What one issue do you struggle with the most?

You are a very shallow person who seems to only be able to think surface thoughts and lacks any sort of deeper, meaning of life thoughts.
This is the intellectual ecosystem in which they exist, 24/7/365, maintained by those whose interest is in keeping it that way.

I've been screaming this for a long time. This is a real problem, and I don't think the rest of the country is taking it seriously enough yet.
This is the intellectual ecosystem in which they exist, 24/7/365, maintained by those whose interest is in keeping it that way.

I've been screaming this for a long time. This is a real problem, and I don't think the rest of the country is taking it seriously enough yet.

I really just do not understand how they live this way. To speak of anything but the guy in the White House means you are deflecting. I am shocked he did not accuse me of that when I make a college football thread.
The criminal justice system has become a joke. It is not rehabilitation, we all know that. You even admit as much saying, "Let them rot".

Why? What is the goal here?

I favor a system geared more to corporal/capital punishment. Jails are expensive and only make criminals become worse criminals once inside the system. You are essentially sending them to a training school on how to be even more socially dysfunctional so that if they ever get out, they society will be much worse off.

But alas, society has been taken over by the Left who thinks that the corporal and capital punishment approach is draconian, even though this approach has helped societies around the world function throughout human history without a massive and extremely expensive incarceration culture that is the largest in human history.

It's like illegal narcotics flowing across the border that are laced with deadly amounts of fentanyl made to look like candy for children. Your average cookie cutter Leftist would either want the distribution of these drugs made legal, or they would want them released back into society. In reality, they should hang from the highest of gallows yesterday. You say that such an approach is not a deterrent, but look at places in the Far East who kill such drug dealers on the spot. Places like that are the only places in the world where such drug abuse is in decline. There is no lengthy expensive trial. Just find a tree and some rope and end it right then and there.

But I'm reminded of just how permissive Western society has become as I recall an episode of some American teenagers caught in Singapore for writing graffiti on some walls. They were found guilty and were to be caned. The American Left media went nuts saying how barbarian this was to do to teenagers. But at the end of the day they were caned. They had some very painful bruises and were let go with memories of what had just occurred.

And guess what, they never did it again, which was the only intent. And yes dear friends, the bruises even healed

It's like magic!!!
You Lie
I really just do not understand how they live this way. To speak of anything but the guy in the White House means you are deflecting. I am shocked he did not accuse me of that when I make a college football thread.
I used to say this often here, and I'm dead serious: The best way to understand this is to make yourself a consumer of it for, let's say, two weeks. Watch Fox, read their websites, listen to their radio talk shows. BUT, imagine yourself believing every last thing they're saying as gospel, as if it's the whole world. THEN, imagine having done that 24/7 for ten years.

Do that, and you'll see what I'm talking about. And you'll see why I don't think these are bad people. They've been MADE this way. They've been manipulated into being this way. They are responsible for their words and actions, but you can see where they are getting the motivations behind their behaviors.

This is not political. It's SOCIOLOGICAL.
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Democrats tend to favor saving the lives of murderers so they can murder again, whether it be in jail or out of jail, and at the same time they favor ending the lives of innocent unborn babies.

That is the political line in the sand. Being a democrat means supporting a culture of death.

You're being asked for YOUR opinion, not to rag on the other side. Are you not able to talk about policy without lying about the other side??? You don't have the first clue what Democrats want or believe. Every time you make a post that said "Democrats want", you're completely wrong.
You're being asked for YOUR opinion, not to rag on the other side. Are you not able to talk about policy without lying about the other side??? You don't have the first clue what Democrats want or believe. Every time you make a post that said "Democrats want", you're completely wrong.
See the post above yours. This is how they are conditioned to think.
I used to say this often here, and I'm dead serious: The best way to understand this is to make yourself a consumer of it for, let's say, two weeks. Watch Fox, read their websites, listen to their radio talk shows. BUT, imagine yourself believing every last thing they're saying as gospel, as if it's the whole world. THEN, imagine having done that 24/7 for ten years.

Do that, and you'll see what I'm talking about. And you'll see why I don't think these are bad people. They've been MADE this way. They've been manipulated into being this way. They are responsible for their words and actions, but you can see where they are getting the motivations behind their behaviors.

This is not political. It's SOCIOLOGICAL.

This is funny stuff since you and gator always deflect to orange man!! Mac, a big thanks for all the laughs!
So now I find myself wondering, why are so many people misunderstanding the OP? Is it:

A. Too complicated?
B. That they have their own internal intellectual conundrums but won't admit it because they perceive it as weakness? Or...
C. Are they so calcified in their beliefs that the notion of questioning or reconsidering those beliefs doesn't even enter their mind?

