What should happen to kids of illegal aliens being deported?

Immigration violations are not a misdemeanor, if I am not mistaken, a Federal offense. 40 states provide those guilty of violating a federal offense are permitted the right to vote, provided they serve their sentence and pay restitution and are legal US Citizens. Perpetrators of Federal immigration laws would be provided legal resident status, however, would have to become citizens to earn the right to vote.

It is a misdemeanor. Nobody loses the right to vote for a misdemeanor.

Nope. If the parents are fit parents then the kids go with them.

US citizens or not. Kids belong with parents. Not as wards of the State.

While I agree that kids belong with their parents, we can't deport U.S. citizens.

The parents either take their U.S. citizen kids with them, or lose custody of them.

Just out of curiosity, if Mexico were to criminalize Americans who were born there as we would be doing under Trump, would you be okay with the Mexican government evicting John and Jane and keeping the baby?

I'm aware this is not what the GOP is proposing (yet) but if Mexico ups the ante and does such a thing would you be okay with such a clear violation of human rights?

How would that be a violation of human rights unless Mexico kept the child against the will of the parents?

Last year, Bill O'Reilly helped get an ex marine out of Mexico's jail. He was in there for several months. His crime was trying to bring a firearm into the country even though he told the Mexican authorities about it.

That's the way other countries treat our people. Over here? Foreigners hide in sanctuary cities and wait for the right time to commit another crime because we won't do much to them. Some will use the "children" as an excuse to usher in these illegals. We give them jobs, medical care, and in many areas, even a drivers license.

Go figure..........
The kids should go with the parents right back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

Easy Peasy.
Right on Claudette. These are American citizens that you deported coming back to US as criminals. Then petition their parents to come to US so they can earn the welfare benefits like SSI and other.
Right on sister.
Easy Peasy eh!

The truth is the truth…the kids can stay, the parents must leave. The parents can take the kids with them and they can return when they can manage it. You seem to think it is rocket science….
Claudita Mira me.. The truth is hard for you to comprehend.
According to you deport the parents then kids can stay. Who in the world will take care of these kids? You? Don't tell me make arrangements with friends and relatives.
According to you the deport these parents with their kids then return when they can manage. Since there are no way to making a living these kids will become criminals.
Returning to us when they are adult by the millions. Coming back as criminals by the millions now with their own families. Then multiply that ten fold of criminality and welfare.
That is not a rocket science but pure common sense for people with brain.

That's a good point. I hope Trump thinks of it.

We should do a criminal background check for those who were born here and want to return later after they become an adult. If you're a criminal, you lose your citizenship.

Good thinking my friend.
There is a simple responsible solution, provide illegal immigrants the opportunity to plead guilty in a federal court to the offense of knowingly violating immigration law, have the judge waive jail sentence, impose a $10,000 fine to be paid in 5 years. the guilty party is to report current address, employment location and status, pay taxes, abide by the laws of this country, and make annual minimum payments of $2,000 to be applied toward the fine. Violation of court ordered conditions result in automatic deportation.
The proceeds received by the court are to be applied toward reimbursing the government for construction of a southern boarder fence. All future illegal immigrants are to be deported immediately. States and sanctuary cities, failing to enforce federal immigration laws are to loose all federal funding until such time it can be proven they are in compliance. All illegal immigrants convicted of a crime are to be deported immediately. Provide a 60 day window to turn themselves in. Regardless of what politicians say the expense to deport is prohibitive.

A $10,000 fine for a misdemeanor.

I hope that you never become a judge that I have to appear before in traffic court....

innocent Americans are being butchered by people that aren't even supposed to be here in the first place you idiot. it's long past time to make being here illegally a criminal offense
Keep the families together send the children back with their parents.

But if the kids are older, its wrong to send children to a country they don't know. They might be attending school in the US, why deny them an education? They didn't commit a crime, their parents did.

Then their parent's can make arrangements for them to stay in the States…….just like a bank robber who is going to jail has to make arrangements for their kids…we don't say…oh, the bank robber has kids so we can't send them to jail, do we?
Either you are dreamin or im dreamin reading your post. We are talking millions of kids not couple of kids.

What kind of parent would abandon their kids?

Nope. Deport the parents and the kids go with them. Not rocket science.

These kids have parents and they need to stay with those parents.

Oh and you know they will be coming back as criminals??

You must have one helluva crystal ball.

Pure common sense for someone with a brain. Which you don't seem to have.

Nope it's the other way. You are making a pointless opinion with no common sense of the reality and consequences.
I'm not even sure if you even understand how a kids will become criminals. Look around you. Look at the high crime cities these are poor and no means how to make a living but the illegal way.

Bullshit. Underage kids need to be with parents.

If they are of age then they will be staying. Using that citizenship to do so. They may decide to go back with the parents. Who knows? Is sure don't.

As for kids as criminals? Take a look at Chicago, Detroit and any other major city idiot. The criminals aren't all Hispanic as you seem to suggest.

