What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

The Arabs fought with the British to get rid of the Ottoman empire. The Jews had nothing to do with it. They moved in after WW1.

Your post makes no sense. "the arabs fought with the British to get rid of the Ottoman empire"? ROFLMAO. of course---I remember ---the famous war of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE----oh well----yet another example of islamo-nazi revisionist history----a NEW NAME FOR WORLD WAR I ---"the glorious anglo-arabian war of liberation and the jewish migration" ??????
I really don't care either way. Not my countries, not my war. I don't want to see any more American lives or money in a war that we don't have any business in. We already did that in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Well, some say that a controlled chaos strategy is the only way to preserve the US dollar as the world currency and American financial system as a whole.
As I understand it, it was because Ukraine was making a bid to join NATO. On the one hand it’s a legitimate concern for Russia to have NATO at their back door but on the other, it’s hardly justification for starting a war.

Yes, because there is no reason why all those countries are fighting to get into NATO; Russia is just a cute little peaceful huggie bear that loves its neighbors and never hurt anybody. Those evul Amurkinz are provoking the poor lil hapless KGB thug, oops I mean 'peaceful hippie' Putin.
Ukraine has been in a civil war since 2014.

Educate yourself.
Ukraine has been in a war with Russian paramilitary units who were armed in financed by Kremlin. Russians recruted collaborators but they still drove and sustained the conflict that would otherwise not happen, not persist.

When separatists are waving another country's flag then thats not a civil war, thats annexation
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In thinking about why Israel is destroying Gaza and killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, it caused me, in comparison, to wonder why Putin began bombing Ukraine. I honestly could not remember why this all began.

I'm sure we all agree that retaliating for having been attacked and having your citizens abducted and killed is more than reason enough to go after the perpetrators, even if we do not necessarily agree with how they are going about carrying this out. But what I'm struck with at the moment is how Putin was NOT defending Russia, or retaliating for an attack against the country and its people. This wholesale slaughter of innocent people seems to be based on ideology?
You're comparing oranges and beach chairs. One has nothing to do with the other. It's a completely different situation and context.Also, the level of destruction and complete disregard for human life isn't the same. If Putin would act like Netanyahu, Kyiv would be in complete, utter ruins. Ukrainians outside of the Donbas, would be literally starving and struggling even to find water. All of Ukraine with the exception of the Donbas or where the Russo-Ukrainians live, would be rubble. That's the first point, the level of destruction and indifference to human life that Netanyahu has towards the Palestinians isn't present, at all, in Putin.

The reason we have a Russo-Ukrainian war is due to NATO expansion and the hatred that Western Ukrainians have towards Russia, which leads to Ukrainians of Russian heritage, who lean towards Russia, culturally, linguistically, historically, politically and otherwise, being persecuted and murdered. When the Svoboda, a right-wing nationalist party, took power in Kyiv under Poroshenko, the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas refused to accept the legitimacy of the new, coup (Western puppet) government. That sparked a violent conflict between pro-Western, Ukrainian nationalists and the ethnic Russians of Eastern Ukrainians who side with Russia, rather than with NATO or Western interests.

The reason that American liberals are so enamored, and completely obsessed with Western Ukrainian nationalism and for NATO expansion into Ukraine is because Russia is way too socially conservative for them. They hate the fact that Putin and the Russia that he leads, isn't LGBTQA+++ friendly, no rainbow flags are flying over the Kremlin. That's the source for all of the Putin-hate coming from the American "woke" left. They hate Putin, hence they hate Russia, because homosexuals can't adopt children, and they can't do this in the streets of Moscow:







LGBTQA+++ propaganda is illegal in Russia. Children aren't being groomed for homosexuality in Russia, there aren't any children being consigned to a lifetime of expensive hormone treatments and sexual reassignment surgeries. That's one of the main reasons that American liberals hate Russia, especially Putin. They love NATO expansion into Eastern Europe, because that in their eyes, spreads the rainbow flag, feminism, willy-nilly abortions, and so-called "liberal democracy", which is really a farce, amounting to nothing more than capitalist plutocracy and oligarchy. The Western "woke" are all a bunch of neo-liberal globalists, who think every nation on Earth should adopt their nihilistic lunacy. They see NATO as a weapon in the hands of the woke West, poking the bear, poking poking poking..etc. They love that shit.

So that's why you justify the 2014, Western-sponsored, Ukrainian coup and the Ukrainian nationalist paramilitary groups terrorizing the Russo-Ukrainians of Eastern Ukraine. You are completely indifferent to the safety and interests, of Ukrainians of Russian ethnicity and heritage. You don't care, because you're anti-Russia, you hate everything that is Russian.

