What should happen to kids of illegal aliens being deported?

Keep the families together send the children back with their parents.
Can't deport a citizen, so try for another "answer."

Can't separate kids from parents either. If the parents go, the kids go as well.

Sure we can. We separate kids from their parents all the time.

As pointed out- there is no legal authority to deport a U.S. citizen- so the choice becomes the parents- bring their children with them when they are deported- or lose custody of their children.
Sure we separate kids with parents all the time is that acceptable?
Now we are going to separate kids from their parents by the millions at the same time.
Most likely they will take their little kids with them. Technically you deported them both.

technically their own parents put that chain of events in motion leftard
Technically you did the execution. Retard.
Do like the founding fathers did. Jefferson put his slave children to work manufacturing nails.

We could auction off the babies to a loving couple or corporation (Corporations are people too). Why didn't I think of that?
This the problem with these people. You make this unrealistic comment that your followers believe you. Like Claudette is so fucking stupid.
Actually I think it was sarcasm.

But seriously what occurs is that if there's ANYONE the parents can leave their citizen/child with here in the US, they do. If they can find no one, they take the child with them, and when the child is old enough for relative self-sufficiency, the child returns. Often having not attended school or gained any skills to make a legal living. Not exactly an optimal resolution.

Frankly the only people I'd halfway trust on this are the US nuns.
Do like the founding fathers did. Jefferson put his slave children to work manufacturing nails.

We could auction off the babies to a loving couple or corporation (Corporations are people too). Why didn't I think of that?
This the problem with these people. You make this unrealistic comment that your followers believe you. Like Claudette is so fucking stupid.

even the other libs here squirm when you post dummy
Can't deport a citizen, so try for another "answer."

Can't separate kids from parents either. If the parents go, the kids go as well.

Sure we can. We separate kids from their parents all the time.

As pointed out- there is no legal authority to deport a U.S. citizen- so the choice becomes the parents- bring their children with them when they are deported- or lose custody of their children.
Sure we separate kids with parents all the time is that acceptable?
Now we are going to separate kids from their parents by the millions at the same time.
Most likely they will take their little kids with them. Technically you deported them both.

technically their own parents put that chain of events in motion leftard
Technically you did the execution. Retard.

technically you are the last person on the planet who should be calling anybody a retard
Do like the founding fathers did. Jefferson put his slave children to work manufacturing nails.

We could auction off the babies to a loving couple or corporation (Corporations are people too). Why didn't I think of that?

I can see it now. the government can sell each kid a lemonade stand on credit, and set him up on public property, so that the child can earn his keep.
We don't owe these anchor babies jack shite. Let them raise their own capital. Plenty of honest Americans will pay good money for personal services.
Right on Dog. You are talking oh like 4, 5 10 years old as an example. We don't owe them to begin with. They were being fed by their parents now someone else will be feeding them and that will be you.
Do like the founding fathers did. Jefferson put his slave children to work manufacturing nails.

We could auction off the babies to a loving couple or corporation (Corporations are people too). Why didn't I think of that?

I can see it now. the government can sell each kid a lemonade stand on credit, and set him up on public property, so that the child can earn his keep.
We don't owe these anchor babies jack shite. Let them raise their own capital. Plenty of honest Americans will pay good money for personal services.
Right on Dog. You are talking oh like 4, 5 10 years old as an example. We don't owe them to begin with. They were being fed by their parents now someone else will be feeding them and that will be you.

you mean you wont take any in dog/???

tsk tsk tsk

you're an idiot; please continue being a walking example of the ignorant Left
Do like the founding fathers did. Jefferson put his slave children to work manufacturing nails.

We could auction off the babies to a loving couple or corporation (Corporations are people too). Why didn't I think of that?

I can see it now. the government can sell each kid a lemonade stand on credit, and set him up on public property, so that the child can earn his keep.
We don't owe these anchor babies jack shite. Let them raise their own capital. Plenty of honest Americans will pay good money for personal services.
Right on Dog. You are talking oh like 4, 5 10 years old as an example. We don't owe them to begin with. They were being fed by their parents now someone else will be feeding them and that will be you.
Only if they're shining my shoes. (actually I was being sarcastic. See post 282 for what I actually believe)
There are already hundred of criminals coming across the border right now. Murder and rape are a way of life with these assholes. They are probably all on Welfare right now as well.

You replied by omitting my post. You lost. Now you change direction with different topic.

You're an idiot and a fucking idiot at that.

Not a different topic its the topic under discussion.

I'm sorry your an idiot but what can I say.

You can't cure stupid.
Nope. We are taking about deportation of families and your talking a your tattooed face. Stupid.

no stupid; you're making a straw man argument; the illegal parents set that chain of event in motion

try again
Nope. Parasite. YOU try again and get back to the topic. I don't want to talk about your earring on your nose and forehead. Idiot.
There are already hundred of criminals coming across the border right now. Murder and rape are a way of life with these assholes. They are probably all on Welfare right now as well.

You replied by omitting my post. You lost. Now you change direction with different topic.

You're an idiot and a fucking idiot at that.

Not a different topic its the topic under discussion.

I'm sorry your an idiot but what can I say.

You can't cure stupid.
Nope. We are taking about deportation of families and your talking a your tattooed face. Stupid.

no stupid; you're making a straw man argument; the illegal parents set that chain of event in motion

try again
Nope. Parasite. YOU try again and get back to the topic. I don't want to talk about your earring on your nose and forehead. Idiot.

isnt it time to let another inmate use the computer dummy?
Do like the founding fathers did. Jefferson put his slave children to work manufacturing nails.

