What one policy/political action would improve wages and the quality of life for Americans the most?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We talk about lots of things that may or may not improve life for Americans...we talk about many potential resolutions that are very subjective.
If you became the leader of this nation tomorrow and we’re granted dictatorship like power what one policy would you impose that would immediately, without question improve the life for Americans?
It's a simple formula.


That said, I would purge DC of every employee on a rotation and only refill the jobs that are not redundant.

The "War on Poverty" would have an objective made clear and get results. It would have a end date.

The HC industry would be regulated only by a board of ethical doctors without any political influence. Lawyers would have little to zero input.

No money would be spent on education. No government influence would be allowed in the industry.

No government authority would prevent any religious celebration, worship or public expression.

All gun laws would be revoked, no local, state or federal entity would have the capability to prevent anyone not confined in prison from owning a gun.


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I’d send hundreds of thousands of troops to the streets to sweep up every single illegal in America overnight...they’d go from their beds to a bus headed for Mexico.
I’d force a reinterpretation of the 14th and make it retroactive...I’d send every single anchor baby with illegal roots to Mexico tomorrow...I’d reduce America’s population by 100 million almost immediately.
It's a simple formula.


That said, I would purge DC of every employee on a rotation and only refill the jobs that are not redundant.

The "War on Poverty" would have an objective made clear and get results. It would have a end date.

The HC industry would be regulated only by a board of ethical doctors without any political influence. Lawyers would have little to zero input.

No money would be spent on education. No government influence would be allowed in the industry.

No government authority would prevent any religious celebration, worship or public expression.

All gun laws would be revoked, no local, state or federal entity would have the capability to prevent anyone not confined in prison from owning a gun.


I’d send hundreds of thousands of troops to the streets to sweep up every single illegal in America overnight...they’d go from their beds to a bus headed for Mexico.
I’d force a reinterpretation of the 14th and make it retroactive...I’d send every single anchor baby with illegal roots to Mexico tomorrow...I’d reduce America’s population by 100 million almost immediately.

Wages would certainly double and triple, while house prices would finally be affordable. No homeless even in California...

Pay for College like we pay for Social Security. You get the college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life (and a few other reforms). Thus costs is no longer a barrier to acquiring trades, going to a university, or just improving your self for the sake of improving yourself (for example, taking Italian language classes so when you visit Italy, you will be able to converse in the native language).

Remove the power that the State legislatures currently have to draw congressional districts. In our system, you’re supposed to select the candidates; what is happening is that the candidates are selecting the voters.
Replace it with a mandatory lottery system based zip codes or area codes or some other non-political designation. Divide up codes/precincts/territories/etc… into equitable population sizes and assign them to each district at random. So in 2020 for example, the SC-1 district may have zip codes from Hilton Head, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, and Savannah. The SC-2 may have zip codes from the same cities. In 2030, those districts may have completely different constituencies as reapportionment happens every 10 years.

Use the states as laboratories on the federal level. For example, if you want to see if a medicare-for-all system is workable, take 10 states and try that system in those 10 states for 5 years. See what the results are at the end and use that as a benchmark to see if medicare-for-all is workable. Do this with background checks, pollution laws, welfare reform, etc…

First and foremost, probably though, you need to pop the hood open on the Constitution to add voice to it where it currently silent. The blob has shown us what a president with no regard for the law can do when the constitution doesn’t expressly forbid it.
Can you imagine how much better off the environment would be if we got immigration under control? We would have at least 24 more years, up from 12. The planet would thank us.

Pay for College like we pay for Social Security. You get the college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life (and a few other reforms). Thus costs is no longer a barrier to acquiring trades, going to a university, or just improving your self for the sake of improving yourself (for example, taking Italian language classes so when you visit Italy, you will be able to converse in the native language).

Remove the power that the State legislatures currently have to draw congressional districts. In our system, you’re supposed to select the candidates; what is happening is that the candidates are selecting the voters.
Replace it with a mandatory lottery system based zip codes or area codes or some other non-political designation. Divide up codes/precincts/territories/etc… into equitable population sizes and assign them to each district at random. So in 2020 for example, the SC-1 district may have zip codes from Hilton Head, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, and Savannah. The SC-2 may have zip codes from the same cities. In 2030, those districts may have completely different constituencies as reapportionment happens every 10 years.