The situation in Israel is completely different. Israel is a Judeo-Western, Zionist Ashkenazi colonial ethnostate that imposes its apartheid regime upon non-Jews, who number about half of the population. That's without counting Palestinian Arabs who live in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and around the world (The Palestinian diaspora), The Zionist Jews due to their ideological, pseudo-religious, xenophobic commitments and psychology, have no reservations, wiping out the Palestinians. Ethnic cleansing, genocide, they don't care, they hate the Arab Palestinians and want to take them out of what they perceive as their land.

The Jewish religion and culture is one of the most ethnocentric, and potentially violent in the world. It's given to racial supremacist sentiments and behavior due to these ideas:

This is the mindset of many Jews whether they're religious or not. It's ingrained in their culture, so to compare Russia or Putin to the Zionist Jews and Netanyahu is completely absurd. The attitude and policies that Russia has towards Ukraine, is completely different than that of the Zionist Jews vs the Arab Palestinians. The situation and the context of that conflict are completely different. Again, you're comparing oranges and beach chairs. Apples and pretzels.
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Great. Don't forget that the Kremlin endorsed your candidate on these elections.
Even Russian state media couldn't help but laugh when covering this and here you are, like a total dupe saying that with a straight face.

"24 hour deal" Trump is Putin's endorment, always was.
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The reason that American liberals are so enamored, and completely obsessed with Western Ukrainian nationalism and for NATO expansion into Ukraine is because Russia is way too socially conservative for them.

Ukraine is a young democracy thriving towards the west, Russia is now a fascist state conducting imperialistic land grabs and you imagine Americans support Ukraine because of some gay nonsense?

How fucked in the head do you have to be to fall for that ludecrous Russian nerrative?
Even Russian state media couldn't help but laugh when covering this and here you are, like a total dupe saying that with a straight face.

"24 hour deal" Trump is Putin's endorment, always was.
Antoshka, you should still remember a Russian saying: An every joke contains only a part of the joke. And I understand why Putin may not have lied entirely in that.

The long term goal of Russia, China and some other countries is diminishing of the US role around the globe. And considering the policy your elite has been pursuing along the last decades (no matter to what party they formally belong), this goal may be not too distant in the future if you keep the course.
What Russia has done is pretty similar in many ways to what the right wing government under Netanyahu has done to Palestinians. They have annexed Palestinian land to expand settements against agreements they have made. We need to stop listening to only one side of the story in this matter.
When the guns, bombs, and rockets of Hamas have been permanently silenced, then we will be able to hear such reasonable words.

So long as radical Islamists continue to murder any Muslim leader willing to make peace with Israel, and misguided Americans continue to support them, peace will elude the middle east.
Ukraine is a young democracy thriving towards the west, Russia is now a fascist state conducting imperialistic land grabs and you imagine Americans support Ukraine because of some gay nonsense?

How fucked in the head do you have to be to buy that ludecrous Russian nerrative?
Many liberals have expressed to me their hatred for Russia and its head of state, Putin, on the basis that Russia is way too socially conservative. That's essentially their gripe against Russia. The Russians aren't LGBTQ friendly, they're all a bunch of fascists, that hate homosexuals, women..etc. They're a patriarchal, religious society. So you're the "moron", pretending that's not the case.

Your rhetoric that Russia is trying to take over Ukraine to expand its territory is absurd. Russia is at war with Ukraine for the reasons I stated in my earlier post and that has nothing to do with Putin or Russia wanting to annex Ukraine. Stop expanding NATO into Eastern Europe and Ukraine, and of course, refrain from murdering Russo-Ukrainians in the Donbas, who don't recognize your right-wing, anti-Russian government. The Ukrainians of Russian ethnicity and culture, don't accept the outcome of the 2014 coup, so perhaps you and your buddies shouldn't have ousted Viktor Yanukovych, replacing him with Oleksandr Turchynov and later with Petro Poroshenko. That started 8 years of conflict between Kyiv and the Donbas Ukrainians, who side with Russia.
Antoshka, you should still remember a Russian saying: An every joke contains only a part of the joke. And I understand why Putin may not have lied entirely in that.

The long term goal of Russia, China and some other countries is diminishing of the US role around the globe. And considering the policy your elite has been pursuing along the last decades (no matter to what party they formally belong), this goal may be not too distant in the future if you keep the course.
A multi-polar world, rather than the unipolar system we have now under the heel of American imperialism. The world hegemon, the United States, is challenged by Russia and China for good reasons. The US is going to be forced to recognize that it can't go around bullying everyone, as it's done with impunity for the last 77 years, especially since the dissolution of the USSR in the early 1990s. True American patriots don't support that type of behavior, we don't want to be a bully empire.
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Zelensky was playing the nationalist card to attract white Ukrainian voters who may not like a Jewish president. In this context, Ukraine applied for NATO membership, thus crossing the red line for Moscow. Putin only wanted to remove Zelensky from power. But surprisingly, Zelensky didn't flee Ukraine after the initial invasion as Putin anticipated. Zelensky turned down an offer from the United States of evacuation from the capital city Kyiv.

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