We could auction off the babies to a loving couple or corporation (Corporations are people too). Why didn't I think of that?
This the problem with these people. You make this unrealistic comment that your followers believe you. Like Claudette is so fucking stupid.

even the other libs here squirm when you post dummy
Like who? The only people I squirming of your own idiocy I see is you and your buddies.
Do like the founding fathers did. Jefferson put his slave children to work manufacturing nails.

We could auction off the babies to a loving couple or corporation (Corporations are people too). Why didn't I think of that?
This the problem with these people. You make this unrealistic comment that your followers believe you. Like Claudette is so fucking stupid.

even the other libs here squirm when you post dummy
Like who? The only people I squirming of your own idiocy I see is you and your buddies.

awwwww he/she is really trying!!

Can't separate kids from parents either. If the parents go, the kids go as well.

Sure we can. We separate kids from their parents all the time.

As pointed out- there is no legal authority to deport a U.S. citizen- so the choice becomes the parents- bring their children with them when they are deported- or lose custody of their children.
Sure we separate kids with parents all the time is that acceptable?
Now we are going to separate kids from their parents by the millions at the same time.
Most likely they will take their little kids with them. Technically you deported them both.

technically their own parents put that chain of events in motion leftard
Technically you did the execution. Retard.

technically you are the last person on the planet who should be calling anybody a retard
Nope. This is exactly what I'm talking about. How in the world you even know I'm the only person making comments retard. RETARD.
Sure we can. We separate kids from their parents all the time.

As pointed out- there is no legal authority to deport a U.S. citizen- so the choice becomes the parents- bring their children with them when they are deported- or lose custody of their children.
Sure we separate kids with parents all the time is that acceptable?
Now we are going to separate kids from their parents by the millions at the same time.
Most likely they will take their little kids with them. Technically you deported them both.

technically their own parents put that chain of events in motion leftard
Technically you did the execution. Retard.

technically you are the last person on the planet who should be calling anybody a retard
Nope. This is exactly what I'm talking about. How in the world you even know I'm the only person making comments retard. RETARD.

well you're making a fool of yourself more than the other libs

so.....................................go cry
Do like the founding fathers did. Jefferson put his slave children to work manufacturing nails.

We could auction off the babies to a loving couple or corporation (Corporations are people too). Why didn't I think of that?

I can see it now. the government can sell each kid a lemonade stand on credit, and set him up on public property, so that the child can earn his keep.
We don't owe these anchor babies jack shite. Let them raise their own capital. Plenty of honest Americans will pay good money for personal services.
Right on Dog. You are talking oh like 4, 5 10 years old as an example. We don't owe them to begin with. They were being fed by their parents now someone else will be feeding them and that will be you.

you mean you wont take any in dog/???

tsk tsk tsk

you're an idiot; please continue being a walking example of the ignorant Left
You are such an idiot. His or her name is Bendog. So I called Dog.
Now you are talking a dog adoption. You are so fucking stupid. If these are all you got go stare at the wall and STFU.
We could auction off the babies to a loving couple or corporation (Corporations are people too). Why didn't I think of that?

I can see it now. the government can sell each kid a lemonade stand on credit, and set him up on public property, so that the child can earn his keep.
We don't owe these anchor babies jack shite. Let them raise their own capital. Plenty of honest Americans will pay good money for personal services.
Right on Dog. You are talking oh like 4, 5 10 years old as an example. We don't owe them to begin with. They were being fed by their parents now someone else will be feeding them and that will be you.

you mean you wont take any in dog/???

tsk tsk tsk

you're an idiot; please continue being a walking example of the ignorant Left
You are such an idiot. His or her name is Bendog. So I called Dog.
Now you are talking a dog adoption. You are so fucking stupid. If these are all you got go stare at the wall and STFU.

awww you're getting angry idiot?

my bad; i just cant take you seriously; your name sounds too close to a toilet paper brand
There is a simple responsible solution, provide illegal immigrants the opportunity to plead guilty in a federal court to the offense of knowingly violating immigration law, have the judge waive jail sentence, impose a $10,000 fine to be paid in 5 years. the guilty party is to report current address, employment location and status, pay taxes, abide by the laws of this country, and make annual minimum payments of $2,000 to be applied toward the fine. Violation of court ordered conditions result in automatic deportation.
The proceeds received by the court are to be applied toward reimbursing the government for construction of a southern boarder fence. All future illegal immigrants are to be deported immediately. States and sanctuary cities, failing to enforce federal immigration laws are to loose all federal funding until such time it can be proven they are in compliance. All illegal immigrants convicted of a crime are to be deported immediately. Provide a 60 day window to turn themselves in. Regardless of what politicians say the expense to deport is prohibitive.
There is a simple responsible solution, provide illegal immigrants the opportunity to plead guilty in a federal court to the offense of knowingly violating immigration law, have the judge waive jail sentence, impose a $10,000 fine to be paid in 5 years. the guilty party is to report current address, employment location and status, pay taxes, abide by the laws of this country, and make annual minimum payments of $2,000 to be applied toward the fine. Violation of court ordered conditions result in automatic deportation.
The proceeds received by the court are to be applied toward reimbursing the government for construction of a southern boarder fence. All future illegal immigrants are to be deported immediately. States and sanctuary cities, failing to enforce federal immigration laws are to loose all federal funding until such time it can be proven they are in compliance. All illegal immigrants convicted of a crime are to be deported immediately. Provide a 60 day window to turn themselves in. Regardless of what politicians say the expense to deport is prohibitive.

A $10,000 fine for a misdemeanor.

I hope that you never become a judge that I have to appear before in traffic court....
Immigration violations are not a misdemeanor, if I am not mistaken, a Federal offense. 40 states provide those guilty of violating a federal offense are permitted the right to vote, provided they serve their sentence and pay restitution and are legal US Citizens. Perpetrators of Federal immigration laws would be provided legal resident status, however, would have to become citizens to earn the right to vote.

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