What percentage of Murders would not be committed if AR-15s were banned?

The question is really what would the body count be AR vs Handgun/ shotgun whatever normal firearm .

The other question . What is the purpose of an AR ? To maime and kill lots of people in a short time .

To maim and kill lots of people in a short time .

Got any numbers to back that up?

Sure . Just compare mass shooting events using handguns vs those using ARs .

Are you going to deny that the Vegas shooter didn’t use his AR for exactly what it was designed for ? Are u going duck hunting with that thing ?

I don't care. In probably all those case a couple of handguns with full clips could accomplish the same numbers.

Because the driver in Nice France used a truck to kill 80+, the truck is designed to kill?

I've never duck hunted with an AR, but I have hunted small game. What is your point.

You want to stop school shootings, I don't know how many more times I need to post Michael Moores video with that solution. Did you need to see it again?

Now do you want to ACTUALLY stop the killings, or doesn't that interest you much?

Trucks are designed for transport.

What is an AR designed for ? Enough of the gun nerd speak . Plain language , what is it designed for ???

all firearms are designed to propel a projectile at a chosen target.

That is all they are designed to do

Here’s where you said they are the same .
I am being honest. They are weapons of war.

You are weapons grade stupid.

Whoever leaves you unsupervised is putting other people in danger. You need to be secured in a padded cell.

Do you think the. Vegas shooter would’ve caused the same carnage if he just used a glock?

Comparing a handgun to a rifle is ludicrous.

If you knew anything about guns you would know that.

Timmy is The USMB Retard Mascot.


Not only is he too stupid to know anything, he can't even fucking read.

The question isn't about MASS MURDERS, it's murders period.

Second of all, because he is a complete fucking retard, he believes the only thing used in Vegas was an AR15.

The fact is, a killer uses whatever tool is available. If the moonbat's messiah waved a magic dildo and all the guns disappeared, the killers would use explosives, trucks, poison gas or airplanes.


But they ain’t using explosives. Trucks, poison gas .

Because you can get a much better body count with AR type firearms .
Got any numbers to back that up?

Sure . Just compare mass shooting events using handguns vs those using ARs .

Are you going to deny that the Vegas shooter didn’t use his AR for exactly what it was designed for ? Are u going duck hunting with that thing ?

I don't care. In probably all those case a couple of handguns with full clips could accomplish the same numbers.

Because the driver in Nice France used a truck to kill 80+, the truck is designed to kill?

I've never duck hunted with an AR, but I have hunted small game. What is your point.

You want to stop school shootings, I don't know how many more times I need to post Michael Moores video with that solution. Did you need to see it again?

Now do you want to ACTUALLY stop the killings, or doesn't that interest you much?

Trucks are designed for transport.

What is an AR designed for ? Enough of the gun nerd speak . Plain language , what is it designed for ???

all firearms are designed to propel a projectile at a chosen target.

That is all they are designed to do

Here’s where you said they are the same .

That is a long way from saying a handgun is the same as a rifle

FYI that description also works for a bow and arrow, a slingshot or a spear thrower

so by your "logic" those are all the same as gun too right?
Do you think the. Vegas shooter would’ve caused the same carnage if he just used a glock?

Comparing a handgun to a rifle is ludicrous.

If you knew anything about guns you would know that.

Timmy is The USMB Retard Mascot.


Not only is he too stupid to know anything, he can't even fucking read.

The question isn't about MASS MURDERS, it's murders period.

Second of all, because he is a complete fucking retard, he believes the only thing used in Vegas was an AR15.

The fact is, a killer uses whatever tool is available. If the moonbat's messiah waved a magic dildo and all the guns disappeared, the killers would use explosives, trucks, poison gas or airplanes.


But they ain’t using explosives. Trucks, poison gas .

Because you can get a much better body count with AR type firearms .

What is an AR type?

IS it black plastic rifles ?
Sure . Just compare mass shooting events using handguns vs those using ARs .

Are you going to deny that the Vegas shooter didn’t use his AR for exactly what it was designed for ? Are u going duck hunting with that thing ?

I don't care. In probably all those case a couple of handguns with full clips could accomplish the same numbers.

Because the driver in Nice France used a truck to kill 80+, the truck is designed to kill?

I've never duck hunted with an AR, but I have hunted small game. What is your point.

