What Should A Black Law Professor Do When A White Student Wears A MAGA Hat In Class?

To my POV, it would similar to a student coming to my class with a swastika hat. Not quite that level, but close.
Thankfully living in Thailand for over 10 years, I have not yet seen one person American or otherwise wearing that vile hat of hate.
But I have seen plenty of Russians wearing clothing glorifying their dictator (and good buddy of trumpy-poo) and also lots of explicit Hitler Nazi stuff too but mostly on Thais that don't understand the political meaning and think it looks cool.

Thank you. I was just going to say, shift the scenario slightly and imagine the prof instead of being black, is Jewish, and the student instead of wearing a MAGA hat is wearing a swastika, same question.

Moron, the MAGA hat isn't a swastika......it would be like saying the guy walked in wearing the American flag and you compare that to a swastika....you are such a moron.......
A flag represents America. A MAGA hat supports racism, hate, bigotry. lying, women assaulting, cheating in business, and being a fraud.

MAGA has no relation to racism...the democrat party, however is the definition of racism.......I imagine that professor votes democrat, for a party that supported slavery, went to war to keep slavery, pushed to restart the slave trade with African slave merchants, whose members started the klan, and who kept jim crow going in the south.........

But Making America Great...that offends this asshat......

You know you're losing badly when you find yourself desperately changing the subject to "the democrat [sic] party".

And how is it you have a "Masters" yet can't spell?

You keep making statements about me and who I am........based on nothing but your drunken, medicated speculation.......
Thank you. I was just going to say, shift the scenario slightly and imagine the prof instead of being black, is Jewish, and the student instead of wearing a MAGA hat is wearing a swastika, same question.

Moron, the MAGA hat isn't a swastika......it would be like saying the guy walked in wearing the American flag and you compare that to a swastika....you are such a moron.......
A flag represents America. A MAGA hat supports racism, hate, bigotry. lying, women assaulting, cheating in business, and being a fraud.

MAGA has no relation to racism...the democrat party, however is the definition of racism.......I imagine that professor votes democrat, for a party that supported slavery, went to war to keep slavery, pushed to restart the slave trade with African slave merchants, whose members started the klan, and who kept jim crow going in the south.........

But Making America Great...that offends this asshat......

You know you're losing badly when you find yourself desperately changing the subject to "the democrat [sic] party".

And how is it you have a "Masters" yet can't spell?

You keep making statements about me and who I am........based on nothing but your drunken, medicated speculation.......

Based on the incoherent babble in your posts actually.

I can see you have a shift key. You used it in spelling out MAGA. Why can't you use it for proper names?
The easiest thing to do in today's world is demand proper dress for all people going to school. Like we used to have. That will remove some anguish right there.
College professors especially tenured ones can be politically biased in any direction. I took an economics course with a hard core socialist and my final paper was a non-ideological business analysis of the beer industry. The guy screwed me big time. It wasn't so much about a bad grade but he refused to give me any grade at all for over two years. I had to get the administration involved to force him. In this context, a professor seeing a white nationalist "trump" hat should just deal with it respect that the student is a cult member, but still treat him fairly based on his academic performance. The politics in colleges can cut both ways and really shouldn't.
There would be a 33% chance the guy would be a bigot, racist, and/or white supremacist. The student supports a man that supports these things.

Trump only became a racist after he decided to run against hilary...up till then Oprah, Letterman, all the black rappers, and the hollywood elite loved him........

the democrat party is the home of racism...through and through, in the past, in the present and with the way it is going, into the future....
An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry

So. I was reponding to another of your buddy Trumpettes who claimed no one said Trump was racist before the ran for office. It is well documented.
There would be a 33% chance the guy would be a bigot, racist, and/or white supremacist. The student supports a man that supports these things.

Trump only became a racist after he decided to run against hilary...up till then Oprah, Letterman, all the black rappers, and the hollywood elite loved him........

the democrat party is the home of racism...through and through, in the past, in the present and with the way it is going, into the future....
An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry

So. I was reponding to another of your buddy Trumpettes who claimed no one said Trump was racist before the ran for office. It is well documented.

People change?
I'd like to see this prof's proof that the hat and slogan stand for what he claimed it does.

Personally It looks like he just swallows the narrative whole with out thinking.
Wouldn't want him teaching me law.
There would be a 33% chance the guy would be a bigot, racist, and/or white supremacist. The student supports a man that supports these things.

Trump only became a racist after he decided to run against hilary...up till then Oprah, Letterman, all the black rappers, and the hollywood elite loved him........

the democrat party is the home of racism...through and through, in the past, in the present and with the way it is going, into the future....
An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry

So. I was reponding to another of your buddy Trumpettes who claimed no one said Trump was racist before the ran for office. It is well documented.

People change?

