What should happen when a president openly DEFIES the law?

Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
to bad so sad. No Mogadishu, No Benghazi, no sale of m16's to the Mexican cartels.
First, there is no proof that Trump broke any law and so far, he wasn't being accused of any crime, and left can't even point to any crime, so what is he refusing to testify for?

Second, all Trump needs to do is to issue executive privilege, and block any subpoena from Congress. Due to the separation of powers, they have no power over that.
Dickhead.........There is Article I ....AND there is a Supreme Court......AND finally morons like you should consider what Trump would do if he is impeached and tried ......would the orange clown refuse to lift his fat ass out of the oval office....

Is THAT what you idiots want???.........A despot?

Natty, you have been unhinged ever since the Hildebeast lost.....you then pinned your hopes on the Mueller investigation by one of THE biggest swamp rats within the D.C beltway and not even HE could find any proof that the "ROOSKIES" and Trump put their collective energies together and conspired to harm the Hildebeast and the DNC that DID conspire to cheat Sanders out of a fair shot for the nomination, where it was cheerfully pointing out in the Wikileaks data dump that the "fix was in" about her use of a private server and the 33K's worth of deleted e-mails, how the lamestream media was in her backpocket and how they were checking with the Hildebeast campaign before they put in print any article about her WHILE going after Trump with all they had. Barrypuppet knew that the Hildebeast had a private server and even conversed with her under a different ID. He was a major player in the FISA warrants being issued after plants like Carter Page were inserted into the Trump campaign team.

The bottom line is that you are not interested in any facts that shows utter corruption, conniving and conspiring of the leftard clown posse lackeys with the deep state...OH FUCK NO! You are only interested in pushing the bullshit that reeks to high heaven. You are a fucking joke and you are totally in over that sloped, neanderthal skull of yours that you call a "head".

But by all means, keep flailing away and thrust your puny cyber fists against the wall.....keep trying to convince yourself that you are swaying hearts and minds with one stupid post at a time. It's good entertainment for sure.

First, there is no proof that Trump broke any law and so far, he wasn't being accused of any crime, and left can't even point to any crime, so what is he refusing to testify for?

Second, all Trump needs to do is to issue executive privilege, and block any subpoena from Congress. Due to the separation of powers, they have no power over that.
Dickhead.........There is Article I ....AND there is a Supreme Court......AND finally morons like you should consider what Trump would do if he is impeached and tried ......would the orange clown refuse to lift his fat ass out of the oval office....

Is THAT what you idiots want???.........A despot?
Don't pick your nose. Your head will cave in.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.

You need to go jerk off
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.

No law is broken until the court of final jurisdiction says so commie.

Funny how you didn't worry about your dear leader ignoring immigration and other laws.

Here we go again.

You lost....Get the fuck over it.....Get a life.


This has nothing to do with winning an election.
This is about the president following the law.


Following the laws...

Like immigration laws
Like laws regarding petty theft
Like overstepping the commerce clause in the Constitution
and forcing Americans to buy a product or pay a penalty

Fuck off

Obama deported more than any other president: 2.7 million.

Affordable care act was ruled legal. It was only when republicans started fucking with it, then it became unconstitutional.

Is this really your best effort at ignoring Trump's crimes?
the pos is going to obstruct congressional inquires??

Actually......the spineless orange turd is probably telling Mnuchin......"don't worry if you wind up in prison, by defying a subpoena, I'll pardon you later.." LOL

Right, like Holder found himself in prison for contempt of congress. What's good for the goose..........

Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.

No law is broken until the court of final jurisdiction says so commie.

Funny how you didn't worry about your dear leader ignoring immigration and other laws.


Wha--Wha--What Immigration Laws?

Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 6.09.24 PM.jpg
He should get the same treatment Holder got......nothing!

No, moron.......the instance we're talking about is whether Barr REFUSES to arrest and bring to trial someone who has refused to defy a congressional subpoena.........

Try to keep up and turn off Fox and Friends for all your education.
No one has ordered anyone's arrest. Congress can't order an arrest. It's not yet the tyranny you think it is. Congress would have to go to court and ask for a citation of contempt. That's the point where a hearing would be set. Congress would prove that there is a legitimate purpose for the information. And do that for everything they are asking for.
He should get the same treatment Holder got......nothing!

