What one issue do you struggle with the most?

I don't lie.

The kid never painted graffiti in Singapore again.

And had he not come back to the US where drugs are plentiful and on every street corner, he probably would not have the drug problem either

Thanks for proving my point idiot.
You just can't stay focused. In Normal World, not everything is a binary, hyper-partisan fight. True story.
Tell that to the left. They seem to have missed that memo. By the way, the Forward Party is nothing but a clever front for being another leftist party. But, I'm fine with you taking votes away from Democrats. Go for it.
Coaches calling time outs in advance on the sideline during a field goal. Someday a kicker is going to try to stop (it's just human nature when you hear the whistle) and wreck her or his knee. The NCAA/NFL should come up with a rule that after 5 seconds are left on the play clock, no time outs on a field goal attempt

Same thing with batters calling time just as the pitcher is about to throw.
Inflation is a transitory issue, not a moral issue.

The problem is that they're conditioned not to think. They're conditioned to accept what they're told without question and to disregard anything that doesn't come from the very people who are lying to them.

Prior to the 2016 election, I read an interview with the owner of an alt-right fake news site. When asked why there were no left wing fake news sites, he said they tried to start left wing sites but they failed every time. Within 10 minutes of a story going up, readers had fact checked it and completely debunked it. But if a story reflect the beliefs of right wing site readers, they never fact checked it.

When you ask these people what they stand for it's "American values", "freedom" or "patriotism". Something vague and undefined. The Republican Party doesn't even have a platform any more. Election campaigns are simply Republicans lying about and demonizing Democrats, and the Democrats trying to talk about the issues.

I have long believed that Donald Trump's "birther campaign" was market research on the gullibility of the American people. How many people could he convince of this lie and who were they? What he discovered is that 30% of the Republican Party would steadfastly believe the lie if it were properly promoted. If you can sell 30% of Republican voters on the lie, you only need to convince 20% of the voters to give you a chance.

Now Trump is selling the lie of the stolen election in the same way that he marketed his "birther" lie, and it's working just like before. MORE people believe the election was stolen today, than believed it 2 years ago. And they're prepared to make sure that Republicans don't lose another election.
Holy shit. Transitory? I thought even you lefties had given up on the big lie. But, as I posted, I see the need for lefties to change the subject from inflation and recession to moral issues. You sure as hell aren't winning on the economy.
Inflation is a transitory issue, not a moral issue.

The problem is that they're conditioned not to think. They're conditioned to accept what they're told without question and to disregard anything that doesn't come from the very people who are lying to them.

Prior to the 2016 election, I read an interview with the owner of an alt-right fake news site. When asked why there were no left wing fake news sites, he said they tried to start left wing sites but they failed every time. Within 10 minutes of a story going up, readers had fact checked it and completely debunked it. But if a story reflect the beliefs of right wing site readers, they never fact checked it.

When you ask these people what they stand for it's "American values", "freedom" or "patriotism". Something vague and undefined. The Republican Party doesn't even have a platform any more. Election campaigns are simply Republicans lying about and demonizing Democrats, and the Democrats trying to talk about the issues.

I have long believed that Donald Trump's "birther campaign" was market research on the gullibility of the American people. How many people could he convince of this lie and who were they? What he discovered is that 30% of the Republican Party would steadfastly believe the lie if it were properly promoted. If you can sell 30% of Republican voters on the lie, you only need to convince 20% of the voters to give you a chance.

Now Trump is selling the lie of the stolen election in the same way that he marketed his "birther" lie, and it's working just like before. MORE people believe the election was stolen today, than believed it 2 years ago. And they're prepared to make sure that Republicans don't lose another election.
But isn't inflation a moral issue if one of the causes of inflation is not paying for what you print money to buy, much like running up your credit card for things you have no intention of ever buying?

Is inflation a moral issue if another cause is declaring war on fossil fuels, knowing that the poor will suffer immensely and not caring what pain that may inflict so that you can maybe try and reduce the global temperature by half a degree?

Inflation is the worst kind of tax on the poor you can inflict upon them.

Yea, inflation is a moral issue because it continuously steals from people and causes them to suffer.
Same thing with batters calling time just as the pitcher is about to throw.
Truth. Now that we will apparently have a pitch-clock, the same "freeze out" period can be added.

I will say this though....there may be time when a batter does need to call time out right before a pitch is thrown. The Asterisks were playing in San Diego one time an there was this horrendous wind-storm. Dirt was flying everywhere and the batters were getting dirt in their eyes. That is not a tactical use of time-out..that is a safety concern and it's an individual who is impaired.
Inflation is a transitory issue, not a moral issue.

The problem is that they're conditioned not to think. They're conditioned to accept what they're told without question and to disregard anything that doesn't come from the very people who are lying to them.

