What should happen to kids of illegal aliens being deported?

Don't deport illegals, give them a path to citizenship. Unless you pro lifers want to see children go back to bad countries for them.

Where they go is not our problem nor should be. Parents make bad decisions all the time that children must suffer for. We don't reward bank robbers for robbing banks. We don't reward rapists for raping women. Why should we reward couples who come here illegally and have children?
What kind of logic are you following? Are you only ranting about the stereotypical mexican immigrants?
Wow, said the guy that never had to deal with illegals. And it's that obvious.If people ignore immigration law and put their families at risk that is their fault. Murderers, thieves or common criminals don't get any special consideration because they have families, why do illegal aliens deserve a break?
Nope. Deport the parents and the kids go with them. Not rocket science.

These kids have parents and they need to stay with those parents.

Oh and you know they will be coming back as criminals??

You must have one helluva crystal ball.

Pure common sense for someone with a brain. Which you don't seem to have.

Nope it's the other way. You are making a pointless opinion with no common sense of the reality and consequences.
I'm not even sure if you even understand how a kids will become criminals. Look around you. Look at the high crime cities these are poor and no means how to make a living but the illegal way.

Bullshit. Underage kids need to be with parents.

If they are of age then they will be staying. Using that citizenship to do so. They may decide to go back with the parents. Who knows? Is sure don't.

As for kids as criminals? Take a look at Chicago, Detroit and any other major city idiot. The criminals aren't all Hispanic as you seem to suggest.

Catch a clue idiot. Send the illegals and all of their under aged kids right the hell out of America. Deport their asses.

tu es un idiot
Idiota..You are far more stupid than I thought. I gave Chicago and Detroit as an example because poor people with no chance to get out from poverty will likely become criminal.
Mira Mira Now open that thick skull yours that is full maggots. If you deport those parents with us citizens kids. Where or what will they become when there's no food, no house, no land. Criminals. When they get older they will come back to us as criminals.
Since they have no way of income whole family on welfare. Qualified to all welfare benefits. Including SSI
Now they can petition their inlaws to us.
Now the inlaws can petition their siblings. Now the siblings can petition their siblings. AND on AND on. They are all legal with full benefits. The numbers will be what? Just guessing 50 or 60 millions?
Do you see the consequences? That's just wonderful.
HOWEVER... I doubt it if they take their kids with them. Most likely they will their children behind.

please tell me you didnt just say that poor people in places where you cant find a Republican for miles have "no chance to get out of poverty:"??????????????????????????????

why dont they have a chance to escape poverty in Chicago and Detroit left-wing nutjob? and whose fault could that possibly be?

and how can you say they will "come back to the US as criminals"???? you losers on the Left are THAT INEPT and hopeless that you are simply saying a secure border cant be done?
and why are you saying "whole family on welfare............"?????
why dont YOU pay for that out of your own money dummy????
Nope. Deport the parents and the kids go with them. Not rocket science.

These kids have parents and they need to stay with those parents.

Oh and you know they will be coming back as criminals??

You must have one helluva crystal ball.

Pure common sense for someone with a brain. Which you don't seem to have.

Nope it's the other way. You are making a pointless opinion with no common sense of the reality and consequences.
I'm not even sure if you even understand how a kids will become criminals. Look around you. Look at the high crime cities these are poor and no means how to make a living but the illegal way.

Bullshit. Underage kids need to be with parents.

If they are of age then they will be staying. Using that citizenship to do so. They may decide to go back with the parents. Who knows? Is sure don't.

As for kids as criminals? Take a look at Chicago, Detroit and any other major city idiot. The criminals aren't all Hispanic as you seem to suggest.

