“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

Yet gun sales over the last eight years have set records. Who knew? Like private citizens are going to tell complete strangers that they own guns, and how many. LOL!

But what do we know we are all Bubbas! But, wait, I thought we were Trumpists? The names are all great Libs. Shows your maturity.
Ya sales are increasing because Gun bubbas are totally paranoid and are massively increasing the number of guns they own, like they have more then one trigger finger. They are clowns all of them, but by the number of times I've had my life threatened here , it's clear that the last person who should have a gun are the wacko gun bubbas. I want none of these clowns living in my neighborhood, they are dangerous and shouldn't even have guns, yet a whole arsonal.
"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........

110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned

Your conclusion is ridiculous. A car is made to transport people or persons to work, home, school, shopping etc. A gun is made to put people, persons or animals to death.
Your conclusion is ridiculous. A car is made to transport people or persons to work, home, school, shopping etc. A gun is made to put people, persons or animals to death.
You conclusion is ridiculous. A gun is also made to prevent people, persons (don't see a difference), or animals from being put to death.
1. A Sporting Rifle doesn't have the need for rails to accept a M-203 Grenade Launcher. Or a Silencer or a Bayonet or a.......... Like we did in Colorado, remove the ability to mount those and then, and only then, can you call it a sporting rifle. Until then, it's an assault rifle that can also be used as a sporting rifle.

2. I already told you what we need to do to get the crime and murder level down. But, no, you won't even consider it. Your 1% that you pray to would never go for it. They moved the jobs out of those areas and didn't replace them with other jobs so the people turned to the only other way to make a living they could and that was crime and public assistance. And, no, they didn't have the option to move. They didn't have the funds to relocate and even if they did, there were no jobs waiting for them anyway. When the jobs were finally available in alternative locations, they could not afford to relocate anyway. The buildings are still there for the Factories, the work force is still there. Yes, it would have be rebuilt and retrained but that USED to be part of running a business. Not so these days. Long term investments gave way for Bottom Line short term.

Keep spewing that propaganda, the M203 in not rail mounted, neither are bayonets or noise suppressors. Lies are not your friends.

He does not even know the difference between a suppressor and a silencer...
And thinks rails make a firearm more dangerous... lol

No he does, he's just trolling, repeating shit over and over and over, no matter how many times it's proven wrong. He refuses to answer honest questions because the answers won't support his trolling and propaganda.


Your little band just likes to misinform and use that to win any and all arguments. Well, cupcakes, you are losing this argument on the legislature. In Colorado, the ability to mount those rails and the ability to thread on the silencer cannot be included in any new AR-15 sold in the State since 2013. Now, keep lying and misdirecting. The cat is out of the bag, cupcake.

You're watching way too many movies if you think any firearm can be silenced. BTW the CO senate has already passed a repeal of the magazine ban and it's up for consideration in the house. I guess your legislators are getting a bit of a backlash for their misguided BS.

Here's what counts, The courts interpret the constitution, the courts can legislate guns, the court has regulated guns and the court will regulate guns in the future. There are 8 states now that regulate Your hamburger guns and there are multiple cities that have done the same . all have been tested in court all of them have been supported in the courts, including the supreme court. No problem It should be done by towns , counties and city and states and it will be.
Your conclusion is ridiculous. A car is made to transport people or persons to work, home, school, shopping etc. A gun is made to put people, persons or animals to death.
You conclusion is ridiculous. A gun is also made to prevent people, persons (don't see a difference), or animals from being put to death.

No, the gun is made to kill. Period. It is not a utility which has any other purpose. It maybe used to protect someone, but the threat to kill is always there.
Murders murder, who cares if they use a sharpened flint or a winglaner 2200 (C) with extra special nozzles on their outer perimeters? Who cares? Let's stop that nonsense. Who needs guns, after all? We would all sleep better at night if NOBODY had guns.

Do you really think through what you post? According to the CDC Americans use their legal guns to stop violent criminals 2.4 million times a year.....those are rapes, robberies and murders that do not happen because an innocent person has a gun to stop them.

