What really irks you? Gets your goat? Peeves you off?

When driving.

Tailgaters when going 10 above.

Idiots who don't go under the light when making a left turn causing 3 people behind to miss the turn.

Bumper stickers. Especially the ones that say, " My Jonnie is an honor student and angel boy"
Ticks. One of the most disgusting creatures on earth. Lucky me, I live in tick country and I am the minority.

People leaving 17 drops of milk in the jug and returning it to the fridge.

Drivers that dart into traffic like their ass is on fire, and narrowly miss causing an accident. Then they immediately slow down to half the speed limit and narrowly miss causing an accident. It makes me homicidal.
People who don't close the chip bags enough so they stale out............Same with cereal. Stale cereal is disgusting.
When you are at work, at the store, in line, driving on the road, or just watching TV with someone..................
WHAT exactly ticks you off, pisses on your cornflakes, smacks your senses, craps on your plate about other people and what they do/don't do, say/don't say, etc.....?????

^^^^^When my wife gets in these kinds of moods
Another is idiots that don't understand the concept of the zipper merge, where you takes turns at the merge point using ALL lanes of traffic until the actual merge point. Morons line up a half mile back then try to block both lanes because the are pissy and stupid to not use full legal lane.

When you are at work, at the store, in line, driving on the road, or just watching TV with someone..................
WHAT exactly ticks you off, pisses on your cornflakes, smacks your senses, craps on your plate about other people and what they do/don't do, say/don't say, etc.....?????


Listening to a great piece of music on YouTube, then right in the middle of it, getting hit with an auto insurance ad, complete with a loud, stupid salesman trying (and failing) to be funny! :( !
Another is idiots that don't understand the concept of the zipper merge, where you takes turns at the merge point using ALL lanes of traffic until the actual merge point. Morons line up a half mile back then try to block both lanes because the are pissy and stupid to not use full legal lane.
View attachment 495882
View attachment 495883

Here in Texas, you are to merge when you see the first construction or work sign, which is usually 1/8 of a mile or more from the construction itself. MORE than enough time to legally and SAFELY change lanes. But NOOOOOOOOO.......all these self-entitled turdnuggets have to drive ALL THE WAY UP to the construction area and then HARD FUCKING JERK OVER BETWEEN MOVING OR STOPPED VEHICLES instead of waiting their turn.

Also here in Texas......it is NOT law that you have to let anybody in your line, if you are in the "thru" lane/line. It is THEIR responsibility to PROPERLY, LEGALLY, and SAFELY follow procedures for changing lanes in heavy traffic or construction zones! Which, of course, they don't.

Can't tell you how much road rage I've seen from these Karens and Kyles FORCING themselves between vehicles on the roads, and watching the people they cut off or clip, go after them, cut THEM off and slam on their brakes causing them to skid off the road!!!
If you are going to be a goddamned piece of shyte, then you get what you deserve!!!
When you are at work, at the store, in line, driving on the road, or just watching TV with someone..................
WHAT exactly ticks you off, pisses on your cornflakes, smacks your senses, craps on your plate about other people and what they do/don't do, say/don't say, etc.....?????

People with a 1 second attention span.

So, 97% of the USA then?
Another is idiots that don't understand the concept of the zipper merge, where you takes turns at the merge point using ALL lanes of traffic until the actual merge point. Morons line up a half mile back then try to block both lanes because the are pissy and stupid to not use full legal lane.
View attachment 495882
View attachment 495883

Here in Texas, you are to merge when you see the first construction or work sign, which is usually 1/8 of a mile or more from the construction itself. MORE than enough time to legally and SAFELY change lanes. But NOOOOOOOOO.......all these self-entitled turdnuggets have to drive ALL THE WAY UP to the construction area and then HARD FUCKING JERK OVER BETWEEN MOVING OR STOPPED VEHICLES instead of waiting their turn.

Also here in Texas......it is NOT law that you have to let anybody in your line, if you are in the "thru" lane/line. It is THEIR responsibility to PROPERLY, LEGALLY, and SAFELY follow procedures for changing lanes in heavy traffic or construction zones! Which, of course, they don't.

Can't tell you how much road rage I've seen from these Karens and Kyles FORCING themselves between vehicles on the roads, and watching the people they cut off or clip, go after them, cut THEM off and slam on their brakes causing them to skid off the road!!!
If you are going to be a goddamned piece of shyte, then you get what you deserve!!!
When I used to drive all the time for 10 years I used to block them and go as slow as the trucks
Another is idiots that don't understand the concept of the zipper merge, where you takes turns at the merge point using ALL lanes of traffic until the actual merge point. Morons line up a half mile back then try to block both lanes because the are pissy and stupid to not use full legal lane.
View attachment 495882
View attachment 495883

Here in Texas, you are to merge when you see the first construction or work sign, which is usually 1/8 of a mile or more from the construction itself. MORE than enough time to legally and SAFELY change lanes. But NOOOOOOOOO.......all these self-entitled turdnuggets have to drive ALL THE WAY UP to the construction area and then HARD FUCKING JERK OVER BETWEEN MOVING OR STOPPED VEHICLES instead of waiting their turn.

Also here in Texas......it is NOT law that you have to let anybody in your line, if you are in the "thru" lane/line. It is THEIR responsibility to PROPERLY, LEGALLY, and SAFELY follow procedures for changing lanes in heavy traffic or construction zones! Which, of course, they don't.