Unless they're named "Robert Byrd"?

Whatever works, right.
Trump only became a racist after he decided to run against hilary...up till then Oprah, Letterman, all the black rappers, and the hollywood elite loved him........

the democrat party is the home of racism...through and through, in the past, in the present and with the way it is going, into the future....
An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry

So. I was reponding to another of your buddy Trumpettes who claimed no one said Trump was racist before the ran for office. It is well documented.

People change?

Unless they're named "Robert Byrd"?

Whatever works, right.

That's your problem not mine

A healthy adult professor would ignore it.

Just sayin'.

That's what he did.

No, he didn't. He wrote an absolutely clueless whingefest on the interwebs.

Uh yes, he did. Read it.

I did read it. It is a glaring example of extreme lack of self-awareness combined with spiteful self-pity.

Obviously you didn't, or you wouldn't have posted what you just did.

Here's your "extreme lack of self-awareness":

>> I was in the first year of a two-year fellowship as a visiting assistant professor of law. Moreover, as an African-American male, I was one of an exceedingly small number of students, faculty and staff of color in the law school. From my (progressive) perspective as a black man living in the increasingly polarized political climate that is America, MAGA is an undeniable symbol of white supremacy and hatred toward certain nonwhite groups.

... Thus, in that moment, I was unsure whether the student was directing a hateful message toward me or if he merely lacked decorum and was oblivious to how his hat might be interpreted by his black law professor. I presumed it was the former. ... Being a law professor, I understand the complexities of academic freedom and free speech. I respect students’ rights to freely express their political beliefs and values within the framework of the law. Yet, at the same time, law schools are inherently institutions of professional training. Just as faculty and staff are required to maintain professional formalities to aid the training and matriculation of their students, it seems only logical that students, too, should maintain similar businesslike etiquette.

But when students fail to live up to such professional expectations, what are the professors’ options? Although my position is at a private university, I understood that my lack of tenure, precarious status as a VAP and the hue of my skin meant that I would be fighting an uphill battle should I have asked the student to remove his distracting red hat during class. Surely, there must be protocol when African-American professors—whose presence is scarce in most law schools—find their authority defiantly undermined by an insensitive student.

... With this scholarship in mind, I understood why no one else in this particular class—in which whites outnumbered students of color 20 to three (with me, the instructor, being the lone African American)—seemed as vexed as I was. Indeed, in a class with such racial uniformity, it appeared frivolous to rely on students to speak up on my behalf, as one of my associates suggested. An informal survey of my colleagues revealed that no other law faculty had experienced any students wearing such propaganda in their classes, which furthered my contention that this student was indeed trying to intimidate and/or racially antagonize me.

But how can this type of racial antagonism be reconciled with the increasingly present discourse of “diversity and inclusion” within higher education? Several of my colleagues took an intellectual approach when answering this question. For instance, some suggested that I remain professional, which to them meant ignoring the student and not bringing attention to his hat.

Others suggested the academic convention of writing my reflections on the incident. And some colleagues offered academic articles on topics such as implicit bias and perceptual segregation.

...As scholars of color, maintaining an everyday existence without the constant reminder that we are “othered” within the American academic hierarchy is fundamental to our professional well-being and to the corresponding welfare and status of our institutions. Moreover, normalizing such controversial political attire in the classroom likely does little to improve the diversity and inclusion that these institutions supposedly seek.

In times of such heightened political disparity, decision makers in institutions of higher education should weigh the benefits of exclusionary, in-class political speech against the divisive burdens such speech places on students, staff and faculty. <<​

The whole fucking thing is about self-awareness. Don't lie. You didn't read it at all.
So. I was reponding to another of your buddy Trumpettes who claimed no one said Trump was racist before the ran for office. It is well documented.

People change?

Unless they're named "Robert Byrd"?

Whatever works, right.

That's your problem not mine

Actually no, it isn't. Pointing out somebody's fallacy is the pointee's problem.
Captain Obvious rides again.
So. I was reponding to another of your buddy Trumpettes who claimed no one said Trump was racist before the ran for office. It is well documented.

People change?

Unless they're named "Robert Byrd"?

Whatever works, right.

That's your problem not mine

Actually no, it isn't. Pointing out somebody's fallacy is the pointee's problem.
Captain Obvious rides again.

Not the one taking down monuments am I?
So. I was reponding to another of your buddy Trumpettes who claimed no one said Trump was racist before the ran for office. It is well documented.

People change?

Unless they're named "Robert Byrd"?

Whatever works, right.

That's your problem not mine

Actually no, it isn't. Pointing out somebody's fallacy is the pointee's problem.
Captain Obvious rides again.

Not the one taking down monuments am I?

See? There's an example right there. You can't pursue the point so you change the subject altogether.

That'll be five cents. I'll put it on your tab.

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