Use the states as laboratories on the federal level. For example, if you want to see if a medicare-for-all system is workable, take 10 states and try that system in those 10 states for 5 years. See what the results are at the end and use that as a benchmark to see if medicare-for-all is workable. Do this with background checks, pollution laws, welfare reform, etc…

First and foremost, probably though, you need to pop the hood open on the Constitution to add voice to it where it currently silent. The blob has shown us what a president with no regard for the law can do when the constitution doesn’t expressly forbid it.

Bad news champ, that's why they have student loans, you can get a college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life. Which is the reverse of how we pay for Social Security.
We talk about lots of things that may or may not improve life for Americans...we talk about many potential resolutions that are very subjective.
If you became the leader of this nation tomorrow and we’re granted dictatorship like power what one policy would you impose that would immediately, without question improve the life for Americans?

A slow boat to China for all those that can't or won't speak English.

Pay for College like we pay for Social Security. You get the college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life (and a few other reforms). Thus costs is no longer a barrier to acquiring trades, going to a university, or just improving your self for the sake of improving yourself (for example, taking Italian language classes so when you visit Italy, you will be able to converse in the native language).

Remove the power that the State legislatures currently have to draw congressional districts. In our system, you’re supposed to select the candidates; what is happening is that the candidates are selecting the voters.
Replace it with a mandatory lottery system based zip codes or area codes or some other non-political designation. Divide up codes/precincts/territories/etc… into equitable population sizes and assign them to each district at random. So in 2020 for example, the SC-1 district may have zip codes from Hilton Head, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, and Savannah. The SC-2 may have zip codes from the same cities. In 2030, those districts may have completely different constituencies as reapportionment happens every 10 years.

Use the states as laboratories on the federal level. For example, if you want to see if a medicare-for-all system is workable, take 10 states and try that system in those 10 states for 5 years. See what the results are at the end and use that as a benchmark to see if medicare-for-all is workable. Do this with background checks, pollution laws, welfare reform, etc…

First and foremost, probably though, you need to pop the hood open on the Constitution to add voice to it where it currently silent. The blob has shown us what a president with no regard for the law can do when the constitution doesn’t expressly forbid it.

Bad news champ, that's why they have student loans, you can get a college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life. Which is the reverse of how we pay for Social Security.

And clearly the student loan program is working. What do we have now $1.52 Trillion in student loan debt?
Hard pass.

The way SS works is that you pay a little each paycheck and you get it paid back to you when you reach a certain age after working. The way the education would be paid for is that you get your training up front and then you have a little taken out of each paycheck to pay for it. No finding a lender, no qualifying for a loan, no ridiculous punitive loan stipulations….

Further, the money is there if you are just starting out, want to change careers, want to enhance your current career, or simply want to take a class or two with no degree plan.

Pay for College like we pay for Social Security. You get the college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life (and a few other reforms). Thus costs is no longer a barrier to acquiring trades, going to a university, or just improving your self for the sake of improving yourself (for example, taking Italian language classes so when you visit Italy, you will be able to converse in the native language).

Remove the power that the State legislatures currently have to draw congressional districts. In our system, you’re supposed to select the candidates; what is happening is that the candidates are selecting the voters.
Replace it with a mandatory lottery system based zip codes or area codes or some other non-political designation. Divide up codes/precincts/territories/etc… into equitable population sizes and assign them to each district at random. So in 2020 for example, the SC-1 district may have zip codes from Hilton Head, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, and Savannah. The SC-2 may have zip codes from the same cities. In 2030, those districts may have completely different constituencies as reapportionment happens every 10 years.

Use the states as laboratories on the federal level. For example, if you want to see if a medicare-for-all system is workable, take 10 states and try that system in those 10 states for 5 years. See what the results are at the end and use that as a benchmark to see if medicare-for-all is workable. Do this with background checks, pollution laws, welfare reform, etc…

First and foremost, probably though, you need to pop the hood open on the Constitution to add voice to it where it currently silent. The blob has shown us what a president with no regard for the law can do when the constitution doesn’t expressly forbid it.

Bad news champ, that's why they have student loans, you can get a college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life. Which is the reverse of how we pay for Social Security.

And clearly the student loan program is working. What do we have now $1.52 Trillion in student loan debt?
Hard pass.

