What Real Successes Have the GOP had in the 21st Century??

Someone’s a little angsty. :rolleyes:

Most conservatives vote Republican
Quite often most Conservative don’t vote at all. The 2008 and 2012 Presidential Elections are good examples. The Republicans refused to offer a clear alternative to what the Democrats offered and the Conservatives stayed home on Election Day. I believe we are probably headed in that same direction for 2024.
Quite often most Conservative don’t vote at all. The 2008 and 2012 Presidential Elections are good examples. The Republicans refused to offer a clear alternative to what the Democrats offered and the Conservatives stayed home on Election Day. I believe we are probably headed in that same direction for 2024.
The cuckold party sounds about right.
I can't think of any at all

Bush inherited a balanced budget, passed trillions in useless do nothing spending bills that blew up the balanced budget and led to minimal economic growth. Then Bush started 2 wars and totally mismanaged those wars resulting in total devastation for America. Bush then crashed the economy epically, leaving America in ruin.

Trump inherited a US annual deficit of $587B, passed massive spending bills like Bush, blew up the deficit viciously, had a weak low growth economy (only +2.13% GDP growth in 2019) and then blew up the budget worse with $3.1T deficit in 2020 (Biden has dropped that all the way down to $1.1T in 2022). Trump also failed miserably at a world health crisis with the US having the most cases and most deaths in the entire world. Trump also incited a riot at the Capitol based on total lies.

Republicans like to fabricate success, but I see no real deal big boy successes from Bush or Trump, only failures, blow ups, riots, impeachments, deficits, recessions, and weak low GDP growth.
Where are the GOP successes?

No where!
Like all leftist programs it will never go away. It will just get more corrupt and destroy what it claims to improve and you’ll blindly defend it at all costs.
Like all universal health care programs go away through out the world. :auiqs.jpg:
Quite often most Conservative don’t vote at all. The 2008 and 2012 Presidential Elections are good examples. The Republicans refused to offer a clear alternative to what the Democrats offered and the Conservatives stayed home on Election Day. I believe we are probably headed in that same direction for 2024.
When a population of people are glued and focused on themselves, this is what happens. They aren't looking for alternatives, because it's the me they are concerned about.
I can't think of any at all

Bush inherited a balanced budget, passed trillions in useless do nothing spending bills that blew up the balanced budget and led to minimal economic growth. Then Bush started 2 wars and totally mismanaged those wars resulting in total devastation for America. Bush then crashed the economy epically, leaving America in ruin.

Trump inherited a US annual deficit of $587B, passed massive spending bills like Bush, blew up the deficit viciously, had a weak low growth economy (only +2.13% GDP growth in 2019) and then blew up the budget worse with $3.1T deficit in 2020 (Biden has dropped that all the way down to $1.1T in 2022). Trump also failed miserably at a world health crisis with the US having the most cases and most deaths in the entire world. Trump also incited a riot at the Capitol based on total lies.

Republicans like to fabricate success, but I see no real deal big boy successes from Bush or Trump, only failures, blow ups, riots, impeachments, deficits, recessions, and weak low GDP growth.
Where are the GOP successes?

gay howler cropped.jpg
No, I just despise them and calling you faggots like that is a great insult IMO. However you most likely take as a compliment.
Why do you despise them? Ignorance, hate, don't understand, don't want to understand, they did something to you? What?
Why do you despise them? Ignorance, hate, don't understand, don't want to understand, they did something to you? What?
Mentally ill people that are allowed to roam free are to be avoided at all cost. They are dangerous. I don't want to understand faggots and have no desire to. If you wanna be a queer that's fine, keep it to yourselves, stay away from children, and shut the hell up about it.
Mentally ill people that are allowed to roam free are to be avoided at all cost. They are dangerous. I don't want to understand faggots and have no desire to. If you wanna be a queer that's fine, keep it to yourselves, stay away from children, and shut the hell up about it.
So, if you don't understand and don't want to, how do you know they are mental then? 🤪 That answer is about as nonsensical as it can get. Somebody help this cat.

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