What Robert Frost Reveals About Libersals


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Frost wrote...
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, ...."

Once upon a time it was a compliment to be a Liberal...you know, when they supported the first amendment, and America.....

The current crop, sadly, has found the road marked 'Fascist' more to their liking.
Have an alternative opinion, fail to toe the social warrior line, refuse to bend the knee and the neck to the latest social engineering....and be slandered, lied about, put out of work, or have your business fined out of existence.

1. “Liberals do not believe in the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which are American ideals, or at least they used to be. If you love freedom, then you will be hated by the modern liberal who believes that government should regulate individual freedom.

2. Most liberals are hateful people. As hateful as Nazis. As hateful as KKK members. As hateful as Fred Phelps and his God hates f@gs wackos, who are, come to think of it, Democrats.

3. Liberals are as much defined by whom they hate as what they believe in.

4. They hate straight, white males and non-liberal white people in general. They hate Christians. They hate Republicans in general and conservatives in particular. They hate women who don’t tow the feminist line. They hate the wealthy, business owners, bankers and stockbrokers. They hate southerners, gun owners, soldiers and cops.

5. Liberals hurl abuse at these people, attack them on social media and reward liberals who make the most vicious attacks on those groups.

6. Yet, over time, liberal complaints have become a badge of honor. In fact, if there aren’t liberals lobbing hate at you, you’re probably doing something wrong."
It’s Better to be Hated by Liberals Than Have Their “Help.”
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Once upon a time it was a compliment to be a Liberal...you know, when they supported the first amendment, and America.....

The current crop, sadly, has found the road marked 'Fascist' more to their liking.

Once upon a time people understood what "Liberal" meant. You know, when they wrote the First Amendment, the entire Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and invented the United States, if not "America".

The current crop of message board wags, sadly, has found mendacious disingenuousness more to their liking. Apparently they think it's a way they can disguise their own fascism and slip it in the back door, the first step being to demonize what got you here. Via a bizarre Doublethink wherein the term becomes its own opposite.

Been trying to do that since McCarthy, they have. And still getting the same results he did. They have, as an Army General put it, no sense of decency.

The best way to deal with Liberals is to simply tell them you don't give a damn what they think.

Hurts their wittle feelings....................Facts don't matter to them.

When they call you one of the assortment of names...........like they always do............tell them thanks.
Once upon a time it was a compliment to be a Liberal...you know, when they supported the first amendment, and America.....

The current crop, sadly, has found the road marked 'Fascist' more to their liking.

Once upon a time people understood what "Liberal" meant. You know, when they wrote the First Amendment, the entire Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and invented the United States, if not "America".

The current crop of message board wags, sadly, has found mendacious disingenuousness more to their liking. Apparently they think it's a way they can disguise their own fascism and slip it in the back door, the first step being to demonize what got you here. Via a bizarre Doublethink wherein the term becomes its own opposite.

Been trying to do that since McCarthy, they have. And still getting the same results he did. They have, as an Army General put it, no sense of decency.


1. "Once upon a time people understood what "Liberal" meant. "
Today it means 'Fascist.'

2."You know, when they wrote the First Amendment, the entire Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and invented the United States, if not "America".

Well...at least you've proven early that you are a low-life lying scum.

Today what are known as 'Liberals' are the group that communist John Dewey talked into changing their name from Socialist to Liberal.

The classical liberals, the Founders, would be called conservatives today, memorializing this nation with these beliefs:
Individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.

None of these endorse any of the above: Liberals, Nazis, Fascists, Socialists, Progressives nor Communists.

Now...get lost, low-life.
The best way to deal with Liberals is to simply tell them you don't give a damn what they think.

Crying at us just makes us laugh, you know. But then, it's all you can do. It's not like you can use reason and morality, so crying is the only option left to you.

Your whiny opinion duly noted....and by 'duly noted,' I mean chuckled about and ignored.
All that article needs is lube and the circle jerk will be complete.
"If you look at the groups liberals hate the most, you’ll usually find they’ve got their [stuff] together.