Prior to the 2016 election, I read an interview with the owner of an alt-right fake news site. When asked why there were no left wing fake news sites, he said they tried to start left wing sites but they failed every time. Within 10 minutes of a story going up, readers had fact checked it and completely debunked it. But if a story reflect the beliefs of right wing site readers, they never fact checked it.

When you ask these people what they stand for it's "American values", "freedom" or "patriotism". Something vague and undefined. The Republican Party doesn't even have a platform any more. Election campaigns are simply Republicans lying about and demonizing Democrats, and the Democrats trying to talk about the issues.

I have long believed that Donald Trump's "birther campaign" was market research on the gullibility of the American people. How many people could he convince of this lie and who were they? What he discovered is that 30% of the Republican Party would steadfastly believe the lie if it were properly promoted. If you can sell 30% of Republican voters on the lie, you only need to convince 20% of the voters to give you a chance.

Now Trump is selling the lie of the stolen election in the same way that he marketed his "birther" lie, and it's working just like before. MORE people believe the election was stolen today, than believed it 2 years ago. And they're prepared to make sure that Republicans don't lose another election.

Your tin foil hat is on tight and looking good!
Coaches calling time outs in advance on the sideline during a field goal. Someday a kicker is going to try to stop (it's just human nature when you hear the whistle) and wreck her or his knee. The NCAA/NFL should come up with a rule that after 5 seconds are left on the play clock, no time outs on a field goal attempt

I think we need the womens nfl league. Can you imagine the hair pulling penalties.
Inflation is a transitory issue, not a moral issue.

The problem is that they're conditioned not to think. They're conditioned to accept what they're told without question and to disregard anything that doesn't come from the very people who are lying to them.

Prior to the 2016 election, I read an interview with the owner of an alt-right fake news site. When asked why there were no left wing fake news sites, he said they tried to start left wing sites but they failed every time. Within 10 minutes of a story going up, readers had fact checked it and completely debunked it. But if a story reflect the beliefs of right wing site readers, they never fact checked it.

When you ask these people what they stand for it's "American values", "freedom" or "patriotism". Something vague and undefined. The Republican Party doesn't even have a platform any more. Election campaigns are simply Republicans lying about and demonizing Democrats, and the Democrats trying to talk about the issues.

I have long believed that Donald Trump's "birther campaign" was market research on the gullibility of the American people. How many people could he convince of this lie and who were they? What he discovered is that 30% of the Republican Party would steadfastly believe the lie if it were properly promoted. If you can sell 30% of Republican voters on the lie, you only need to convince 20% of the voters to give you a chance.

Now Trump is selling the lie of the stolen election in the same way that he marketed his "birther" lie, and it's working just like before. MORE people believe the election was stolen today, than believed it 2 years ago. And they're prepared to make sure that Republicans don't lose another election.
This began with Rush Limbaugh, who convinced his flock that nothing the mass media said could be believed. Nothing. He trained them to believe it only if he said it or confirmed it. Then, of course, his radio, TV and later internet copycats all amplified this conditioning. Limbaugh was the Father of the Alternate Universe, and people like Hannity, Levin and Fox have been the willing enablers and primary architects of what we see now.

This fully self-contained informational ecosystem existed before Trump arrived on the scene. He merely tapped into it and padlocked its door. I've occasionally compared the sociological aspects of this to the Europe of 75 years ago, but this is worse. This is 24/7/365 conditioning being poured into their minds in virtually every facet of their lives, it's deeply personal, and that kind of thing doesn't crack or fade away quickly. This is all new.
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Right now the issue I struggle with is voting for the best qualified skilled and educated person for the job they are running for. Tend to lean independent liberal. but Never voted by political party. The hate is so strong that it is a fight & difficult to stay anything close to neutral.
This began with Rush Limbaugh, who convinced his flock that nothing the mass media said could be believed. Nothing. He trained them to believe it only if he said it or confirmed it. Then, of course, his radio, TV and later internet copycats all amplified this conditioning. Limbaugh was the Father of the Alternate Universe, and people like Hannity, Levin and Fox have been the willing enablers and primary architects of what we see now.

This fully self-contained informational ecosystem existed before Trump arrived on the scene. He merely tapped into it and padlocked its door. I've occasionally compared the sociological aspects of this to the Europe of 75 years ago, but this is worse. This is 24/7/365 conditioning being poured into their minds in virtually every facet of their lives, it's deeply personal, and that kind of thing doesn't crack or fade away quickly. This is all new.

Limbaugh and others not only make the claim, but provide empirical evidence of how the media lies. Prior to that we could only believe what they reported on. The job of the media is no longer reporting. Now their job is to make up any story that draws an audience. It's all about money.

Good post.