Catch a clue idiot. Send the illegals and all of their under aged kids right the hell out of America. Deport their asses.

tu es un idiot
Idiota..You are far more stupid than I thought. I gave Chicago and Detroit as an example because poor people with no chance to get out from poverty will likely become criminal.
Mira Mira Now open that thick skull yours that is full maggots. If you deport those parents with us citizens kids. Where or what will they become when there's no food, no house, no land. Criminals. When they get older they will come back to us as criminals.
Since they have no way of income whole family on welfare. Qualified to all welfare benefits. Including SSI
Now they can petition their inlaws to us.
Now the inlaws can petition their siblings. Now the siblings can petition their siblings. AND on AND on. They are all legal with full benefits. The numbers will be what? Just guessing 50 or 60 millions?
Do you see the consequences? That's just wonderful.
HOWEVER... I doubt it if they take their kids with them. Most likely they will their children behind.

So do tell, do all children in Mexico live with no food, no water and no shelter? I mean if that's the case, then all Mexican children must turn into criminals. If that's the case, we should close the borders altogether to Mexicans legal or not.

I guess what you're saying is that Trump was absolutely correct.
Immigration violations are not a misdemeanor, if I am not mistaken, a Federal offense. 40 states provide those guilty of violating a federal offense are permitted the right to vote, provided they serve their sentence and pay restitution and are legal US Citizens. Perpetrators of Federal immigration laws would be provided legal resident status, however, would have to become citizens to earn the right to vote.

It is a misdemeanor. Nobody loses the right to vote for a misdemeanor.


They never had the right to vote. So how can the "lose" it?
Keep the families together send the children back with their parents.

But if the kids are older, its wrong to send children to a country they don't know. They might be attending school in the US, why deny them an education? They didn't commit a crime, their parents did.

Then their parent's can make arrangements for them to stay in the States…….just like a bank robber who is going to jail has to make arrangements for their kids…we don't say…oh, the bank robber has kids so we can't send them to jail, do we?
Either you are dreamin or im dreamin reading your post. We are talking millions of kids not couple of kids.

What kind of parent would abandon their kids?

Think it this way. Are you going to take them with you to Mexico with no future, no food or land to survive. Nothing. There are no parents in this world that will let that happen. That is why there are here to begin with.
Or are you going to leave your kids here in U.S. with better chance of surviving? Or at least they eat.
Why do you think illegals from El Salvador and other SA countries sent their unaccompanied children to U.S. borders? Those are just by the thousands.
Now, think by the millions oh maybe 20, 30, 40 just guessing. That you or me has to feed and care.

they have a future...they can return to the states....
Nope. Deport the parents and the kids go with them. Not rocket science.

These kids have parents and they need to stay with those parents.

Oh and you know they will be coming back as criminals??

You must have one helluva crystal ball.

Pure common sense for someone with a brain. Which you don't seem to have.

Nope it's the other way. You are making a pointless opinion with no common sense of the reality and consequences.
I'm not even sure if you even understand how a kids will become criminals. Look around you. Look at the high crime cities these are poor and no means how to make a living but the illegal way.

Bullshit. Underage kids need to be with parents.

If they are of age then they will be staying. Using that citizenship to do so. They may decide to go back with the parents. Who knows? Is sure don't.

As for kids as criminals? Take a look at Chicago, Detroit and any other major city idiot. The criminals aren't all Hispanic as you seem to suggest.

Catch a clue idiot. Send the illegals and all of their under aged kids right the hell out of America. Deport their asses.

tu es un idiot
Idiota..You are far more stupid than I thought. I gave Chicago and Detroit as an example because poor people with no chance to get out from poverty will likely become criminal.
Mira Mira Now open that thick skull yours that is full maggots. If you deport those parents with us citizens kids. Where or what will they become when there's no food, no house, no land. Criminals. When they get older they will come back to us as criminals.
Since they have no way of income whole family on welfare. Qualified to all welfare benefits. Including SSI
Now they can petition their inlaws to us.
Now the inlaws can petition their siblings. Now the siblings can petition their siblings. AND on AND on. They are all legal with full benefits. The numbers will be what? Just guessing 50 or 60 millions?
Do you see the consequences? That's just wonderful.
HOWEVER... I doubt it if they take their kids with them. Most likely they will their children behind.

