What reason would a woman at a job want to be friends on Facebook?

You probably fall in love with the pizza delivery girl when she is nice to you by saying "have a good night", don't you? You think that by her saying "have a good night" she is conveying some hidden message that she wants to fuck you, right?

Extended eye contact, touching, smiling, and personal questions and I am not supposed to think she sit on my dick?
Dude, you sound like a rapist now.

Rapist? What the fuck are talking about?
You know what I am talking about. You think that when any woman makes eye contact that she wants to "sit on your dick". In other words, she is "asking for it". That is the same justification made by every date rapist out there.

Honestly, I hope that you are not THAT far gone.

I thought extended eye contact was a sign of flirting?
You probably fall in love with the pizza delivery girl when she is nice to you by saying "have a good night", don't you? You think that by her saying "have a good night" she is conveying some hidden message that she wants to fuck you, right?

Extended eye contact, touching, smiling, and personal questions and I am not supposed to think she sit on my dick?
Dude, you sound like a rapist now.

Rapist? What the fuck are talking about?
You know what I am talking about. You think that when any woman makes eye contact that she wants to "sit on your dick". In other words, she is "asking for it". That is the same justification made by every date rapist out there.

Honestly, I hope that you are not THAT far gone.

I thought extended eye contact was a sign of flirting?
Ok, let's say that some chick has extended eye contact with you, causing you to wonder if she is interested in you. Do you

(A) engage her with conversation to confirm the interest, and then attempt to cultivate something by asking her out for dinner or something; or

(B) take out your dick?

Dude, I think you lean toward B, which will not accomplish your objective and may get you locked up.
Extended eye contact, touching, smiling, and personal questions and I am not supposed to think she sit on my dick?
Dude, you sound like a rapist now.

Rapist? What the fuck are talking about?
You know what I am talking about. You think that when any woman makes eye contact that she wants to "sit on your dick". In other words, she is "asking for it". That is the same justification made by every date rapist out there.

Honestly, I hope that you are not THAT far gone.

I thought extended eye contact was a sign of flirting?
Ok, let's say that some chick has extended eye contact with you, causing you to wonder if she is interested in you. Do you

(A) engage her with conversation to confirm the interest, and then attempt to cultivate something by asking her out for dinner or something; or

(B) take out your dick?

Dude, I think you lean toward B, which will not accomplish your objective and may get you locked up.

Give me an example of A
Dude, you sound like a rapist now.

Rapist? What the fuck are talking about?
You know what I am talking about. You think that when any woman makes eye contact that she wants to "sit on your dick". In other words, she is "asking for it". That is the same justification made by every date rapist out there.

Honestly, I hope that you are not THAT far gone.

I thought extended eye contact was a sign of flirting?
Ok, let's say that some chick has extended eye contact with you, causing you to wonder if she is interested in you. Do you

(A) engage her with conversation to confirm the interest, and then attempt to cultivate something by asking her out for dinner or something; or

(B) take out your dick?

Dude, I think you lean toward B, which will not accomplish your objective and may get you locked up.

Give me an example of A
I was pretty clear. How much more do you want explained?
Rapist? What the fuck are talking about?
You know what I am talking about. You think that when any woman makes eye contact that she wants to "sit on your dick". In other words, she is "asking for it". That is the same justification made by every date rapist out there.

Honestly, I hope that you are not THAT far gone.

I thought extended eye contact was a sign of flirting?
Ok, let's say that some chick has extended eye contact with you, causing you to wonder if she is interested in you. Do you

(A) engage her with conversation to confirm the interest, and then attempt to cultivate something by asking her out for dinner or something; or

(B) take out your dick?

Dude, I think you lean toward B, which will not accomplish your objective and may get you locked up.

Give me an example of A
I was pretty clear. How much more do you want explained?

Give a scenario with a guy doing A
You know what I am talking about. You think that when any woman makes eye contact that she wants to "sit on your dick". In other words, she is "asking for it". That is the same justification made by every date rapist out there.

Honestly, I hope that you are not THAT far gone.

I thought extended eye contact was a sign of flirting?
Ok, let's say that some chick has extended eye contact with you, causing you to wonder if she is interested in you. Do you

(A) engage her with conversation to confirm the interest, and then attempt to cultivate something by asking her out for dinner or something; or

(B) take out your dick?

