What Rank Is Gay On The Sin Chart?

Hey..............Turzovka..................can you provide a specific Bible reference that says all sex outside of marriage is a sin?
To save me some time ...

And? Where is your saved time now?

, I am going to copy a post I made not that long ago. Likely more than you asked for.

Jesus did not specifically say sex between a man and another man is sinful, but he did not also approve of necrophilia, rape, incest, and bestiality. ...

And this is what god said to you? ... "Go - don't waste your time - and tell everyone homosexual human beings are like desecrators of corpses, brutal violators, childmolestors and monsters" ... ¿Really?

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Hey..............Turzovka..................can you provide a specific Bible reference that says all sex outside of marriage is a sin?
To save me some time ...

And? Where is your saved time now?

, I am going to copy a post I made not that long ago. Likely more than you asked for.

Jesus did not specifically say sex between a man and another man is sinful, but he did not also approve of necrophilia, rape, incest, and bestiality. ...

And this is what god said to you? ... "Go - don't waste your time - and tell everyone homosexual human beings are like desecrators of corpses, brutal violators, childmolestors and monsters" ... ¿Really?

I save time by not trying to decipher your cryptic pearls of wisdom. When you can speak plainly I will be glad to indulge you.

And spare me about the virtues of "love." Since there are as many interpretations of that word as there are various sexual practices. Sometimes love comes in the form of the word 'no.'
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The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals

Love is not sinful. Sexual excess, abuse or it's use in ritual to other gods is.

--- I save time by not trying to decipher your cryptic pearls of wisdom. When you can speak plainly I will be glad to indulge you.

Glad to indulge me? ... hmm ... What about to sharpen the nails of my fakir board? I could buy one.

And spare me about the virtues of "love." Since there are as many interpretations of that word as there are various sexual practices. Sometimes love comes in the form of the word 'no.'

The english culture and the sexuality of men ... latest since Henry VIII one of the most ununderstandable aggressive themes. Whatever. When god created time he made a lot.

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So what rank is being Gay on the Sin chart?

Seems to me that the "Covet" sin is the big one today according to the 10 Commandments.

Explain to me why being Judgemental of a Sinner when being told "Do not judge or be judged" is a good thing.

I'm all ears.

Sin is sin. There is no small sin. One act of disobedience in the garden led to where we are right now. There is no such thing as a small ("venial" ha!) sin.
The truth is one act of disobedience will send you to hell as quickly as 10,000. No matter the sin. Sin is sin. There is only one solution for sin. It is found at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ at Calvary. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man can come to the Father except through the Son. The Believers in Jesus Christ shall one day judge the world.

It is written to the Followers of Jesus Christ:

Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge the angels? How much more the things that pertain to this life.
1 Corinthians 6:2,3
... Here is my opinion based on my understanding of Catholic teaching. Gay sex is in almost all cases a sin, ...

"Sex" is only not a sin if a married man and woman are doing sex. Most Catholics never heard something about. Take me as an example: Never heard something about. :lol:

But let me say also: To love someone is always allowed including all forms of tenderness. We are not only spiritual beings. We need our bodies - and if the prophecies I heard are right, then we will arise one day with our souls in a new created form of body made of pure fire.

I'm very happy for you. You sound content.

I, on the other hand, am never content.

When you come to Jesus Christ and are born again according to Romans 10:9,10 and leave the Roman Catholic Institution you shall find contentment and the peace that passes all understanding. That has been the testimony of all ex-Catholics who have found salvation in Jesus Christ alone - including myself!
... Here is my opinion based on my understanding of Catholic teaching. Gay sex is in almost all cases a sin, ...

"Sex" is only not a sin if a married man and woman are doing sex. Most Catholics never heard something about. Take me as an example: Never heard something about. :lol:

But let me say also: To love someone is always allowed including all forms of tenderness. We are not only spiritual beings. We need our bodies - and if the prophecies I heard are right, then we will arise one day with our souls in a new created form of body made of pure fire.

I'm very happy for you. You sound content.

I, on the other hand, am never content.

When you come to Jesus Christ and are born again according to Romans 10:9,10 and leave the Roman Catholic Institution you shall find contentment and the peace that passes all understanding. That has been the testimony of all ex-Catholics who have found salvation in Jesus Christ alone - including myself!

Jeremiah –

Since you are so “content” I am sure you can handle anyone’s criticisms.

But based on your own words I find you to be the most misguided and judgmental of anyone who calls themselves a Christian. You pride yourself in the verses you can quote but you also have no answer for another 50 verses that call you out and lay waste to your definitive positions. Your whole approach is in error and quite harmful. IMO
... Here is my opinion based on my understanding of Catholic teaching. Gay sex is in almost all cases a sin, ...

"Sex" is only not a sin if a married man and woman are doing sex. Most Catholics never heard something about. Take me as an example: Never heard something about. :lol:

But let me say also: To love someone is always allowed including all forms of tenderness. We are not only spiritual beings. We need our bodies - and if the prophecies I heard are right, then we will arise one day with our souls in a new created form of body made of pure fire.

I'm very happy for you. You sound content.

I, on the other hand, am never content.