Catch a clue idiot. Send the illegals and all of their under aged kids right the hell out of America. Deport their asses.

tu es un idiot
Keep the families together send the children back with their parents.

But if the kids are older, its wrong to send children to a country they don't know. They might be attending school in the US, why deny them an education? They didn't commit a crime, their parents did.

Then their parent's can make arrangements for them to stay in the States…….just like a bank robber who is going to jail has to make arrangements for their kids…we don't say…oh, the bank robber has kids so we can't send them to jail, do we?
Either you are dreamin or im dreamin reading your post. We are talking millions of kids not couple of kids.

What kind of parent would abandon their kids?


None would. They would take their under aged kids with them. Idiot doesn't seem to understand that simple fact.

If the kids are of age then the decision to stay or go rests with them.
Nope. If the parents are fit parents then the kids go with them.

US citizens or not. Kids belong with parents. Not as wards of the State.

While I agree that kids belong with their parents, we can't deport U.S. citizens.

The parents either take their U.S. citizen kids with them, or lose custody of them.

Just out of curiosity, if Mexico were to criminalize Americans who were born there as we would be doing under Trump, would you be okay with the Mexican government evicting John and Jane and keeping the baby?

I'm aware this is not what the GOP is proposing (yet) but if Mexico ups the ante and does such a thing would you be okay with such a clear violation of human rights?

Nope. Because they would send the kid out with the parents. Unlike you, they aren't stupid.

Mexico would never do anything to endanger those American dollars the illegals send back.
Nope. If the parents are fit parents then the kids go with them.

US citizens or not. Kids belong with parents. Not as wards of the State.

While I agree that kids belong with their parents, we can't deport U.S. citizens.

The parents either take their U.S. citizen kids with them, or lose custody of them.

Just out of curiosity, if Mexico were to criminalize Americans who were born there as we would be doing under Trump, would you be okay with the Mexican government evicting John and Jane and keeping the baby?

I'm aware this is not what the GOP is proposing (yet) but if Mexico ups the ante and does such a thing would you be okay with such a clear violation of human rights?

Just out of my curiosity, who is keeping whom from who? I don't understand the left argument about kids being held back etc. Families stay together when they leave. If a kid is left behind then that's a parents choice. Cruel, but theirs to make.

What's so hard to understand about that?

Nope. If the parents are fit parents then the kids go with them.

US citizens or not. Kids belong with parents. Not as wards of the State.

While I agree that kids belong with their parents, we can't deport U.S. citizens.

The parents either take their U.S. citizen kids with them, or lose custody of them.

Just out of curiosity, if Mexico were to criminalize Americans who were born there as we would be doing under Trump, would you be okay with the Mexican government evicting John and Jane and keeping the baby?

I'm aware this is not what the GOP is proposing (yet) but if Mexico ups the ante and does such a thing would you be okay with such a clear violation of human rights?

Just out of my curiosity, who is keeping whom from who? I don't understand the left argument about kids being held back etc. Families stay together when they leave. If a kid is left behind then that's a parents choice. Cruel, but theirs to make.

What's so hard to understand about that?


Legally you can't deport a citizen so there is the law. Next what if the parents differ on what's best?
Nope. If the parents are fit parents then the kids go with them.

US citizens or not. Kids belong with parents. Not as wards of the State.

While I agree that kids belong with their parents, we can't deport U.S. citizens.

The parents either take their U.S. citizen kids with them, or lose custody of them.

Just out of curiosity, if Mexico were to criminalize Americans who were born there as we would be doing under Trump, would you be okay with the Mexican government evicting John and Jane and keeping the baby?

I'm aware this is not what the GOP is proposing (yet) but if Mexico ups the ante and does such a thing would you be okay with such a clear violation of human rights?

Just out of my curiosity, who is keeping whom from who? I don't understand the left argument about kids being held back etc. Families stay together when they leave. If a kid is left behind then that's a parents choice. Cruel, but theirs to make.

What's so hard to understand about that?


Legally you can't deport a citizen so there is the law. Next what if the parents differ on what's best?

Nobody is deporting a legal citizen. If the parents choose to take them well of course that's the right thing to do. But if they don't, that's on them,,,, not us.

Nope. If the parents are fit parents then the kids go with them.

US citizens or not. Kids belong with parents. Not as wards of the State.

While I agree that kids belong with their parents, we can't deport U.S. citizens.

The parents either take their U.S. citizen kids with them, or lose custody of them.

Just out of curiosity, if Mexico were to criminalize Americans who were born there as we would be doing under Trump, would you be okay with the Mexican government evicting John and Jane and keeping the baby?

I'm aware this is not what the GOP is proposing (yet) but if Mexico ups the ante and does such a thing would you be okay with such a clear violation of human rights?

Just out of my curiosity, who is keeping whom from who? I don't understand the left argument about kids being held back etc. Families stay together when they leave. If a kid is left behind then that's a parents choice. Cruel, but theirs to make.

What's so hard to understand about that?