I often read stuff from “left wing” sites and disregard it once I look into the actual facts.

And that usually occurs not because they are lying but rather that they are getting into a lather over some minor issue and trying to make it sound bigger.
Same is true if you believe all or most of the political propaganda from the other major political party. Takes a little work but truth can be found with a little effort.
Right now the issue I struggle with is voting for the best qualified skilled and educated person for the job they are running for. Tend to lean independent liberal. but Never voted by political party. The hate is so strong that it is a fight & difficult to stay anything close to neutral.
We need to fix a system that has put us in this situation.

It's up to us.
Inflation is a transitory issue, not a moral issue.

The problem is that they're conditioned not to think. They're conditioned to accept what they're told without question and to disregard anything that doesn't come from the very people who are lying to them.

Prior to the 2016 election, I read an interview with the owner of an alt-right fake news site. When asked why there were no left wing fake news sites, he said they tried to start left wing sites but they failed every time. Within 10 minutes of a story going up, readers had fact checked it and completely debunked it. But if a story reflect the beliefs of right wing site readers, they never fact checked it.

When you ask these people what they stand for it's "American values", "freedom" or "patriotism". Something vague and undefined. The Republican Party doesn't even have a platform any more. Election campaigns are simply Republicans lying about and demonizing Democrats, and the Democrats trying to talk about the issues.

I have long believed that Donald Trump's "birther campaign" was market research on the gullibility of the American people. How many people could he convince of this lie and who were they? What he discovered is that 30% of the Republican Party would steadfastly believe the lie if it were properly promoted. If you can sell 30% of Republican voters on the lie, you only need to convince 20% of the voters to give you a chance.

Now Trump is selling the lie of the stolen election in the same way that he marketed his "birther" lie, and it's working just like before. MORE people believe the election was stolen today, than believed it 2 years ago. And they're prepared to make sure that Republicans don't lose another election.

Yes they are, by keeping a better watch at the polls.

What you described above is the Democrat party, not the Republicans. Evil right-wing Fox shows demonstrate this out almost every night. They play the newest catch phrase and every single leftist media outlet all repeat the same thing. The newest one is THREAT TO DEMOCRACY! Nobody ever explains what this threat is, but when it comes to puppets, there is no need to. Democrats are told what to repeat, but not why they should be repeating it.
OK. I'll take your word on that but I still find it rather interesting that at a time when inflation and the economy are most American's biggest issues, you're biggest struggle is with the death penalty? I'm actually a right leaning conservative in case you haven't guessed BUT I don't actually struggle with this issue at all because I go against the conservative grain on this issue. If you are against the murder of fetuses then you should also be against the murder of those incarcerated. Just like the left find a way to justify murdering fetuses, the right justify capital punishment. I also believe that rotting in jail for the rest of your life is more punishment than capital murder. I mean, once your dead, you probably aren't being punished anymore.

Nearly every death penalty case is fought against all the way to the last appeals court. Apparently those on death row feel differently than you. Even behind bars, they'd rather stay alive then be executed.
So now I find myself wondering, why are so many people misunderstanding the OP? Is it:

A. Too complicated?
For you, evidently. We've all understood what you wrote just fine.

"What one issue do you struggle with the most?"
"Hoping for an interesting, illuminating" {...blah, "The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty.", blah , ...}
"What's yours?"

Today? Morons.
For you, evidently. We've all understood what you wrote just fine.

"What one issue do you struggle with the most?"
"Hoping for an interesting, illuminating" {...blah, "The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty.", blah , ...}
"What's yours?"

Today? Morons.
I'm not sure what all this means, but whatever you say. You're the smart one.
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

My problem with the death penalty is that I have zero confidence in the courts to determine who is guilty and who is not.

They are however, very good at determing who has money and who does not!
Limbaugh and others not only make the claim, but provide empirical evidence of how the media lies. Prior to that we could only believe what they reported on. The job of the media is no longer reporting. Now their job is to make up any story that draws an audience. It's all about money.

Limbaugh didn't provide you with "empirical evidence", he exaggerated the left wing media bias, which studies found to be about 7% into a huge reality gap that meant that NOTHING the left says can be trusted. Right wingers bought into Limbaugh's lies and hate, further dividing the left from right.

At the same time, Limbaugh, FOX News, and other right wing media outlets promoted lies about Democrats, conspiracy theories, and outright bullshit that Rupert Murdoch made up, so that now people like you are believing garbage you would have laughed at as ridiculous 10 years ago.

Just look at the lies he told you about that young woman who simply wanted her birth control included in her health insurance, that she was paying $10,000 in insurance premiums to her Catholic University, to purchase on her behalf. He called her a slut, and every disgusting name he could come up with, simply because she wanted her rights.

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