What Should Happen To The Person/s That Sells Guns Illegally


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
To people like this violent thug killer, Devin Patrick Kelley, that viciously murders multiple people in cold blood for no reason whatsoever?
To people like this violent thug killer, Devin Patrick Kelley, that viciously murders multiple people in cold blood for no reason whatsoever?
Depends on how the sale was conducted. Was it legal? Illegal? Stolen?
Too many variables to have a one size fits all solution.

Ultimately one person is responsible for each bullet that came out of that gun.
There are laws that address that, what do they say?

What Should Happen To The Person/s That Sells Guns Illegally?

They should be charged with violation of applicable laws (if any), receive a fair trial and sentencing just as with any other crime.

That's the way the system works. Without rancor or emotion.
Ultimately one person is responsible for each bullet that came out of that gun.

Oliver Winchester?

What Should Happen To The Person/s That Sells Guns Illegally

They should suffer the same legal penalties as the persons who purchased and misused the guns.
Depends on how the sale was conducted. Was it legal? Illegal? Stolen?
Too many variables to have a one size fits all solution.

Ultimately one person is responsible for each bullet that came out of that gun.
Depends on how it was ILLEGALLY sold to them?

Please expound.
Seriously, they should be punished in some way.

The straw buyer for the San Bernardino shooters is being prosecuted. If they find one in this case they should be prosecuted as well.

They should be charged with whatever crimes he is indicted with and punished to the fullest extent of the law. I am in favor of the death penalty in many crimes, including murder, child abuse, rape, attempted murder and selling guns illegally and that gun is involved in a death.

So MarcATL are you in favor of the death penalty in the crimes I mentioned? Would there be other crimes you would add? Do you believe monsters can be rehabilitated?
To people like this violent thug killer, Devin Patrick Kelley, that viciously murders multiple people in cold blood for no reason whatsoever?

The same thing that should happen to drug dealers who sell drugs illegally.

We should hang them.
If you read through this thread...

Is it time to abolish all gun laws and allow everyone to open carry?

...you'll find that there is a disturbingly large contingent of nuts here on USMB who don't believe there should be any such thing as an illegal gun sale.

The problem is, you don't want to solve the problem. That's why you are bringing this up.

Here's the difference between the left-wing, and the right-wing.

You mindless lefties think "Dur, if only we had more laws!".

We on the right-wing, we look at laws against illegal drugs, and even legal drugs sold illegally.... all of which are highly regulated, and think.... gee we're in the middle of a massive heroin epidemic!

Huh... maybe putting new laws on people who.... break the law already.... isn't a solution! Yay! Logic!

But every time we point this out to a mindless left-winger, all they say is "dur urrr..... you'll find that there is a disturbingly large contingent of nuts here on USMB who don't believe there should be any such thing as an illegal gun sales!... .duh....."


We've tried it your way for decades now, and things constantly get worse. Which is just more proof of how mindless all left-wingers are. We keep trying your system more and more, and things get worse and worse, and you never consider "hey maybe our system doesn't work!". Well the rest of us are not as dumb as those on the left.

The solution is to kill criminals, and arm lawful citizens. That's the fix.
Seriously, they should be punished in some way.

The straw buyer for the San Bernardino shooters is being prosecuted. If they find one in this case they should be prosecuted as well.


If he wasn't legally entitled to buy guns but bought them via a private sale in Texas, who are you going to prosecute?

You are missing the point.... AGAIN.

If making laws was the solution, then why didn't it work? Leftwingers have repeated constantly, that if only we had a law preventing bad people from buying guys, then... THEN... we could get this under control.

Huh... we have a law, says this man wasn't allowed to buy a guy.... yet he got a gun.

The law didn't work. Just like all the other laws didn't work. Just like prohibition didn't work. Just like laws against illegal drugs right now, don't work.

How many more times do you have to try and fail, before you figure out your ideology does not work?

You remind me of the communist government in Cuba, that for 60 years has destroyed the country, and all they do is blame the US. Or Venezuela, blaming the 'capitalist saboteurs.'

How many times does this have to happen before you people wake up and figure out your system doesn't work?
They should be charged with whatever crimes he is indicted with and punished to the fullest extent of the law. I am in favor of the death penalty in many crimes, including murder, child abuse, rape, attempted murder and selling guns illegally and that gun is involved in a death.

So MarcATL are you in favor of the death penalty in the crimes I mentioned? Would there be other crimes you would add? Do you believe monsters can be rehabilitated?
Technically, I'm not opposed to the death penalty. However, the US justice system has proven they aren't responsible enough to handle that law. Therefore, I'm against it.

Unless and until the government has shown that they are able to handle their laws and justice responsibly.

Based on history, and the current state of things, I don't think I'll see that in my lifetime.
If someone sells a gun illegally, they should lose their right to sell guns for the rest of their lives, they should forfeit all the guns they have, and they should lose their ability to own guns... on top of a fine. Putting them in jail isn't going change things but make it worse for the innocent people in their family.

If you lock up a husband and father you are punishing the whole family...

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