Legally you can't deport a citizen so there is the law. Next what if the parents differ on what's best?
then they work it out between themselves leftard
Nope. If the parents are fit parents then the kids go with them.

US citizens or not. Kids belong with parents. Not as wards of the State.

While I agree that kids belong with their parents, we can't deport U.S. citizens.

The parents either take their U.S. citizen kids with them, or lose custody of them.

Just out of curiosity, if Mexico were to criminalize Americans who were born there as we would be doing under Trump, would you be okay with the Mexican government evicting John and Jane and keeping the baby?

I'm aware this is not what the GOP is proposing (yet) but if Mexico ups the ante and does such a thing would you be okay with such a clear violation of human rights?

Nope. Because they would send the kid out with the parents. Unlike you, they aren't stupid.

Mexico would never do anything to endanger those American dollars the illegals send back.
Very smart Claudette. How can the illegals sent the money to Mexico? You already deported them. They are already in Mexico.
Don't deport illegals, give them a path to citizenship. Unless you pro lifers want to see children go back to bad countries for them.
It's their country. It's where they belong.
Many come to the "land of the free" and seek the "american dream." Can you blame them for leaving and seeking to come to america? I won't.
How Immigrants Boost U.S. Economic Growth The Fiscal Times
Yes but there is a legal way to do it. If they come here illegally they are jumping in front of the people who are trying to come here in a legal way.
They are basically line jumpers.
Keep the families together send the children back with their parents.

But if the kids are older, its wrong to send children to a country they don't know. They might be attending school in the US, why deny them an education? They didn't commit a crime, their parents did.

Then their parent's can make arrangements for them to stay in the States…….just like a bank robber who is going to jail has to make arrangements for their kids…we don't say…oh, the bank robber has kids so we can't send them to jail, do we?
Either you are dreamin or im dreamin reading your post. We are talking millions of kids not couple of kids.

What kind of parent would abandon their kids?

Think it this way. Are you going to take them with you to Mexico with no future, no food or land to survive. Nothing. There are no parents in this world that will let that happen. That is why there are here to begin with.
Or are you going to leave your kids here in U.S. with better chance of surviving? Or at least they eat.
Why do you think illegals from El Salvador and other SA countries sent their unaccompanied children to U.S. borders? Those are just by the thousands.
Now, think by the millions oh maybe 20, 30, 40 just guessing. That you or me has to feed and care.
Nope. Deport the parents and the kids go with them. Not rocket science.

These kids have parents and they need to stay with those parents.

Oh and you know they will be coming back as criminals??

You must have one helluva crystal ball.

Pure common sense for someone with a brain. Which you don't seem to have.

Nope it's the other way. You are making a pointless opinion with no common sense of the reality and consequences.
I'm not even sure if you even understand how a kids will become criminals. Look around you. Look at the high crime cities these are poor and no means how to make a living but the illegal way.

Bullshit. Underage kids need to be with parents.

If they are of age then they will be staying. Using that citizenship to do so. They may decide to go back with the parents. Who knows? Is sure don't.

As for kids as criminals? Take a look at Chicago, Detroit and any other major city idiot. The criminals aren't all Hispanic as you seem to suggest.

Catch a clue idiot. Send the illegals and all of their under aged kids right the hell out of America. Deport their asses.

tu es un idiot
Idiota..You are far more stupid than I thought. I gave Chicago and Detroit as an example because poor people with no chance to get out from poverty will likely become criminal.
Mira Mira Now open that thick skull yours that is full maggots. If you deport those parents with us citizens kids. Where or what will they become when there's no food, no house, no land. Criminals. When they get older they will come back to us as criminals.
Since they have no way of income whole family on welfare. Qualified to all welfare benefits. Including SSI
Now they can petition their inlaws to us.
Now the inlaws can petition their siblings. Now the siblings can petition their siblings. AND on AND on. They are all legal with full benefits. The numbers will be what? Just guessing 50 or 60 millions?
Do you see the consequences? That's just wonderful.
HOWEVER... I doubt it if they take their kids with them. Most likely they will their children behind.
They will go as a family. Trump doesn't want to break up families


You can't deport an American citizen.
The parents will choose to break up the family. Put the children in an orphanage.

And I'll ask you the same question. Is that the Christian thing to do? Advocate ripping children from their families and making them wards of the state while you people sit in church on Sundays thinking how righteous you are praying to your god?

The parents are the ones that make the decision to get rid of their children or to take them back home with them. Leave God out of it you non-believing pissant.
Nobody is deporting a legal citizen. If the parents choose to take them well of course that's the right thing to do. But if they don't, that's on them,,,, not us.
That's the entire point of the thread.

The parents brought kids into a situation where the parents broke the law and may be deported. It's up to THEM to decide what to do with their kids. If the family is split up, that's because the kids parent decided to split it up. Hysterical open-borders fanatics who try to blame government, are barking up the wrong tree. Probably deliberately, since telling the truth about the situation, doesn't serve their agenda.

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