What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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What does it matter if rapists and slavers didn't find slavery and rape to be morally wrong? Do you find slavery and rape to be morally wrong? All blacks to this day or just some? So do some Asians and White Europeans. And still some Americans think it's okay to continue to venerate slavers.
No one venerates slavers except maybe you when you excuse black slavers with excuses as to why it wasn't so bad for them to do it. And Africa still practices slavery to this day. Name a white Country that practices slavery today?
No one venerates slavers except maybe you when you excuse black slavers with excuses as to why it was so bad for them to do it. And Africa still practices slavery to this day. Name a white Country that practices slavery today?
The Global Slavery Index estimates about 800,000 people in Russia today live in modern day slavery.

As for your ridiculous claims about me, I don't have any problem calling all slavers, black, white, Asian or otherwise, pieces of shit. Still, we have plenty of white Americans who wave around Confederate flags and defend Confederate idolatry, nevermind all the whites who idolize Founders like Washington and Jefferson.
The Global Slavery Index estimates about 800,000 people in Russia today live in modern day slavery.

As for your ridiculous claims about me, I don't have any problem calling all slavers, black, white, Asian or otherwise, pieces of shit. Still, we have plenty of white Americans who wave around Confederate flags and defend Confederate idolatry, nevermind all the whites who idolize Founders like Washington and Jefferson.
Russia is not a majority white nation when you include all the sections of it. The small area of Russia itself is white the rest is mostly Asian
Russia is not a majority white nation when you include all the sections of it. The small area of Russia itself is white the rest is mostly Asian
Russia's population is 81% ethnically Russian. If your arguments were sound you wouldn't have to lie so much. 😄
LOL Russia is not JUST the province of Russia DUMB ASS.
Are we talking about land or people you dumbass? Land can't commit acts of slavery, so while the Country of Russia expands across the continents of both Europe and Asia, the Russian population is 81% ethnically Russian. How stupid are you?
In Russia? I am sure in the hinterlands it is. that places is HUGE

You might find a brothel in the sticks that doesn't hide because the local law is corrupt.

But that is still not the nation allowing it. That is a system failing.
But democrats are racist too. Even Bernie said no reparations for Negroes, only Jews. Woke progressives are still a minority, a majority of libs are still classical libs. That is to say, very racist/indifferent to racism. When I was homeless in Boston, those crackers didn't give a shit. Actions speak louder than words, they oppose all the measures the true progressives want. The Moderate Liberal is no different than the red state conservative.

Hey; isn't Boston a DemoKKKrat town???

Cracker isn't a racist term. Cracker simply denotes a white person who is racist. Even Sowell says that modern blacks learned their behavior from the Scot Irish crackers of the south.
No bud; a cracker is NOT a racist term nor are crackers racist. Re the Irish/Scots in the South; braids and hip hop, mahn!!!!

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And the equivocating begins... as always, you clowns were just projecting.

No equivocating. Sarge was wrong about Russia's demographics and had the balls to admit it.

If he was a leftard like you, he would have danced and stonewalled for days or weeks, until that point got buried in shit talk.
I'm actually quite conservative. I consider myself a "Woke Conservative". It's basically Black Conservativism, minus the Uncletomness. You can call these crakas out, and be against open borders.
So freeing the slaves was racist; Gotcha!!! Even though I think slavery wasn't a proximal cause of the Civil war, I do think the abolition of slavery was one of the few benefits of that colossal disaster!!! What a pity the DemoKKKrats stuffed up the ensuing peace for Blacks.

Christians force Children to be indoctrinated into their religion. I was a Jehovah's witness and forced to waste time going to Church every Sunday and Monday for 2 hours a day. Also, K-12 is compulsory and we indoctrinate kids in that system of beliefs.
JW; are they even a Christian church or they a cult? Get with the Catholics, mate; we love everyone ...well....now we do. Honest!!!! :11_2_1043:

Be aware though; at some stage EVERY person decides for themselves.

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