What or Who is Behind This?

Black youth have been known to call these sorts of unbridled outbursts - "Wilding."

"a slang term that refers to the practice of marauding in bands to terroize strangers and to swagger and bully
We were bored, all six of us, so we decided to go out wilding"
Urban Dictionary wilding

'Wilding' youths overwhelmed deputies at state fair
Wilding youths overwhelmed deputies at state fair TBO.com and The Tampa Tribune

It seems to be genetically instinctual among certain groups (generally inner-city types).
The knockout game has evolved to dousing victims with lighter fluid or gasoline and setting fire to them.

Knockout is for sissies.
There a many good intelligent black people in this country, but the media caters to the stereotypes. America has a cancer and the source is the sick fuck in the People's House.
The black community in the US is racially equal, but culturally inferior. This is very good news indeed, because at least we know its POSSIBLE for them to get their shit together.
There a many good intelligent black people in this country, but the media caters to the stereotypes. America has a cancer and the source is the sick fuck in the People's House.

I agree with you. Not only does the media cater to the stereotypes they perpetuate or even create them. I've personally known some good, taxy-paying, hard-working, easy-going, and decent blacks during the course of my working career. Unfortunately, the media makes damn certain that these guys don't even get an honorable mention.
Could you guys be a bit more discriptive in your thread titles?

Ambiguity for the expressed purpose of the curiosity click is pretty lame.

Especially with subject matter as lame as this....
"As Marx wrote, 'The revolution is necessary, therefore, not only because the ruling class cannot be overthrown any other way, but because the classoverthrowing it can only in a revolution succeed in ridding itself of all the old crap and become fitted to found society anew.'28

"Racism and segregation have historically been the key obstacles to working-class unity in the United States—the worst of the 'old crap' that must be conquered if the labor movement is to succeed."

That "old crap" is what so many conservatives devote their lives to condoning and sustaining.

International Socialist Review
I have never actually seen any real evidence of the "knock out game."

Please post an actual random punch that was thrown with no reason and completely random. Otherwise, we call it "kicking some guys ass."
The knockout game has evolved to dousing victims with lighter fluid or gasoline and setting fire to them.

Knockout is for sissies.
. Wait for the liberals to excuse this behavior.

What behavior? I don't see any behavior. Just kids being kids. Victims of their circumstances. Getting even for something that happened 150 years ago. No biggy.
I have never actually seen any real evidence of the "knock out game."

Please post an actual random punch that was thrown with no reason and completely random. Otherwise, we call it "kicking some guys ass."
It's all over YouTube. Search for it.

Ah! The old - "it's all over the place, JUST LOOK!" argument. Shouldn't be so hard for you to find, then; much harder for me to "not find it."
Actually, this thread belongs in Race Relations/Racism as this is just another thread targeting a specific race.
Personally, I'm sure we have a specific group of posters who frantically search for news that targets blacks in any negative manner. There's a descriptive term for that type of behavior that we are all familiar with. :eusa_eh:
Could you guys be a bit more discriptive in your thread titles?

Ambiguity for the expressed purpose of the curiosity click is pretty lame.

Especially with subject matter as lame as this....

Could you kiss my ass? Why, I bet you could.

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