So do tell, do all children in Mexico live with no food, no water and no shelter? I mean if that's the case, then all Mexican children must turn into criminals. If that's the case, we should close the borders altogether to Mexicans legal or not.

I guess what you're saying is that Trump was absolutely correct.
Be realistic. They are US citizens. Your telling us they can't enter their own country?
But if the kids are older, its wrong to send children to a country they don't know. They might be attending school in the US, why deny them an education? They didn't commit a crime, their parents did.

Then their parent's can make arrangements for them to stay in the States…….just like a bank robber who is going to jail has to make arrangements for their kids…we don't say…oh, the bank robber has kids so we can't send them to jail, do we?
Either you are dreamin or im dreamin reading your post. We are talking millions of kids not couple of kids.

What kind of parent would abandon their kids?

Think it this way. Are you going to take them with you to Mexico with no future, no food or land to survive. Nothing. There are no parents in this world that will let that happen. That is why there are here to begin with.
Or are you going to leave your kids here in U.S. with better chance of surviving? Or at least they eat.
Why do you think illegals from El Salvador and other SA countries sent their unaccompanied children to U.S. borders? Those are just by the thousands.
Now, think by the millions oh maybe 20, 30, 40 just guessing. That you or me has to feed and care.

they have a future...they can return to the states....
No. They have a future if they stay here in U.S. soil.
Nope. Deport the parents and the kids go with them. Not rocket science.

These kids have parents and they need to stay with those parents.

Oh and you know they will be coming back as criminals??

You must have one helluva crystal ball.

Pure common sense for someone with a brain. Which you don't seem to have.

Nope it's the other way. You are making a pointless opinion with no common sense of the reality and consequences.
I'm not even sure if you even understand how a kids will become criminals. Look around you. Look at the high crime cities these are poor and no means how to make a living but the illegal way.

Bullshit. Underage kids need to be with parents.

If they are of age then they will be staying. Using that citizenship to do so. They may decide to go back with the parents. Who knows? Is sure don't.

As for kids as criminals? Take a look at Chicago, Detroit and any other major city idiot. The criminals aren't all Hispanic as you seem to suggest.

Catch a clue idiot. Send the illegals and all of their under aged kids right the hell out of America. Deport their asses.

tu es un idiot
Idiota..You are far more stupid than I thought. I gave Chicago and Detroit as an example because poor people with no chance to get out from poverty will likely become criminal.
Mira Mira Now open that thick skull yours that is full maggots. If you deport those parents with us citizens kids. Where or what will they become when there's no food, no house, no land. Criminals. When they get older they will come back to us as criminals.
Since they have no way of income whole family on welfare. Qualified to all welfare benefits. Including SSI
Now they can petition their inlaws to us.
Now the inlaws can petition their siblings. Now the siblings can petition their siblings. AND on AND on. They are all legal with full benefits. The numbers will be what? Just guessing 50 or 60 millions?
Do you see the consequences? That's just wonderful.
HOWEVER... I doubt it if they take their kids with them. Most likely they will their children behind.

So do tell, do all children in Mexico live with no food, no water and no shelter? I mean if that's the case, then all Mexican children must turn into criminals. If that's the case, we should close the borders altogether to Mexicans legal or not.

I guess what you're saying is that Trump was absolutely correct.
Be realistic. They are US citizens. Your telling us they can't enter their own country?

They are also kids who need to be with their parents. God you're an idiot.

If the kids are of age then they can make the decision whether to stay or go with their parents.

Under aged kids need to be with parents. Parents who are not citizens of the US. Parents who ARE citizens of Mexico.
Nope it's the other way. You are making a pointless opinion with no common sense of the reality and consequences.
I'm not even sure if you even understand how a kids will become criminals. Look around you. Look at the high crime cities these are poor and no means how to make a living but the illegal way.