Can't tell you how much road rage I've seen from these Karens and Kyles FORCING themselves between vehicles on the roads, and watching the people they cut off or clip, go after them, cut THEM off and slam on their brakes causing them to skid off the road!!!
If you are going to be a goddamned piece of shyte, then you get what you deserve!!!
The merge point is where the lane ends and fucking right I will use every last inch of it.
State patrol here says I got it right. The Karen's are the cock blocking dumasses who line up too early causing a 40% worse backup. Our highways are marked to use full lane then take turns. Like a damn zipper. It's common fucking courtesy and easy even for simpletons.


  • Reduces differences in speeds between two lanes
  • Reduces the overall length of traffic backup by as much as 40 percent
  • Reduces congestion on freeway interchanges
  • Creates a sense of fairness and equity that all lanes are moving at the same rate

So I'm supposed to merge late?​

Yes! As you see the “lane closed ahead” sign and traffic backing up, stay in your current lane up to the point of merge. Then take turns with other drivers to safely and smoothly ease into the remaining lane

What a shame for you...looks like Texas is going that route too...
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Those who hurt the elderly.

I will have to give a general "no" on this for myself.

If they are purposely hurting the elderly for nefarious reasons, yes, I despise them.
If they are protecting themselves from violent and aggressive old Karens and Kyles (and I have personally been faced with TOO MANY of these types), then no. They get what they deserve.
Another is idiots that don't understand the concept of the zipper merge, where you takes turns at the merge point using ALL lanes of traffic until the actual merge point. Morons line up a half mile back then try to block both lanes because the are pissy and stupid to not use full legal lane.
View attachment 495882
View attachment 495883

Here in Texas, you are to merge when you see the first construction or work sign, which is usually 1/8 of a mile or more from the construction itself. MORE than enough time to legally and SAFELY change lanes. But NOOOOOOOOO.......all these self-entitled turdnuggets have to drive ALL THE WAY UP to the construction area and then HARD FUCKING JERK OVER BETWEEN MOVING OR STOPPED VEHICLES instead of waiting their turn.

Also here in Texas......it is NOT law that you have to let anybody in your line, if you are in the "thru" lane/line. It is THEIR responsibility to PROPERLY, LEGALLY, and SAFELY follow procedures for changing lanes in heavy traffic or construction zones! Which, of course, they don't.

Can't tell you how much road rage I've seen from these Karens and Kyles FORCING themselves between vehicles on the roads, and watching the people they cut off or clip, go after them, cut THEM off and slam on their brakes causing them to skid off the road!!!
If you are going to be a goddamned piece of shyte, then you get what you deserve!!!
The merge point is where the lane ends and fucking right I will use every last inch of it.
State patrol here says I got it right. The Karen's are the cock blocking dumasses who line up too early causing a 40% worse backup. Our highways are marked to use full lane then take turns. Like a damn zipper. It's common fucking courtesy and easy even for simpletons.


  • Reduces differences in speeds between two lanes
  • Reduces the overall length of traffic backup by as much as 40 percent
  • Reduces congestion on freeway interchanges
  • Creates a sense of fairness and equity that all lanes are moving at the same rate

So I'm supposed to merge late?​

Yes! As you see the “lane closed ahead” sign and traffic backing up, stay in your current lane up to the point of merge. Then take turns with other drivers to safely and smoothly ease into the remaining lane

What a shame for you...looks like Texas is going that route too...

Yeah, like anybody pays any attention to the laws on the roads, much less any signs on the roads. And the police and highway patrols don't give a rats ass. It's all "Mad Max" out there.......

If someone is patiently waiting their turn, I am more than happy to oblige and honk them into the space in front of me. Manners, right?! The way it's supposed to be.

But no, you have these Karens and Kyles out there that think it's their NATURAL BORN ENTITLEMENT to be in front of EVERYBODY! No........no effing way!
When you are at work, at the store, in line, driving on the road, or just watching TV with someone..................
WHAT exactly ticks you off, pisses on your cornflakes, smacks your senses, craps on your plate about other people and what they do/don't do, say/don't say, etc.....?????


Offensive, boring TV commercials that dwell on unpleasant issues from IRS collection, debt collection, animal suffering, insurance, death, illness and pain, go on for five minutes to where you forget what you were watching, then the station REPEATS the same commercials at every break!

I don't watch hardly nothing on TV now unless it is recorded first and I can skip over the commercials.
Retards that go into the "OUT" or "EXIT" door and go out of the "IN" or "ENTRANCE" door!!!

Asswipes that drop something on the store floor and then just walk off!!

F-tards that can't have their payment method ready and in hand when the get up to the cashier!!

Karens and douchebags that run through the store like they are a race car driver, cutting people off and slamming into their baskets!!
Dismissal of mental illness as a "spiritual issue" is near the top of the list for me. It'll piss me off real fast. My anxiety isn't a faith or obedience issue, it's a complex biophysical issue that is heavily influenced by my diabetes.
Seeing people be rude to each other for no good reason.
As a cashier, I hate it when people try to pay for less than $20 of groceries with a $100 bill. Especially if I just had a bunch of people get cashback and I'm low on 20's. Or when people keep coming to my line even after I shut my light off. I could go on really, I've developed a lot of pet peeves from working customer service.
When you are at work, at the store, in line, driving on the road, or just watching TV with someone..................
WHAT exactly ticks you off, pisses on your cornflakes, smacks your senses, craps on your plate about other people and what they do/don't do, say/don't say, etc.....?????

The shear stupidity of republicans.

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