When you come to Jesus Christ and are born again according to Romans 10:9,10 and leave the Roman Catholic Institution you shall find contentment and the peace that passes all understanding. That has been the testimony of all ex-Catholics who have found salvation in Jesus Christ alone - including myself!

Jeremiah –

Since you are so “content” I am sure you can handle anyone’s criticisms.

But based on your own words I find you to be the most misguided and judgmental of anyone who calls themselves a Christian. You pride yourself in the verses you can quote but you also have no answer for another 50 verses that call you out and lay waste to your definitive positions. Your whole approach is in error and quite harmful. IMO

Strictly speaking, all Christians (and derivitives like Mormons) are commiting the more serious of sins - worshipping any but God. If you think the man Jesus is God, you're basicly commiting the no. 1 most serious sin.
... Here is my opinion based on my understanding of Catholic teaching. Gay sex is in almost all cases a sin, ...

"Sex" is only not a sin if a married man and woman are doing sex. Most Catholics never heard something about. Take me as an example: Never heard something about. :lol:

But let me say also: To love someone is always allowed including all forms of tenderness. We are not only spiritual beings. We need our bodies - and if the prophecies I heard are right, then we will arise one day with our souls in a new created form of body made of pure fire.

I'm very happy for you. You sound content.

I, on the other hand, am never content.

When you come to Jesus Christ and are born again according to Romans 10:9,10 and leave the Roman Catholic Institution you shall find contentment and the peace that passes all understanding. That has been the testimony of all ex-Catholics who have found salvation in Jesus Christ alone - including myself!

Jeremiah –

Since you are so “content” I am sure you can handle anyone’s criticisms.

But based on your own words I find you to be the most misguided and judgmental of anyone who calls themselves a Christian. You pride yourself in the verses you can quote but you also have no answer for another 50 verses that call you out and lay waste to your definitive positions. Your whole approach is in error and quite harmful. IMO

Strictly speaking, all Christians (and derivitives like Mormons) are commiting the more serious of sins - worshipping any but God. If you think the man Jesus is God, you're basicly commiting the no. 1 most serious sin.

in theory....all mankind are the sons/daughters of god. Those who believe in god would sit next to jesus in heaven.
in science....all life was created through the spark, god particle
in philosophy...most cultures have had their own version of the golden rule. We are all taught to live good lives and care about others. That is the basis of our religions as well.

If there is a godhead, I can't imagine that only those of a particular faith are blessed. It does not matter how you bend the knee if you are a good person. In the final days of apocalyptic beliefs say all souls will be forgiven.
Jesus was supposed to have come and died to show people that god forgives the sins of man.
... Here is my opinion based on my understanding of Catholic teaching. Gay sex is in almost all cases a sin, ...

"Sex" is only not a sin if a married man and woman are doing sex. Most Catholics never heard something about. Take me as an example: Never heard something about. :lol:

But let me say also: To love someone is always allowed including all forms of tenderness. We are not only spiritual beings. We need our bodies - and if the prophecies I heard are right, then we will arise one day with our souls in a new created form of body made of pure fire.

I'm very happy for you. You sound content.

I, on the other hand, am never content.

When you come to Jesus Christ and are born again according to Romans 10:9,10 and leave the Roman Catholic Institution you shall find contentment and the peace that passes all understanding. That has been the testimony of all ex-Catholics who have found salvation in Jesus Christ alone - including myself!

Jeremiah –

Since you are so “content” I am sure you can handle anyone’s criticisms.

But based on your own words I find you to be the most misguided and judgmental of anyone who calls themselves a Christian. You pride yourself in the verses you can quote but you also have no answer for another 50 verses that call you out and lay waste to your definitive positions. Your whole approach is in error and quite harmful. IMO

Strictly speaking, all Christians (and derivitives like Mormons) are commiting the more serious of sins - worshipping any but God. If you think the man Jesus is God, you're basicly commiting the no. 1 most serious sin.

Sorry, I believe you ignore the signs and wonders given, and the facts of history. Only then can you hold such an opinion.

Jesus Christ is God who took the form of a man to witness to the world. No reason for you to keep trying so hard to play "gotcha games" or coming up with all these esoteric "what if's." IMO
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"Sex" is only not a sin if a married man and woman are doing sex. Most Catholics never heard something about. Take me as an example: Never heard something about. :lol:

But let me say also: To love someone is always allowed including all forms of tenderness. We are not only spiritual beings. We need our bodies - and if the prophecies I heard are right, then we will arise one day with our souls in a new created form of body made of pure fire.

I'm very happy for you. You sound content.

I, on the other hand, am never content.

When you come to Jesus Christ and are born again according to Romans 10:9,10 and leave the Roman Catholic Institution you shall find contentment and the peace that passes all understanding. That has been the testimony of all ex-Catholics who have found salvation in Jesus Christ alone - including myself!

Jeremiah –

Since you are so “content” I am sure you can handle anyone’s criticisms.

