“What Republican can win 270 electoral votes in 2016?”

Can a Republican Win 270 Electoral Votes in 2016...or Ever? - The Daily Beast

Conservative Republicans uphold their conservative principles as a shiny badge of honor never to be tarnished. I, too, am a conservative Republican. However, I think like Ronald Reagan, who when trying to get legislation passed in 1983 said the following:

“I have always figured that a half a loaf is better than none, and I know that in the democratic process you’re not going to always get everything you want.”

Sadly, I also agree with former senator and 1996 GOP presidential nominee Bob Dole, who appeared this past May on Fox News Sunday to discuss the growing conservative tilt among Republican primary and base voters when he stated that “Reagan wouldn't have made it” in today’s Republican Party.

That might actually be true, for at my conservative event, as I listened to speeches from a host of elected leaders, only one mentioned the “C word”: compromise. Instead of “compromise,” all I heard was “we must battle and fight to uphold the principles of conservatism.”

Now, I also believe in fighting for conservative principles, but realizing that conservatives are an ever shrinking minority within the electorate, it is imperative that Republicans nominate a presidential candidate (and other leaders) who can attract moderate voters by stating that he or she, like Reagan, are willing to accept a “half loaf instead of a whole” in order to solve the difficult issues facing our nation.

Otherwise, the GOP will remain locked out of the White House and leave our nation stuck in neutral with a gridlocked government. There is danger ahead for conservatives when core conservative principles are used as roadblocks to any progress.

This is an excellent article. There are some hard home-truths that need to be faced and dealt with before Republicans can even think about taking back the White House. I am hoping that since there is a veritable shit-ton of Republicans who want their party back, they will find a way to make it happen. Because this "I'm more conservative!" "No, I'M more conservative!" game is doing nothing to win moderates, and you need the moderates. You cannot win without them.
Wyoming Senator John Barasso could win the White House if his conservatism were key to putting back America's credit rating to #1 again.

He would also help the nation care for itself by implementing a merciful and workable Health Care program that addresses medical issues from the giver's and the receiver's mutual doctor-client relationship.

He's one of the best Orthopedic Surgeons and great human beings who ever lived.

He has all of the conservatism savvy to do what needs to be done and all of the people savvy to do that in a way people know is best for the nation.

That's just my humble opinion, but it is true. There are true patriots and men of conscience in the United States Senate who know what people need and who know what business needs and can benefit America through his great gifts of healing.

This world has gotten into the rut of worshipping name recognition and polls. As Martin Luther King Junior said, we should look on each other through the content of character, and not on the superficial trappings that surround people if it obfuscates what's inside.

Also, we the people need to clean up our act. We need to pray for leaders, not condemn them for being human. Don't tell me I'm the only one who had teachers lead a student body in prayer the year John Kennedy was assassinated. We actually prayed for the next leader who we weren't too sure about. We asked God to help us get through that terrible, sad hour of grieving for the First Family's loss.
With Hillary melting down the democrats may be wondering where they can gat votes. One of her top advisors, an official with tye Clinton foundation was just arrested in Cairo as a terrorist due to muslim brotherhood ties.
One, reproductive rights are women's rights, always, and the social traditionalists are wrong to define it any other way.

Two, "murder" is a legal term, not an opinion term defined by the far right.

Cutting a baby out of the womb and running scissors into it's brain stem so it will die is murder dumbshit. Who has the "right" to do that?
I think Chris Christie is their best bet. The name "Bush" still has stink on it. Christie verses Hillary Clinton would be ideal because their differences would be severe, yet both have high trust ratings among the American people. And, this March, 2013 poll agrees with me. Poll: Hillary would be tops in 2016; Christie strongest Republican - CBS News

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I think Chris Christie is their best bet. The name "Bush" still has stink on it. Christie verses Hillary Clinton would be ideal because their differences would be severe, yet both have high trust ratings among the American people. And, this March, 2013 poll agrees with me. Poll: Hillary would be tops in 2016; Christie strongest Republican - CBS News


I am just going to throw this out there, because why the hell not.

I remember in 2008, when pundits and reporters and folks on message boards were just salivating at the thought of a Hillary vs. Rudy throw down. A regular New Yawk back ally brawl, they thought to themselves.

And then the voters nominated the much more Sedate Obama and McCain. Who managed to have a reasonably civil debate, really.
What you have to recall about Presidential elections is this; it's not Consumer Reports. People should rate candidates with a scorecard and make the sober decision based on what their values are in my view. If candidate A supports reproductive rights and candidate B supports overturning reproductive rights, I am likely to support candidate A because that is very important to me. If the 2nd Amendment is important to you you'd vote for the candidate who most supports it. Etc...

Voters are not always rational actors.

What happens is that for many who don't delve deep into issues or do not have a strong feeling either way about issues; they vote for who they like; who they more identify with, who looks like them, who shares their faith, philosophy, upbringing, heritage, etc...

Who wins is also a function of who the competition is. Romney won the primary, I feel, because who else was going to get your support? A guy who thinks the earth is 2012 years old (Santorum) despite science or Gingrich who was nuttier than a fruitcake.

This is why the Dems had better be REALLY careful about giving Hillary the ball. She is not that likable. I think the Dems are in for a rude awakening in 2016 if they nominate her. Of course it's a matter of degrees; you put Cruz up against Hillary, I like that battle from Hillary's standpoint. The same with Rand Paul. You put Christie up against her...there is a campaign I'd like to see.