The way SS works is that you pay a little each paycheck and you get it paid back to you when you reach a certain age after working. The way the education would be paid for is that you get your training up front and then you have a little taken out of each paycheck to pay for it. No finding a lender, no qualifying for a loan, no ridiculous punitive loan stipulations….

Further, the money is there if you are just starting out, want to change careers, want to enhance your current career, or simply want to take a class or two with no degree plan.

WTF, that's the same song and dance in your previous post. The lender of student loans is the government, how difficult is it to find them. And yes, you go to school, then go to work and you take a portion and pay your student loan.

Pay for College like we pay for Social Security. You get the college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life (and a few other reforms). Thus costs is no longer a barrier to acquiring trades, going to a university, or just improving your self for the sake of improving yourself (for example, taking Italian language classes so when you visit Italy, you will be able to converse in the native language).

Remove the power that the State legislatures currently have to draw congressional districts. In our system, you’re supposed to select the candidates; what is happening is that the candidates are selecting the voters.
Replace it with a mandatory lottery system based zip codes or area codes or some other non-political designation. Divide up codes/precincts/territories/etc… into equitable population sizes and assign them to each district at random. So in 2020 for example, the SC-1 district may have zip codes from Hilton Head, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, and Savannah. The SC-2 may have zip codes from the same cities. In 2030, those districts may have completely different constituencies as reapportionment happens every 10 years.

Use the states as laboratories on the federal level. For example, if you want to see if a medicare-for-all system is workable, take 10 states and try that system in those 10 states for 5 years. See what the results are at the end and use that as a benchmark to see if medicare-for-all is workable. Do this with background checks, pollution laws, welfare reform, etc…

First and foremost, probably though, you need to pop the hood open on the Constitution to add voice to it where it currently silent. The blob has shown us what a president with no regard for the law can do when the constitution doesn’t expressly forbid it.

Bad news champ, that's why they have student loans, you can get a college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life. Which is the reverse of how we pay for Social Security.

And clearly the student loan program is working. What do we have now $1.52 Trillion in student loan debt?
Hard pass.

The way SS works is that you pay a little each paycheck and you get it paid back to you when you reach a certain age after working. The way the education would be paid for is that you get your training up front and then you have a little taken out of each paycheck to pay for it. No finding a lender, no qualifying for a loan, no ridiculous punitive loan stipulations….

Further, the money is there if you are just starting out, want to change careers, want to enhance your current career, or simply want to take a class or two with no degree plan.

When will you beggers realize that NOBODY can take you serious anymore when you start your “gimme, gimme, gimme” bullshit...WHY? Because you are really saying “gimme and give Mexico”.
NOBODY with the means to give will cave to your begging until you realize that Mexico is fucking you beggars out of free shit you obviously need.

Pay for College like we pay for Social Security. You get the college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life (and a few other reforms). Thus costs is no longer a barrier to acquiring trades, going to a university, or just improving your self for the sake of improving yourself (for example, taking Italian language classes so when you visit Italy, you will be able to converse in the native language).

Remove the power that the State legislatures currently have to draw congressional districts. In our system, you’re supposed to select the candidates; what is happening is that the candidates are selecting the voters.
Replace it with a mandatory lottery system based zip codes or area codes or some other non-political designation. Divide up codes/precincts/territories/etc… into equitable population sizes and assign them to each district at random. So in 2020 for example, the SC-1 district may have zip codes from Hilton Head, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, and Savannah. The SC-2 may have zip codes from the same cities. In 2030, those districts may have completely different constituencies as reapportionment happens every 10 years.

Use the states as laboratories on the federal level. For example, if you want to see if a medicare-for-all system is workable, take 10 states and try that system in those 10 states for 5 years. See what the results are at the end and use that as a benchmark to see if medicare-for-all is workable. Do this with background checks, pollution laws, welfare reform, etc…

First and foremost, probably though, you need to pop the hood open on the Constitution to add voice to it where it currently silent. The blob has shown us what a president with no regard for the law can do when the constitution doesn’t expressly forbid it.

Bad news champ, that's why they have student loans, you can get a college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life. Which is the reverse of how we pay for Social Security.

And clearly the student loan program is working. What do we have now $1.52 Trillion in student loan debt?
Hard pass.

The way SS works is that you pay a little each paycheck and you get it paid back to you when you reach a certain age after working. The way the education would be paid for is that you get your training up front and then you have a little taken out of each paycheck to pay for it. No finding a lender, no qualifying for a loan, no ridiculous punitive loan stipulations….