You want to stop school shootings, I don't know how many more times I need to post Michael Moores video with that solution. Did you need to see it again?

Now do you want to ACTUALLY stop the killings, or doesn't that interest you much?

Trucks are designed for transport.

What is an AR designed for ? Enough of the gun nerd speak . Plain language , what is it designed for ???

all firearms are designed to propel a projectile at a chosen target.

That is all they are designed to do

Here’s where you said they are the same .

That is a long way from saying a handgun is the same as a rifle

FYI that description also works for a bow and arrow, a slingshot or a spear thrower

so by your "logic" those are all the same a gun too right?

That wasn’t my logic at all. I was asking what they were designed to do and got the “theyvare all the same “ reply because y’all can’t be honest about the purpose of some of these firearms .
I don't care. In probably all those case a couple of handguns with full clips could accomplish the same numbers.

Because the driver in Nice France used a truck to kill 80+, the truck is designed to kill?

I've never duck hunted with an AR, but I have hunted small game. What is your point.

You want to stop school shootings, I don't know how many more times I need to post Michael Moores video with that solution. Did you need to see it again?

Now do you want to ACTUALLY stop the killings, or doesn't that interest you much?

Trucks are designed for transport.

What is an AR designed for ? Enough of the gun nerd speak . Plain language , what is it designed for ???

all firearms are designed to propel a projectile at a chosen target.

That is all they are designed to do

Here’s where you said they are the same .

That is a long way from saying a handgun is the same as a rifle

FYI that description also works for a bow and arrow, a slingshot or a spear thrower

so by your "logic" those are all the same a gun too right?

That wasn’t my logic at all. I was asking what they were designed to do and got the “theyvare all the same “ reply because y’all can’t be honest about the purpose of some of these firearms .

Because they are designed to to the same thing in no way means they are all the same

Or did you not understand the bow and arrow comparison?
I don't care. In probably all those case a couple of handguns with full clips could accomplish the same numbers.

Because the driver in Nice France used a truck to kill 80+, the truck is designed to kill?

I've never duck hunted with an AR, but I have hunted small game. What is your point.

You want to stop school shootings, I don't know how many more times I need to post Michael Moores video with that solution. Did you need to see it again?

Now do you want to ACTUALLY stop the killings, or doesn't that interest you much?

Trucks are designed for transport.

What is an AR designed for ? Enough of the gun nerd speak . Plain language , what is it designed for ???

all firearms are designed to propel a projectile at a chosen target.

That is all they are designed to do

You are being disingenuous.

That’s like saying all automobiles are designed for people to drive around .

Like a Jeep, a corvette , and a minivan are all the same .

But hey. Let’s go with it. Guess banning ARS is no big deal because you can still buy a revolver !

Not sure where you are going with this, but for some odd reason I'll bite:

That’s like saying all automobiles are designed for people to drive around .

Like a Jeep, a corvette , and a minivan are all the same .

A jeep is designed to drive around. A corvette is designed to drive around. A Minivan is designed to drive around. I've owned at least one of each, and all were used exactly for that purpose.

I guess I have to wait for your response before I can proceed. This should be, at the very least, interesting.

Are you that embarrassed about ARs that you refuse to be honest about them .


Are you embarrassed about asking your question?

What was your point?
What percentage of Murders would not be committed if AR-15s were banned?


The killer would get an AK.

Or a Mini-14.

Or a Glock.

Or a truck.

Or Ammonium Nitrate.

Or call in a SWAT raid with bullshit info.


Do you think the. Vegas shooter would’ve caused the same carnage if he just used a glock?

It is indeed possible. The dude was a millionaire. He could have had 50 fully loaded and ready to go. Wouldn’t have made a dent in his bank account.

You realize that the glock, though not nearly as accurate at that distance, still fires the same round and, shooting into a packed crowd doesn’t require much in the need of accuracy.
Do you think the. Vegas shooter would’ve caused the same carnage if he just used a glock?

Comparing a handgun to a rifle is ludicrous.

If you knew anything about guns you would know that.

Timmy is The USMB Retard Mascot.


Not only is he too stupid to know anything, he can't even fucking read.

The question isn't about MASS MURDERS, it's murders period.

Second of all, because he is a complete fucking retard, he believes the only thing used in Vegas was an AR15.

The fact is, a killer uses whatever tool is available. If the moonbat's messiah waved a magic dildo and all the guns disappeared, the killers would use explosives, trucks, poison gas or airplanes.


