison is moot.

Actually we did, when the Democrats of the south seceded and became the Confederacy, we annexed them back.

We meddle in other country’s wars all the time. Russia can’t do the same for their own interests with a nation on their border involving people who are ethnic Russians? You admit there are separatists who waive Russian flags. Doesn’t sound like they are real Ukrainians then. You support Gaza independence but not Donetsk or Donbas or Luhansk independence, funny how that works.

You leftoids really are doing some mental gymnastics here to justify our involvement and our meddling in Ukraine.
The people of Donbas have full citizenship rights and voting rights with representation in the Ukrainian government. It’s a little different for the people of Gaza.
What the fuck are you talking about? When have we annexed another country?

Your eagerness to falsely equate us to what is effectively a fascist imperialist state just speaks to how ignorant of a dupe you are.
We take over territories too. Ever heard of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands? Cuba was essentially a colony of the US until it's revolution in 1959. The US annexed the world's economy and today holds markets captive to its currency and financial interests. The wealthy American ruling class doesn't care too much for annexing territories in the classical, colonialist sense but more in the capitalist-imperialist method of controlling markets and resources, by meddling in the internal affairs of other countries, threatening them with economic sanctions and military interventions. It creates instability by funding, training, and arming the opposition and creating instability in your country unless you fall in line and do what you're told. That's the way the US "annexes" countries. The American empire rules through economics and military interventions.
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