What real lynching looks like..

Ai-yi-yi someday they'll let me teach higher than elementary ... :banghead:

I just got done saying you quoted nothing. But the illogic of your conclusion, which is what I did say, is both above and below...

So ----- still no quote. As expected.
Never mind. I believe I've already seen the quote elsewhere, which is why I gave you an impossible task.

Head banging might be good for you, where did I say I knew what the speaker of my paraphrase was thinking?

Here is the speach:

Barack Obama::Trayvon Martin could've been me 35 years ago - YouTube

Now go up and find where I claimed to know what the speaker was thinking when he said what he said.


Quit being concern GZ troll

I agree, he's trolling. Not only did I just post what he's calling for, but this thread isn't even remotely about Zimmernuts. It's sad when the logically bereft have to waste everybody's time just to make the point that they have nothing.
Ai-yi-yi someday they'll let me teach higher than elementary ... :banghead:

I just got done saying you quoted nothing. But the illogic of your conclusion, which is what I did say, is both above and below...

So ----- still no quote. As expected.
Never mind. I believe I've already seen the quote elsewhere, which is why I gave you an impossible task.

Head banging might be good for you, where did I say I knew what the speaker of my paraphrase was thinking?

Here is the speach:

Barack Obama::Trayvon Martin could've been me 35 years ago - YouTube

Now go up and find where I claimed to know what the speaker was thinking when he said what he said.


Quit being concern GZ troll

Pogo's gonna get you for that sentence.
Head banging might be good for you, where did I say I knew what the speaker of my paraphrase was thinking?

Here is the speach:

Barack Obama::Trayvon Martin could've been me 35 years ago - YouTube

Now go up and find where I claimed to know what the speaker was thinking when he said what he said.


Quit being concern GZ troll

Pogo's gonna get you for that sentence.

Whenever Jake gets into the Mad Dog 20/20, he becomes incoherent as well as the normal irrelevant.
Just plain wrong. The conservative cult is being organized into Zimmerman hero worship in order to sell guns.

Be a patriot and carry.

How much did the DNC and Bloomberg pay you to post that?

The DNC and Bloomberg are not businesses like the NRA is. The NRA is using very obvious and conventional branding techniques to do their job, selling arms. You have even manipulated into helping them. End of story.
Just plain wrong. The conservative cult is being organized into Zimmerman hero worship in order to sell guns.

Be a patriot and carry.

How much did the DNC and Bloomberg pay you to post that?

The DNC and Bloomberg are not businesses like the NRA is. The NRA is using very obvious and conventional branding techniques to do their job, selling arms. You have even manipulated into helping them. End of story.

They don't sell arms
Just plain wrong. The conservative cult is being organized into Zimmerman hero worship in order to sell guns.

Be a patriot and carry.

How much did the DNC and Bloomberg pay you to post that?

The DNC and Bloomberg are not businesses like the NRA is. The NRA is using very obvious and conventional branding techniques to do their job, selling arms. You have even manipulated into helping them. End of story.

Sure thing there Sparky..... Do you take your THC in rolled or baked form? :thup:

And that's why we read you for silliness, jtpr312.

You are advocating murder.

That's why I think you are a jackass and a fool, you don't understand the difference between justice and murder.

And we are going to take listens on your idea of "justice" from an ex-con and gang thug?

Ex-con? Sorry scrote, you must have me confused with someone else, I've never been a convict, or a thug for that matter.
Oh no Pogo, I never plugged it in, I simply quoted the POTUS. And, if Trayvon turns out to be a thug, then POTUS implied it himself

Can one be a racist against himself?

Do you not know what the word "quote" means?
You offered no quote. At all. You plunked down two paraphrases and then plugged in your own conclusion about what the speaker of the quote that never appeared was thinking.

So by all means, grace us with this O'bama "thug" quote. With a link.

Cue crickets.

Tired of reading these guys making it up as they go along, thinking nobody will call BS. {Edit: see "pseudo-certainty" in the sig line of the following post. See also "truthiness"}

You don't understand implication huh?

Please show where I quoted Obama saying he was a thug.

I indeed did paraphrase. Yet no where in that did I say he called himself a thug. Yet if he says that (and I am paraphrasing so Pogo doesn't get to confused again) 35 years ago I could have been Travon Martin, and Trayvon Martin turns out to be a thug, then by implication........

Trayvon Martin was no thug. In any sense of the word.

He was a kid.
Do you not know what the word "quote" means?
You offered no quote. At all. You plunked down two paraphrases and then plugged in your own conclusion about what the speaker of the quote that never appeared was thinking.

So by all means, grace us with this O'bama "thug" quote. With a link.

Cue crickets.

Tired of reading these guys making it up as they go along, thinking nobody will call BS. {Edit: see "pseudo-certainty" in the sig line of the following post. See also "truthiness"}

You don't understand implication huh?

Please show where I quoted Obama saying he was a thug.

I indeed did paraphrase. Yet no where in that did I say he called himself a thug. Yet if he says that (and I am paraphrasing so Pogo doesn't get to confused again) 35 years ago I could have been Travon Martin, and Trayvon Martin turns out to be a thug, then by implication........

Trayvon Martin was no thug. In any sense of the word.

He was a kid.

He was a gang banger, a burglar a dope user and dealer and a person who we KNOW assaulted at least two innocent people, a bus driver and Zimmerman. How exactly would you define thugs dumbass?
And one we can name is George Zimmerman.

EXACTLY, and guess who it is today who is doing the lynching? Liberals with the help of blacks like Shaprton and Obama and the MEDIA

Hispanics and anyone who lives today should take note if I were them

I see quite a number of white reactioanries, like yourself, Steph, who are attempting to politically lynch Obama. And for many of them, BHO's race is the prime offense.

We see Workers Party Members trying to pass themselves off as "republicans" too

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dear gawd jake...off the knees already...

Obama is now being lynched..is that by all the 48% of the people who voted AGAINST his re-election...

who knew this is what the people would get thrown in their face when they elected a black President?

disgusting way to try and shut up anyone from criticizing or disagreeing with Obama...
That's why I think you are a jackass and a fool, you don't understand the difference between justice and murder.

And we are going to take listens on your idea of "justice" from an ex-con and gang thug?

Ex-con? Sorry scrote, you must have me confused with someone else, I've never been a convict, or a thug for that matter.

Why are you lying? You act like a thug all the time here threatening stuff you would be too chicken to carry out. And you were writing about blacks and you in prison sometime ago.
Steph, the fool, is on her knees then with the rest of us who lost to Obama.

Steph is worshipping her dear leader. You like dark dudes, dontcha?

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