What Should A Black Law Professor Do When A White Student Wears A MAGA Hat In Class?

I'm offended by the thing in his nose. I thought only low class women do that!

Apparently, the professor didn't rant about it in class......that's a good thing.
He simply chose to publish an article about his traumatic experience.
Ask him where he could get a MAGA hat too, so he could celebrate the lowest black unemployment in US history.
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What would a MAGA hat-wearer even be doing in an institution of higher learning?

Nothing at all, because the Trump administration has been orders of magnitude more helpful to the black community than Obama's race-baiting, victim-mongering crybaby mentality was. Under Trump blacks now have the highest employment rate and highest rate of owning small businesses in American history. These are statistically proven FACTS, not my opinion.

And why do liberals assume Trump is somehow WAAAAYYYYYCIST against blacks when he hasn't said or done anything in particular against the black community??? It just shows you liberals out there are such pathological LIARS you've literally cocooned yourselves in your own slimy mess of lies.
Why do we assume a Black professor would be at odds with the phrase "make America great again"?

They believe everything is a code word. There are hidden meanings, winks and nods between President Trump supporters. They believe these code words secretly turn people racist. Kind of like how the Nazis believed Jews would cast spells on people.
Nothing at all, because the Trump administration has been orders of magnitude more helpful to the black community than Obama's race-baiting, victim-mongering crybaby mentality was. Under Trump blacks now have the highest employment rate and highest rate of owning small businesses in American history. These are statistically proven FACTS, not my opinion.

And why do liberals assume Trump is somehow WAAAAYYYYYCIST against blacks when he hasn't said or done anything in particular against the black community??? It just shows you liberals out there are such pathological LIARS you've literally cocooned yourselves in your own slimy mess of lies.

Ah, you don't want to count getting called to court by the government for housing discrimination against black people, promising to fix it, and then getting called to court again for the same thing.

Nor do you want to count "I have black guys counting my money. I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys who wear yarmulkes every day".

Not to mention "shithole countries"....

Tell us more about this pathological lying thingie.
My only question for the teacher would be this. How much attention to do you believe that the issue deserves in the first place? Acknowledging it in any way would only have it be more front and center than it already may be.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, in my opinion, a hat is all that it is and because that it is all that it is, what people could do is the same thing that was mostly done with my late beautiful precious Billy Joe Royal...ignore it. (still wondering what people were drinking during the 1970s)
Act like an adult?
Ignore it?
Look at the brunette in the 2nd row?

No, get irate and start ranting about your racism as if it’s a good thing.

The Left are so easily triggered in their mental illness.

The Negro professor should bow to his superior White master!
Are you a Liberal trying to start shit ? Because that statement is some cartoon like racist crap.

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