Bullshit. Underage kids need to be with parents.

If they are of age then they will be staying. Using that citizenship to do so. They may decide to go back with the parents. Who knows? Is sure don't.

As for kids as criminals? Take a look at Chicago, Detroit and any other major city idiot. The criminals aren't all Hispanic as you seem to suggest.

Catch a clue idiot. Send the illegals and all of their under aged kids right the hell out of America. Deport their asses.

tu es un idiot
Idiota..You are far more stupid than I thought. I gave Chicago and Detroit as an example because poor people with no chance to get out from poverty will likely become criminal.
Mira Mira Now open that thick skull yours that is full maggots. If you deport those parents with us citizens kids. Where or what will they become when there's no food, no house, no land. Criminals. When they get older they will come back to us as criminals.
Since they have no way of income whole family on welfare. Qualified to all welfare benefits. Including SSI
Now they can petition their inlaws to us.
Now the inlaws can petition their siblings. Now the siblings can petition their siblings. AND on AND on. They are all legal with full benefits. The numbers will be what? Just guessing 50 or 60 millions?
Do you see the consequences? That's just wonderful.
HOWEVER... I doubt it if they take their kids with them. Most likely they will their children behind.

So do tell, do all children in Mexico live with no food, no water and no shelter? I mean if that's the case, then all Mexican children must turn into criminals. If that's the case, we should close the borders altogether to Mexicans legal or not.

I guess what you're saying is that Trump was absolutely correct.
Be realistic. They are US citizens. Your telling us they can't enter their own country?

They are also kids who need to be with their parents. God you're an idiot.

If the kids are of age then they can make the decision whether to stay or go with their parents.

Under aged kids need to be with parents. Parents who are not citizens of the US. Parents who ARE citizens of Mexico.
Gonna be fun when you try to deport the parents and the other nations won't let the kids in because they are American citizens...
Oh you think they won't let the kids in with the parents?? I doubt that. Kids go with parents and always have regardless of citizenship. They are underage and those countries know it.
Oh you think they won't let the kids in with the parents?? I doubt that. Kids go with parents and always have regardless of citizenship. They are underage and those countries know it.
Doesn't mean they are going to be let in as residents. This isn't a week at Casa Wetback and they are US citizens after all...
Yup. Us citizens who are with parents. I doubt any country would separate the two. The fact that you do shows me what an idiot you truly are.
Yup. Us citizens who are with parents. I doubt any country would separate the two. The fact that you do shows me what an idiot you truly are.
Look it up. The age doesn't matter, the citizenship does. As an American you can't just pop in and stay in another nation you aren't a citizen of.
They are kids with their parents. I seriously doubt any Govt. of another country will kick them out.
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10 million Elian gonzalez's. Except this time they are Americans. I can't wait to see armed government employees putting American children into fema camps.
Keep the families together send the children back with their parents.

But if the kids are older, its wrong to send children to a country they don't know. They might be attending school in the US, why deny them an education? They didn't commit a crime, their parents did.

Then their parent's can make arrangements for them to stay in the States…….just like a bank robber who is going to jail has to make arrangements for their kids…we don't say…oh, the bank robber has kids so we can't send them to jail, do we?
Either you are dreamin or im dreamin reading your post. We are talking millions of kids not couple of kids.

What kind of parent would abandon their kids?

Think it this way. Are you going to take them with you to Mexico with no future, no food or land to survive. Nothing. There are no parents in this world that will let that happen. That is why there are here to begin with.
Or are you going to leave your kids here in U.S. with better chance of surviving? Or at least they eat.
Why do you think illegals from El Salvador and other SA countries sent their unaccompanied children to U.S. borders? Those are just by the thousands.
Now, think by the millions oh maybe 20, 30, 40 just guessing. That you or me has to feed and care.

Not my problem.... Its there's... Nobody ever said life was easy. There are consequences for every decision we make in life. It's a risk the criminals took when they broke the law

Sucks to get caught


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