Further, the money is there if you are just starting out, want to change careers, want to enhance your current career, or simply want to take a class or two with no degree plan.

From the sound of it, because you can't seem to explain it, is you WANT student loans but you want to call it something else because the student debt is too high. Or is it you really want student loans but want to skip out and not repay them?

Pay for College like we pay for Social Security. You get the college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life (and a few other reforms). Thus costs is no longer a barrier to acquiring trades, going to a university, or just improving your self for the sake of improving yourself (for example, taking Italian language classes so when you visit Italy, you will be able to converse in the native language).

Remove the power that the State legislatures currently have to draw congressional districts. In our system, you’re supposed to select the candidates; what is happening is that the candidates are selecting the voters.
Replace it with a mandatory lottery system based zip codes or area codes or some other non-political designation. Divide up codes/precincts/territories/etc… into equitable population sizes and assign them to each district at random. So in 2020 for example, the SC-1 district may have zip codes from Hilton Head, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, and Savannah. The SC-2 may have zip codes from the same cities. In 2030, those districts may have completely different constituencies as reapportionment happens every 10 years.

Use the states as laboratories on the federal level. For example, if you want to see if a medicare-for-all system is workable, take 10 states and try that system in those 10 states for 5 years. See what the results are at the end and use that as a benchmark to see if medicare-for-all is workable. Do this with background checks, pollution laws, welfare reform, etc…

First and foremost, probably though, you need to pop the hood open on the Constitution to add voice to it where it currently silent. The blob has shown us what a president with no regard for the law can do when the constitution doesn’t expressly forbid it.

Bad news champ, that's why they have student loans, you can get a college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life. Which is the reverse of how we pay for Social Security.

And clearly the student loan program is working. What do we have now $1.52 Trillion in student loan debt?
Hard pass.

The way SS works is that you pay a little each paycheck and you get it paid back to you when you reach a certain age after working. The way the education would be paid for is that you get your training up front and then you have a little taken out of each paycheck to pay for it. No finding a lender, no qualifying for a loan, no ridiculous punitive loan stipulations….

Further, the money is there if you are just starting out, want to change careers, want to enhance your current career, or simply want to take a class or two with no degree plan.

WTF, that's the same song and dance in your previous post. The lender of student loans is the government, how difficult is it to find them. And yes, you go to school, then go to work and you take a portion and pay your student loan.


The Federal Student Aid program as it is now works wit loan servicers. These organizations are a middle man (which increases the costs overall) between the government and the student. Having your employer take your loan repayment out of your future earnings a little at a time is a much different animal because it becomes part of your pre-tax withholdings instead of you having to make payments post-tax.

It will also help reduce the default rate since it’s being taken automatically out of your check and there is no discretion on the part of the borrower on whether or not to pay. Thus reducing the trillion plus in student debt going forward.

Its a win-win-win.
We talk about lots of things that may or may not improve life for Americans...we talk about many potential resolutions that are very subjective.
If you became the leader of this nation tomorrow and we’re granted dictatorship like power what one policy would you impose that would immediately, without question improve the life for Americans?
I would abolish public sector labor unions.

Pay for College like we pay for Social Security. You get the college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life (and a few other reforms). Thus costs is no longer a barrier to acquiring trades, going to a university, or just improving your self for the sake of improving yourself (for example, taking Italian language classes so when you visit Italy, you will be able to converse in the native language).

Remove the power that the State legislatures currently have to draw congressional districts. In our system, you’re supposed to select the candidates; what is happening is that the candidates are selecting the voters.
Replace it with a mandatory lottery system based zip codes or area codes or some other non-political designation. Divide up codes/precincts/territories/etc… into equitable population sizes and assign them to each district at random. So in 2020 for example, the SC-1 district may have zip codes from Hilton Head, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, and Savannah. The SC-2 may have zip codes from the same cities. In 2030, those districts may have completely different constituencies as reapportionment happens every 10 years.

Use the states as laboratories on the federal level. For example, if you want to see if a medicare-for-all system is workable, take 10 states and try that system in those 10 states for 5 years. See what the results are at the end and use that as a benchmark to see if medicare-for-all is workable. Do this with background checks, pollution laws, welfare reform, etc…

First and foremost, probably though, you need to pop the hood open on the Constitution to add voice to it where it currently silent. The blob has shown us what a president with no regard for the law can do when the constitution doesn’t expressly forbid it.