This place is always fascinating. Always.
This poster asked what issue I struggle with the most. I, like most all Americans, struggle the most with runaway inflation. I've spent over $600 on groceries over the last week. Their response to their own question doesn't seem to jive with what almost all Americans say is their biggest struggle - runaway inflation and the economy. So, I'm accusing them of trying to deflect from Biden's disaster at a time when inflation and the economy is American's biggest struggle and Democrats are dropping like a rock in the polls, just coincidentally at the same time they're trying to claim those issues aren't their biggest problem. I'm not a big believer in coincidences.

Inflation is a transitory issue, not a moral issue.
See the post above yours. This is how they are conditioned to think.

The problem is that they're conditioned not to think. They're conditioned to accept what they're told without question and to disregard anything that doesn't come from the very people who are lying to them.

Prior to the 2016 election, I read an interview with the owner of an alt-right fake news site. When asked why there were no left wing fake news sites, he said they tried to start left wing sites but they failed every time. Within 10 minutes of a story going up, readers had fact checked it and completely debunked it. But if a story reflect the beliefs of right wing site readers, they never fact checked it.

When you ask these people what they stand for it's "American values", "freedom" or "patriotism". Something vague and undefined. The Republican Party doesn't even have a platform any more. Election campaigns are simply Republicans lying about and demonizing Democrats, and the Democrats trying to talk about the issues.

I have long believed that Donald Trump's "birther campaign" was market research on the gullibility of the American people. How many people could he convince of this lie and who were they? What he discovered is that 30% of the Republican Party would steadfastly believe the lie if it were properly promoted. If you can sell 30% of Republican voters on the lie, you only need to convince 20% of the voters to give you a chance.

Now Trump is selling the lie of the stolen election in the same way that he marketed his "birther" lie, and it's working just like before. MORE people believe the election was stolen today, than believed it 2 years ago. And they're prepared to make sure that Republicans don't lose another election.
Inflation is a transitory issue, not a moral issue.

The problem is that they're conditioned not to think. They're conditioned to accept what they're told without question and to disregard anything that doesn't come from the very people who are lying to them.

Prior to the 2016 election, I read an interview with the owner of an alt-right fake news site. When asked why there were no left wing fake news sites, he said they tried to start left wing sites but they failed every time. Within 10 minutes of a story going up, readers had fact checked it and completely debunked it. But if a story reflect the beliefs of right wing site readers, they never fact checked it.

When you ask these people what they stand for it's "American values", "freedom" or "patriotism". Something vague and undefined. The Republican Party doesn't even have a platform any more. Election campaigns are simply Republicans lying about and demonizing Democrats, and the Democrats trying to talk about the issues.

I have long believed that Donald Trump's "birther campaign" was market research on the gullibility of the American people. How many people could he convince of this lie and who were they? What he discovered is that 30% of the Republican Party would steadfastly believe the lie if it were properly promoted. If you can sell 30% of Republican voters on the lie, you only need to convince 20% of the voters to give you a chance.

Now Trump is selling the lie of the stolen election in the same way that he marketed his "birther" lie, and it's working just like before. MORE people believe the election was stolen today, than believed it 2 years ago. And they're prepared to make sure that Republicans don't lose another election.
Good post.

I often read stuff from “left wing” sites and disregard it once I look into the actual facts.

And that usually occurs not because they are lying but rather that they are getting into a lather over some minor issue and trying to make it sound bigger.
If someone claims to be against "Big Government" this should be a no-brainer and they shouldn't want government anywhere near making these decisions of life and death.
I agree. The people should decide, and most want the death penalty. It's the government that squelches the will of the people.

The credo of government,

"The people don't know what's good for them, and we aren't going to tell them."
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You are a very shallow person who seems to only be able to think surface thoughts and lacks any sort of deeper, meaning of life thoughts.
LOL. I remember an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond where Ray called up his pastor and asked him what the meaning of life was. I already actually responded to the OP recently regarding my thoughts on the meaning of life, where I actually disagree with others on the right who are for capital punishment where I am not. Guess you missed that. What do you think the "meaning of life" is? I also think we have a right to live without the left's high inflation, one of the biggest "meaning of lives" there is right now.
LOL. I remember an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond where Ray called up his pastor and asked him what the meaning of life was. I already actually responded to the OP recently regarding my thoughts on the meaning of life, where I actually disagree with others on the right who are for capital punishment where I am not. Guess you missed that. What do you think the "meaning of life" is?

After multiple attack on the OP and his motives you posted on post about the OP.

Why did you respond to the OP, what are you trying to deflect from since every single post not about Biden is a deflection?
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

Coaches calling time outs in advance on the sideline during a field goal. Someday a kicker is going to try to stop (it's just human nature when you hear the whistle) and wreck her or his knee. The NCAA/NFL should come up with a rule that after 5 seconds are left on the play clock, no time outs on a field goal attempt

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