But based on your own words I find you to be the most misguided and judgmental of anyone who calls themselves a Christian. You pride yourself in the verses you can quote but you also have no answer for another 50 verses that call you out and lay waste to your definitive positions. Your whole approach is in error and quite harmful. IMO

Strictly speaking, all Christians (and derivitives like Mormons) are commiting the more serious of sins - worshipping any but God. If you think the man Jesus is God, you're basicly commiting the no. 1 most serious sin.

in theory....all mankind are the sons/daughters of god. Those who believe in god would sit next to jesus in heaven.
in science....all life was created through the spark, god particle
in philosophy...most cultures have had their own version of the golden rule. We are all taught to live good lives and care about others. That is the basis of our religions as well.

If there is a godhead, I can't imagine that only those of a particular faith are blessed. It does not matter how you bend the knee if you are a good person. In the final days of apocalyptic beliefs say all souls will be forgiven.
Jesus was supposed to have come and died to show people that god forgives the sins of man.

But God does not go by the theories of man, Aris. God stands by His Word and performs it. Not our theories. The Word of God is perfect true and the way to eternal life. If there had been any other way do you really believe He would have sent His Only begotten Son to the Cross to redeem us?

On the subject of God's children. Before Christ the only people God called His own Children were the Hebrews. After Christ we also were given the opportunity to be grafted into the family of Abraham. By faith. Not works. We were born with the sin of Adam. We needed redemption. Jesus came to save us from our sins and from eternal separation from God. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.

On the subject of faith - no denomination, no church can save us. Only by receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior can we become sons and daughters of God. If we reject His offer of Salvation we remain condemned in our sins and there is no hope.
Sorry y'all..................but my belief system says that God is too big to be contained by any one dogma or religion.

And...................the only things that I call "sin" are those things outlined in the 7 Noahide Commandments or in the 10 Commandments.

And.....................if you understand the reason for those rules, then they make sense.

All of them are designed to keep the human race alive.
One of the most awful rank. There are special words in Bible:
"1:25 Because by them the true word of God was changed into that which is false, and they gave worship and honour to the thing which is made, and not to him who made it, to whom be blessing for ever. So be it.
1:26 For this reason God gave them up to evil passions, and their women were changing the natural use into one which is unnatural:
1:27 And in the same way the men gave up the natural use of the woman and were burning in their desire for one another, men doing shame with men, and getting in their bodies the right reward of their evil-doing.
1:28 And because they had not the mind to keep God in their knowledge, God gave them up to an evil mind, to do those things which are not right;
1:32 Who, though they have knowledge of the law of God, that the fate of those who do these things is death, not only go on doing these things themselves, but give approval to those who do them."
Love should not be petty, vengeful, cruel, or jealous. Why do people thing god's love is any different?
Love, caring and forgiveness should be unconditional. If that is not your god, then you don't pray to god. That is the only god deserving of being called god (by any name)

God does need us to serve him/her/them/it, we should serve each other the way god would. That is the god inside that we should honor and respect, and consider as a friend.
... Sin is sin. There is no small sin. One act of disobedience in the garden led to where we are right now. ...

In the best of all possible planets for us in this universe on our way home from paradise to heaven? Or in the hell of an absurde sect in the USA where to spit on the floor is the same like to throw their leaders in waste paper baskets after tearing them in parts?

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... On the subject of faith - no denomination, no church can save us. ...

What a luck that you are able to save us. So why to learn something? God is allknowing. We ask you - you ask god - god answers not - but you give us answers. Everything okay? How are you able to take yourselve serios?

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... When you come to Jesus Christ and are born again according to Romans 10:9,10 and leave the Roman Catholic Institution you shall find contentment and the peace that passes all understanding. That has been the testimony of all ex-Catholics who have found salvation in Jesus Christ alone - including myself!

And how made Jesus this concrete? How saved he you from what exactly? But something you said here is right: the people in our church are in most cases not content and nearly no one has the feeling we live in peace on earth. How can we be content if people, who say they left our church, have not only a little light idea about our little light hopes? How can we have the feeling to live in peace while our sisters and brothers on earth are slaughtered?

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P.S. (THE SIN CHART WAS THE 10 COMMANDMENTS) I typed this in all caps in style like I was whispering as if it was a big secret.

Judgment and Bigotry isn't a sin. TRUST ME!

I'm simply having fun poking at small brains with a stick at this point.
didn't quite understand it then I see......
So what rank is being Gay on the Sin chart?

Seems to me that the "Covet" sin is the big one today according to the 10 Commandments.

Explain to me why being Judgemental of a Sinner when being told "Do not judge or be judged" is a good thing.

I'm all ears.

Of all the towns and cities God told the Israelites to lay siege to, go to war with, or destroy and pillage, none were because its inhabitants were gay. Even the much cited Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed for that but rather inhospitality and selfishness. And the great flood was for robbery and violence.

If there's a 'sin chart' or hierarchy of sins, being gay would be somewhere at the bottom.

Gay sex at the bottom? Sounds very Samwell.

Gay is just a sin just like all of our sins. Most of us sin every day. What is crazy is watching the people who are extremely scared to sin try to control others with the use of sin.

With over 600 commandments, it's safe to assume most sin every day. But for how often Christians mention the 10 commandments like that's all of them, it's worth noting "don't be gay" isn't one of the 10.
there aren't 600 for Christians.....

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