What Should America do for Britney Griner?

Please choose one

  • Ticker Tape Parade in Manhattan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ticker Tape Parade in Washington D.C.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Build a Statue of Her Outside of Sports Arena

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Name a major Highway or Interstate after Her

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Potatohead is Putin's bitch.

Potatohead will try to make a hero out of the filthy queer pothead bitch to make himself look good for getting her back.
Britney Griner is an American Patriot that has represented our country all around the world
She doesn't deserve a damn thing. She broke a law in another country. That's all there is to it.

Nothing she is home from a wrongful imprisonment overseas which happened in part due to her own bad decisions I would say the nation has done more than enough for her.

Wrongful imprisonment? She broke another countries laws.

Americans on the whole are pussies who get away with murder, literally at times, and sit around and bitch about our laws, then think everyother country with stricter laws is wrong. Well much like going to someone else's house, when you go another country you follow their rules or you don't go. It's that easy.

Some middle eastern countries cut your hand off if you steal. Don't steal or don't go.
I’m going with a halftime show at the Super Bowl dedicated to her career accomplishments this far, but others might think otherwise. Please let us know.
sounds like a good opportunity for the merchant of death to make his comeback,,

he can blow up a super bowl,,
I love how much you guys are triggered. Can’t wait for her to get controversial.
She was used by Putin as a pawn to damage the US

Conservatives support Putin

Ummmm, it was YOUR PROGRESSIVES that gave pootin his arms dealer back.

That means YOU support pootin.

WTF has she done to deserve any type of honor? She doesn't even have any respect for our national anthem. You are celebrating a degenerate who got special treatment over and above an American patriot who is still imprisoned in Russia. FJB
They make heros and martyrs out of America's enemies. Disgusting

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