Bad news champ, that's why they have student loans, you can get a college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life. Which is the reverse of how we pay for Social Security.

And clearly the student loan program is working. What do we have now $1.52 Trillion in student loan debt?
Hard pass.

The way SS works is that you pay a little each paycheck and you get it paid back to you when you reach a certain age after working. The way the education would be paid for is that you get your training up front and then you have a little taken out of each paycheck to pay for it. No finding a lender, no qualifying for a loan, no ridiculous punitive loan stipulations….

Further, the money is there if you are just starting out, want to change careers, want to enhance your current career, or simply want to take a class or two with no degree plan.

WTF, that's the same song and dance in your previous post. The lender of student loans is the government, how difficult is it to find them. And yes, you go to school, then go to work and you take a portion and pay your student loan.


The Federal Student Aid program as it is now works wit loan servicers. These organizations are a middle man (which increases the costs overall) between the government and the student. Having your employer take your loan repayment out of your future earnings a little at a time is a much different animal because it becomes part of your pre-tax withholdings instead of you having to make payments post-tax.

It will also help reduce the default rate since it’s being taken automatically out of your check and there is no discretion on the part of the borrower on whether or not to pay. Thus reducing the trillion plus in student debt going forward.

Its a win-win-win.

And the difference between pre-tax and post-tax is what, $5/month? If you didn't learn to pay your bills in school, you didn't get much of an education.

Pay for College like we pay for Social Security. You get the college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life (and a few other reforms). Thus costs is no longer a barrier to acquiring trades, going to a university, or just improving your self for the sake of improving yourself (for example, taking Italian language classes so when you visit Italy, you will be able to converse in the native language).

Remove the power that the State legislatures currently have to draw congressional districts. In our system, you’re supposed to select the candidates; what is happening is that the candidates are selecting the voters.
Replace it with a mandatory lottery system based zip codes or area codes or some other non-political designation. Divide up codes/precincts/territories/etc… into equitable population sizes and assign them to each district at random. So in 2020 for example, the SC-1 district may have zip codes from Hilton Head, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, and Savannah. The SC-2 may have zip codes from the same cities. In 2030, those districts may have completely different constituencies as reapportionment happens every 10 years.

Use the states as laboratories on the federal level. For example, if you want to see if a medicare-for-all system is workable, take 10 states and try that system in those 10 states for 5 years. See what the results are at the end and use that as a benchmark to see if medicare-for-all is workable. Do this with background checks, pollution laws, welfare reform, etc…

First and foremost, probably though, you need to pop the hood open on the Constitution to add voice to it where it currently silent. The blob has shown us what a president with no regard for the law can do when the constitution doesn’t expressly forbid it.

Bad news champ, that's why they have student loans, you can get a college education/technical training up front but pay for it over your working life. Which is the reverse of how we pay for Social Security.

And clearly the student loan program is working. What do we have now $1.52 Trillion in student loan debt?
Hard pass.

The way SS works is that you pay a little each paycheck and you get it paid back to you when you reach a certain age after working. The way the education would be paid for is that you get your training up front and then you have a little taken out of each paycheck to pay for it. No finding a lender, no qualifying for a loan, no ridiculous punitive loan stipulations….

Further, the money is there if you are just starting out, want to change careers, want to enhance your current career, or simply want to take a class or two with no degree plan.

WTF, that's the same song and dance in your previous post. The lender of student loans is the government, how difficult is it to find them. And yes, you go to school, then go to work and you take a portion and pay your student loan.


The Federal Student Aid program as it is now works wit loan servicers. These organizations are a middle man (which increases the costs overall) between the government and the student. Having your employer take your loan repayment out of your future earnings a little at a time is a much different animal because it becomes part of your pre-tax withholdings instead of you having to make payments post-tax.

It will also help reduce the default rate since it’s being taken automatically out of your check and there is no discretion on the part of the borrower on whether or not to pay. Thus reducing the trillion plus in student debt going forward.

Its a win-win-win.

And the difference between pre-tax and post-tax is what, $5/month? If you didn't learn to pay your bills in school, you didn't get much of an education.


The difference is that the government gets it’s money upfront. You don’t have a choice but to pay. Thus lowering the default rate and lowering the overall student loan debt.

You apparently didn’t learn much when you received your “education”.

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