Dude, I think you lean toward B, which will not accomplish your objective and may get you locked up.

Give me an example of A
I was pretty clear. How much more do you want explained?

Give a scenario with a guy doing A
You are having dinner and some cut chick sitting across the way is looking at you. You glance up to see her looking at you, then smile, and you smile back. She seems interested. You get up and walk over and introduce yourself and engage in small talk. She will let you know if she is really interested in you by how she talks to you. If she is curt or stops the eye contact, or otherwise gives off a vibe of not being interested, then leave. If she acts interested in you and continues making direct eye contact then you may be onto something. If appropriate, ask to sit with her. If she is with a friend then play it cool and aloof. Approach her before she leaves and ask her for her phone number. After a couple days call her up, engage in small talk and ask her out on a date. Simple.

You need

Read the signs

If she is not interested in you romantically she will give you the red light. But if she gives you the green light then you keep on going.
I thought extended eye contact was a sign of flirting?
Ok, let's say that some chick has extended eye contact with you, causing you to wonder if she is interested in you. Do you

(A) engage her with conversation to confirm the interest, and then attempt to cultivate something by asking her out for dinner or something; or

(B) take out your dick?

Dude, I think you lean toward B, which will not accomplish your objective and may get you locked up.

Give me an example of A
I was pretty clear. How much more do you want explained?

Give a scenario with a guy doing A
You are having dinner and some cut chick sitting across the way is looking at you. You glance up to see her looking at you, then smile, and you smile back. She seems interested. You get up and walk over and introduce yourself and engage in small talk. She will let you know if she is really interested in you by how she talks to you. If she is curt or stops the eye contact, or otherwise gives off a vibe of not being interested, then leave. If she acts interested in you and continues making direct eye contact then you may be onto something. If appropriate, ask to sit with her. If she is with a friend then play it cool and aloof. Approach her before she leaves and ask her for her phone number. After a couple days call her up, engage in small talk and ask her out on a date. Simple.

You need

Read the signs

If she is not interested in you romantically she will give you the red light. But if she gives you the green light then you keep on going.

small talk is where I struggled
Well look like I was wrong, she was all telling me about her boyfriend this morning like we are girlfriends. Why the fuck would I want to hear about a woman's husband or boyfriend from a female coworker?

And i was thinking a young girl had the hots for me. Damm I feel stupid

she wants to see your BBC of course big fella.
Ok, let's say that some chick has extended eye contact with you, causing you to wonder if she is interested in you. Do you

(A) engage her with conversation to confirm the interest, and then attempt to cultivate something by asking her out for dinner or something; or

(B) take out your dick?

Dude, I think you lean toward B, which will not accomplish your objective and may get you locked up.

Give me an example of A
I was pretty clear. How much more do you want explained?

Give a scenario with a guy doing A
You are having dinner and some cut chick sitting across the way is looking at you. You glance up to see her looking at you, then smile, and you smile back. She seems interested. You get up and walk over and introduce yourself and engage in small talk. She will let you know if she is really interested in you by how she talks to you. If she is curt or stops the eye contact, or otherwise gives off a vibe of not being interested, then leave. If she acts interested in you and continues making direct eye contact then you may be onto something. If appropriate, ask to sit with her. If she is with a friend then play it cool and aloof. Approach her before she leaves and ask her for her phone number. After a couple days call her up, engage in small talk and ask her out on a date. Simple.

You need

Read the signs

If she is not interested in you romantically she will give you the red light. But if she gives you the green light then you keep on going.

small talk is where I struggled

just whip out your BBC bigboy and say your name is asslips.
It's not that men dislike women, they just want them to be a certain way -

There's not always a hidden meaning or ulterior motive in what people do. Sometimes people just "do"....
No, this guy hates women. He has no luck with being intimate with them even though that is what he desires. Somehow learning how to interact with the opposite sex passed him by. Now, in his 30s he has little chance of learning. He has chosen to allow his frustration to fester into anger rather than engage in meaningful self-reflection to try to get at the root of his problem and get past it.

If he really wants a relationship then he needs to be more social, like joining a club or volunteering, anything to put him in a position to socialize with people and, thereby, learn interpersonal skills. However, he would rather sit on his couch and fuck away the best years of his life, probably because it is the path of least resistance.