But they ain’t using explosives. Trucks, poison gas .

Because you can get a much better body count with AR type firearms .

Why is it so hard for you to understand that greater body counts have been attained without AR style rifles?

This particular man was a multi millionaire! Lacking an AR he could have easily bought a semi and run down the group entering or exiting it, or several other venues in the southwest!

Is it any less tragic if the killer used a truck then that he used a gun?

Answer that honestly and I swear you will sleep better at night!
Do you think the. Vegas shooter would’ve caused the same carnage if he just used a glock?

Comparing a handgun to a rifle is ludicrous.

If you knew anything about guns you would know that.

Timmy is The USMB Retard Mascot.


Not only is he too stupid to know anything, he can't even fucking read.

The question isn't about MASS MURDERS, it's murders period.

Second of all, because he is a complete fucking retard, he believes the only thing used in Vegas was an AR15.

The fact is, a killer uses whatever tool is available. If the moonbat's messiah waved a magic dildo and all the guns disappeared, the killers would use explosives, trucks, poison gas or airplanes.


But they ain’t using explosives. Trucks, poison gas .

Because you can get a much better body count with AR type firearms .

Why is it so hard for you to understand that greater body counts have been attained without AR style rifles?

This particular man was a multi millionaire! Lacking an AR he could have easily bought a semi and run down the group entering or exiting it, or several other venues in the southwest!

Is it any less tragic if the killer used a truck then that he used a gun?

Answer that honestly and I swear you will sleep better at night!

These people think it's somehow worse to get killed by a rifle at the same time as a few other people that it is to get killed any other of a thousand ways individually

The AR-15 is not a prerequisite to Murder. Other weapons would take it's place possibly creating even more deaths.

Murderers Murder and Rapists Rape. Thinking you are going to stop either by banning a type of weapon is naive at best.

Mass shootings are very rare where there is strong gun control. Our homicide rate is 4-5x that of countries with strong gun control.
Our worst mass shootings have been done with semi auto rifles. Stop acting like it’s a coincidence. A weapon capable of killing 50+ people quickly should not be legal.

The AR-15 is not a prerequisite to Murder. Other weapons would take it's place possibly creating even more deaths.

Murderers Murder and Rapists Rape. Thinking you are going to stop either by banning a type of weapon is naive at best.

Mass shootings are very rare where there is strong gun control. Our homicide rate is 4-5x that of countries with strong gun control.

Gun control does not affect the murder rate.

The Murder rate in the UK did not go down after all their gun control laws were passed and it has not dropped below what it was before all their gun control laws were passed
Our worst mass shootings have been done with semi auto rifles. Stop acting like it’s a coincidence. A weapon capable of killing 50+ people quickly should not be legal.
MAss shootings account for 1% of all murder

Even if you stop them there will be no real effect on the murder rate
Our worst mass shootings have been done with semi auto rifles. Stop acting like it’s a coincidence. A weapon capable of killing 50+ people quickly should not be legal.
MAss shootings account for 1% of all murder

Even if you stop them there will be no real effect on the murder rate

I’m sure the friends and families of the 58 killed in vegas would disagree with you. As would the hundreds wounded.
Our worst mass shootings have been done with semi auto rifles. Stop acting like it’s a coincidence. A weapon capable of killing 50+ people quickly should not be legal.
MAss shootings account for 1% of all murder

Even if you stop them there will be no real effect on the murder rate

I’m sure the friends and families of the 58 killed in vegas would disagree with you. As would the hundreds wounded.

Still would not put a dent in the murder rate.

We already know how to lower the murder rate by up to 70% because we know where 70% of murders happen.

The AR-15 is not a prerequisite to Murder. Other weapons would take it's place possibly creating even more deaths.

Murderers Murder and Rapists Rape. Thinking you are going to stop either by banning a type of weapon is naive at best.

Mass shootings are very rare where there is strong gun control. Our homicide rate is 4-5x that of countries with strong gun control.

Gun control does not affect the murder rate.

The Murder rate in the UK did not go down after all their gun control laws were passed and it has not dropped below what it was before all their gun control laws were passed
Yes it does. The UK never had huge ownership, they stopped the problem before it got out of control. Again, our homicide rate is 4-5x that of countries with strong gun control. Our own crime rates plummeted after getting background checks.

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