What questions should Congress ask before deciding to attack Syria ?

I can come up with a few for starters:
Is our ultimate goal to depose Syria ?

Why are we helping Al Qaeda destabilize Syria ?

Who will take over in Syria if we severely weaken Assad with missile attacks ?

Are other countries going to reimburse America for being the ones who do the "punishing" ?

Do we intend to depose other leaders who are cruel to their people ?

Is it treason to go?

is harming assad giving aide and comfort to aq?
The first question I would seek answer to is "What threat does Syria present to the security of the U.S. and/or the safety of U.S. citizens in the United States?", with the obvious answer for those who are in Syria to remove themselves from danger by leaving.
"Next time you open your mouth and threaten military retaliation...make sure you can back it up".
Not something you just blurt out and hope they don't take your bet.
Lots of questions here.

The Philosopher's Stone: SYRIA

"Finally, if the missile attacks do succeed in "degrading" the Syrian government, it may read the signs as indicating that fighting the war is acceptable so long as chemical weapons are not employed. They may regard it as a sort of license to go ahead in this wasting war. Thus, the action will have accomplished little. Thus, as General Zinni points out, America will likely find itself saddled with another long-term, very expensive and perhaps unwinnable war. We need to remind ourselves what Afghanistan did - bankrupting the Soviet Union - and what Iraq cost us -- about 4,500 American dead, over 100,000 wounded, many of whom will never recover, and perhaps $6 trillion.
Can we afford to repeat those mistakes?"
I think the first one should be "Do they actually have WMD's?" Seems like they do.

It's nice having a thoughtful president who will "go slow" in a thoughtful manner. There was an 8 year period we didn't see that. We saw, "You are with us or with the terrorists". What a way to "gin up" support.

Does it matter who used them? Should we go after Assad if he didn't?

There was a time when everything rdean said made sense, then he grew up.
I can come up with a few for starters:
Is our ultimate goal to depose Syria ?

Why are we helping Al Qaeda destabilize Syria ?

Who will take over in Syria if we severely weaken Assad with missile attacks ?

Are other countries going to reimburse America for being the ones who do the "punishing" ?

Do we intend to depose other leaders who are cruel to their people ?
Some good questions Dillo, too bad some of your fellow republicans have made your thread nothing but a joke.

This is serious business and I expect my representatives to be asking some of the same questions you proposed along with some others...

I'd like them to ask for the evidence that Assad used the chemical weapons, and review this evidence to know what was actually done and by whom.

I'd like them to find out what the next step entails....who will be their new leader....will this person actually be better or worse for all of the syrians 5-10 years from now, or will a regime change actually make it worse than the chemical weapons used?

Is there an ''oil'' connection? Will an attack prevent some oil embargo etc that actually could and would hurt the USA or will it entice one?

Will attacking Syria automatically make oil prices go through the roof on the international market, as it did with the Iraq war? How will that affect the already hurting economy at the small business level, who employs more than 70% of Americans?

Rdean made the thread a joke.

Come to think of it, he makes every thread he posts in a joke.
What kind of deal have we stuck with the Saudi's regarding the removal of Assad ?
Questions I expect Congress to ask:

If we strike Syria, how will that help the GOP win seats in 2014?

How do we know Assad used chemical weapons and will this information help us repeal Obamacare?

What Would Reagan Do?

Given the fact that your predecessor was a force for peace in the Middle East, can you show us your birth certificate one more time?
Questions I expect Congress to ask:

If we strike Syria, how will that help the GOP win seats in 2014?

How do we know Assad used chemical weapons and will this information help us repeal Obamacare?

What Would Reagan Do?

Given the fact that your predecessor was a force for peace in the Middle East, can you show us your birth certificate one more time?

well that wasn't the question but thanks for playing.

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