No, moron.......the instance we're talking about is whether Barr REFUSES to arrest and bring to trial someone who has refused to defy a congressional subpoena.........

Try to keep up and turn off Fox and Friends for all your education.
No one has ordered anyone's arrest. Congress can't order an arrest. It's not yet the tyranny you think it is. Congress would have to go to court and ask for a citation of contempt. That's the point where a hearing would be set. Congress would prove that there is a legitimate purpose for the information. And do that for everything they are asking for.


Democrats are shoveling out subpoenas without even bothering to allege a crime. That they hate Trump isn't a reason. In this case Trump is doing the right thing by refusing to comply with the subpoena and making them get a court order.

And if they do get a valid court order and he still refuses, what then?

In 1857, Congress enacted a law that made "contempt of Congress" a criminal offense against the United States.
Yes, Congress can arrest and detain a witness and force that witness to testify.

The real TEST here is whether Barr refuses to uphold the will of congress.

That works with anyone other the the President who is protected. But if the President ignores a Supreme Court Ruling then that is grounds for Impeachment. In fact, Congress would have no choice but to impeach and convict otherwise any sitting president, at that point, becomes a Dictator.
Democrats are shoveling out subpoenas without even bothering to allege a crime. That they hate Trump isn't a reason. In this case Trump is doing the right thing by refusing to comply with the subpoena and making them get a court order.

And if they do get a valid court order and he still refuses, what then?

In 1857, Congress enacted a law that made "contempt of Congress" a criminal offense against the United States.
Yes, Congress can arrest and detain a witness and force that witness to testify.

The real TEST here is whether Barr refuses to uphold the will of congress.

That works with anyone other the the President who is protected. But if the President ignores a Supreme Court Ruling then that is grounds for Impeachment. In fact, Congress would have no choice but to impeach and convict otherwise any sitting president, at that point, becomes a Dictator.

Yep, I'm sure that what you were doing when Obama did it....screaming for impeachment.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
What if he uses the law to openly defy the law?
Democrats are shoveling out subpoenas without even bothering to allege a crime. That they hate Trump isn't a reason. In this case Trump is doing the right thing by refusing to comply with the subpoena and making them get a court order.

And if they do get a valid court order and he still refuses, what then?

In 1857, Congress enacted a law that made "contempt of Congress" a criminal offense against the United States.
Yes, Congress can arrest and detain a witness and force that witness to testify.

The real TEST here is whether Barr refuses to uphold the will of congress.

That works with anyone other the the President who is protected. But if the President ignores a Supreme Court Ruling then that is grounds for Impeachment. In fact, Congress would have no choice but to impeach and convict otherwise any sitting president, at that point, becomes a Dictator.

Yep, I'm sure that what you were doing when Obama did it....screaming for impeachment.

Obama ignored it until the Supreme Court ruled against him. And then he backed down. NO President has ever ignored a final ruling by the Supreme Court EVER in the history of the United States of America. There are cases where Presidents have ignored Congressional Decrees and lower court rulings but NEVER Supreme Court Rulings. Turn off the Radio, step slowly away, and read a friggin classic book for crying out loud. Expand your mind.
Here we go again.

You lost....Get the fuck over it.....Get a life.


This has nothing to do with winning an election.
This is about the president following the law.


Following the laws...

Like immigration laws
Like laws regarding petty theft
Like overstepping the commerce clause in the Constitution
and forcing Americans to buy a product or pay a penalty

Fuck off

Obama deported more than any other president: 2.7 million.

Affordable care act was ruled legal. It was only when republicans started fucking with it, then it became unconstitutional.

Is this really your best effort at ignoring Trump's crimes?

Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.

How upset are you with Obama when he defied the law?
Obama defies federal judge, fails to rescind wrongly issued amnesties

Can you direct me to all those threads you must of started when you were outraged over this?
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Hopefully Barry the Magnificent will be put on trial and then go to prison for a long time.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.

How upset are you with Obama when he defied the law?
Obama defies federal judge, fails to rescind wrongly issued amnesties

Can you direct me to all those threads you must of started when you were outraged over this?
First I'm hearing about it....

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