What groups of people do liberals believe it’s okay to discriminate against based on their skin color?
Whites and Asians.
Which two racial groups are doing best in America? Whites and Asians."
It’s Better to be Hated by Liberals Than Have Their “Help.”

"It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived."
All that article needs is lube and the circle jerk will be complete.

What a brilliant, insightful and carefully articulated post.

Seems you couldn't either understand the article, or find anything in it to dispute.
Once upon a time it was a compliment to be a Liberal...you know, when they supported the first amendment, and America.....

The current crop, sadly, has found the road marked 'Fascist' more to their liking.

Once upon a time people understood what "Liberal" meant. You know, when they wrote the First Amendment, the entire Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and invented the United States, if not "America".


Those honored gentlemen had nothing in common with the current crop of twisted, moronic totalitarians who have requisitioned the name.
All that article needs is lube and the circle jerk will be complete.

What a brilliant, insightful and carefully articulated post.

Seems you couldn't either understand the article, or find anything in it to dispute.

I am sorry if I am ruining your fap session. :(

Seems you couldn't either understand the article, or find anything in it to dispute.

There is no necessity for you to continue tap dancing.
All that article needs is lube and the circle jerk will be complete.

Indeed -- "circle jerk reasoning". I like it.

Because as we all know, words mean their own opposites. Because they just don't.

Frost wrote...
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, ...."

Once upon a time it was a compliment to be a Liberal...you know, when they supported the first amendment, and America.....

The current crop, sadly, has found the road marked 'Fascist' more to their liking.
Have an alternative opinion, fail to toe the social warrior line, refuse to bend the knee and the neck to the latest social engineering....and be slandered, lied about, put out of work, or have your business fined out of existence.

1. “Liberals do not believe in the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which are American ideals, or at least they used to be. If you love freedom, then you will be hated by the modern liberal who believes that government should regulate individual freedom.

2. Most liberals are hateful people. As hateful as Nazis. As hateful as KKK members. As hateful as Fred Phelps and his God hates f@gs wackos, who are, come to think of it, Democrats.

3. Liberals are as much defined by whom they hate as what they believe in.

4. They hate straight, white males and non-liberal white people in general. They hate Christians. They hate Republicans in general and conservatives in particular. They hate women who don’t tow the feminist line. They hate the wealthy, business owners, bankers and stockbrokers. They hate southerners, gun owners, soldiers and cops.

5. Liberals hurl abuse at these people, attack them on social media and reward liberals who make the most vicious attacks on those groups.

6. Yet, over time, liberal complaints have become a badge of honor. In fact, if there aren’t liberals lobbing hate at you, you’re probably doing something wrong."
It’s Better to be Hated by Liberals Than Have Their “Help.”

How many ways can you post the same thread? You're trying to set a record?

Oh, btw, Trump is proposing an immigration policy that would have kept you from coming here.
Once upon a time it was a compliment to be a Liberal...you know, when they supported the first amendment, and America.....

The current crop, sadly, has found the road marked 'Fascist' more to their liking.

Once upon a time people understood what "Liberal" meant. You know, when they wrote the First Amendment, the entire Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and invented the United States, if not "America".


Those honored gentlemen had nothing in common with the current crop of twisted, moronic totalitarians who have requisitioned the name.

Who gets more bitter AFTER they win an election?

hint: you people.
Once upon a time it was a compliment to be a Liberal...you know, when they supported the first amendment, and America.....

The current crop, sadly, has found the road marked 'Fascist' more to their liking.

Once upon a time people understood what "Liberal" meant. You know, when they wrote the First Amendment, the entire Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and invented the United States, if not "America".


Those honored gentlemen had nothing in common with the current crop of twisted, moronic totalitarians who have requisitioned the name.

Nobody gets to requisition a name. Adjectives are for third-party observers, like us.
Some such as the OP are so wallowed in their own ignorance that they insist on pointing to a doughnut and calling it an "aardvark". Nothing we can do about self-delusion.

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