There was a time in earth history where guns did not exist.... and the weak were raped, robbed and murdered by the strong....guns changed that.....and stopped that for those victims...

The 2.4 million people who use guns to save lives need those guns....
What did the hate party do to the CDC because they showed the massive gun violence in this country. So these right wing Gun bubbas are are clowns when they bring up the CDC, By the way Your study doesn't mean what you want it to mean, only to the people who pull out the anti gun information and only bring out the pro gun information of all gun studies, there is Only one group that lies more then the right and that is the right wing bubbas. You can't believe one thing they say ever.
1. A Sporting Rifle doesn't have the need for rails to accept a M-203 Grenade Launcher. Or a Silencer or a Bayonet or a.......... Like we did in Colorado, remove the ability to mount those and then, and only then, can you call it a sporting rifle. Until then, it's an assault rifle that can also be used as a sporting rifle.

2. I already told you what we need to do to get the crime and murder level down. But, no, you won't even consider it. Your 1% that you pray to would never go for it. They moved the jobs out of those areas and didn't replace them with other jobs so the people turned to the only other way to make a living they could and that was crime and public assistance. And, no, they didn't have the option to move. They didn't have the funds to relocate and even if they did, there were no jobs waiting for them anyway. When the jobs were finally available in alternative locations, they could not afford to relocate anyway. The buildings are still there for the Factories, the work force is still there. Yes, it would have be rebuilt and retrained but that USED to be part of running a business. Not so these days. Long term investments gave way for Bottom Line short term.

Keep spewing that propaganda, the M203 in not rail mounted, neither are bayonets or noise suppressors. Lies are not your friends.

He does not even know the difference between a suppressor and a silencer...
And thinks rails make a firearm more dangerous... lol

No he does, he's just trolling, repeating shit over and over and over, no matter how many times it's proven wrong. He refuses to answer honest questions because the answers won't support his trolling and propaganda.


Your little band just likes to misinform and use that to win any and all arguments. Well, cupcakes, you are losing this argument on the legislature. In Colorado, the ability to mount those rails and the ability to thread on the silencer cannot be included in any new AR-15 sold in the State since 2013. Now, keep lying and misdirecting. The cat is out of the bag, cupcake.

You're watching way too many movies if you think any firearm can be silenced. BTW the CO senate has already passed a repeal of the magazine ban and it's up for consideration in the house. I guess your legislators are getting a bit of a backlash for their misguided BS.

No the NRA owns the right wing and they are in power and will only destroy this country never add something positive.
Your conclusion is ridiculous. A car is made to transport people or persons to work, home, school, shopping etc. A gun is made to put people, persons or animals to death.
You conclusion is ridiculous. A gun is also made to prevent people, persons (don't see a difference), or animals from being put to death.

No, the gun is made to kill. Period. It is not a utility which has any other purpose. It maybe used to protect someone, but the threat to kill is always there.

So its made to provide the threat of force. Just like any other weapon or just like anything else that can be used as a weapon

And a gun is designed to launch a projectile at a chosen target.

Whether or not a gun kills is for the person firing it to decide
Keep spewing that propaganda, the M203 in not rail mounted, neither are bayonets or noise suppressors. Lies are not your friends.

He does not even know the difference between a suppressor and a silencer...
And thinks rails make a firearm more dangerous... lol

No he does, he's just trolling, repeating shit over and over and over, no matter how many times it's proven wrong. He refuses to answer honest questions because the answers won't support his trolling and propaganda.


Your little band just likes to misinform and use that to win any and all arguments. Well, cupcakes, you are losing this argument on the legislature. In Colorado, the ability to mount those rails and the ability to thread on the silencer cannot be included in any new AR-15 sold in the State since 2013. Now, keep lying and misdirecting. The cat is out of the bag, cupcake.