Just let me use dating sites like I been doing
I have hooked up with some bitches on dating sites. They are good for that. But you still have to have enough social skills to seal the deal. You don't want to come off as a creep or as socially awkward. That will make her uncomfortable and will prevent penetration, if you know what I mean.

You need to be able to interact with women in person. The only way to learn to do this is to socialize more.
Social skills? Like calling women bitches?
You probably fall in love with the pizza delivery girl when she is nice to you by saying "have a good night", don't you? You think that by her saying "have a good night" she is conveying some hidden message that she wants to fuck you, right?

Extended eye contact, touching, smiling, and personal questions and I am not supposed to think she sit on my dick?
Dude, you sound like a rapist now.

Rapist? What the fuck are talking about?
You know what I am talking about. You think that when any woman makes eye contact that she wants to "sit on your dick". In other words, she is "asking for it". That is the same justification made by every date rapist out there.

Honestly, I hope that you are not THAT far gone.

I thought extended eye contact was a sign of flirting?
She was probably noticing a piece of spinach stuck in your tooth.
Give me an example of A
I was pretty clear. How much more do you want explained?

Give a scenario with a guy doing A
You are having dinner and some cut chick sitting across the way is looking at you. You glance up to see her looking at you, then smile, and you smile back. She seems interested. You get up and walk over and introduce yourself and engage in small talk. She will let you know if she is really interested in you by how she talks to you. If she is curt or stops the eye contact, or otherwise gives off a vibe of not being interested, then leave. If she acts interested in you and continues making direct eye contact then you may be onto something. If appropriate, ask to sit with her. If she is with a friend then play it cool and aloof. Approach her before she leaves and ask her for her phone number. After a couple days call her up, engage in small talk and ask her out on a date. Simple.

You need

Read the signs

If she is not interested in you romantically she will give you the red light. But if she gives you the green light then you keep on going.

small talk is where I struggled

just whip out your BBC bigboy and say your name is asslips.

Reported. Thank you
What is it that you seek? Pussy or a relationship?

Both Mongo

Both? Dude, you are a borderline sociopath where women are concerned. You have no interest in friendships with them. You don't want to talk to them. You'd rather watch the Dallas Cowboys than spend time with them. And you say you want a relationship?

FYI, relationship means more than fucking multiple times.
What is it that you seek? Pussy or a relationship?

Both Mongo

Both? Dude, you are a borderline sociopath where women are concerned. You have no interest in friendships with them. You don't want to talk to them. You'd rather watch the Dallas Cowboys than spend time with them. And you say you want a relationship?

FYI, relationship means more than fucking multiple times.

So if I'm going In a relationship there is no such thing as me time?
What is it that you seek? Pussy or a relationship?

Both Mongo

Both? Dude, you are a borderline sociopath where women are concerned. You have no interest in friendships with them. You don't want to talk to them. You'd rather watch the Dallas Cowboys than spend time with them. And you say you want a relationship?

FYI, relationship means more than fucking multiple times.

So if I'm going In a relationship there is no such thing as me time?

Not what I said at all.

And you never said you wanted "me time". You said you had no interest in women other than for sex and that watching NFL games is more important than a woman.
What is it that you seek? Pussy or a relationship?

Both Mongo

Both? Dude, you are a borderline sociopath where women are concerned. You have no interest in friendships with them. You don't want to talk to them. You'd rather watch the Dallas Cowboys than spend time with them. And you say you want a relationship?

FYI, relationship means more than fucking multiple times.

So if I'm going In a relationship there is no such thing as me time?

Not what I said at all.

And you never said you wanted "me time". You said you had no interest in women other than for sex and that watching NFL games is more important than a woman.

I guess because finding a classy black female is so fucking hard
What is it that you seek? Pussy or a relationship?

Both Mongo

Both? Dude, you are a borderline sociopath where women are concerned. You have no interest in friendships with them. You don't want to talk to them. You'd rather watch the Dallas Cowboys than spend time with them. And you say you want a relationship?

FYI, relationship means more than fucking multiple times.

So if I'm going In a relationship there is no such thing as me time?

Not what I said at all.

And you never said you wanted "me time". You said you had no interest in women other than for sex and that watching NFL games is more important than a woman.

I guess because finding a classy black female is so fucking hard

Be what a classy black female would want.
Fbj, are you fucking with us? Surely you are not as dense as you make yourself sound. If you are then you surely are a ward of the state.

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