Some in the FBI Want to Know How Routh Knew Where to Be

I want to know why MSNBC and Newsmax and ABC News and CBS are pushin the Narrative that SKS Carbines are not available or legal in Florida ( my guess is there are potentially 200 Thousand to 400 Thousand of them legally owned in Florida and it’s next door States
Obviously someone in the secret service or Homeland security leaked Trump's schedule to this nut job would be assassin... and that person needs to be exposed and thrown in a prison cell along with any other traitors he or she is working with....
You ever think it might be one of is employees at the club?
just by the SS
So yes. Shots fired because a high powered rifle was prepped to shoot Trump
Lib loon working hard to change what a threat is when every questioning or unkind word from Trump is labeled a criminal threat. Guy set up and waiting for Trump to appear with a high powered rifle And you feel not a problem
Just heard that Ryan's cell phone pinged at the golf course from 2-AM for ~12-hrs until the shooting, so he may have just camped out there hoping Trump showed up. It was a very good spot. He may have had help with his planning.
I read that too.
So yes. Shots fired because a high powered rifle was prepped to shoot Trump

So again, how did the SS fail?

Guy set up and waiting for Trump to appear with a high powered rifle And you feel not a problem

They cannot cordon off an entire golf course and all roads around it. Should the entire city be shut down every time Trump wants to play golf?
So yes. Shots fired because a high powered rifle was prepped to shoot Trump
Lib loon working hard to change what a threat is when every questioning or unkind word from Trump is labeled a criminal threat. Guy set up and waiting for Trump to appear with a high powered rifle And you feel not a problem
No I don't think the question of laws was somehow taking the thread off its tracks. I'm still curious if it IS ILLEGAL in Fla to have a semi-auto .223 or 7.62mm ANYWHERE

We've come a long ways since people tried to kill Gerry Ford and Reagan with handguns.
Let the guy get w/in 500 yds of the former President with a high powered rifle.

Was the guy breaking any laws prior to Trump getting within 500yds of him, since you claim this is against some unknown law.

Some in the FBI Want to Know How Routh Knew Where to Be​

My thoughts exactly. Just as Crooks somehow knew exactly where to go to be at the one location at the Butler rally where just coincidentally, no one in the SS, FBI nor local police had secured and left wide open, how does this Routh guy figure out the one place in all of the perimeter of Trump's property to get over a fence and hide in shrubbery with a rifle and a bunch of other stuff to get within a few hundred yards of Trump?

I mean, there are two possibilities:
  1. Lots of people have been scoping Trump's property out looking for a vulnerability and this guy just happened to find it.
  2. He was the first and only, and had spent days casing the joint until he found the one best spot.
THING IS: If the former, then why didn't the SS ever see and catch any of the other people? And if the latter, then why didn't they detect him buzzing about the place for hours or days? Either way, it sure begs a lot of questions. Of course, there is always the THIRD possibility: someone is trying to SCARE Trump out of the race.

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