You're watching way too many movies if you think any firearm can be silenced. BTW the CO senate has already passed a repeal of the magazine ban and it's up for consideration in the house. I guess your legislators are getting a bit of a backlash for their misguided BS.

Here's what counts, The courts interpret the constitution, the courts can legislate guns, the court has regulated guns and the court will regulate guns in the future. There are 8 states now that regulate Your hamburger guns and there are multiple cities that have done the same . all have been tested in court all of them have been supported in the courts, including the supreme court. No problem It should be done by towns , counties and city and states and it will be.

You might want to read Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution again, then you might no sound so freaking ignorant.

You fail to understand the system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations, i.e., Marbury v. Madison made law.
Have you ever read Marbury v. Madison? All that said was the Supreme Court has the power to interpret law and the constitution, not legislate or regulate.
Your conclusion is ridiculous. A car is made to transport people or persons to work, home, school, shopping etc. A gun is made to put people, persons or animals to death.
You conclusion is ridiculous. A gun is also made to prevent people, persons (don't see a difference), or animals from being put to death.

No, the gun is made to kill. Period. It is not a utility which has any other purpose. It maybe used to protect someone, but the threat to kill is always there.

So its made to provide the threat of force. Just like any other weapon or just like anything else that can be used as a weapon

And a gun is designed to launch a projectile at a chosen target.

Whether or not a gun kills is for the person firing it to decide

Bullshit. You watch too many cowboy movies. Once the projectile enters the body of a human being, it can hit an artery or not, it can hit a bone and create a number of secondary projectile which can nick an artery. I've read coroner reports, it appears once again you post opinions to defend your narrative. No one can control what the projectile does once it enters the body of the victim..
Keep spewing that propaganda, the M203 in not rail mounted, neither are bayonets or noise suppressors. Lies are not your friends.

He does not even know the difference between a suppressor and a silencer...
And thinks rails make a firearm more dangerous... lol

No he does, he's just trolling, repeating shit over and over and over, no matter how many times it's proven wrong. He refuses to answer honest questions because the answers won't support his trolling and propaganda.


Your little band just likes to misinform and use that to win any and all arguments. Well, cupcakes, you are losing this argument on the legislature. In Colorado, the ability to mount those rails and the ability to thread on the silencer cannot be included in any new AR-15 sold in the State since 2013. Now, keep lying and misdirecting. The cat is out of the bag, cupcake.

You're watching way too many movies if you think any firearm can be silenced. BTW the CO senate has already passed a repeal of the magazine ban and it's up for consideration in the house. I guess your legislators are getting a bit of a backlash for their misguided BS.

No the NRA owns the right wing and they are in power and will only destroy this country never add something positive.

Run along child and take your regressive talking points with you.

Courts do not legislate or regulate.

Some people need a civics class.

You fail to understand the system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations, i.e., Marbury v. Madison made law.

Better known as the supremes granting themselves powers not granted in the Constitution.

Bullshit. You watch too many cowboy movies. Once the projectile enters the body of a human being, it can hit an artery or not, it can hit a bone and create a number of secondary projectile which can nick an artery. I've read coroner reports, it appears once again you post opinions to defend your narrative. No one can control what the projectile does once it enters the body of the victim..
Can a person shoot at targets without the intent to kill another?

If not, I am doing this wrong.
You fail to understand the system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations, i.e., Marbury v. Madison made law.
Have you ever read Marbury v. Madison? All that said was the Supreme Court has the power to interpret law and the constitution, not legislate or regulate.

The Realpolitik says otherwise. Look up and read the 21 or so Landmark Decisions, there are examples of how the law is made.
Bullshit. You watch too many cowboy movies. Once the projectile enters the body of a human being, it can hit an artery or not, it can hit a bone and create a number of secondary projectile which can nick an artery. I've read coroner reports, it appears once again you post opinions to defend your narrative. No one can control what the projectile does once it enters the body of the victim..
Can a person shoot at targets without the intent to kill another?

If not, I am doing this wrong.

Why shoot at targets if you are not training for the real thing?

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