There is a fair amount of truth in some of what you say. For instances, those who don't delve deep into issues fall for code words like reproductive rights. Virtually no one is against contraception and sees it as a responsible act. If they had any idea that what it really means is murdering an unborn baby out of convenience, they would be appalled.

There are no ‘code words.’

Reproductive rights in the context of the 4th Amendment’s right to privacy, the 5th Amendment’s Liberty Clause, and the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of substantive due process refers to both contraception and abortion prior to viability; indeed, to refer to abortion as ‘murder’ prior to viability is either ignorant idiocy or willful partisan demagoguery.
Murder isn't a right asshat.

Reproductive rights are not "murder".

They are when liberals use the term "reproductive right" as code for abortion. Use google, it's your friend. You guys include abortion (murder) as part of reproductive "rights". Murder isn't a right asshat.

Kindly refrain from indulging in vulgarities. They don't help your cause.

You are conflating a medical procedure with a legal term without any medical or legal basis for doing so. Unless you can provide a sound medical and/or legal basis for your allegation you are merely using inflammatory emotive rhetoric in order to sway public opinion rather than rational terminology.
I think Chris Christie is their best bet. The name "Bush" still has stink on it. Christie verses Hillary Clinton would be ideal because their differences would be severe, yet both have high trust ratings among the American people. And, this March, 2013 poll agrees with me. Poll: Hillary would be tops in 2016; Christie strongest Republican - CBS News


I don't think the differences are that "severe", but I agree with you that Christie is probably the strongest potential nominee for the Republicans.
Wyoming Senator John Barasso could win the White House if his conservatism were key to putting back America's credit rating to #1 again.

Will the oil and coal companies let him run? He will have to ask them for permission, given that they own him.

And your gushing about him sounds a lot like all the gushing about Sarah Palin prior to 2008. But at least he can lock up those Wyoming votes. Oh wait, they're already locked up.
One, reproductive rights are women's rights, always, and the social traditionalists are wrong to define it any other way.

Two, "murder" is a legal term, not an opinion term defined by the far right.

Cutting a baby out of the womb and running scissors into it's brain stem so it will die is murder dumbshit. Who has the "right" to do that?

Stay on topic and away from personality, hmmm?

Your opinion is your opinion, it is now law. "Murder" is a legal term, bub.
too early to tell

christie is too heavy to win, romney won't run again...hopefully there will be a great independent third party similar to perot who will run
women's reproductive rights are a legal term just like murder fake jakey

too early to tell

christie is too heavy to win, romney won't run again...hopefully there will be a great independent third party similar to perot who will run

Christie is slimming down

He will be lean and mean by sixteen
Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
-Senator Jesse Helms
Google: 16 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Will Win 2016 - The Daily Beast

This piece by a "conservative" writer sums it up pretty well.

But overall Hillary isn't even the main problem for the GOP...the electoral college is. Already in 2012 the dems start with an advantage of 246 "blue state" votes to 191 "red state" votes. And every single swing state other then Missouri is trending leftward too. From Nevada, to Virginia, and most importantly Florida....the minorities and young votes just keep getting pumped in year after year.

By 2016 I'm fully convinced Nevada, Colorado, and maybe even Virginia will become solid blue. North Carolina looks to become more competitive as well.
Can a Republican Win 270 Electoral Votes in 2016...or Ever? - The Daily Beast

Conservative Republicans uphold their conservative principles as a shiny badge of honor never to be tarnished. I, too, am a conservative Republican. However, I think like Ronald Reagan, who when trying to get legislation passed in 1983 said the following:

“I have always figured that a half a loaf is better than none, and I know that in the democratic process you’re not going to always get everything you want.”

Sadly, I also agree with former senator and 1996 GOP presidential nominee Bob Dole, who appeared this past May on Fox News Sunday to discuss the growing conservative tilt among Republican primary and base voters when he stated that “Reagan wouldn't have made it” in today’s Republican Party.

That might actually be true, for at my conservative event, as I listened to speeches from a host of elected leaders, only one mentioned the “C word”: compromise. Instead of “compromise,” all I heard was “we must battle and fight to uphold the principles of conservatism.”

Now, I also believe in fighting for conservative principles, but realizing that conservatives are an ever shrinking minority within the electorate, it is imperative that Republicans nominate a presidential candidate (and other leaders) who can attract moderate voters by stating that he or she, like Reagan, are willing to accept a “half loaf instead of a whole” in order to solve the difficult issues facing our nation.

Otherwise, the GOP will remain locked out of the White House and leave our nation stuck in neutral with a gridlocked government. There is danger ahead for conservatives when core conservative principles are used as roadblocks to any progress.

This is an excellent article. There are some hard home-truths that need to be faced and dealt with before Republicans can even think about taking back the White House. I am hoping that since there is a veritable shit-ton of Republicans who want their party back, they will find a way to make it happen. Because this "I'm more conservative!" "No, I'M more conservative!" game is doing nothing to win moderates, and you need the moderates. You cannot win without them.

The problem for those republicans who want their party back is they’re on the back of a tiger; the fear of being primaried is just too great.

However crazy or irresponsible a given republican incumbent might be, there’s someone back home even more crazy and more irresponsible ready to take the incumbent’s place.

Good thing you're worrying 'bout it three years in advance....


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